Release Notes 4.5.0

New and Enhanced Features in 4.5.0

Common UI

This section lists all the common features for all/some products.

Integrated Performance Engineering Platform

The ‘Integrated Performance Engineering Platform’ or the ‘Unified Dashboard’ is designed to have a better look & feel and to make it more interactive and user friendly. Cavisson has provided end-to-end capability within a single Dashboard where the performance users can navigate issues faced on the browser and can drill-down to method level issues and corresponding logs.  This capability takes care of integrated UI for various Cavisson Products, such as NetDiagnostics, NetVision, and NetForest.

New Features

  • Improved Usability: Readability, Background Colour, Texture and Contrast, Effortless Usage, Navigation.
  • Global Timebar: Global Timebar is 4 times the actual time period.
  • Favorites Collection: Similar to old UI but with enhanced look and feel.

Beta Version Features

  • Unified & Enhanced UI: All the tools in a single UI with improved functionality and performance.
  • Canvas Mode: Similar to the ‘Design Mode‘, where you can design the layout of the widgets as per your needs. There are some pre-design layouts as well from where you can select the desired one.
  • Upgraded Color Themes: Various color themes in light and dark mode.

Data Retention and Cleanup Tool

In this release, a new Data Retention and Cleanup tool is introduced that enables you to retain or delete data from Cavisson products. Using this tool, you can configure the data retention and cleanup settings for various types of files and database entities across Cavisson products.

Key Features

The Data Retention tool enables you to:

  • Manage data effectively.
  • Retain or delete the required data.
  • Specify the time period for retaining data.
  • Generate an audit log of the deleted data.

Unified SaaS Login

A unified SaaS login (or a single sign-on) interface is introduced that enables you to access all the clusters. You just need to click the cluster name for which you need to view the data as per your requirements without logging repeatedly for multiple clusters.

Key Features

  • Project Key Management UI: This includes the Account and Project listing page, Account and Project creation option, and project key creation.
  • SaaS Build Info tab: The details include, machine/environment DNS name or IP, current build version, and date/time at which that environment was upgraded.
  • SaaS Account and Project Operations: The operations include, Activate/Deactivate account or project, delete a project.
  • SaaS Enterprise Admin Group and Capability: To display the Enterprise Capability for enterprise login with various permissions.
  • SaaS License UI: It is introduced to take values for a set of predefined fields and generate the license.


  • Alert Mail Generation using Thymeleaf Email Template: An option is provided to action mail (toggle button) using that you can easily switch to any mail generation type (Normal/Thymeleaf). Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments. Thymeleaf Template will be the default Template for LRM.
  • Support for ‘Filter’ Option in Agent Info Window: A filter is added in the Agent Info window to show the filtering option for active or inactive Agent Status in Machine Agent Status and Application Agent Status.
  • Support for Area Range Graph: Support for Area Range graphs is provided based on the configuration threshold. This is implemented to resolve the UI slowness due to a large number of graphs on the panel. The area-range graph plots the higher value and lower value samples from a set of graphs, which makes it lightweight and quick to update and render.
  • Implementation of Microsoft Kazila Extension in Alert Extension: Support for Microsoft Kaizala Integration is provided in Alert extension using REST APIs. Microsoft Kaizala is a secure messaging and work management software application for collaboration among users inside and outside of organizations, including the ability to send and receive instant messages, coordinate tasks, and submit invoices.


  • Default Threshold Template in Performance Report: One default template is specified with a build for providing an idea to the user about the format of the threshold template in the performance report.
  • Support for ‘Graph Sample Filter’ Option: The graph sample filter option is used to get the value of the graph at each sample interval for the applied time period. You can now get reports according to the applied graph sample filter in the web-dashboard. Earlier, the graph sample filter was only supported in web-dashboard, when a user generates the report for the applied filter, and then charts in the report were not displayed with the applied filters.

Monitoring Suite

This section lists all the new features and enhancements in the monitoring suite products.


