Acronym List
Below is the list of acronyms used in this document.
SR# | Acronym | Expanded Form |
1 | NS | NetStorm |
2 | NO | NetOcean |
3 | NC | NetCloud |
4 | ND | NetDiagnostics |
5 | NV | NetVision |
6 | NF | NetForest |
7 | Vusers | Virtual Users |
8 | DDR | Drill Down Report |
9 | NDC | NetDiagnostics Collector |
10 | RTC | Run Time Changes |
11 | API | Application Programming Interface |
12 | NVSM | NetVision Synthetic Monitoring |
13 | RBU | Real Browser Unit |
14 | FQM | Fully Qualified Method |
15 | SA | Service Account |
16 | DC | Data Center |
17 | MQ | Messaging Queue |
18 | REST | Representational State Transfer |
19 | SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
20 | JMS | Java Message Service |
21 | WSDL | Web Service Definition Language |
22 | NVSPA | NetVision Single Page Application |
23 | SSO | Single Sign On |
24 | NFDB | NetForest Database |
File Size Specifications
Below is the list of file sizes for each component required for installation in this release.
SR# | Component | File Size (in MB) |
1 | Build | 1062 |
2 | CMON | 49.6 |
3 | CMON_ND MSI | 55.23 |
4 | COMMON MSI | 2.64 |
5 | CAVWMON MSI | 1.57 |
6 | DOT_NET MSI | 1.8 |
7 | RPM (combined 5 components) | 1380.01 |
8 | RBU | 621.31 |
New and Enhanced Features in 4.1.15
Common Implementation
Unified Dashboard / Single UI Dashboard
Cavisson has provided end-to-end capability within a single Dashboard where the performance users can navigate issues faced on the browser and can navigate to method level issues and corresponding logs. This enhancement takes care of integrated UI for various Cavisson Products, such as NetDiagnostics, NetVision, and NetForest. All the menu options are restructured and seamless integration of multiple products have been done.
Re-engineered NetHavoc
The NetHavoc feature has undergone multiple changes. Most importantly, the look and feel of the UI is changed. Other changes include the following:
- The feature gets its own separate window and has a Report section in which a user can view usage, types, and summary of the havocs at one place.
- The multiple menu items are more comprehensive and include detailed and organized options.
- A user can now view the historical triggered injections that include details, such as how many time commands are triggered, how many failed, how many passed, how many are in waiting state, and so on.
- An option is provided to stop the running faults on the Server.
- The fill up disk fault is more accurate now and does not include the space consumed by background processes. Suppose, if the user has injected fault to increase disk space up to 80% and some other processes get started while the fault duration, then the total accumulated value is ‘80’ without adding the disk space consumed by the background processes.
- An option is provided where the user can see the fault values along with added fault type.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Support for All Products
Cavisson has provided RHEL support across all its products, such as NetStorm, NetDiagnostics, NetVision, NetCloud, and NetForest. Earlier, it was limited to NetOcean only.
RHEL is the industry-leading Linux that provides the foundation for next-generation architectures, with support for all major hardware platforms and thousands of commercial and custom applications. Red Hat operates on a professional open-source business model based on open-source software, development within a community, professional quality assurance, and subscription-based customer support. They produce open-source code so that more programmers can make adaptations and improvements
Stopping a Test with Un-Executed Breakpoints: If a user applies multiple breakpoints in a script and stops the debug trace by clicking the ‘Stop Debug Test’ button before execution of all the breakpoints, the test is stopped immediately and further breakpoints are not executed. The same is reflected in debug trace logs.
Search Option While Adding a C API: While adding a C API, a user can search the API name in the dropdown list by typing instead of manually searching for the same.
ProtoBuf: Response Body in XML Format: Protobuf Response body is now decoded in xml format, which earlier was printed in plain format.
ProtoBuf: Encode and Decode APIs: ProtoBuf APIs to encode and decode data is provided that helps a user to:
- Encode data into protobuf format
- Decode data from protobuf encoded data
Java Message Service (JMS) API (IBMMQ, Kafka, and Tibco): Java Message Service (JMS) is an API that provides the facility to create, send, and read messages from one application to other. Cavisson supports JMS APIs (IBMMQ, Kafka, and Tibco) producer and consumer scripts through NetStorm Script Manager. The configuration set via JMS API window is reflected in the flow file of the script.
The user can add IBMMQ, Kafka, and Tibco APIs by selecting the same from JMS type drop-down list. Each JMS type is further categorized into Producer and Consumer type script. Producer / Consumers are the virtual users, which produces or consumes the messages by using a queue.
Display of Message after Pausing a Test: Now, in ‘Schedule By’ scenario, if any user is in ramp-up or ramp-down phase and wants to pause the test, then a message is displayed as:
Pausing test run for ‘<time>/<indefinite_time>’ at <time> …
“Please wait for some time as some users are in initializing stage and it will take time to pause”
In addition, if no user is in ramp-up or ramp-down phase, then a message is displayed as:
Pausing test run for ‘<time>/<indefinite_time>’ at <time> …
Any additional message is not displayed if these is no user(s) in ramp-up or ramp-down phase.
‘Add Recorded Host’ Feature: Support for ‘Add Recorded Host’ setting is provided from Scenario UI in Server Mapping within Advanced Setting. The user can enter a Recorded Host in a text box and select Scheme type from drop-down list. Then, those entries are reflected in a table.
GIT Versioning: Option in GIT Settings to Disable GIT Configurations: A check box is provided in Git Setting window from where the user can enable / disable Git configurations.
When Git configuration is enabled, then Version Control, Git Pull, Git Commit, and Git Refresh is displayed in GUI else, Version commit and Version log is displayed.
‘Mark and Measure’ Feature: Support for ‘Mark and Measure’ feature is provided in NVSM (within the ‘Advanced’ tab in ‘Global Settings’ window) and in Scenario (within the ‘Advanced Settings’ in ‘RBU’ Settings). This feature enables a user to decide which parts of scripts are to optimize, and instrument those parts of scripts with the User Timing API. From there, the user can access the results from JavaScript using the API, or view them on Chrome DevTools Timeline Recordings.
User Defined Access: A user can now edit or update a user-defined access. Along with this, the user can now edit or delete Upload BW (kbps), Download BW (kbps), V.42 Compression and Access Name from Access in User Profile.
‘Default’ option in Script Parameter of Group Based Settings: The ‘default’ option in Script Parameter of Group Based Settings is provided. In default option, attributes of all the groups are present. The value provided to attributes in default option are applied to all groups, which are added after providing the value in Default option.
UI Improvement in Correlation ID Window: Few enhancements are implemented in Correlation ID window (Scenario > APM Integration > General Settings). A tooltip of all the labels are provided, which helps a user to understand the feature and input values accordingly.
Status of the File in Version Log for Scenario and Script after Revert: An option ‘Modified Files’ is provided in drop-down of version control window. On selecting this, the user can see which files are in modified and conflicted state.
Conversion of IP Management in Angular 7: For better look and feel, IP management window is now converted to Angular 7.
Options to Add, Modify, and Delete Hostname-IP Mappings: A user can add, modify, and delete hostname-IP mappings. The user can also search and filter based on name or IP.
Test Initialization
Display of Logs when Test is killed: Whenever any error occurs on any stage of either controller or any generator, the test is killed and a pop-up message is displayed “Test is not initialized successfully” and the screen is not directed further to dashboard.
Include Discontinued Metrics: An option to include discontinued metrics is provided in Check Profile rule. The user can now fetch the list of vectors according to the specified time duration rather than from the current partition.
New Rule in Check Profile: A new rule is added in check profile to define the Unexecuted and transaction failure percentage for test status in test report. By using this option, the user can define the rule or percentage for transaction, which is used in check profile through which test status is displayed as ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’.
Option in Jenkins to Pass the Check Profiles and SLA of Metrics to NetStorm: The user can now upload JSON file in case of NetStorm too. The user can define the rules in form of JSON file and the report are generated according to these rules.
Real Browser User (RBU)
Page Speed Report: A new tool is embedded to get Page Scores and recommendations based on har file input. It provides recommendations in more categories and at much precision level.
- Now, on clicking the ‘Enable JS Profiler’ checkbox, a popup message is displayed if the selected browser version is less than Chrome 68 and prompts the user if still wants to use JS profiler with the older version.
- An option ‘Capture Trace till Network become Idle’ is added within JS Profiler Settings to capture Performance Trace until page load time.
Bandwidth Simulation in Lighthouse: Earlier, the user was not able to simulate bandwidth in lighthouse. The user can now get exact stats from RBU and recommended network bandwidth simulation from lighthouse. This helps the user to simulate lighthouse to the same bandwidth as RBU.
Real Device Testing (RDT)
Display of Debug Trace Log when RDT Test is in Execution: When debug trace is enabled, then instead of dashboard, debug trace is displayed in a new window as a pop-up. However, if browser blocks the pop-up, the user needs to allow / enable that pop-up. In addition, alert is generated as, “Pop-up may be blocked by browser. Please enable pop-up to open Debug Trace Window.“
Implementation of Click and Script type Scripts: Click and Script type script is implemented in RDT (Browser-based as well as NativeApp).
‘Active Logged in Users’ Graphs in Cavisson Metrics: Now, the ‘Active Session’ graph is displayed in Cavisson Metrics. This helps a user to correlated active user with other metrics, such as CPU utilization, Memory utilization, and so on.
Alert for Peripheral Device: A new feature is introduced in Windows Device Health Stats monitor. Now, the monitor can hold the vector for configured count, as default is five. The user can configure it by providing /maxVecPersistCount argument in monitor configuration. For example: /maxVecPersistCount:3
Using Service Account (SA) Instead of Kube Token for GKE Monitoring: A user can use Service Account instead of Kube Token to access Kubernetes / API data. Project based SA is provided which is having access to all the clusters inside the Project. The SA is bound with all required roles / permissions. Using that SA, the user can fetch data of all the clusters.
Key Benefits:
- The user is directly having the token.
- The user can get a token from the file.
- The user can generate the token with the Service Account file (JSON file).
- Supported version (-v) in Monitor UI.
Test Option for ‘Health Check’ Monitor: A user can now test a health check monitor to check if the monitor will work as expected or not (after monitor configuration) by using the ‘Test’ button in ‘Health Check Monitor’ window.
Monitoring Metrics for Spanner DB: Following Spanner monitors have been added in the GCP group of monitors:
- SpannerMethodStats
- SpannerNodeStats
- SpannerSystemStats
% Availability vs Planned Downtime vs Unplanned Downtime in Case of Agentless Monitoring: Earlier, for a server, there were only two states for monitor, such as ‘available’ and ‘unavailable’. Now, all the unavailable servers are further categorized in two states, such as server, which are in ‘maintenance’ and ‘unavailable’.
In the Health Check Monitor UI, an option is provided in Health Check Settings tab for maintenance settings where the user can provide maintenance URL. By default, host and port argument are added in the ‘options’ in health check monitor JSON for maintenance.
Monitor Metrics on Fusion Server: Following stats are supported for Fusion Monitor:
- FusionClientConnectionStats
- FusionMemoryStats
- FusionClientRequestStats
- FusionBufferPoolStats
- FusionGCStats
- FusionThreadStats
SA Token File Path Option: Support for SA token file path option (-A) is provided from monitors UI for Kubernetes monitors.
Key Benefits:
- The user can have a token.
- The user can get a token from the file.
- The user can generate a token from JSON file.
New Message Queue (MQ) Graphs in Cavisson Dashboard: Two new ‘Sum’ type graphs are added in the queue stats of IBM MQ monitor.
- Total Message Dequeues
- Total Message Enqueues
Special Character (-) in Tier Name: Support for special character (-) is provided in tier name if using pattern on tier level. A user can now create a tier with ‘-‘ in Server Health Monitor window. For example, Cavisson-QA*.
Additional Graphs in MongoDB Replica Stats: Following metrics are added in MongoDB Replica Stats:
- MongoDB Replica Insert/Sec
- MongoDB Replica Queries/Sec
- MongoDB Replica Updates/Sec
- MongoDB Replica Deletes/Sec
- MongoDB Replica Commands/Sec
Monitor for Redis DB Size: To get Redis DB size means currently how much database exists and in that database how much keys are there. A new monitor ‘RedisDatabaseStatsV1’ is added to capture the Redis DB Size.
MSSQL: Server Configuration, Memory Utilization, Connection User per DB Monitor: Four new monitors are implemented in MSSQL to capture the following stats:
- Server memory utilization [RTG Monitor]
- MSSQL server configuration setting [Real Time only]
- Connection established per database based on database name & login name [RTG Monitor].
- Detailed information about the connection established per database [Data is stored in CSV]
Option to View Alias Queue and Only Non-Zero Enqueue Count Queues: Earlier, while passing JAR path in UI, monitor was not working. To support this, alternate options are also available by providing classpath and JAVA_HOME from UI.
AWS Lambda Application Monitoring: A new monitor (Amazon Cloudwatch) is added for monitoring of a new stack application having Serverless (lambda) environment. The stats are as follows:
- ACEC2Stats
- ACLambdaStats
Amazon CloudWatch monitors Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources and the applications run on AWS in real time. CloudWatch used to collect and track metrics, which are variables that can measure for resources and applications.
Database Monitor to Read MongoDB at a Specified Period: A generic NoSQL monitor is provided read MongoDB at a specified period and trigger the alert when the value changes.
Android Device Monitor: Android device monitors are added to capture the following stats:
- Android Battery Stats
- Android Memory Stats
- Android CPU Stats
NiFi Metrics for NetDiagnostics: Following stats are provided to capture the NiFi Metrics for NetDiagnostics:
- Mbean NiFi System Stats
- Mbean NiFi Counters Stats
- Mbean NiFi Processor Stats
Monitoring of ‘Data Power Extensions’: Following monitors are added:
- IBM Data Power File
- IBM Data Power System
- IBM Data Power Network
New API for NginxPlus: Support for below statstype of nginxPlus monitors through generic JSON monitor is provided:
- cache
- serverzone
- upstream
Kafka Lag Capturing to Support New OCF Design: Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design. It was created to provide a unified platform for handling all the real-time data feeds.
Fetching SecA Metrics from OpenTSDB: A user can now fetch SecA metrics from OpenTSDB. OpenTSDB is a time series database. A time series is a series of numeric data points of some particular metric over time. Each time series consists of a metric plus one or more tags associated with this metric.
Integration Point Stats Ex Monitor: Integration endpoint URL is passed as an option in monitor (to avoid dependency of .txt file, as environment is dynamic). This monitor takes all the inputs from file as well as through JSON UI.
LPS Health Metrics: LPS health metrics are implemented with the following details:
- Number of owner thread
- Number of worker threads
- Data Throughput received
- CMON connection failures
- NS Connection close
- Number of accesslog monitors
- Number of log monitors
- Number of getlogfile monitors
LPS Related Logs in Individual TestRun Partition-Wise: LPS related logs are now present in individual Test-Run partition wise. Now, the Test-Run is found in the following directory:
TR > partition id > nd > logs > lps_trace_logs
Dataflow Metrics in ND: For Dataflow monitor, below metrics are supported:
- Billable Shuffle Data Processed
- Total Memory Usage Time
- Total PD Usage Time
- Total Shuffle Data Processed
- Total Streaming Data processed
Monitor Logs per TestRun Number: With this enhancement, agent creates logs per Testrun. In addition, logs are enabled only if debugLevel setting is provided in monitor configuration (mprof/json).