DotNet Agent
  • Support for Capturing Calls for Outside Transaction(s): A new field ‘Capture calls for the outside transaction(s)’ is added in the Debug Tool window. Using this, you can detect any callouts that might be occurring outside the normal business transaction.
Application End-to-End View
  • Support for ‘Last_n’ Data in Order and Revenue Table in KPI: Support for ‘Last_n’ hour options (last_2,last_4..) is provided in the Order and Revenue Table in KPI. Upon selecting last_n options in the time period a new table is created for Order and Revenue for that time.


  • Support for Copy Functionality in Custom Monitors: You can now copy the configurations of the available custom monitors (such as log metric, command, DB, statsd monitors, and others).
  • Modification in KubernetesCpuStatsEx Monitor: The KubernetesCpuStatsEx Monitor will now display:
    • CPU usage – when only CPU usage is present
    • NAN – when CPU usage is not present

If both CPU usage and CPU limit are there, the following calculation is done:

CPU percentage formula: cpuPercentage = (UsageCpuValue / LimitCpuValue) * 100

  • Support for New Azure Monitors: The following new Azure monitors are now supported:
    • AzureApiManagementServiceStats
    • AzureVirtualNetworkGatewayStats
    • AzureWebAppServiceStats
  • Support for ‘AppName’ and ‘exclude-app’ Options in Kubernetes Based Monitors: Now, AppName and exclude-app name options are supported for all kubernetes based monitors that include kubernetes Ex monitors, redis, accesslog, MySQL, ngnix, springboot, JavaGC.
  • Addition of Search Option in Cloud Monitors: In cloud monitors, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP, a search option is now added in the UI.


  • New Cluster Design (Cluster Controller): Enhanced the support for cluster environments by providing a new cluster design. Created a light-weight process to maintain a connection between all the nodes and send data periodically to NetStorm.
  • Support for UA Client Hint: Implemented UA Client Hints to get browser and platform information.
  • Enabled Page Load Detection: Enabled the support for Lazy loading application and page load detection using mark/measure and hero image/content on the browser in NetVision.
  • Automatic Root Cause Analysis: The analytical process is automated to generate consistent results. Replacing the manual ways of comparing the waterfall models, the process of analyzing data is now automated. For example, various alert rules are configured to generate alerts when some metric crosses a threshold/deviates from baseline by some percentage.
  • Added Support for JSON Path Based Checkpoint Rule: For JSON Xhr response in backend and GUI, the JSON path based checkpoint rule is implemented.
  • Enhanced Mouse Movement: NetVision will capture the mouse movement data of the end-user and replay the data during session replay.
  • Report Template Designer: Developed a new Report Template Designer, which is similar to Google Sheet that enables you to design the required report templates. This designer allows you to perform all common operations, such as Merge row, column, set the background color, change the font, set border, add logo (image), etc. You can drag and drop the existing report in the system at the desired location in an excel document.
Other Enhancements
  • Optimized Data Transfer in Native App SDK: Using Active and Pending queue, data transfer is now optimized. Page dump captures all the pages that the user navigates in the IOS application and the data is displayed in the NV GUI.
  • Enhancement of Symbolisation of App Crash using a dsym file in IOS: Using the Symbolicate Crash Wizard, you can now view symbolication of crash reports for deobfuscated and human-readable crash reports. You can simply follow the steps given in the wizard to symbolicate the crash report and upload deobfuscated reports for future use.
  • Added Error Messages: Added a message window for timeout errors for a query. An error message is displayed, such as “Error: DB Query timeout”.


  • NF-ND-NV Integration into NFUI: The APM solution products – NetDiagnostics, NetVision, and NetForest, are now integrated with each other and into the NetForest UI. You can traverse the three products seamlessly and view the Drill Down Reports (DDR).
  • Notification on Addition of New Tier: Whenever a new tier is added, a notification is displayed on the UI about the same.
  • Vis Query Support: Earlier, the VIS construct was supported at the UI. Now, it is supported at the NFDB side too. With the help of this, you can populate the NF indexed data on the web dashboard in the form of visualization.