SAP Support: Following new monitors are provided in support of this:
- HANA Users
- HANA Networks
- Hana Schema Memory
- Hana Memory Allocation
- Hana Component Memory
- Hana Resident Memory
- Hana Peak Memory
- Hana Save Points
- Hana Backup
HTTP Test Traffic Stats Monitor for NS/NC: A new monitor ‘Test Traffic Stats’ is created for NS / NC. It establishes connections with NetStorm parent and returns all HTTP requests for running test on Controller.
Support in Airflow Monitor: Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Support for Airflow monitor is provided.
Kafka Consumer Group Lag Monitor Support for Kafka 2.1.11 Version: The user can now apply Kafka consumer group lag monitor on 2.1.11 version.
Monitor for collecting Active MQ broker details: An ActiveMQ monitor (supported via Generic JMX Monitor) is created to collect all the Active MQ broker details, such as Consumer Count, Message Count, and so on. The broker name, address, and queue names might be different as per environment
Enhancement in Orders Extended Stats Monitors to calculate a particular time frame data on Dashboard: Support is provided to calculate particular time frame data in order extended monitor. A sum type graph is provided, so if user selects particular time frame data, it provides the sum of sample for selected time period.
New Orders count monitor from CartDB: CartDB order stats extended monitor provides orders of different type of channels, processed status, error status, and unprocessed status of Mosaic system.
Differentiation between many namespaces using app name running inside a Cluster for Redis metrics: All changes are implemented for namespace using app name running inside a Cluster for Redis metrics.
Monitors where changes for namespace is done:
- redis_databases_stats_ex
- redis_performance_stats_v2_ex
- redis_replication_stats_ex
- redis_system_stats_ex
- redis_activity_stats_v2_ex
- redis_slave_stats_ex
- redis_cache_stats_v2_ex
Async Connections for NDC: Data connection between NetStorm and NDC will not be established until the response is received from NDC for successful establishment of control connection between NetStorm and NDC. This has fixed the issue faced during production test in which NDC was consuming time.
Spark Monitoring: It supports metrics for Jobs, Executor, and Messages.
- spark_message_stats
- spark_executor_stats
- spark_jobs_stages_stats
- spark_stream_stats
Maxwell Monitoring: Following monitors are provided for Maxwell monitoring:
- maxwell_message_publish
- maxwell_message_stats
- maxwell_replication_stats
- maxwell_transaction_stats
Group ID and Graph ID Using REST API Service: Group ID and Graph ID are always numeric. Graphs are belong to a specific group. The user must know the group name to obtain Group ID and Graph ID. A graph ID is the exact name of a graph, which is already mapped in generic REST service.
To obtain Group ID and Graph ID, the user needs to make an ND REST call. For example:
The output of above REST call is 10108,18 where Group ID is 10108 and Graph ID is 18 (these are separated by a comma in the output).
Sample URL covering Group ID and Graph ID*&mode=2&isPattern=true&derFormula=AVG&isAggr=true&token=H4IlsSDuZJdc1bBnAaGVvq5zpMm0lLm0O1NKUS3
Selected (by default) ‘Show Discontinued Metrics’ Check box: The default status of ‘Show Discontinued Metrics’ check box is enabled/selected in Excel report. This enables a user to get the data of discontinued metrics too (by default) while generating an Excel report.
Disabled Graph Sample Filter Option: When a user selects graph type other than ‘Normal’ graph type, the ‘Graph Sample Filter’ option is disabled.
Graph Sample Filter Configuration: A user can now edit filter configuration of a graph sample by using the ‘Edit’ option in the ‘Action’ column. In addition, a confirmation message is displayed while deleting any configuration.
Capability Tooltip in Multi-DC: Now, the list of capabilities is displayed in Multi-DC environment in the tooltip of the logged in user button.
Derived Graph Chart Type Conversion: A user can now convert a derived graph widget into a ‘Data’ type widget and can change panel caption from ‘Edit’ option in ‘Widget Settings’ window.
Global ‘View By’: A user can now apply Global ‘View By’ in case of derived graph in Multi DC.
Template to Provide Graph Data: A user can now generate sample-wise stats report.
Scaling Threshold Value: With this new feature, the user can select the scaling threshold value in terms of 2X, 5X, and so on when scaling is enabled in Web Dashboard. It helps the user to calculate the Scale Factor based on the scaling threshold value.
‘Success’ and ‘Fail’ Columns in Transaction Details: Whenever a user performs drill-down by applying ‘Success’ filter, only the ‘Success’ column is displayed and ‘Fail’ or ‘Fail %’ columns are not displayed. In addition, whenever the user performs drill-down by applying ‘Failure’ filter, only the ‘Fail’ and ‘Fail %’ columns are displayed and ‘Success’ column is not displayed.
Option to Filter Graphs with Status “No Data Available”: An option is provided in Advance Settings tab of Open/Merge Metrics to filter out the graphs with status “No Data Available”.
Multi DC: Change the Derived Graph Colors from Lower Panel: The user can change the derived graph color from the lower panel in case of derived graph in Multi DC.
Multi-Node Configurations: The user can configure and start the node from UI. There are two cases – run aggregator on same machine and run aggregator on other machine. In former option, the user can configure and start the node on the machine from which it is logged-in and this machine is connected with the master DC. In later option, the user can configure and start the node on the other machine from the logged-in machine and the other machine is connected with the master data DC. In addition, the user can perform create, read, update and delete operations.
Custom Query: Script Filters in Sequence (Script > Transaction > Page > URL): Script filters are displayed in Sequence i.e. Script > Transaction > Page > URL. This helps the user to get correct records while applying URL filter for any particular URL in script filters if there is same URL in multiple scripts.
Multi DC Support for Open Related Members Feature: Support for Multi DC in open related members is provided. In case of ‘All’ view, it captures related graphs across DCs. Apart from ‘All’, if the user selects a specific DC, it retrieves graphs from that DC.
Support for Auto Baseline in Weekly and Daily Trend at Widget Level: Support for auto baseline in weekly and daily trend at widget level is provided. In weekly mode, it compares all the graphs with the data of the previous week for same graphs in same time frame. Similarly, it works in the daily trend mode where comparison is done with the previous day data.
Instance Name in ‘Service Now’ Alert: The instance name is added in node field of SNMP trap. User can now get instance name for alert generated for graphs with ‘Data Not Available’ status.
Option to Select Prediction Alert in Alert Policy: An option ‘Applicable Only for Predictive Alert’ in Alert Policy window is provided. On enabling this option, the policy works for only prediction alert.
Source Appliance IP in SNMP Trap Field: Now in SNMPTrap, IDCName field holds the following:
- IDCName_SourceIP (Appliance IP) if IDCName already configured.
- Source_IP if IDCName is not configured.
Addition of ‘Alert ID’ Field in ‘Alert History’ Table: A new field ‘Alert ID’ is added in the ‘Alert History’ table as the first field. The user can apply filters on this field too likewise other fields in the table. By default, this column is not visible.
Active Alert Values: Earlier, only the alert value that contains the value responsible to generate the alert is displayed. Now, the baseline value / previous window value and load metric value (if present) is also displayed.
Charts in Alert Mail: Now, the support has been added for showing charts for the metrics on which alert has been generated, as well as user can also see the metrics, which are matching the same pattern as the alert metric, to find out some clue about the root cause. A user can now provide a maximum of 150 charts in alert email and graph duration can be added up to 1440 minutes. If user tries to provide inputs beyond the specified limits, an alert message is displayed on saving and do not allow to save the values.
Advanced Email Setting of Alert Policy: When a user applies pattern matching, the Alert Mail, which is generated contains the following information:
- Pattern Matching Threshold
- Catalogue Used
- Maximum number of Graphs
Indices Column in Alert History: On clicking, the value of Indices in the Indices column is displayed in a pop-up with ‘Alert Value’ column.
Alert Mail: Display of ‘Baseline Value’ Column and ‘Severity’ Column based on Certain Conditions: In tier-wise alert rule, for relational operators, such as >=, <=, >, <, = or != then ‘Baseline Value’ column is not displayed in Alert Mail and ‘Severity’ column is not displayed for Tier Wise Alert.
Alert based on the Deviation for Baseline: This is the subset of chart configuration that is displayed in advance section of alert mail. A user can specify a catalogue, which contains the graphs information to apply pattern match. The user needs one baseline to compare all the graphs available in catalogue. To get the baseline graph (this is the graphs for which alert is generated), the user needs some criteria, which should have the minimum or maximum value across all the indices of one condition for which alert is generated. Once the baseline is selected, the user can compare every samples of both the graphs (baseline as well as the catalogue graphs) and can filter all the graphs, which satisfies the threshold value provided in the action. After that, all the resultant graphs are sent in the email body along with all the alert information.
Alert Action History Section to Show Details of Alert Action: An ‘Alert Action History’ tab is provided that contains details of action taken by alerts, such as SNMP Trap Sent / Email Sent / Cisco Spark Chat sent and so on.
Display of Dashboard Corresponding to Generated Alert: Now, the Product Dashboard URL is sent with preselected time frame in alert message. Therefore, when a user hits a URL that is sent via alert email, SNMP trap, and alert extension, only those graphs are displayed for which the alert is generated. Earlier, this used to open the default favorite and the user was required to plot the graphs (where the alert is generated) manually. This feature saves the user’s time and enables to view the relevant graphs automatically.
Multi DC: Display of Alerts for Data Centers with Different Test Runs: Alert feature is now implemented for different test runs for Multi DC. The user can now view active alert bell counter and the corresponding records in Active alerts.
Multi DC: Alert Settings Window: This enhancement is implemented to save same configurations across all the DCs in case a user tries to save Alert Settings for ‘All’ or individual DC. If any individual DC is selected, saving the Alert Settings impact only on the selected DC and also get the configuration from the selected DC that is reflected in UI. If DC is selected as All, all the changes done by user is saved on all the configured DCs. However, the configuration that is being displayed in the UI is of Master DC.
Slack integration with ND-Alerts: A new option for Slack is available in Alert Extensions under Alert Action. By using that, the user can send Alert Incident in Slack Application.
For Disabled Alerts, “Alerts are disabled” Tooltip is Displayed: If a user disables alerts from alert settings window, alert notifications in top panel in the Dashboard gets disabled and displayed with ‘gray’ color with a tooltip that is Alerts are disabled from alert settings.
Java Flight Recorder (JFR) Option in Alert Action: Option for JFR is provided in Alert Action UI.
Common Query Manager: UI Filter in Transaction Summary Report: In the Transaction Stats group, if a user opens the Transaction Summary Report from any graph of a transaction, and then applies UI filter, the results are displayed only for that transaction instead of all transactions.
Display of ‘Data’ Value and ‘Percentage’ Value: Now, data value and percentage value is displayed with legend in case of ‘Pie’ and ‘Donut’ chart.
Excel Report Generation with ‘Last’ Value: The excel report can now be generated with Last value of the graph. The user can generate this by selecting ‘LastValue’ in ‘Type’ column of excel template.
Report Access Permission: If a user is assigned with ‘No Permission’ in capabilities section to access ‘Report’ feature, then on accessing the Reports feature from TestRun / Session UI / Dashboard, the session logs out with a message “You are accessing unauthenticated links hence closing this session”. In addition, the user cannot access the Reports menu in Widgets settings. On having Read-only permissions for Reports, the user can only view the generated reports or template, but cannot create a new one from Report Management UI.
‘Last’ Option in Report Management Window: Now ‘Last’ option is displayed in the drop down list of Formula Type for Pie and Donut chart type while creating Template from Template UI and from Report Management UI using Select Metrics.
More Filters in Reports: Few more presets, such as ‘Hours Back’, ‘Days Back’, ‘Weeks Back’, ‘Months Back’, ‘Last Week Same Day’ and ‘Last Month Same Date’ are provided in Reports. The above said presets are displayed when a user use ‘Compare’ feature.
Trend Report for Data of 95th Percentile: After implementation of this enhancement, now the trend compare report is generated with 95th Percentile value in case of Avg, Min, and Max data values. Table in the generated report displays all the selected percentile values but chart is formed based on 95th value. Earlier, chart of only normal graphs was coming, and now in case of percentile graphs, data values that displays in graph is of 95th percentile.
Custom Reports: PDF option in ‘View Type’ of Report Window: Custom PDF option is now available in view type of report window when opening from dashboard. It is working in both cases ‘All’ widgets and selected widget on changing widget Info.
Custom Reports: Support for System Health Widget: Support for System Health Widget is provided in Custom reports.
Template Report for Alert Count based on Stores: The user can generate a report based on the vectors.
Automatic Generation of Excel Report for a Test Duration: The user can generate Excel report using Rest API. Below is the inputs for REST API.
- testRun: Test run number for which report needs to be generated.
- startDateTime: Starting date time for report generation format in mm/dd/yy HH:mm:ss.
- endDateTime: End date time for report generation format in mm/dd/yy HH:mm:ss.
- templateName: Excel template name.
- aggOverEntireTimeUnit: To generate with aggregated over entire time period.
- showRptView: View of data in report either ‘Tab’ or ‘Column’.
Note: If the user is having start and end date time for reports in millisecond, the user can provide startDateTimeStamp and endDateTimeStamp in REST API instead of startDateTime and startDateTime.
Performance Test Report: Display the Graphs of Error Metrics: The user can see ‘Line’ chart for error count and error percentage for ‘overall’ and ‘individual’ transactions.
- Overall Error Count Graph: Count array (formula type count) of Transaction Failure Response Time (Secs) graph from group Transactions.
- Overall Error Percentage Graph: Transactions Failure (%) graph of group Transactions.
- Individual Transaction Error Count Graph: Count array (formula type count) of Transaction Failure Response Time (Secs) graph from group Transaction Stats.
Individual Transaction Error Percentage Graph: Transactions Failure (%) graph of group Transaction Stats.
Performance Dashboard
Inventory Configuration: A user can now add, remove, and update the inventory details.
Slow Queries Based on CPU and IO Feature: The user can now see slow queries based on CPU and I/O in DB Query Stats window by default. To see all results without any basis like previously, the user can select ‘ALL’ from the query basis dropdown. When CPU is selected as the basis, the data is sorted based on the “Worker Time” field. When I/O is selected, then data is sorted based on sum of Logical Reads and Logical Writes.
DrillDown to Session from Wait Stats Window: A user can now drill-down from Waitstats window to Session window. If the user clicks on any category, which are listed in Graph Panel of Wait Stats, it redirects to Wait Stats table in which only selected category and corresponding waittype are displayed in Wait Statics table panel. By clicking the waittype (present in wait stats table), the user can navigate to Session window and see SessionId for corresponding waittype.
Threshold Value for Different Indexes in the Action FlowMap in the Report Stats Monitor: A user can now set a threshold value for different indexes shown in the ‘Execution Plan’ in the Report Stats monitor. The user needs to open the ‘Configurations & Logs’ window and click the ‘Settings’ button on top-right corner. Then, in the window that opens up, the user can set the values.
Audit Logs
Added for Different Modules: Audit logs for following modules are provided:
- Test Run Pause and Resume
- LDAP Setting
- Dashboard Setting
- ACL – User, Group, and Capabilities
Alert: Updated Module Name for User Operations of Different Features: Module name comes in Audit Log based on the actions performed in different Alert Modules. For example: App Monitoring::Alert::Active Alert
Scenario: Updated Module Name for User Operations of Different Features: For adding, deleting, saving in Scenario, the module name is Load Generation::Scenario. For starting the test, module name is Load Generation::Start Test.
Monitor UI: Updated Module Name and Log Activities: In Monitor UI, the module name is updated and is displayed as App Monitoring::Monitor Configuration.
Dashboard: Updated for Different Modules: In Dashboard UI, audit logs for following modules are updated:
- Load Favorite
- All Widgets Time Period Apply
- Selected Widget Time Period Apply
- Change ViewBy
- Apply Parameterization
- Save Layout
- Modified Layout
- Change Widget Settings
- Show Graph Data
- Open Merge
- Open Related
- Derived Graph Creation
- Derived Graph Edit Mode
- Multi Node Save and Apply
- Pattern Matching
- Compare
NetOcean: Added in Service, Template, and Parameter Levels: Audit logs are added in the Service, Template, and Parameter levels with the following operations:
- Operations in Service Level: Add, Delete, Update, Copy, Disable, and Enable
- Operations in Template Level: Add, Delete, and Update
- Operations in Parameter Level: Add, Delete, Update, Disable, and Enable
NetDiagnostics (DDR): Added in DDR Reports: Audit logs are added in the following DDR reports:
- WebDashboard > DDR
- System Defined > DDR
- Flowpath > Split View (All eight reports)
- Side Bar
- Tier Status
- Store View
- BT Trend
- NS-DDR Reports
NetDiagnostics (ED): Added in DDR Reports: Audit logs are added in Executive Dashboard that contains the audits, which will be logged on a mentioned activity.
NetStorm (DDR): Added in NS-DDR Reports: Audit logs are added for user operations in case of NS-DDR reports.
REST API for Fetching Audit Log Data: REST API is provided for fetching audit log data.
The user needs to provide the following parameters:
- userName= name of the user
- IP= machine IP of the user
- description= By user
- module= module in which activity is performed
- activityName = activity performed
Applying RTC on removing more than Existing Users
- While trying to remove more virtual users than existing, the user can remove available users from that group only. For example: If there is a scenario with three groups – G1, G2, and G3 having 10, 100, and 500 users, on removing 50 virtual users 50 from G1, the user is allowed to remove only 10 virtual users from G1.
- On adding 50 virtual users after applying RTC in G1 and trying to remove 100 virtual users from that group, the user can remove only 60 virtual users from G1.
Tool-Tip for Generator Name in Transaction Details: A user can now view the full name of the generator by hovering on the generator tab name in transaction details window.
Support for TCP Dump Feature: Support for TCP dump feature is provided in UI.
Support for JS Profiler: JS Profiler is now supported in NetCloud.
Display of Mode (Normal / RTC) in Header Label: Earlier, in both modes (Normal & RTC), same header label was displayed. Due to which, it was difficult to differentiate which one is for normal mode and which one is for RTC mode. Now, the corresponding mode is displayed in the header label, which helps a user to identify which header belongs to which mode.
Configuration Deletion Confirmation in JMS Window: A confirmation popup message is displayed while deleting any configuration of JMS. For example, “TIBCO configuration row(s) deleted successfully”.
Restriction to Save a WSDL Service with Same Name: A user cannot save a WSDL service with the same name, which already exists. While doing so, an error message is displayed.
Restriction to Save a Blank file in Dataset Parameter: A user cannot save a blank file in data-set parameter and indexed data-set parameter. While doing so, an error message is displayed.
Configuration Deletion from File while Deleting from UI: When a user deletes all the configuration settings from UI (for IBM MQ and TIBCO), the same gets deleted from the configuration file.
Scroll bar to See Whole Condition without Opening the Template: The user can now adjust width of table columns. If the table width is exceeded with the screen width, a horizontal scroll bar is displayed at the bottom. In addition, a master check box has been added according to the previous design.
Disabled Access Log (by Default) in New Machines: The Access Log settings for new machines is disabled by default. To capture access log, the user needs to enable it manually.
Adding IBM MQ and TIBCO Simultaneously: A user can now add IBM MQ and TIBCO configurations simultaneously, which earlier was limited to add configuration for either TIBCO or IBM MQ at a time.
Host Name and IP both in Source and Destination Server of JMS Configuration: Support for Host Name has been added in source and destination server of JMS configuration. Now, the user can enter server IP or server host name in “Server” field. In addition, placeholders have been added to changed fields to let the user know about the two possible values (IP/host name) which can be used.
HTTP2 Configuration: A user can now configure the following HTTP2 settings from UI:
- Server Push
- Max Concurrent Streams
- Initial Window Size
- Max Frame Size
- Header Table Size
File Extension .crt in ‘Browse’ Option: While browsing for a file, the user can now select a file with .crt extension.
Using Unused Ports: Earlier, if a connection time-out job is scheduled for the second time, an alert message is displayed stating not to use the port, which has already used. With this enhancement, that ‘used’ port is removed instead of displaying an alert message and only unused ports are displayed in the ports list.
Compression Type Setting of Service Level at Template Level: Service-level Compression type (selected) is now supported at Template-level. One more option ‘Select Type’ is added in the list of ‘Content-Encoding’ Compression-Type options at both service-level and template level. In addition, one more option on template-level is provided in case if user has already saved Compression-Type (ex: gzip) at service-level.
Support for AJB: Support for AJB calls is provided same as PinPad settings. The user can filter AJB services from service type drop down list. The user can create AJB request response pair and parameterize AJB response.
Configuration UI for Correlation Directory Settings: Configuration UI is provided in Global Settings, which displays the list of directories in correlation directory. In addition, the currently active correlation directory is displayed in “Manage Services” window.
File Extension Restriction in ‘Browse’ Option: A user can upload only those files whose extension has been configured in the property file of NetOcean configuration.
Addition of ‘Stopped’ Status in Connection Timeout Settings: Earlier in Connection Timeout Settings, if a user tried to stop any job, the status of that job used to get displayed as ‘Completed’. Now, if the user stops any job which is at ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Running’ status, the status of that job is displayed as ‘Stopped’.
Support for TLS1.3 Version: Support for TLS1.3 Version is provided, which earlier was limited to TLS1.2.
RTC Mode in Header Label in All Windows: Earlier, in both the modes (Normal & RTC), same header label is displayed, due to which it was tough to identify whether the header is for normal or RTC mode. Now, the corresponding mode (Normal or RTC) is displayed along with the header in all the windows.
Pagination in Thread StackTrace in Hotspots Report: In Hotspots report, pagination is now supported in Thread StackTrace where a user can also select the number of records that can be viewed at once.
Flowpath Data from ND to NV: While opening flowpath report from NV, the user now gets flowpath data as per changing in rest call parameter, start time, and end time for ndsession Id.
Getting ‘Overall’ under Tier while Traversing through Flowpath Stats: Now, ‘Overall’ is coming under all Tiers in flowpath stats and Overall > Overall > Overall is removed from flowpath stats.
Drill-Down through Integration Point in Multi DC: This is a Multi-DC enhancement, which is handled in all the cases where Drill-Down through integration point is supported, such as Executive Dashboard, Web Dashboard. It is also handled while traversing from IP-Health Report.
Query Timeout for DDR Queries with JDBC: A user can set the query timeout (in seconds) from Dashboard via Configuration > Configuration Settings > Dashboard Settings > DB Settings.
Multiple Async DB Callout in Transaction FlowMap: Multiple DB Callouts are supported from Flowpath with the following cases:
- Single Flowpath
- Merged Flowpaths
Support for Open Flowpath Report with Filter Applied from NF Query Logs: It is used to create a flowpath report as per the inputs provided in NF query. A field “Flowpathlink” is created in NF, which redirects to ND when clicking on it. The user can see all the transactions (based on query inputs) in the Flowpath report.
Config UI
Entry Point for Advance Custom Profile: A new entry point ‘advancecustom’ is added for Advance custom profile from UI.
‘Help’ Icon in NDE Cluster Configuration Window: A ‘Help’ icon is provided in NDE Cluster Configuration window that displays the description of the labels used in the window.
Backend Naming Rules for Spanner DB from UI: A user can now configure Backend Naming Rules from Config UI for Spanner DB by selecting appropriate Integration Point Naming Rule(s) such as ProjectId, InstanceId, and DatabaseId.
Entry Points for Spanner DB from UI: New entry points are added for Spanner DB from UI. Below are some examples:
Change in Duration of Inactivity for an Instance: In ND Collector Settings, the duration of inactivity after which an instance is marked inactive is changed to 10 minutes.
Custom Configuration Name in DotNet Profile: In DotNet Profile, a new custom configuration name ‘enableProcessNotificationPhase’ is added.
Custom Configuration Name in ND Collector Settings: In ND Collector Settings, a new custom configuration name ‘NDC_T_DIGEST_DEBUG_INFO_DUMP’ is added.
New Columns in Download Agent Logs Window: In the ‘Download Agent Logs’ window, a user can view the file size and its modification time.
Saving Changes when Instances are Down (TierGroup Feature): By using the TierGroup feature, the user can add regex pattern, which enables those upcoming Tiers that comes under it and satisfies the regex pattern. In addition, the profile applied at TierGroup level automatically attached with upcoming tiers. A profile can also be attached with Tiers, which do not have any servers/instances under it. Moreover, whenever any server/instance comes up then, the profile attached at tier level is attached with them.
Capturing Weblogic Saaj Soap Service Callout: Support of following entry point is provided:;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljavax/xml/soap/SOAPMessage;|HttpCallout|0
Custom Configuration Name in Java Profile: In Java Profile, a new custom configuration name ‘enableOptimizedInstrumentation’ is added.
Entry Points for HTTP: New entry points are added for HTTP from UI, which are as follows:
- connect(SocketAddress;)V
- connect(SocketAddress;I)V
Entry Point for Thread: The following entry point is added for Thread:
Entry Point for AsyncHttpService: The following entry points are added for AsyncHttpService:reactor.ipc.netty.http.server.HttpServerOperations.onHandlerStart()V|AsyncHttpService|0
ND-NF Log Transfer: ND-NF Integration is enhanced by adding Topology and Flowpath information in access and application logs. Previously, only TOPO and FP are added at the end of the message. Now, in addition to that, the logs are getting cached and bulk log information is sent after each interval (configurable).
Apply Method based BT Rule based on URL: Business Transaction window has been re-designed and all the tabs for ‘Split by Method Execution’, ‘Split by Request Headers’, ‘Split by Response Headers’, and ‘Split By HTTP Body’ are moved inside Pattern Configuration. Two new fields – Rule ID and Parent Rule ID are also added in each type of BT.
ND Agent
Integration Points with Message Type: A new callout type (advCustomCallout) is introduced to handle configuration of advance custom callout.
Below are some examples of message types:
- TokenRequestMessage
- EligibilityRequestMessage (For Health Check)
- GetAuthPathRequestMessage
- GetAuthUrlRequestMessage
- SendSmsRequestMessage
- VerifyRequestMessage
This setting contains the following parameters:
- Fully Qualified Method Name (FQM)
- Type of the callout, (for example, advCustomCallout)
- User defined default backend name, for the callout
- Operation
- RT: Return based advance callout
- ARG: Argument based advance callout
- ALL: Both Return and Argument type
- DEFAULT: Same as customcallout
Addition of MongoDB IP in few Integration Point Stats: The user can now capture Mongo DB calls with higher version of Mongo i.e. MongoDB shell version v4.0.1.
Maximum Limit to set for Response Time: The maximum limit for response time is set to 86400000ms (1 day) for ‘Response Time’ search box in Search By Response Time window navigated through Integration Point > DDR > Flowpath By IP Response Time.
Automatic Detection of Callout using Socket API: This feature is helpful for detecting integration point callouts automatically, when environment is new. A client program creates a socket on its end of the communication and attempts to connect that socket to a server. When the connection is made, the server creates a socket object on its end of the communication. The client and the server can now communicate by writing to and reading from the socket. are using as client Socket.
Now, the Agent will have two new entry points (by default these will be disabled), for which backend name will be based on Host and Port only.;)V|HttpCallout|0;I)V|HttpCallout|0
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor Thread Callout Detection: This feature is useful for detecting ThreadCallouts generated by ScheduledThreadpoolExecutor API in an environment. The agent will have one entry point (by default it is enabled).
New Integration Exit Point (SoapConnectionImpl.Call): Supported Exit point:;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljavax/xml/soap/SOAPMessage;|HttpCallout|1
React Netty 0.7 and 0.8 Applications: Support has been provided for React Netty 0.7 and 0.8 Applications. New entry point supported are:
For Reactor Netty (0.7 Series)
For Reactor Netty (0.8 Series)
New End Point for DB2: DB2 support is provided in Java agent by new feature of capturing DB calls using JDBC interface API.
PHP Agent
Support for Couchbase Entry Point: Following entry points are supported under SQL_CALLOUT:
Executive Dashboard (ED)
Call Details of Any Third Party Integration Call: A user can download, sort, and filter the Calls Details by right clicking on Integration point > DDR > Call Details.
Sequence Diagram Filter Criteria: After applying any filter option in Sequence Diagram filter settings window, the configured filter criteria is displayed in sequence diagram filter criteria, which earlier was displayed as default.
Display of Non-ND Tiers: Now, non-ND tiers, such as ‘Ingress’ and ‘Egproxy’ of Mobile Environment are displayed in ED.
End to End Monitoring: Currently in ED, ND tiers and only Access Log based Non ND tiers are displayed. In addition, the integration points of only ND tiers are displayed. There was no provision to display non Access Log based Non ND tiers and their integration points. However, with this new enhancement, multiple new Non ND tiers (non access log based) can also be displayed. All the Non ND nodes (new as well as existing) are displayed via JSON configuration. In current JSON, NON ND nodes of following groups are supported:
- HTTP Test Traffic Stats
- Akamai Connection Provider Stats
- NGINX Resource Stats V2
- Apigee Service Stats By API
- Access Log Stats Extended V6
- Access Log Stats Extended V5
- Access Log Stats Extended
UI Enhancements: Following UI enhancements are implemented:
- On Non ND nodes, ‘Server Health’ is displayed instead of Alerts.
- All occurrences of Major > Warning (except in Alerts).
- Alternate color in Transaction scorecard need is removed.
- Java icon is changed in blue color.
- Mixmode color icon is changed.
- A new image is shown in legend describing all the components used in ED Tier status.
Display of Data in New Tab: Whenever a user clicks ‘Count’ link in ‘Event Aggregate Report’, the data is displayed in a new tab rather than in the existing one.
NVSPA: Filter out HTTP Data Based on Page Name: In smart search of HTTP filter, an option to filter the records based on page name is available to filter out HTTP requests for any page.
Event Configuration: A new event is configured for the error message ‘Request header field too large’ in ‘Reset Your Password’ section on ‘Login’ page.