  • Display of All the Applied Filter Values: Now, you can view all the filters that are applied for incidents and alerts. In addition to that, you can also remove these filters individually or all at once.
  • Support for Service Now Integration Service: A new enhancement is added to provide support for Service Now Integration using REST APIs. To send ‘Incident information’ to Service Now Integration we need ‘Instance URL’, ‘Username’, ‘Password’ which will allow you to send information to Service Now through REST-based APIs.
  • Integration of ML Dashboard with ND: ML Dashboard is now integrated with ND in a way that when you click an icon in the ND Alert UI, you can view the incidents for that particular alert on ML Dashboard.

Performance Suite

This section lists all the new features and enhancements in the performance suite products.


  • Addition of ‘Performance Tool’ Module and ‘Developer’ Capability: Added a new Performance tool that enables you to:
    • Analyze the tests executed in the last 7 days.
    • View Summary Report, Performance Report, and Status (Pass/Fail) Report for each test executed.
    • View Transaction data for specified executed tests.
    • Display the list of scenarios available to execute.
    • Add new YAML scenarios by clicking the Add New button.
  • Generator List is Automatically Refreshed: If you are adding, editing, or deleting generators in the Generator Management UI, the generators list is now automatically updated in the Scenario UI.
  • Updated the Transaction Name Convention: Restricted the use of special characters other than underscore (_) while specifying a transaction name. The following convention should be following while specifying the transaction names:
    • Transaction names should start with an alphabet.
    • Transaction names can contain alphanumeric characters and underscore (_) only.
  • Ability to Select Device Simulation Type: You can specify the type of device simulation by selecting either the ‘Mobile’ and ‘Desktop’ option in Lighthouse Settings. By default, Mobile is selected.
  • Redesigned the RTC UI: The new RTC window enables you to add/remove users from multiple groups with different schedules at runtime and also add/remove users in a mixed-mode test at runtime.
  • Added Functionality to Stop a Test: Clicking the Stop button, you can stop a test in all generators at once, as the request is sent to the server with the required test run number.
  • Added an Error Message: You will be able to move to different components, thus you will be able to configure sync point instead of a group so that on saving scenario no error comes.
Script Manager
  • Added support for Avro Kafka Serialization in JMS Producer and Consumer: NetStorm now supports Avro Kafka Serialization/Deserialization while publishing/consuming messages to Kafka.
  • Integration of Google PubSub JMS Scripting Feature: This release supports Google pub sub in a java type script.
  • Convert JMeter Script into NS JavaType Script: You can now easily run JMeter scripts in NetStorm and benefit from NetStorm’s capacity analysis features. Selecting the JMeter Script option, you can run a JMeter script, as is, in NetStorm.
  • Sequence of Requests while Converting a Postman Script: While converting a collection, the requests are now coming in the same sequence as they were in the Postman Collection. In addition, if there is any request in the folder, the request will be kept in a separate flow by creating a .c file.
  • Option to Re-run the Selected Test Run: Clicking the Run Again button generates a new test report with a new test run number.
  • Ability to Generate an Automated Comparison Test Report: You can now specify the last successful test run number as the Baseline Test from the Jenkins configuration.
  • Added an Error Message: If no check profile is present in a test case,  a blank report will be generated and a message will be displayed to specify that the configured check profile is not present.
  • Ability to Reorder the Pre and Post Script Data: You can manage the order of pre and post script data by dragging the required action row.
  • Option to Copy the Selected Pre/Post Test Script: You can now copy the required pre/post test script.
  • Ability to Remove Summary Report: You can now delete the Summary report using the removal tool or run a script from the command line (java -cp API).