Integration of Test Data Mapping Profile for NetTest: Profiles are created that contain selector mapping (mapping of new selector with old selector), data mapping (data associated with a session like store name, number of items in cart), form Mapping (mapping of form data). This profile data must be parsed and mapped to selector and form fields at runtime (when script is executing). So that script failure rate can be minimized.
Extension of Chrome Local Storage Limit: Chrome local storage limit is exceeded when running test case with profile. Test Data mapping Profile content length should be less than 5242880 bytes.
NVSPA: Filters: In NVSPA UI, once a user clears all the filters and does not apply any new filter for some time, then the complete data is fetched automatically and displayed on the UI.
Connection Type Filter Column in Session Table: A new column ‘Connection Type’ is provided in ‘Session’ window. The details of connection type is displayed in ‘Session Details’ window.
Angular 7 Migration: From this release, NVSPA is displayed in the ProductUI tab itself, instead of displaying in a new tab.
NVApp Compare Trend: NVAPP Compare trend provides an interface to compare page performance data, revenue, and traffic of two different time durations in NV UI.
Multi Level Aggregation: Through multi-level aggregation, same raw data is aggregated on multiple levels of aggregation for optimizing the queries to fetch data in less time.
Replaying User’s Action Performed on Multi Tab: In case, a user is visiting a website in multiple tabs (may be for comparing two products, or keeping a product in one bag and availing offer in other bag), all the actions performed by the user are useful to track the user behavior. NetVision can now exactly capture and replicate the behavior of the user and display all the user’s actions performed on multiple tabs.
Page Instance Column in ‘Custom Metrics’ Tab: In Page Detail > Custom Metrics tab, a column ‘Page Instance’ is provided.
NV-NDE Integration in Multi-DC Environment: Multi-DC is now supported for NV-NDE. First, it searches data in master DC. If data is not available in master DC, it searches data in slave DC. If data found at any DC, it is displayed on UI.
Custom Trend Report: Prior to this release, NV was capturing custom data specific to the client (or application). It used to capture any kind of data, such as number, string, and JSON. Now, the user see the trend of these custom metrics and correlation of these metrics with other standard traffic or performance metrics.
Handling for Auto Transaction API in Native App: In Native app, handling for auto transaction API is provided.
Filters while Navigating from NV to ND: All the filters passed in the URL to capture flowpaths are displayed on the tool bar panel. The filter criteria is displayed as per the provided data:
- If data is available for NV ID, ND ID, and Page ID, it looks like: Filter Data=NVID+NDID+PageID
- If data is available for only NV ID, ND ID, it looks like: Filter Data=NVID+NDID
- If data is available only for NV ID, it looks like: Filter Data=NVID
Display of Store Availability Metrics under PageStats By Stores Metrics: n NV Dashboard, following additional fields are displayed along with each store in “PageStats by Store” metrics. This helps to know the registers, which are in active and available state, to produce timely and detailed report in UI.
- Active register: Those registers are in activate state in which some activities are still going.
- Available register: There is no activity for these registers, however count for this is provided which will be monitored over timer basis. If there is no session with any of the available register at certain time interval then the count of total available registers can be decreased.
Synthetic Monitoring (SM)
Capturing Performance Trace: Support to capture ‘Performance Trace’ is provided on UI within Global Configuration > Miscellaneous tab.
Tooltip for User Inputs: A tooltip is provided within Global Configuration > Miscellaneous > JS Processing Time and Data URI that helps a user to know about the corresponding inputs for disabling JS Processing Time and Data URI, capturing JS Processing time, capturing Data URI in block waterfall, and capturing both, which are 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
URL Based Script: In NVSM UI and Scenario UI, while adding or editing a group, the URL type script will have ‘Script Name’ field also, where the user can provide script name along with page name and URL.
Lighthouse Report: Lighthouse Reports in SM are now created using Logging-reader and writer. So, dynamic data is updated.
Grouping in Pie Chart:A user can now split Pie chart using a query. Earlier, the user can only split slices in Pie chart. The split chart query should be written before all buckets query:
Syntax: *|VIS count() by splitchart(<fieldname>[parameters like: size,orderby etc]),<fieldname>[parameters like: size,orderby etc]
Example: *|VIS count() by splitchart(log_message.reqLen[size=7]),log_message.reqPath[size=5]
Custom Label via VIS Query: It is used to provide custom label in VIS query. Therefore, that user can change/modify the label of columns and rows as per requirement. It is applicable for charts.
For count/countrate: *|VIS count(customLabel=query_count) by server[size=5 order=Descending orderBy=1 customLabel=server]
For others: *|VIS Average(resp_time customLabel=query_count) by server[size=5 order=Descending orderBy=1 customLabel=server]
NOTE: ‘customLabel’ does not support space in label name.
NF-ND Single Sign On (SSO): Any user can access a product UI (NF/NV/ND) from other product UI once login into a product UI.
Example: If a user is logged-in to NetDiagnostics with some credentials and wants to go to NetVision or NetForest, user can directly move to that product without login to that product.
Individual Request for Each Panel of Dashboard: A user can now configure how many request(s) to send to capture data on dashboard panels via ‘Advance Settings’ section. The request could be either ‘single’ or ‘multiple’.
- Single: To send one request for whole dashboard
- Multiple: To send individual request for each panel of dashboard
Loading/Display of Charts: Now, only those charts are loaded, which are visible in Dashboard for the first time without scrolling down.
Example: If any dashboard contains 20 charts and for the first time, when a user loads that dashboard, only four charts are visible without scrolling down. Then, request for only those four charts are sent to NFDB. Rest of the charts get loaded after those four charts are loaded successfully.
Importing Visualizations / Dashboard / Searches with Same Name:When a user imports more than one visualizations / dashboards / searches with the same name that already exists, it prompts to overwrite the data. It contains various options, such as ‘Overwrite all’ / ‘Overwrite selected’ / ‘Skip’.
‘By’ Clause with ‘Earliest’ and ‘Latest’ Functions: This provides the result with the ‘latest’ and ‘first’ occurrence of the field specified in ‘BY’ clause.
Earliest: *|stats earliest(@timestamp) BY server, type
Latest: *|stats latest(@timestamp) BY server, type
Filter Indices: On opening indices, all available indices are displayed on the page and the user can select indices for close / open operations. The user can filter out indices based on environment, tier, and date. In addition, the user can filter all the closed and open indices and can change indices’ status one by one.
Merge Rows based on Single Value for Creating Charts: This feature merges other fields based on one or more field name.
*|merge <[VALUE|value]=[String|number]> <fieldNames>
<fieldNames>: multiple field name will be separated by comma(,)
*|merge value=”NA” field_name
*|merge value=0 field_name
This construct should be use when there is high level of redundancy in data. That is, when majority fields’ values are something like “NA” or null.
‘int’ Datatype in Query for Eval Construct: ‘int’ datatype is now supported in query for ‘Eval’ and ‘Rex’ constructs.
Display of Build Version: A user can now view the Build version of NFUI along with the build version of NFDB and NFAlert.
‘Help’ Option to Show Sample Queries and Product Help: A ‘Help’ option is provided at the top-right corner of the window where the user can view product help and some sample queries with examples for better understanding.
Creation of New Fields:The newly created fields (by rex/eval) are displayed on top in document, initially it was displaying at last line or middle of document. Therefore, it was difficult for the user to find it.
Working of Now() Function Individually Without any Other Function: This function takes no arguments and returns the time that the search was started. The now() function is often used with other data and time functions. The time returned by the now() function is represented in UNIX time, or in seconds since Epoch time. When used in a search, this function returns the UNIX time when the search is run. If the user wants to return the UNIX time when each result is returned, use the time() function instead. The user can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and as part of eval expressions.
Min/Max in Stats/Docstats Queries
- Stats():Calculates aggregate statistics, such as average, count, and sum, over the results set. The user can use statistical and charting functions with the stats command
- Docstats(): Generates summary statistics of all existing fields in the search results and saves those statistics in to new fields. The user can use statistical and charting functions with the docstats command. Each time, on invoking the docstats command, the user can use one or more functions
Min/Max: The min/max in stats/docstats returns the minimum and maximum value of the field X respectively. If the values of X are non-numeric (such as Version, String), the maximum value is found using lexicographical ordering.
NOTE: Currently, the min/max aggregation is only supported for numeric field.
Bug Fixes
The following issues are fixed in 4.1.15.
Status: Resolved/Built/Verified/Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Severity: Blocker/Critical/Major
Priority: P1/P2
Products Related
Bug ID | Product | Summary |
61146 | NetCloud | Users not getting ramp down when step up mode of ramp down is used in Group based Advance scenario. |
61482 | NetCloud | Whole generator got discarded when one NVM of that generator send END_TEST_RUN message to parent (intermittent) |
63766 | NetCloud | Netcloud_utils| When generators are killed using netcloud utils test is still running on controllers |
63839 | NetCloud | “Target completion” is not coming correct in progress report in case of Group based scheduling |
63959 | NetCloud | Vuser Management | Not able to fetch Vuser list group wise if one generator got discarded initially |
64076 | NetCloud | Jmeter|Confail and 4xx are not coming in progress report. |
64407 | NetCloud | Action buttons are not coming in proper colour in Generator Management UI. |
64416 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Not getting error in Init screen in case gawk package is missing on machine |
64460 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Not getting any logs in Init screen if test got failed due to core dump |
64467 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Not getting any logs in Init Screen if test got stopped by “nsu_stop_test” command |
64479 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Not getting exact logs of script parsing error in Init Screen |
64976 | NetCloud | Test got started on one generator even when all generators got skipped from controller |
65343 | NetCloud | RTC | Unique and Random Fileparameter RTC are getting failed on Generators(Intermitent) |
65974 | NetCloud | Test Initialization status|Generator error should be seen on generator screen on generator tab |
66222 | NetCloud | NC_UAT_4.1.14.1 | Header and it’s value is not in sync for Generator Information Window. |
66316 | NetCloud | NC_UAT_4_1_14:core dump on generators in netstorm process in free_runprof_page_reload_idx when running the test with 20 groups |
66421 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Generator tab is not opening for the past TRs where test got failed in the “Upload Generators Data phase”. |
66475 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Alignment Issue in Init Screen. |
66486 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Popup is coming repeatedly,when switching the generator tab to controller tab multiple times,in case of cancelling the test. |
66504 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Donut Chart Showing incorrect Percentage. |
66567 | NetCloud | Test is still running on controller because of nia_file_aggregator got stuck on it (intermittent) |
66667 | NetCloud | Users getting dropped from all generators due to memory leak in NMVs and kernel killing NVM due to OOM |
66684 | NetCloud | Init Screen | Duration is not showing correctly in case of specified Generators. |
66863 | NetCloud | Init Screen |Donut chart is not coming if test is not started in any generator. |
67201 | NetCloud | Logging reader still writing data of 16k in dlog file |
67382 | NetCloud | NC_UAT_4.1.14.1 | Error message should be more clear while using PERCENTILE_REPORT 1 1 keyword in advance scenario. |
67539 | NetCloud | NC_UAT_4.1.14| Not able to start the netcloud test from GUI. |
67733 | NetCloud | GUI | Pop error message for validating script is not showing properly while starting the test from UI |
67876 | NetCloud | VUser Management | Garbage data are coming in runtime_changes.log of generators. |
67890 | NetCloud | NetCloud | Controller got stuck in epoll wait in case one generator got killed while sending FINISH_REPORT |
68015 | NetCloud | VUser Management | Logs are getting overlapped in VUser Management UI. |
68016 | NetCloud | RTC | Unable to see logs of all the groups in RTC Message Box. |
68893 | NetCloud | Wallet | Perf | Test is getting stuck in RAMPUP phase due to controller did not receive progress report on time from VP-E-GR-Atlanta-RDP-10. |
69430 | NetCloud | Generators are misbehaving in wallet load test. |
71411 | NetCloud | Controller should not be processed for start test on generators if got failed in untar |
72049 | NetCloud | ISSUE:Error while opening search parameter in script manager. |
72647 | NetCloud | Elapase time is not correct in ns_trace.log with TIME_STAMP 1 keyword. |
73192 | NetCloud | Getting High Response Time for VP-E-TX-Dallas-DBM-14 generator |
60507 | NetDiagnostics | Php Agent | Captured duplicate flowpath. |
61461 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | DDR | Getting unjustified Elapse time in MCT |
62139 | NetDiagnostics | Dip is coming for overall graph due to mismatch in graph data of overall with particular instance. |
62253 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Record i.e. 12 and 13 is not coming after applying the keyword i.e. captureHTTPReqFullFp=3%20ALL%200 and captureHTTPRespFullFp=2%20ALL%200 in RTC |
62392 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | In raw_data file, 38 record is not coming correctly |
62797 | NetDiagnostics | Need support of new keyword for nodejs agent for the feature “asyncId for tracking async method and its corresponding call back(Bug 58355)” |
63147 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | In all time frame new hotspot thread is showing 0 where as total number of hotspot is increasing |
63334 | NetDiagnostics | DotnetAgent | for System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open method exit is not coming in rawdata |
63531 | NetDiagnostics | PhpAgent |HTTPCall | There is no flowpath chaining in request serving from one app to another app, as result Request is treated as individual on each server. Need implementation of flowpath chaining so that easily identify the complete request serve f |
63559 | NetDiagnostics | Lower Pane should not automatically come up on widget selection |
63758 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | RTC of Pattern BT is not working in DotNetAgent |
63901 | NetDiagnostics | BCI AGENT | Getting exception “java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException” in bci_error log |
63946 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Tier, Start Time and End Time is not passing in Flowpath Filter criteria through BT Trends >BT IP Summary icon >View Flowpath By IP Res. Time. |
63962 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED| Parentflowpathinstance column is always showing 0 value although it’s present in raw data. |
64083 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction Flowmap|Callouts are not coming in AGG Transaction Flow Map UI with new format SQB |
64111 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | UI Support for Non Prepared mySql Entry point |
64233 | NetDiagnostics | ED is loading too slow – |
64541 | NetDiagnostics | Heap Dump | Scroll bar is not appearing in heap dump list. |
64556 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED | Thread callouts are not showing in sequence diagram . |
64659 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction flowmap|Tier Merge view window is not opening in MultiDC |
64681 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-ED | Equals to value is coming in IP Res. Time column after applying “Ip Res. Time >0” in Search By Response Time window through Integration Point >DDR. |
64689 | NetDiagnostics | Storeview | BT Trend is not opening from store view. |
64832 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Not able to apply offline configurations while session is running. |
64946 | NetDiagnostics | DDR |Asyn Call| Information enclosed in parenthesis in arrow is invisible, while mouse over on information then data is showing in Transaction Flowmap. |
64966 | NetDiagnostics | Flowpath Reqport | Spanner DB queries (except UPDATE, SELECT) are not updating in UI. |
64979 | NetDiagnostics | Transaction Flowmap | Spanner DB | Duplicate tier calls are appearing in transaction flowmap. |
64992 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | DB callouts are not coming even after disabling the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open method from ConfigUI |
65044 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED | “IP Name = NA” is passing in filter criteria of Flowpath report after applying FlowpathInstance filter in UI filter. |
65051 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction flowmap|Tier Merge view window is not opening in MultiDC |
65070 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction Flowmap|Vertical Scroll Bar is not coming in Aggregate View. |
65083 | NetDiagnostics | Mission control | Angular |- In memory leak Analyzer We are not able to sort the tables as per need |
65084 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction Flowmap|Aggregate Transaction View icon should not be visible at Tier Merge View. |
65246 | NetDiagnostics | MultiDC|StoreID ,TerminalID and orderID option is not coming in GroupBy custom data |
65322 | NetDiagnostics | DDR ED | ” – ” is coming in place of arguments in method calling tree |
65342 | NetDiagnostics | Alert Baseline | When any catalogue that’s used in Alert Baseline is deleted from manage catalogue then its not reflecting in respective Alert Baseline |
65346 | NetDiagnostics | Drilldown Issue:While we are opening Instance Report by clicking on Success for URL/Session/Transaction summary report ,then getting data for Tried. |
65354 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction flowmap|Negative value is coming for Response time in Tier merge View. |
65357 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction Flowmap|Call count is not coming in between tier in Aggregate View. |
65368 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED|Getting wrong Transaction flow . |
65412 | NetDiagnostics | Aggregate Transaction flowmap|”Undefined” is coming for Entry node to node information in Aggregate View . |
65415 | NetDiagnostics | ND – Monitors | Mismatch in sample count |
65442 | NetDiagnostics | Mission control | Angular |- Apply Button is not working for sample Interval, & Data updating with default sample interval(1 Min) |
65480 | NetDiagnostics | DDR|MultiDC | ED is not opening while click on ED icon in split view report through WebDashboard. |
65501 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent| Windows Server 2008 | Unable to Register the DLLs after installing the DotNetAgent MSI |
65528 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-ED | Thread CallOut is showing in Transaction Flowmap instead of Tier CallOut in NodeJS Tier(Zookeeper, Memcache) |
65530 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED | No. of redis call are showing more in transaction flowmap. |
65534 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-ED|DB Queries report is not opening while click on “D” icon in sequence diagram. |
65592 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED | No. of redis call are showing more in transaction flowmap. |
65675 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Profile RTC | Not able to apply RTC through profile from Config UI. |
65691 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-ED| Data is not coming in exception report when coming back from sequence diagram but data is present in exception report |
65782 | NetDiagnostics | BT IP Summary| Support extra columns as having previous GUI |
65863 | NetDiagnostics | NDP | Core was getting generated at stdlib/strtol_l.c |
65886 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | BT IP Summary | Data is not coming in Duration column in case of HTTP callout. |
66001 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Issues appearing while applying the option i.e BT Rule based on Method Invocation |
66005 | NetDiagnostics | Release Information Not available || |
66048 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | BT IP Summary | Data is not coming in Count column in Integration Points Individual Info window in case of HTTP/ManyTier BT. |
66096 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | In Tier Status screen, Flowmap is getting refreshed after certain time automatically. |
66101 | NetDiagnostics | Angular-Tier Status | Wrong Tier data is coming in Show Dashboard in Tier status screen. |
66112 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Tooltip for selected node is not appearing. |
66115 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Flowmap is not getting saved. |
66127 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Search By option is not working in Tier Status screen. |
66132 | NetDiagnostics | Angular-Tier Status | Tier Status is coming blank after applying any right click option on Instance at Instance level. |
66134 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Top 10 TPS and Response popup screen is not opening properly. |
66137 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Tier Status | Instance Recycle History window is not opening while click on Instance Recycle History option at Tier level. |
66141 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Not able to ungroup grouped tiers. |
66143 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Tier Status | “Hide Tier Integration” is coming instead of “Show Tier Integration” option after applying Hide Tier Integration at Tier level. |
66151 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Data is not coming in any reports after further drilldown from Tier Status screen. |
66167 | NetDiagnostics | DDR Reports| Content Download taking time when network is slow or having huge amount of data. |
66171 | NetDiagnostics | DrillDown Issue|Custom Query Isue:If we are Clicking Drilldown from Reports Gui after opening any of the report from WebDashboard/Web-DDR System Query then Heirarchy of System Query is showing after That previously opened Report. |
66219 | NetDiagnostics | Mission control | Angular |- Apply Button is not working Properly observed Multiple Duplicate requests in Network panel |
66259 | NetDiagnostics | Drilldown Issue:While we are opening Summary Report and doing further drilldown to open failure report after opening Tried or Success,then While clicking on count of Failure type then getting data of Tried or success respectively. |
66305 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Paginator is not freezed while scrolling up the data in Flowpath report. |
66308 | NetDiagnostics | Thread Hotspot Report|Thread stack trace table header is not freeze in Thread Hotspot Report |
66331 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | “-” is coming in Min count and Max count column in BT Callouts Details section. |
66353 | NetDiagnostics | DDR|paginator is not collapsing with accordions in flowpath. |
66374 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Nodes of last applied custom time is appearing after traversing back to TierStatus screen from web dashboard. |
66389 | NetDiagnostics | MultiDC|Not able to DDR from Tier Status in MultiDC |
66405 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Hide Integration Point option is not working. |
66419 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Time unit(ms) for column name Total Duration, Avg Duration, Max Duration and Min Duration should appear under BT Callout Details table |
66457 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Unexpexted Error message is coming in Agent logs while doing AI |
66495 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Excluded Pattern BTs are appearing in aggregate file (Without iis_reset) |
66550 | NetDiagnostics | NCMON_Agent||NDE Main process core dumping in handling message for percentile from NDC |
66569 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Screen freezes after opening Apply Time Period popup window. |
66574 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | “Data is not available” error message is coming after selecting another DC from Tier status in MultiDC |
66608 | NetDiagnostics | Issue regarding the drill down from Integration Point Stats monitor. |
66614 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | ED should open in Angular7 from Flowpath Report, Split view ED icon. |
66636 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Blank ED is opening from WebDashboard after changing Time Period |
66678 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Duplicate Nodes are coming in Grid View table after traversing back from FlowMap View. |
66739 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Tier Status screen is opening of Default TR instead of selected TR from WebDashboard. |
66755 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | In Grouped node, Blank Tier Info popup screen is coming. |
66833 | NetDiagnostics | Angular Tier Status | Tooltip for selected node is not appearing. |
66930 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | In Sequence diagram, Callout exception is appearing instead of method exception |
66945 | NetDiagnostics | NC Mode|Custom Query|Filter Issue:URL’s are not showing while going to apply filter by URL in URL Summary Report |
67003 | NetDiagnostics | Alert Enhancement | Advanced Email Setting Issue : If pattern is not matched for two baselines then Message is coming only for first baseline. |
67214 | NetDiagnostics | DotNet Agent| In raw data the backend type of DB callout is appearing wrong after RTC of EntryPoint |
67230 | NetDiagnostics | Unable to open Flow path from particular BT || |
67286 | NetDiagnostics | Not seeing scaled up vm’s in ACC Services public proxy in dashboard on ACC |
67374 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to do look up from ED for a particular flowpath with id |
67612 | NetDiagnostics | ND-ED|MultiDC| ED is not opening while click on ED icon in split view |
67674 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Wrong Backend Id is coming in 4 record |
67708 | NetDiagnostics | Need to Get compress data from Rest for Aggregate Transaction FlowMap. |
67926 | NetDiagnostics | NCMON|Dip in online mode in NCMON |
68130 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-ED | Multi-DC | All Tiers data are coming in ‘Hotspot Thread Details’ while drilldown through ‘Hotspot’ for a particular Tier through ED |
68335 | NetDiagnostics | Showing incorrect time for Exception graph in ED || SOLR || |
68460 | NetDiagnostics | Flowpath is not working for WCS GT / Colo |
68466 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent2.0 | Application(Blog2.0) is getting crashed after applying AI |
68500 | NetDiagnostics | NDP | Getting core dump in handle_callout at ndp_process_data.c. |
68728 | NetDiagnostics | DotNet Agent 2.0 |Application is getting crashed on iisreset with Agent Build NDDotNet2.0_4.1.14.125.msi |
68743 | NetDiagnostics | OIC||||Getting core 4.1.14 #121 in fill_cm_data () |
68752 | NetDiagnostics | Data is not plotting properly | |
68754 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to see Flowpath because offset file was not created for some tier so ndp was not processed data for the same.|| MOSAIC || PROD || |
68781 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent2.0 | Agent unable to load after installing on Windows 2008 server due to wrong value set in Registry files |
68835 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent 2.0| Message i.e. “Going to dump 5 record at RTC” is coming after applying the Method Monitor file in RTC |
68866 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to restart the continuous monitoring test after build up-gradation |
68886 | NetDiagnostics | PhpAgent| DDR-ED | “0” is coming in class column of method summary table in method timing report. |
68979 | NetDiagnostics | Getting duplicate data from BCI agent for ThreadHotSpot |
68997 | NetDiagnostics | Issues in MultiDC | |
69160 | NetDiagnostics | Data is not available in dashboard |
69631 | NetDiagnostics | Unable to merge Integration Points due to -ve vector count in gdf|| Machine |
70894 | NetDiagnostics | Straight lines for Requests/Sec for Searchrestapi | |
71436 | NetDiagnostics | Alert not coming for wallet |
71558 | NetDiagnostics | Not getting data properly in BT Percentile monitor on CnC Machine | |
71618 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to see Business transaction ||NetDiagnostics|| |
71678 | NetDiagnostics | KFS || Alert Rules Got Disappeared from ND Appliance |
71789 | NetDiagnostics | Unable to see Integration point in the excel report || |
71900 | NetDiagnostics | Getting blank data in ED for last 7 days |
71949 | NetDiagnostics | NDC is Restarting Automatically . |
71962 | NetDiagnostics | We are not getting solr metrics in MRP_Central( |
71987 | NetDiagnostics | Blocker||Dashboard is not getting updated |
72011 | NetDiagnostics | ndu_db_upload process is not running in machine and DBUpload process is stuck in July 3rd. |
72068 | NetDiagnostics | Multi DC | With DataCenter – ALL drill down option not coming on zoom in option dril down not opening |
72098 | NetDiagnostics | Not getting data in MySQL |
72167 | NetDiagnostics | “MRP || Dashboard not loading (” |
72188 | NetDiagnostics | Exceptions not opening in Flowpath Report | |
72262 | NetDiagnostics | MultiDC | Not able to generate excel report from template | |
72332 | NetDiagnostics | NetDiagnostics | NDC bin file is not generating while creating a new controller. |
72572 | NetDiagnostics | MRP || Prod || Need to install Cavbin on new appliances |
72576 | NetDiagnostics | Mismatch in Representation of CPU time in Method Calls Details and Flowpath Report window. || |
72703 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to open flowpath report on CNC Machine because query was taking time due to missing end constraint. |
72704 | NetDiagnostics | MRP || Not getting correct data value for MIN & MAX |
72722 | NetDiagnostics | Unable to add any Alert as “Test” Option is not working|| |
72752 | NetDiagnostics | OIC||NDP Core is getting dumped |
72761 | NetDiagnostics | Slowness in ND||Multi DC||MOSAIC|| |
72766 | NetDiagnostics | Slowness in ND Boxes i.e., SNB,CNC,ACC Due to high Load Average||MOSAIC |
73085 | NetDiagnostics | We are facing slowness issue in open Transaction flowmap in MOSAIC |
73086 | NetDiagnostics | We are facing slowness issue in open Transaction flowmap in MOSAIC |
73114 | NetDiagnostics | Observing Slowness Issue in Due to high load-average in case of report generations |
73132 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to drill down because data is stuck in previous partition as ndp_process_done.txt file has not made. |
73220 | NetDiagnostics | Monitor for Nc controller main process |
73227 | NetDiagnostics | OIC||RTC not working on ConfigUI dur to connection break at every minute |
73273 | NetDiagnostics | NDP core is forming due to which we are not getting data in flowpath. |
73297 | NetDiagnostics | NDP core is forming due to which we are not getting data in flowpath. |
73351 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to drill down because data is stuck in previous partition as ndp_process_done.txt file has not made. |
73676 | NetDiagnostics | OIC|Getting Netstorm Core in the production machine due to delay. : Due to Cassandra monitor |
73785 | NetDiagnostics | OIC||NDP Core is getting dumped |
74009 | NetDiagnostics | Discontinued data fetch performance issue – 1. Cached data not used 2. ArrayListSize not set |
74694 | NetDiagnostics | OpenShift || Dashboard Slowness Issue ( |
74783 | NetDiagnostics | OpenShift || Prod || Constant CPU Utilization for JNS and SHS |
74891 | NetDiagnostics | OpenShift || Discrepancy in running pods. |
75316 | NetDiagnostics | MRP || Not getting tier in Pod Per Name Space Metrics |
76150 | NetDiagnostics | MRP Prod || Wrong Hierarchy For monitor Container File System Stats |
76551 | NetDiagnostics | Prometheus Data not coming in Stress and LLE |
76718 | NetDiagnostics | OIC||Appliance is working too slow due to percentile data. |
76806 | NetDiagnostics | Not Able to Delete Server log File Due CavWmon |
62733 | NetForest | mvcombine and mvexpand is not working for fileds containing “key” : {“key1″:”value1”, “key2″:”value2”} type in JSON. |
62767 | NetForest | Mismatch in no. of hits while using dedup for evaluated field. |
63027 | NetForest | append functionality did not provide expected no of hits. |
63212 | NetForest | Time function doesnot work on extracted field. |
63482 | NetForest | Exec after stats is giving result in exponential form. |
63796 | NetForest | unable to create chart as response sends from db contain more than 500 log response size. |
63857 | NetForest | getting wrong field name(1st field) when using rex plugin in nfdb. |
64226 | NetForest | Getting error message as “Discover: No mapping found for [@timestamp] in order to sort on”. |
64234 | NetForest | Netforest | NFUI | By default value of pipetempindex should be true |
64339 | NetForest | Using SPAN along with BY for field that is unavailable in the document must give no result found. |
64384 | NetForest | Getting parse_exception(mismatched input) while doing simple search. |
64438 | NetForest | Perf_request index is not getting created. |
64529 | NetForest | where clause is not giving expected output when used after stats latest(). |
64530 | NetForest | Getting response as “no result found” when latest is used on @timestamp field. |
64547 | NetForest | Netforest| nfdb | stats with latest is not giving the expected output if we are not giving correct field |
64744 | NetForest | Nomv & Makemv is not working |
64749 | NetForest | expected hits are not coming after running queries. |
64849 | NetForest | Multiple by’s in stats not giving expected output. |
65544 | NetForest | On single sign-on while moving from ND-NF we are not getting any response. |
65549 | NetForest | Netforest | NF-ND single sign on | we are not able to go to any other feature other than search |
65622 | NetForest | Error in spike alert mail |
65689 | NetForest | Not getting read/write permissions while travelling from ND gui to NF home page. |
65692 | NetForest | Error in whitelist and cardinality rule file in alert |
65702 | NetForest | Getting response as “no result found” as aggregation is not coming in nfdb response. |
65989 | NetForest | panelSearch:single is not working properly, it send multiple request for one dashboard. |
66028 | NetForest | Unable to give custom label for @timestamp in VIS query. |
66992 | NetForest | Perf_request index is not getting created when we send data using nf-forwarder and nf parse . |
67185 | NetForest | NetForest node stats are not showing properly in NetForest health monitoring UI |
67540 | NetForest | Percentage funtionality in NetForest UI not working properly |