  • API Gateway: Cavisson API Gateway provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications that spreads requests across multiple servers. Cavisson API products and services deliver websites and applications with the utmost performance, observability, and security at any scale and in any environment.
  • TCP Socket Recording – Option to Enter Custom Port: In the TCP Socket recording, an option is provided where you can enter a custom port while creating recorded services. If you keep it blank, the default endpoint port is fetched.
  • Support to Enable/Disable PORT in HOST Header in Forward Settings: Support is provided for manual configuration of hostname/IP and PORT in the HOST Header in the Forward settings UI.
  • Option to Provide Maximum Number of IO Vectors: You can now provide a maximum number of IO Vectors in Configuration > Advance Settings. The size should not be less than 256 and should not be more than 256000. The I/O Vector Size (I/O stands for input/output) controls the number of samples that are transferred to and from the interface at one time.
  • Option to Enable IPV6: You can now enable IPV6 from Configuration > Advance Settings > HTTP Setting. (IPv6) is a network layer protocol that enables data communications over a packet-switched network.
  • Support for gRPC Protocol: You can now record gRPC services API by NetOcean. gRPC is an open-source protocol used for remote procedure calls. It uses HTTP/2 for transport and most typically use Protocol Buffers to define a message schema. It provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming, and blocking or no blocking bindings. It is possible to generate cross-platform client and server code for many languages.
  • Support for Protocol Buffer (ProtoBuf): NetOcean now supports Protocol buffers, which are Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. It consists of two C-APIs:
    • First API encodes the proto file and provides results in protobuf encoded format (binary).
    • The second API decodes the response in normal text format.
  • Redesigned UI for Global Configurations: Implemented several changes in Global Configurations including changes in the nomenclature, headings, and option names, etc.
  • UI Support for Other Protocols – IMAP/POP3/FTP/SMTP: You can now configure the services with IMAP/POP3/FTP/SMTP protocols from the UI, which earlier was limited to services with TCP and HTTP protocols only. There is one more option – ‘User Registration’ within the configuration section from where you can register a new user and can configure the information related to it.
  • ‘Comment’ Section in the ‘Template Settings’ Window: A ‘Comment’ section is incorporated in the ‘Template Settings’ window for all types of services (HTTP, JDBC, TCP).


  • NH Column in NS Scenario: Earlier, when you enabled the Integrated Scenario Configuration and opened any NS scenario in edit mode, in the Phase table an NH scenario column was displayed with the value ‘NA’. Now, the NH scenario column is enabled when you add at least one NH scenario in any phase. If no NH scenario is added in any phase, the NH scenario column is not displayed in the Phase table.
  • Addition of Global Refresh Icon: A refresh icon is now added in the havoc report section. When you click this icon, all data in the havoc report is updated.
  • Injection of Havoc through Dynamic: Earlier, if havoc was applied on a server and you tried to inject the same havoc on the same server, it would fail and an error message would be displayed. Now, you can inject the same havoc on the same server without any error message.

Bug Fixes


  • Status: Resolved, Built, Verified, Closed
  • Target Milestone:4.5.0
  • Severity: Blocker, Critical, Major
  • Priority: All
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Business Unit: Client / Presales