67551 | NetForest | Not able to use $<user_defined_field>$ syntax after stats query. |
67581 | NetForest | Getting error in latest build of NFUI (4.1.15#5) |
67734 | NetForest | While grouping in pie chart only value should be displayed. |
67917 | NetForest | any variable instead of dedup is giving results of dedup. |
67922 | NetForest | Wrong results of stats evaluation function(sum). |
67929 | NetForest | Mismatch in output of the mentioned query with actual result. |
67944 | NetForest | Result of field server is varying with rex, exists and dedup |
67994 | NetForest | Query is giving wrong result |
67996 | NetForest | Data Table is not getting displayed when we select two options[i.e Show metrics for every bucket/level & Show partial rows] |
68099 | NetForest | Mismatch in output while searching and creating charts for same query. |
68131 | NetForest | latest on any field which is not present in the document is also giving results |
68157 | NetForest | streamstats decreases performance of nfdb. |
68210 | NetForest | slow response of nfdb due to _temp dangling index creation. |
68265 | NetForest | expected hits are not coming after running docstats queries. |
68285 | NetForest | docstats count() function is not working as expected. |
68467 | NetForest | unable to restart nf-forwader (msi) if we provide different name in CONFIG_YML_INDEX= |
68555 | NetForest | Change in datatype when aggergation “UniqueCount” is used for string field. |
68798 | NetForest | timestamp changed to epoch format when we use that field in VIS query. |
76377 | NetForest | Need enhancement of Audit log in NetForest |
63760 | NetOcean | Large file should upload in the dataset and index dataset parameter. |
64160 | NetOcean | Default value is getting disappear in case of index dataset parameter. |
64272 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Need to save 0 value if we active any template on the basis of constant type. |
64368 | NetOcean | Manage Controller | Add Controller Issue : Default value is not updated automatically in remaining fields of Add Controllers window, while selecting Appliance name from drop down in Add Controllers window. |
64730 | NetOcean | GUI|Checkbox of select all service is missing in manage service UI. |
65392 | NetOcean | GUI|Checkbox of select all request and response list is missing in recording window. |
65518 | NetOcean | Select all checkbox is missing in multiple areas of NetOcean GUI. |
61974 | NetStorm | -y attribute is missing in nsu_split_video shell |
62660 | NetStorm | CorrelationID | HPS performance degraded with Coorelation ID Header (Including Inline also). |
62905 | NetStorm | JSProfiler | JSProfiler UI of the page is not opening but JSON is getting created for the same. |
63772 | NetStorm | Adding warning of scenario keyword parsing into session warning file before starting test. |
63953 | NetStorm | UAT4.1.14: Vusers not ramping down completely after completion of test |
63955 | NetStorm | Docker monitor producing wrong output |
63973 | NetStorm | Angular7 | Template issue : Formula type in edit mode of template Automated_Template180316124910 not working properly. |
63981 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Issue:Chart Type of derived graph is not converting to Dual Axis Bar chart type,while derived graph is added with Arithmetic operator |
63982 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is showing NAN after applying Time period on Derived graph |
63983 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is not showing correct while derived graph is added with Arithmetic operator |
63987 | NetStorm | NCMon: Transaction Detail popup is not opening (keeps on waiting for the data and never comes out) |
63988 | NetStorm | MultiDc Drill Down Report Issue:If widget having same Graphs of different DC and we are opening drilldown for slave dc graphs after opening drilldown of master dc’s graph then also master dc’s graph is showing in drilldown Report. |
63990 | NetStorm | Angular 7 Issue:While we are selecting catalogue in Open related Metrics,then graph details of selected Catalogue is not showing in Graph to filter window. |
63991 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Open/Merge Issue:Data of All DC’s are showing while applying Pattern for single DC in Advance Open/Merge settings |
63992 | NetStorm | Transaction Detail Issue:Allignment of Top Pane is not coming proper in Transaction Details window. |
63993 | NetStorm | CM | Continuous monitoring test failed with config/product NS. |
63994 | NetStorm | REST API | We are getting wrong data while fetching instance/level wise data using Rest API for level=3 |
63996 | NetStorm | Transaction Details | Transaction Error issue : Blank report is generated in downloaded report for WORD , Excel and PDF files while we have enabled Transaction error checkbox. |
63998 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : Error is coming while performing GIT Clone in Scenarios. |
64001 | NetStorm | ThreadPool | Unable to save scenario when opening and trying to edit existing scenario having threadpool settings. |
64004 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Angular 7| Report : All chart and DC name not coming once a compare report is generated in case of trend compare. |
64015 | NetStorm | Transaction Details| Transaction Error Issue :- Drill Down report link is not coming in the Transaction Error window on opening Transaction Error from Transaction Details UI |
64016 | NetStorm | Angular 7|Scaling option should not come with widget type Data,Tabular and System Health as after changing scaling data widget is getting blank. |
64017 | NetStorm | WebDashboard | Look & Feel Issue : Look & Feel issues are coming in drop down option in various feature(Logs,Percentile,Transaction Details,Favorite Settings) of Configuration Settings of dashboard in normal dc as well as multi-dc. |
64018 | NetStorm | Compare Report issue:- Check box is not coming in measurement box in compare report GUI. |
64019 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Error Message comes as we check the check-box of added fault on the Server where CMON is not running. |
64021 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Unable to add another Fault when one fault is in ‘Running’ state as GUI is getting refreshed. |
64024 | NetStorm | NC_UAT_4_1_14:While applying RTC in GUI it doesn’t shows any message regarding RTC done successfully |
64025 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : While performing GIT Revert, Success window is coming with Text Box which is editable and success window should have OK button. |
64026 | NetStorm | Init Screen | cav.conf file should be controller specific in Initialization tab. |
64028 | NetStorm | UAT4.1.14: Getting insufficient scenario parsing error while executing test from scenario GUI |
64032 | NetStorm | NC_UAT:Not able to start the test with MULTIDISK_PATH nslogs /pgdata1 as it was unable to create hard link |
64033 | NetStorm | UAT: Getting Script compilation error in 4.1.14 whereas same script compiled successfully in 4.1.13 |
64034 | NetStorm | Var Value | Core Getting generating when running Test from Scenario UI. |
64035 | NetStorm | Core| Getting core dump with stack size of 8KB. |
64049 | NetStorm | Getting guess entry warning in case of fix concurrent user. |
64080 | NetStorm | GUI|Need to allow semicolon equal to for prefix and suffix in Correlation-ID header |
64089 | NetStorm | MultiDC| Compare Report: Vector mapping is not working in MultiDC – Compare Report. |
64104 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Unable to add fault on multiple Servers at a time. |
64107 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Reporting issue : On Excel template upload template is still coming selected after validation pop-up, Validation for success is not coming properly. |
64126 | NetStorm | Wrong API is parsed while selecting “Regular Expression” and parameter type for LB and RB respectively |
64127 | NetStorm | Script_Management | Message Issue : Message should come correctly in case of connection error. |
64128 | NetStorm | Script Manager|Parameter List:If we have opened parameter list of a script and then opening another scripts registration.spec file and again going to parameter window and doing any add/update operation then all changes is reflecting in the second script. |
64135 | NetStorm | Alert Baseline | While copying a default baseline then a new baseline is also creating with default baseline |
64142 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Charts are not coming with threshold enabled while no value is being passed. |
64167 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Fault remains in the ‘Running’ state when CMON gets stopped on the Server in the duration period of the fault. |
64191 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Hierarchical Report: Complete instance name is not coming in generated hierarchical report column when Meta Data is used for Instance level. |
64192 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Wrong vector name coming in metrics name of generated compare trend reports. |
64199 | NetStorm | CID || Suffix can also be started with symbols like ‘-;=’. Allow special characters to be entered first in Suffix before any Alphabet. |
64203 | NetStorm | Transaction Details Issue :- All Transaction Errors are getting overlapped on the Pie chart/Donut chart in the Transaction Details UI . |
64204 | NetStorm | Transaction Detail Issue:Allignment of Top Pane is not coming proper in Transaction Details window. |
64205 | NetStorm | Transaction Error|Drilldown Issue:While we are clicking on Drilldown link in Transaction Error window then Drilldown is opening under the Transaction Details Tab,but it should open in DDR window . |
64206 | NetStorm | Generator list got invisible After Clicking on Generator tab in Transaction UI and transaction detail UI got blank for generator overall when we revert from generator specified Also Same issue is coming while we are enabling Transaction error checkbox |
64212 | NetStorm | Unable to start test in Thread Mode. |
64213 | NetStorm | NC_UAT_4_1_14:Not getting error message of all generators for failed NC test in splash screen on Upload Generator Data stage. |
64222 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Report is not getting generated with Select metrics and Template having Derived Graph. |
64224 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Not able to generate report from WebDashboard UI if panel having Derived graph. |
64241 | NetStorm | Vuser management | Vuser summary pause/resume and settings options are not working |
64249 | NetStorm | System Health widget Issue | Back is not working properly if system health widget has 0 affected graphs and we do “show graphs for affected indices” |
64250 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is showing NAN after applying Time period on Derived graph |
64258 | NetStorm | Multi DC Angular4 | Lower pane Issue: Lower pane is not coming correct on expending from increase Size(+)option. |
64261 | NetStorm | Angular 7|When we select color from lower pane then color selection window is coming too large and going too below and Lower pane also not expanding |
64263 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring|DB Connection Pooling not working on Postgresql |
64273 | NetStorm | Splash Screen | Tools are overlapping in the top panel of TestInit Screen. |
64275 | NetStorm | NS_UAT_4_1_14||While Applying RTC through Vuser management, no status message is displaying also RTC is not getting applied |
64278 | NetStorm | Transaction Error |Drilldown Issue:There is no link to open drilldown Report in case of ALL Transaction in Transaction Error table. |
64279 | NetStorm | Webdasahboard | Transaction Error issue : While we are selecting any particular error type of any transaction then all errors are showing in the window. |
64307 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Error message is not coming on the Init Screen while test is getting killed from console. |
64311 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Stage logs got blanked whenever GUI refreshes automatically |
64314 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Report issue: On Switching Webdashboard with Work_DC Report GUI is opening with DC_NDE. |
64323 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Legends not coming in generated report of donut and pie chart type. |
64325 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Multiple issues in chart of generated compare trend report . |
64336 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Chart are not coming corrects with graphs type “Slab Count” and chart type Frequency Distribution. |
64343 | NetStorm | Graph sample filter issue : If we are enabled graph sample filter in one widget then Graph sample filter checkbox got enabled for all widgets. |
64349 | NetStorm | REST API | We are not getting any data while fetching instance/level wise data using Rest API for level=3 |
64351 | NetStorm | Angular7| theme5| icons color is not visible on dashboard side navigation panel |
64356 | NetStorm | Init screen | Test Init screen is not getting updated while opening this from “Reports”. |
64361 | NetStorm | Angular 7 | Alert Issue : Cancel button is not working in Advanced option in Select Indices while adding Alert Rule. |
64362 | NetStorm | Replacing exit with NS_EXIT |
64392 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Not able to generate report from webdashbaord having graphs from both DC’s |
64397 | NetStorm | UAT || 4.1.14#23 || DropDown button is not User Friendly in TestRun Window |
64401 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: On selecting vectors from check box sorting is not working properly. |
64419 | NetStorm | Need to add class path option in JavaKafkaTopicReplication monitor UI |
64427 | NetStorm | Stack smashing detected while running RBU test |
64431 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Init Screen is not opening while triggering test with -S gui from backend. |
64432 | NetStorm | Graph sample filter : While we are giving negative value (-ve) and clicking on add button then filter got added. |
64433 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Derived Graph issue:- Graph is not coming correct when creating derived graph using Sumcount formula. |
64443 | NetStorm | URLParameterization | Query string is not getting encode while encoding is on in search parameter. |
64453 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: Checkbox of derived option in stat reports not working properly. |
64455 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Compare report not generating by using template and select metrics. |
64503 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Select Pattern should come in “Select DC” dropdown. |
64505 | NetStorm | Getting No Data Available in Summary Tab (on first time)under MS SQL Monitoring in Webdashboard |
64507 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Hierarchical Report : Data is not coming correct based on specified meta Data, and coming based selected in metrics options. |
64513 | NetStorm | MSSQL| Need to encode the output data after executing query in CavWMON |
64514 | NetStorm | MSSQL| Need to encode the output data after executing query in CavMonAggent |
64516 | NetStorm | Drill Down Issue:URL Component details are showing incorrect while opening from Transaction summary after opening it from URL Summary |
64517 | NetStorm | MSSQL| Need to encode the output data in Custom Query |
64531 | NetStorm | TIBCO || NS is taking around 30 mins in Post processing in test duration of 1 min. |
64555 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Reporting issue : Stat report not generating while adding favorites. |
64557 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Init Screen is not coming in presentable format when cav.conf file is not present in the controller. |
64558 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Issue:Data is showing incorrect while converting derived graph in Percentile and Slab Count graph type |
64565 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Vector name in downloaded chart of word type and excel not in proper form. |
64571 | NetStorm | Scenario Scheduler | Not able to schedule Scenario Scheduler. |
64573 | NetStorm | Angular 7 | Lower Panel: Filter is not working in Lower Panel. |
64576 | NetStorm | Angular 7|Custom Time Period: While changing custom time View by Settings option should collapse and Refresh to provide best View by. |
64580 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is showing NAN ,if derived graph includes NAN samples for applied time |
64581 | NetStorm | Stale warning are coming in NC_MON test instead of fresh warning |
64582 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Derived Graph issue:- Issue is coming when using arithmetic operator (-) then data is always coming in negative. |
64633 | NetStorm | Script Management | Recording Issue : We are unable to record script While we are trying to record script Through MAC OS. |
64634 | NetStorm | GIT Operation in Script Manager : Unable to perform GIT Commit or History in case of product type NDE or NC in Script Manager. |
64645 | NetStorm | Kafka || Getting core in “ns_kakfa_close_connection” API. |
64650 | NetStorm | Kafka | Test is getting stuck and getting console error message as “Waiting for librdkafka to decommission” (intermiitent). |
64655 | NetStorm | Kafka | Test gets stuck as after closing connection also it is reaching to Put_msg API. |
64669 | NetStorm | MultiDC|WidgetWiseTimePeriod :- Graphs are not showing properly on applying widget wise Time Period , after applying Open Merge in case of Multi DC. |
64672 | NetStorm | Alerts| After build upgrade Alert Baseline and Alert rules are not showing when Test is not started after upgrade |
64674 | NetStorm | Runscript Mode is showing wrong in Thread Mode. |
64684 | NetStorm | Alert Maintenance|MultiDC: Test indices button is not working |
64704 | NetStorm | Transaction Details|Transaction Error |Drilldown Issue:While we are doing drilldown from ALL TRansaction of a particular Error Type then getting wrong results. |
64706 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : Progress Bar is not coming while performing any GIT operation in Scenario. |
64712 | NetStorm | Thread Stack Size is decreasing than the default value. |
64717 | NetStorm | Webdashboard | Transaction Error issue : Dates and Months are not changing without using Calendar. |
64718 | NetStorm | Angular 7 | Transaction Details issue:- Not able to Apply time period in transaction Details after applying compare in web dashboard. |
64722 | NetStorm | UAT4.1.14: Users redirected to Test dashboard though it was not started due to scenario parsing error |
64729 | NetStorm | Multi-Dc | Favorite Issue :Percentile Graphs are reflecting back to Normal Graph type and percentile data are also not showing in lower pane after loading favorite having merged graphs and widget is getting blank after sample update. |
64739 | NetStorm | Angular 7| Filter issue:- Filter is not working properly in lower panel. |
64748 | NetStorm | Thread dump/Heap dump option is not showing in Dashboard |NC_MON |
64755 | NetStorm | Search Parameter(Core) | value is not getting parametrized in next request in case of ORD=ALL. |
64766 | NetStorm | Script Manager|Script Compilation Issue:While we are compiling any script(script having no error also) then Script manager is throwing compilation Error |
64796 | NetStorm | Script Version Diff Issue : While performing CVS Diff operation for 2 or more versions in Script Manager using then “File Not Present……” is coming. |
64831 | NetStorm | Angular 7 | Transaction Details issue:- Not able to Apply time period in transaction Details after applying compare in web dashboard. |
64842 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Charts not coming in generated report from webdashboard with view type Word. |
64854 | NetStorm | NetHavoc || ‘Download report as’ ‘Word’, ‘Excel’ and ‘Pdf’ options are not working. |
64856 | NetStorm | unable to apply the Fault as the apply option is disabled. |
64859 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Hierarchical report not generating with tomcat tomcat-7.0.59. |
64861 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Report is not coming correct while generating with metrics having percentile chart with select percentile enabled with view type word. |
64868 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : Error is coming as “Your index file is unmerged.” while performing Revert operation. |
64890 | NetStorm | Alert Load Index Baseline: Baseline data structure created wrong for “All” indices in rule |
64910 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Hierarchical report not generating while opening from link of generated report list(tomcat version 91). |
64927 | NetStorm | NC_MON | CSHM | Getting alerts for different controller while configuration file is for different controller. |
64961 | NetStorm | Custom Report issue: Data from custom Tabular widgets, get removed on favorite reload. |
64975 | NetStorm | Https Protocol | CMON connection is getting closed while trying to make connection with BackHost using wss/ws/tcp protocol |
64995 | NetStorm | Not able to replay logs because of missing of field name and numbers in GUI |
64997 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Select Pattern text box should come in “Select DC” dropdown from specified Indices window. |
65008 | NetStorm | Kafka || After completion of test duration, connection from Kafka server didn’t break and test kept running. |
65011 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring| Custom time is not passing correct for SQLQueryExecuterService |
65023 | NetStorm | Multi-DC | Widget Settings Issue : Running checkbox is getting enabled after disabling from change time period in multi-dc. |
65026 | NetStorm | TIBCO | Messages produced by NS on Server is getting “expired” so unable to consume those messages from NS itself. |
65043 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Charts are not coming correct in generated report. |
65062 | NetStorm | Websocket || Message is getting trimmed in case of non debug test. |
65078 | NetStorm | Websocket || Getting extra garbage/encoded message in response file at the starting of message. |
65081 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Report Issue : Vector name is coming incorrect in generated compare reports. |
65090 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: Default TR coming incorrect in measurement block of compare report in NS mode.. |
65091 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Hierarchical Report: DC list should not come in Metadata of Hierarchical Report it should come as DC. |
65095 | NetStorm | Angular 7 | Lower Panel: Master Checkbox option is not working properly and filter is not working in Lower Panel for cloud machine. |
65101 | NetStorm | Angular 7 Issue:Master Checkbox is not present to select all testruns/scenario in TestRun UI and Scenario UI. |
65106 | NetStorm | Vusers Management | Checkbox is not coming for selecting all vusers in list and groups in RTC |
65108 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report Issue:Pattern applied from specified indices not working properly. |
65123 | NetStorm | URL based script| Page table have different entries for same group. |
65125 | NetStorm | JMS | NS is unable to establish connection with MQ Server. |
65132 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : While performing GIT Revert operation, even if the changes are getting reverted but error is coming and exception is coming in guiError.log |
65148 | NetStorm | Getting Vuser manager Busy error on controller while running any RTC command from Vuser GUI. |
65151 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Report Issue: Compare report not generating using templates/Select Metrics with both DCs. |
65163 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : Error is coming when we are entering password having special characters in GIT Settings. |
65197 | NetStorm | Facing error while applying runtime changes at tier level for DB2 Monitor |
65216 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Derived Graph issue:- After applying Derived graph containing vectors of only slave DC, Presets are not working properly. |
65218 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Issue:Derived graph is adding with Line chart type ,while widget having different chart type |
65226 | NetStorm | Percentile Data Issue: testrun.pdf is not creating while running test |
65255 | NetStorm | In ConsulServiceHealthStats monitor,wrong tool-tip is coming in dashboard when providing instance name. |
65257 | NetStorm | RBU-RTC || Getting core while applying RTC in ClickAndScript and test getting stucked. |
65264 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: While enabling show server signature checkbox in generated compare report (TR2171)in NS Mode, m2 and m2 change block not working properly. |
65268 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: Percentile charts are not coming correct in compare reports with view type word. |
65285 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : Session is getting logged out after performing GIT Pull operation in Scenarios with different users. |
65287 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Report Issue: Reporting UI is getting Hang when we select specified without selecting any graph. |
65306 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Permission Issue : Unable to perform GIT Clone operation using ReadWriteAll permission. |
65310 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Report is not coming correct with metrics having percentile values other than default with view type word on first time. |
65325 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Trend Report Issue : Selected DC names are not coming in the generated trend compare report. |
65334 | NetStorm | Product UI got blanked when we are moving from Net-havoc UI tab to Product UI tab |
65350 | NetStorm | Angular 7:Cancel option are not working in “Add to Custom Metrics”. |
65351 | NetStorm | MultiDC | System Health Issue: Drill down for affected Indices and for All indices is not working for System Health Widget in MultiDC. |
65365 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Derived Graph Issue:Derived graph is not adding correct while panel having chart type like Percentile,Slab Count,Dual Axis,Meter,Dial |
65373 | NetStorm | Transaction Error Issue:While we are applying any time period in Transaction Error of Transaction Details and doing drilldown then getting data for whole scenario. |
65376 | NetStorm | Multi-DC | Widget Settings Issue : Running checkbox is getting enabled after disabling from change time period in multi-dc. |
65384 | NetStorm | while applying future time in custom time period it should showing Error in Dashboard |
65387 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue : Custom widgets from design tool are not coming in pdf report. |
65581 | NetStorm | Excel Report issue:- Data is not coming for other machine when selecting preset as total Run. |
65584 | NetStorm | Transaction Error | Time Period issue : Unable to apply specific time period for transaction error.Exception is coming in console |
65636 | NetStorm | Log Data Monitor is not working with Get Log File Monitor even it is working properly with other monitors. |
65660 | NetStorm | Compare Report |Test Run UI Issue : Start Time is not coming correct in Start Date/Time column and ende time is coming with null keyword in generated compare report from TestRUn UI. |
65673 | NetStorm | RBU-Scenario UI || JS Profiler should not be supported for browser Firefox. |
65681 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: Legends not coming in proper form in generated report of donut & Pie chart type. |
65694 | NetStorm | MSSQL | Encypted Data is coming in “Waiting Resource” field of MSSQL Blocking Session Table. |
65706 | NetStorm | Scenario UI | Improper alignment in added group of schedule settings. |
65727 | NetStorm | Issue in Network usage monitor. |
65769 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue: Report is not coming correct with metrics having percentile chart with selections other than default in different report sets. |
65777 | NetStorm | Angular 7:Boost mode is not working properly. |
65798 | NetStorm | Performance Dashboard Issue:Time Zone details are not showing according machine time zone in selected environment |
65821 | NetStorm | Performance Dashboard issue:Data for NS mode controllers is showing incorrect in generated Manual report |
65829 | NetStorm | RTC | Users are not decreasing properly after applying RTC multiple times. |
65849 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue : Custom widgets from design tool are not coming properly in pdf type report |
65855 | NetStorm | MON_UI | RTC is not applied successfully on MBeanActiveLoggedInUsersStats Monitor. |
65872 | NetStorm | Rel4.1.15: Need to support kafka burrow monitor. |
65962 | NetStorm | Catalogue Management: Catalogues are not getting deleted after applying sorting. |
65964 | NetStorm | Webdashboard | Transaction Details Issue : All transactions are not coming in transaction table for TRs having more number of transactions. |
65970 | NetStorm | Init Screen| Test Init Screen is getting blanked when switching it from any other tab. |
66016 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Pattern Matching: Resultant graphs are not coming only baseline graph is showing If selected graph to match pattern is with All and Advance indices |
66039 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Fault is exceeding the given duration period until the test is not stop.(Intermittent) |
66068 | NetStorm | MultiDC Report Issue: Report is coming blank When we generate report form WebDashboard after applying Pattern Matching. |
66110 | NetStorm | Rel4.1.14: GIT Versioning:”.git” files should not be shown in Scenario and Script Gui. |
66119 | NetStorm | Tabular widget is getting blank after applying modify layout. |
66138 | NetStorm | MultiDc | Pattern Matching: Incorrect history is saving when we apply pattern matching only with slave DCs graph then master DC graphs are saving in history. |
66168 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Incomplete graphs and no DC name is coming in generated report of donut & Pie chart type. |
66199 | NetStorm | RBU-SpeedReport || Against every Page Score factor, Recommendations are same. Also Performance category is only reflecting, when checked manually on browser other categories are reflecting. |
66223 | NetStorm | NetCloud | Scenario is not getting saved from Scenario UI and getting blanked after saving 2-3 times. |
66228 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Need to make High CPU Fault more accurate. |
66248 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue :Selected file not get imported to Tabular from file type widget on first time. |
66264 | NetStorm | Netcloude Mode:While we are running any scenario Dashboard is not opening automatically as init screen is oepning blank and while we are trying to open dashboard by clcking on testrun,then also dashboard is not opening. |
66342 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue : Filter option of Show all columns of measurement not working properly in generated compare report. |
66378 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporing Issue: All graph name not coming in the legends of generated report. |
66392 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Logs should come in TestInitStatus Directory when test got stopped forcefully. |
66478 | NetStorm | Script is failing due to json content in Body like “BODY={“email”:”{EmailID}”,”password”:”Cc@12345″}”,. |
66490 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue : Uploaded image on image widgets get removed on favorite reload from custom Design Tool. |
66507 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue : Graphs of slave DC are not coming in generated pdf report from tabular type of widget |
66509 | NetStorm | 4.1.15|Performance Dashboard| shell do not provide the start time of online test |
66537 | NetStorm | Angular 7:Boost mode is not working properly. |
66538 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Pattern Matching: After applying pattern matching when we apply Time period, switch tab, zoom & Undo zoom, and in case of loading favorite then graphs of ALL DCs are showing in widgets. |
66549 | NetStorm | System Health widget Issue | When we change Time period or view-by from widget settings after applying “show graph for affected indices” from widget settings then all graphs getting visible in the panel |
66584 | NetStorm | If Scriptname is blanked, then GUI should not show Pagename as Scriptname. Provide one note in GUI. |
66588 | NetStorm | Data is coming wrong in MBeanHiveStats monitor when changing attribute name in HiveMonitors.xml file. |
66594 | NetStorm | KafkaBurrow | During test in between Monitor is giving zero data if kafka Group consists of more than one topic. |
66604 | NetStorm | NC_Mon | Baseline Comparison Issue | Compare is not getting applied on the Web Dashboard on applying Baseline Comparison with 3 measurements. |
66616 | NetStorm | Consul Monitoring | If configuring more than one consul monitor in Json than only one is working and another consul monitor is failing. |
66626 | NetStorm | Template issue: User not able to save template in edit mode. |
66640 | NetStorm | Pagename is getting added to the URL when scriptname exceeds 32 characters |
66641 | NetStorm | Error in Scriptname panel in Schedule Settings when Pagename and Scriptname are same |
66642 | NetStorm | Getting error in creating URLBased script |
66645 | NetStorm | NC_MON | Test is not getting started automatically via nsu_check_cont_test shell after core dump. |
66685 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Not getting any message when NetHavoc is not running any process on the Server to increase the CPU in the given duration. |
66702 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Pattern Matching: If we load resultant graph again from history table and then when we apply Time period, switch tab, zoom & Undo zoom, and in case of loading favorite then graphs of ALL DCs are showing in widgets. |
66734 | NetStorm | System Health widget Issue | When we zoom in a widget after applying “show graph for affected indices” from widget settings then all graphs getting visible in the panel |
66735 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Excel Report: Data for Slave DC is coming Zero in generated Report in Case DC-ALL. |
66742 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring | Incorrect data in Real time mode for graph of Connection Stats in Server stats Screen |
66758 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Error message is not showing properly in Generators Tab of Init Screen. |
66759 | NetStorm | Init Screen | Donut chart of Generators is updating after also the test got stopped. |
66760 | NetStorm | Widget Settings window is not draggable |
66771 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Scriptname and Pagename gets appended with the URL when host contains port |
66780 | NetStorm | RBU-SpeedReport || Overall Score in Page Speed Report is mismatching with Pagespeed Metrics in Web-dashboard under RBU Metrics. |
66787 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Hierarchical Report: If Template having multiple graphs is single report set then data is coming for only one vector in generated report. |
66797 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | The status of the Fault doesn’t changes when added with SSH Connection type and Current Fault Injection Time. |
66810 | NetStorm | Drilldown Issue:While are opening summary Report from Graphs of HTTP/Session/Page Failures and doing drilldon by clicking on Fail,then getting wrong data. |
66835 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Hierarchical report not generating on the basis of Tier only.. |
66839 | NetStorm | Webdashboard | Custom Time Period : While changing custom date, View by Settings option should collapse and Refresh to provide best View by. |
66845 | NetStorm | Custom Query|Filter Issue:While we are Applying Url of longer length in URL filter of script filter then getting no Records found. |
66856 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : User with Read All permission is able to perform GIT Clone operation in Script Manager. |