List of Bug Fixes

96086NetCloudNot able to load data in dashboard view by “Auto”.
97376NetCloudCSV Files are not updating as logging reader is stuck in suspended state.
97524NetCloudDashboard is not showing any data in case of high number of groups (i.e. 150 or 200).
97824NetCloudSyncPoint is not releasing user at specified time
98296NetCloudUnable to see the failed session in the page dump
99377NetCloudFacing access denied issue  for the user who does not have admin permission in jenkins while making connection with NC
98872NetCloudGetting error “No Records found” while applying filter in Response time from transaction summary report of ddr report
100251NetCloudCondition Getting Disappeared for Percentile Data Field configured in Check Profile if Generator is used
86642NetDiagnosticsNot getting data for Event Days due to missing of testrun.gdf files.
89178NetDiagnosticsUnable to Download Excel, PDF and Word from Lower Panel for Data and tabular Widget Type in MultiDC environment.
90194NetDiagnosticsAfter updating the correct derived graph on widgets it is taking random graph values when we reload the favorite.
90230NetDiagnosticsWrong value of Last Sample getting passed for preset of Today with view by 1 hour
93776NetDiagnosticsTranspose data  formed in TB for Partition 20200807000000.
94604NetDiagnosticsCmon Data is not coming in StratBeans Prod Environment
95662NetDiagnosticsUnable to match data between DB Query report and MSSQL monitoring
96474NetDiagnosticsCore files is getting generated while cmt test is running as handle_if_custom_monitor_fd (ptr=0x5f10930) at ns_custom_monitor
97267NetDiagnosticsGetting False Alerts for [Mosaic ACCService] : MySql-Router||P1
97473NetDiagnosticsAll monitor are not having same number of namespaces(instances).
97795NetDiagnosticsFacing Slowness in MultiDC
97823NetDiagnosticsAuto sensor connection is breaking, some exceptions are coming in agent logs and No Space left in buffer message came in agg_data because of more number of methods(2800) applied in method monitor. Number of Methods in monitor list should be limited.
97898NetDiagnosticsLower panel is not showing
97914NetDiagnosticsSession restarted due to CoreDump
97919NetDiagnosticsZero Value is coming in the Generated Excel Report
97960NetDiagnosticsFound issue while generating alert for NAN value in case of CumToPS type of graph.
98136NetDiagnosticsShowing single graph data while maximize the widget from dashboard.
98219NetDiagnosticsPostgres keeps dying
98316NetDiagnosticsZero Value is coming in the Generated Excel Report
98427NetDiagnosticsUrl with “, is not getting inserted into DB, it should be encoded
98670NetDiagnosticsSlowness in MultiDC
98810NetDiagnosticsMASTER BUG-Unable to generate Excel Sheet from Alert History and found Exception “maximum number of Cell Styles was exceeded. You can define up to 64000 style in a .xlsx Workbook Issue”
98833NetDiagnosticsUnable to download Excel report from Show graph data.
98884NetDiagnosticsUnable to see data in favorite after date changed
99019NetDiagnosticsGetting NDC Core.
99111NetDiagnosticsNot getting stores in StoreView
99205NetDiagnosticsData is coming intermittently in dashboard
87975NetDiagnosticsNot getting data for Event Days due to missing of testrun.gdf files.
100562NetDiagnosticsNot getting HTTP_Callouts URL details in transaction flowmap tab.
97837NetOceanhpd child process is getting killed and start automatically if we are hitting any service request
97906NetOceanHPD service is going down
98128NetOceanWidget caption is incorrect in favorite
98554NetOceanIssue Regarding improper format
94190NetStormYaml Scenario: If we are creating YAML Scenario ,save and run it , it gives error as please provide atleast one Group to proceed
94801NetStormTransaction count mismatch in Summary Report
96779NetStormGetting issues in RBU Scripting Recording
97103NetStormIn Scriptt Recording  “clear Cookie, Cache/Local storage before recording ” feature is not working while recording user already logged to login page.
97316NetStormSeeing 0 replica for recommendations-perf even if 1 pod is running.
97372NetStormUnable to Download Page Detail Report in RBU Test
97514NetStormNot getting MS SQL data for ADB2 DB server
97886NetStormUser’s are not distributed properly while using 2 source IP’s through IP spoofing .
97971NetStormFacing issue in accessing web element while running RBU script due to the frame is inside another frame webpage | Need to support DOMSTRING with FRAME also.
98078NetStormResource Limit got full of NDP and NDC process while running ND script
98362NetStormGetting half response for Home Page in Page Dump due to 304(not modified) status code
98588NetStormNot getting data in Golden Dashboard -MRP
98589NetStormAfter applying RTC and disabling the monitor AccessLogV6 from GUI, it is still showing in dashboard.
98743NetStormYAML | Developer Mode | :- Scroll bar is not visible properly in different tables present in developer mode.