66861 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Trend Report Issue : Trend report should get generated without any excepltion with template having all chart types in. |
66913 | NetStorm | RBU-Core || Different forms of ‘cssPaths’ are not supported by ns_js_checkpoint api. |
66922 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Open New Browser Tab | Okta issue:- Open in new Browser tab with Okta is redirect to Login page of Okta. |
66923 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Template Issue: Previously selected graph get added along with alert pop up, using chart type as “Correlated”. |
66925 | NetStorm | Okta :User session are not getting logout for users login with MultiDC due to session time out. |
66929 | NetStorm | GUI is not opening without adding ProductUI in IP if cmon is of earlier build specifically for controllers other than work |
66946 | NetStorm | issue in getting the page name in the report |
66957 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring | SQL Plan under Session Tab taking to much time to load |
66958 | NetStorm | Webdashboard | Sorting issue in Session UI : Sorting is not working properly in Session UI of Product UI in single dc as well as multi-dc of dashboard. |
67008 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Hierarchical Report Issue: Hierarchical report not getting generated using template having derived graphs with selected meta info from dropdown. |
67015 | NetStorm | Getting core dump on running debug test in input_static_values |
67027 | NetStorm | GIT Operation Issue : User having ReadWriteAll permission is not able to perform GIT Clone in Script Manager. |
67032 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring|DrillDown from Locks to Sessions tab should show selected session Id on top of the table. |
67049 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Custom Report Issue : Charts from slave DC are not coming in generated pdf report from tabular type of widget. |
67067 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Report Issue : Data from slave DC are not coming with template having threshold values in decimals. |
67139 | NetStorm | Multi DC Report Issue : DC info are not coming for test metrics graphs and get repeated, using in report generation. |
67151 | NetStorm | Protobuf | Request Message should not be sent if not provided any request proto file |
67153 | NetStorm | Alert schedule Issue | When alerts are generated for No Data then Rules in Active Alert window keeps showing “Schedule Effective” even out of the schedule time |
67156 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Excel Report: Data for Slave DC is coming Zero in generated Report in Case DC-ALL. |
67234 | NetStorm | Drill Down Issue:Transaction Failure report is showing blank while switching from Transaction Timing Details |
67287 | NetStorm | Protobuf| Content of Rep_body is not getting decoded if only “HEADER=Content-Type:application/x-protobuf” is passing from the server side only in case of static URL. |
67290 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Unable to generate report while using event day in preset option and by applying favorite. |
67295 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Report issue : Wrong alert message popping up in case of applying year in event day preset of compare report. |
67308 | NetStorm | Not getting values in proper format in data widget in dashboard |
67330 | NetStorm | Getting incorrect value in report for Minimum value of a vector |
67343 | NetStorm | IBM-MQ | After completion of test duration, connection from MQ server didn’t break and test kept running. |
67356 | NetStorm | IBM-MQ | Wrong error message comes while unable to ‘put’ message in the Queue. |
67359 | NetStorm | IBM-MQ | Wrong status code when Queue Name is wrong. |
67366 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Trend Report Issue :Charts are not coming, Using template having Normal/Derived graphs in same report set. |
67372 | NetStorm | DB Monitoring|Incorrect aggregated data in DB Query Stats screen |
67390 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Fill Up Disk Fault is taking time more than specified in duration period |
67449 | NetStorm | Performance Dashboard Issue:Favorite list is showing blank,while adding Environment ,if Controller display name is defined in cav.conf file |
67454 | NetStorm | Protobuf| Rep_body file is not getting decoded while running the test with HTTP/2.0. |
67490 | NetStorm | Drill Down|Custom Query Issue:URL/Session/Page instance report Data is showing incorrect after applying script filters for selected URL/Script/Page Name in URL/Session/Page summary by status report which have multiple occurrence |
67491 | NetStorm | Checkpoint | Getting core dump if applying checkpoint for all page in case of debug enabled. |
67498 | NetStorm | Drill Down Issue:Data should show for selected status for the particular URL(Having multiple status) while clicking on Script count of URL summary by status report |
67499 | NetStorm | Search Parameter | Getting incorrect value while applying search in header for specified RedirectionDepth. |
67506 | NetStorm | ns_url_get_body_size() | Getting incorrect size in case of plain(uncompressed) response. |
67533 | NetStorm | Report issue: Selected Based on option with chart type Donut/Pie get changed to default in edit mode and report coming blank. |
67545 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI| In Mixed Mode Scenario Session Mode option is coming in FSR. |
67573 | NetStorm | Drill Down |Transaction Details Issue:While opening transaction detail report from transaction details AVG ,after opening transaction detail report from transaction Response time graph,it is always showing the result of previous transaction |
67575 | NetStorm | Drill Down |Transaction Details Issue:While opening transaction detail report from transaction details AVG ,after opening transaction detail report from transaction Response time graph,it is always showing the result of previous transaction |
67589 | NetStorm | custom Query|Drilldown Issue:Filters are not getting removed from transaction summary Report once filter is applied . |
67598 | NetStorm | Advance Open Merge setting is not working properly. |
67615 | NetStorm | Drill Down Issue:Data is showing incorrect while coming back to Transaction Failures from Transaction Timing details or page dump ,while opened DDR through Transaction details |
67621 | NetStorm | Drilldown Issue:If we are opening instance report from particular transaction and then we are opening failure all/any transaction except this then getting blank failure report. |
67625 | NetStorm | Not able to see the exception in GUI if run the test from ScenarioGUI |
67638 | NetStorm | Duplicate entries of TempDB in MSSQL Gui || |
67648 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Trend Report Issue : Single chart is coming, having merged graphs from both DC’s in generated Trend Compare report. |
67655 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Change in Nethavoc Design. |
67656 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Change in Nethavoc Design. |
67671 | NetStorm | Report Issue :Charts are not coming on taking chart type Donut and Graph type Slab Count with view type HTML. |
67701 | NetStorm | RBU-UI || Data in ‘Content Type and Domain Statistics’ is coming after blank page. |
67709 | NetStorm | ASM jar exception is throwing at runtime in nosql generic monitor. |
67731 | NetStorm | JTS not running when script.libs have multiple jar |
67741 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Compare Report Issue : Compare report Coming blank with metrics having graphs from both DC. |
67742 | NetStorm | transaction error is taking more time to load |
67794 | NetStorm | MSSQL | Data is not coming in Tables of Temp DB of MSSQL GUI at Realtime mode. |
67813 | NetStorm | Cumbersome process while generating reports using template |
67861 | NetStorm | Index File Parameter | Getting core dump when applying index file parameter in script. |
67904 | NetStorm | Alert | Migration | nsi_migrate_alert_history_table shell is not working while migrating in 4.1.13 or later builds as it checks for 4.1.12 only |
67936 | NetStorm | Derived graph got disappeared from Cavisson dashboard. |
67961 | NetStorm | Observing High CPU and Load Avg . in Netstorm Appliance ( |
67964 | NetStorm | While applying RTC it showing “Quantity RTC is already in progress. please retry after some time” |
68011 | NetStorm | KFS || Lines are getting repeated unnecessarily in debug trace log in Netstorm UI |
68121 | NetStorm | Drilldown issue:While we are doing drilldown by clciking on Failure(%) of ALL Transaction and clicking on any particular failure type and again clicking on another failure type,then also instance report is opening for previously opened failure type. |
68135 | NetStorm | Custom Query|drill down Issue:While we are doing drilldown to open instance report by clicking on tried from page Summary report after applying Request filter except all ,then getting result of all. |
68143 | NetStorm | RDT| No data is present in page detail report while runnig RDT url based Test |
68223 | NetStorm | Drilldown Issue:While are opening summary Report from Graphs of Session/Page Failures and doing drilldon by clicking on Fail,then getting wrong data for Page Report and getting blank Report for Session. |
68301 | NetStorm | Drilldown Issue:While we are doing drilldown from transaction details to open Transaction failure report for particular transaction and from Transaction Failure opening any failure type’s instance report and changing Pagination then data is changing |
68325 | NetStorm | Multiple issues got found regarding hanging of GUI while opening transaction errors |
68326 | NetStorm | Not able to see user count in test run GUI |
68377 | NetStorm | Debug Trace || Getting exception while downloading Excel/ Word/ Pdf reports from Debug trace GUI. |
68465 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Reporting Issue: Charts for slave Dc are not coming while generating Trend compare report. |
68503 | NetStorm | Token Based Authorization in Jarvis tool. |
68506 | NetStorm | ND Appliance UI freezes after okta sign in |
68584 | NetStorm | Not getting data for In server stats|| |
68734 | NetStorm | Custom Query|Drilldown Issue:While we are applying response time filter in transaction Summary report,then Data of Tried success and Failure are showing wrong but while doing drilldown by clicking on tried success and failure then getting correct instance |
69369 | NetStorm | Logging Reader | Reader is not writing into csv files on 10 seconds even if data is present. |
69431 | NetStorm | NC_UAT_4.1.14.1 | Not able to start the test from GUI when DISABLE_SCRIPT_VALIDATION keyword is disabled |
69716 | NetStorm | Not able to parametrize the websocket type url in Netstorm |
70004 | NetStorm | Re: [Client-support] [NDE Alert] : Critical : [Mosaic ACC UI] VM is not running |
70092 | NetStorm | Gettng garbage Transaction Names and values |
70108 | NetStorm | GUI is getting stuck while applying the the time period for last 30 days |
70243 | NetStorm | Payments | Prod | Not getting data for all servers. |
70533 | NetStorm | Need to remove the check of mandatory fields to be filled for Proxy credentials in case of Nginx Monitors. |
70561 | NetStorm | Unable to get page dump on NC machine. |
70753 | NetStorm | Script Manager issue: Not able to Append the Page in the specific script in script manager. |
71451 | NetStorm | Not able to play video after downloading it |
72153 | NetStorm | NetHavoc | Not able to inject Havoc when Time Zone is other than IST for ‘Specified’ and ‘Random’ time. |
72376 | NetStorm | For we got a core dump for Work |
72515 | NetStorm | Not able to get the Render/visually complete time for PDP page |
72573 | NetStorm | Alert |Export with Single Quote: If Alert Rule, Action, Policy & Maintenance Window contains single quote then corrupted json is generating |
72767 | NetStorm | Klink || Not able to start load test || |
72965 | NetStorm | Not getting data in MySQL |
73094 | NetStorm | Slowness in ND |
73095 | NetStorm | Performance issue while doing Advance open-merge |
74411 | NetStorm | Sessions got down in middle of test in Tibco Messaging Load |
74547 | NetStorm | Number of sessions are not looking fine |
74860 | NetStorm | We are unable to start test in machine. |
72241 | NetStorm | ACL|access_control table should be created controller wise. |
75870 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Reports|User Session Report:- Login ,Logout entry in other Activity and Module Name column name change. |
62829 | NetVision | Queries for applying similar session filter are taking lot of time. |
63289 | NetVision | Sometime vectors name are showing as garbage value in dashboard(NV Tree). |
63845 | NetVision | Dot thick net, data is not showing on crash aggregate report window for crashed sessions. |
64342 | NetVision | IN NVSPA|Data is not coming for applied time filter even if data is present in DB. |
64552 | NetVision | Session trend is not plotting in nv spa gui while navigating from performance overview gui. |
64761 | NetVision | Page level ddr option is not navigating to page performance overview gui. |
65730 | NetVision | In NVRCA GUI | Some time Performance page is not responding in case of selecting bucket size 5 and 15 minutes. |
65738 | NetVision | Unable to drop empty tables while executing the “nv_drop_empty_tables” shell |
66124 | NetVision | In Native app | getting 500 exception while clicking on aggregate icon in app crash. |
66246 | NetVision | In NVSPA GUI | Replay Session is not working after clicking on replay button in session detail window |
66326 | NetVision | In NVRCA| In Bucket size drop down menu is blank. |
66337 | NetVision | In NV Overview GUI | Sorting is not applied for all widgets. |
66348 | NetVision | In Native app| Wifi Signal stength is not showing in wifi performance widget in device performance tab. |
66869 | NetVision | In NV Session Filters|some special character are not supporting in Referrer URL and Page URL in Session Filters |
67276 | NetVision | In Crash Filter | Data is not coming while searching with crashed message. |
67318 | NetVision | In NVSPA | Others pages are not coming while applying ‘others as page’ filter in smart search. |
67413 | NetVision | In NV Replay | Page detail window is not opening while clicking on JsError icon from Page Navigator. |
67423 | NetVision | In Webview Integration | Replay is not working in case of hybrid app |
67536 | NetVision | Multi level aggregation, Cores are generating after removing lpt file of any aggregator. |
67586 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard | Pages are not showing while drill-down for DOM Load Time hierarchy. |
67774 | NetVision | In Cluster mode|Dashboard metrics was not getting updated in case of slave. |
67946 | NetVision | In NVSPA GUI | Tabs related to android are present in non-android sessions. |
68274 | NetVision | In Web-dashboard, session stats and other stats are not coming if only 1 variation is configured. |
68277 | NetVision | In A/B Testing, Uncaught type error is coming in console while clicking on preview of nvExt tool. |
68644 | NetVision | Dot thik net | In some sessions,form name and page load time are not coming for some pages. |
68659 | NetVision | Dot thik net | Useractions for clicking on tabs(in PhotoApp) are not capturing. |
68666 | NetVision | Dot thik net | Sometimes Page load time is not coming for pages splitting through api. |
68672 | NetVision | Dot thik net | Pagedump is not coming properly for some tab window. |
69354 | NetVision | We are getting 404 Not found in console logs when the app is idle for longer than 30 min |
69744 | NetVision | In NVSPA GUI | Unable to search Transaction ID from Smart Search feature in Active Sessions. |
69981 | NetVision | In NVSPA GUI | Global Channel Filter is not working in case of Active Sessions. |
70049 | NetVision | Store filter is not working on active session || |
70156 | NetVision | In NV GUI | No Session are showing on session window after Clicking on event Count in event window |
71328 | NetVision | In NV Replay|Replay is getting distorted due to css failure. |
72687 | NetVision | Unable to see the whole URL in tabular lists in Bottleneck |
72698 | NetVision | SCO || Password is showing in User Action on replay session || & |
72881 | NetVision | Sorting not working in NV |
65968 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-UI || Changes are not reflected in scenario file while editing (add/remove) generators in SM group. |
66597 | TestSuite | Issue in test report while running netcloud test using Check profile. |
67076 | TestSuite | Graph value is not correct while running NC test from Jenkins. |
67304 | TestSuite | TestSuite: Getting wrong data in dashboard for all applied metrics in check profile. |
67534 | TestSuite | TestSuite: Y- axis is going to disappear if we are selecting only 2nd metrics from lower panel metrics |
68762 | TestSuite | In case of multiple group Test data is coming wrong in HTML Report. |
Java Agent
Below issues are fixed in Java Agent.
Bug ID | Description |
60746 | Interface based JDBC callout capturing |
59925 | Interface based JMS Capturing |
68315 | Schedule Thread pool Executor Support |
68025 | Socket API Callout support |
57737 | Single Thread local Support in BCI |
68303 | Class Transformation Optimization |
66784 | Logging Thread Optimization |
67640 | HTTP Status Code Capturing |
59706 | Webflux Support Using Netty |
Node JSAgent
Below issues are fixed in netjsagent.
Bug ID | Description |
65190 | BT/IP Percentile |
Below issues are fixed in CMON+NF.
Bug ID | Description |
68078 | Support for new API for nginxPlus |
60478 | Monitor for Redis DB size |
63301 | % Availability vs Planned Downtime vs Unplanned Downtime in case of Agentless Monitoring |
61639 | Kafka Lag capturing enhancement to support new OCF design |
67241 | Fetch SecA metrics from OpenTSDB |
53487 | Enhancement in Orders Extended Stats Monitors to calculate a particular time frame data on dashboard. |
68704 | Enhancement in Integration Point Stats Ex Monitor |
63935 | Enhancement for Integration of cloud-watch. |
68602 | Enhancement in Dataflow metrics in ND |
67951 | HTTP TestTraffic Stats Monitor for NS/NC |