98757NetStormYAML: Zero data shown in Metric Report section of Performance Report
98927NetStormSudden Decrease in Calls/Sec for cprod-blue-cncservice Integration Calls/Sec Graph
98978NetStormYAML: Open DashBoard link is showing wrong IP in Pass Fail report generated by running YAMl Scenario.
98980NetStormYAML:Options to open trend link and show graph data is not coming under action column in Pass Fail report
99327NetStormError is coming while applying Disk swindle Havoc in RHEL environment
99447NetStormData values are fluctuating for Kubernetes POD Network STATS “Up time”
99488NetStormubuntu| error is coming while applying cpu burst havoc.
99490NetStormubuntu| error is coming while applying I/O shootup havoc.
99491NetStormNetHavoc | CPU percentage havoc is not working properly in rhel
99846NetStormNethavoc| Data is not coming in graph  in rhel environment.
100035NetStormNot able to applied IO Shoot up havoc in alpine OS
100037NetStormAfter applying cpu burst(%) havoc,  Observing high cpu consumption as compared to applied(kubernetes env.)
100049NetStormNethavoc| After applying memory outlay havoc, observing high memory utilization  as compared to applied(kubernetes env.)
100065NetStormNethavoc|Dashboard is not opening after selecting graph in nethavoc.
100067NetStormNeed available cores of a particular container not of host machine in CPU Fill core havoc.
100189NetStormIntrude network havoc is still running in backend even after failed from UI
100199NetStormIntersteller Havoc is not working as per its feature.
100271NetStormDev Portal |Test run not coming in sorted order.
100304NetStormError is coming while aborting interstellar havoc.
100307NetStorm“tc package is not install on the server” error is coming while applying network havoc in scenario design.
100310NetStormCount difference in Havoc Summary while refreshing the nethavoc gui.
100323NetStormCPU percentage havoc is not  working on Centos.
90169NetStormNot able to do drill down on PIE chart of available/unavailable graph of health check monitor
100349NetStormIssue while injecting havoc through SSH
100402NetStormUnable to see test run on Dev Portal
100730NetStormNetHavoc  – Issue in getting graph after injecting havoc
100917NetStormRandom new transaction is created while runnning jmeter as is with large no. of users
100962NetStormNot able to execute Jmeter script as it is in NetStorm
101041NetStormScripts and Scenerios link are removing while upgrading the build in case of shared folder usage in machine
78835NetVisionIn NV web-dashboard, we are unable to change formula type from Widget Setting of graph Panel.
94859NetVisionPingID SAAS | On Project Key Management UI, not able to save sso-key, that’s why not able to proceed for ping integration.
95842NetVisionNot getting data in user flow report.
96428NetVisionGetting Dip in Page View Stats /HTTP_ERRORS/PageStat Requests/Min
96606NetVisionPerformance issue while generating General Reports
97592NetVisionCleanup tool (nv_delete_component) is not working for OCX component | Due to instance directory present under snapshot/useraction directory
97641NetVisionObserving continuous dips in Active Session and Event Graphs
98092NetVisionDashboard not updating and Partition is stuck at 26/10
98222NetVisionGetting data for every status code while it is showing 0 value
98454NetVisionIrrelevant entries in Transaction Report (UX Special)
98959NetVisionMiscErr Count  is showing around 10 to 20
99133NetVisionLast updated sample time is not updating properly due to multiple tabular type of widget available in default favorite.
96622TestSuiteIn Pre Test / Post Test Script “sudo_start_service” is not working as expected .
98787TestSuiteWe are getting blank page while clicking on Open Dashboard link from Test Report UI
98792TestSuiteYml Dev Portal: Getting wrong page while clicking on open dashboard link from pass/fail report.
98794TestSuiteWhile adding derived rules in check profile it is not getting saved properly
98829TestSuiteNot able to Parameterize Server Host using Netstorm Test Parameter in Jenkins Job
98848TestSuiteProd and Stress SLA’s are not reflecting for all rules in Test Report
98849TestSuiteAdvance settings (show trx count, show unexecuted trx) is not getting saved in check script
98850TestSuiteMetric and operator data is not pre filled while edit a rule
98972TestSuiteCheckprofile is showing with .cprof extenstion in saved checked profile & Test Case window
98975TestSuiteMail Configuration is not working
99694TestSuiteFacing Issue While Implementing Parameters In Pipeline Script For Jenkins
100277TestSuiteTable data is not showing previous added SLA for Stress & Prod
100247TestSuiteJob Configuration Settings and Groovy Settings wiped out (done on Master Node Configuration) after restarting Jenkins
100278TestSuiteMultiple sections coming in html report for one check profile rule
100396TestSuiteHTML Report Format getting changed in downloaded pdf