Release Notes 4.1.14

Acronym List

Below is the list of acronyms used in this document.

SR#AcronymExpanded Form
7VusersVirtual Users
8DDRDrill Down Report
9NDCNetDiagnostics Collector
10RTCRun Time Changes
11SQLStructured Query Language
12BTBusiness Transaction
13BCIByte Code Instrumentation
14FQMFully Qualified Method
15NDCNetDiagnostics Collector
16DCData Center
17GCGarbage Collector
18GDFGraph Definition File
19LBLeft Boundary
20RBRight Boundary
21DOMDocument Object Model

File Size Specifications

Below is the list of file sizes for each component required for installation in this release.

SR#ComponentFile Size (in MB)
7RPM (combined 5 components)1380.01

New and Enhanced Features in 4.1.14

Common Implementation

Angular 7

With this release, the current Angular 4 framework has been upgraded to Angular 7 framework across all Cavisson products. Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for web application development. Angular 7 is the latest version that provides more features to web developers with improved application performance.

Some of the benefits of Angular 7 are as follows:

  1. This provides better user experience, as the components in beta versions earlier are now upgraded to stable versions.
  2. This also improves the performance in the rendering of some components. For example, the new table component can now support up to 2000 rows, which earlier was around 200 rows.
Test Initialization Screen

A new feature is provided which displays various stages of a test starting from its initialization to the visualization of captured metrics in Web dashboard. Earlier, it took lots of time to start a test due to some pre-processing and creation of data for generators (in case of NetCloud) and the user had no information about the background processes. This screen displays various stages and overall progress to the user about the test until its completion.

The various stages of test run in NetCloud are:

  1. Initialization
  2. Generator Validation
  3. Scenario Parsing
  4. Database Creation
  5. Copy Scripts
  6. Monitor Initialization
  7. Upload Generator Data
  8. Cavisson Virtual Machine (CVM Initialization)

Note: This feature is enabled for NetStorm, NetCloud, NetDiagnostics, and NetVision. The stages may vary based on the product in which the test is initialized.

This feature helps a user to view the progress in each stage, such as inputs to the test (validate test data), checking all the resources needed (create DB tables), creation of mandatory files (create test run files), and hitting production (start load generation).

Content Security Policy Header in Tomcat HTTP Response

The Content Security Policy HTTP response header helps to reduce Cross-site scripting (XSS) risks on modern browsers by declaring which dynamic resources are allowed to load.


ND Agent

Download Latest BCI Logs from Server

A user can download agent logs without logging in or accessing application server (agent) side directory. The user can download any type of file from the agent at a specified path and view it in UI. The following options are also provided in the UI:

  • ‘Search’ option while viewing file

A search option is provided to search the content in a file. If it matches, the searched content is highlighted.

  • ‘Rename’ option while downloading a file

An option to rename a file is available while downloading. Using this feature, the user can provide a custom defined file name before downloading the file.

  • ‘Reset’ button for updating the tier / server / instance list

A ‘Reset’ button is provided to reload connected instances and reset the fields to their default values.

  • Handling of larger files from UI

While downloading any file, its size is displayed in the ‘Download File’ dialog box and a message pops up if the file size is greater than 10MB. Files with size greater than 10MB are downloaded at a specified path. Their previews are not displayed in UI as it takes a lot of time to render file content.

Entry Points for PostgreSQL from UI

This feature enables a user to configure PostgreSQL based entry points for Java agent. The following entry points are supported:

  • executeQuery(String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;
  • execute(CachedQuery;ParameterList;I)V

Entry and Exit Points for Capturing Redis Callout (Jedis Library)

Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. New entry and exit points for Jedis (a client library in Java for Redis) are provided, which are as follows:

  • clients.jedis.Connection.sendCommand(Lredis/clients/jedis/Protocol$Command;[[B)Lredis/clients/jedis/Connection;
  • clients.jedis.Protocol.process(Lredis/clients/util/RedisInputStream;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.NET Agent

Entry Points in Default Profile

New entry points are added for HTTP, Custom, and DB in default profile. Below are some examples:


  • HttpClient.SendAsync
  • HttpClientHandler.SendAsync


  • Form1.button1_Click
  • Form1.button4_Click
  • Form1.button6_Click
  • Form1.Exception_Level1_Click
  • Form1.Exception_Level2_Click

DB (SQL and Oracle)

  • SqlConnection.Open
  • OracleConnection.Open

Backend Naming Rules

A user can now configure Backend Naming Rules from Config UI for .NET Agent type profile by selecting appropriate Integration Point Naming Rule(s) such as Host, Port, Database, and others.

Dynamic Request Properties for Global BT

The following Dynamic Request type properties for global BT are supported in .NET Agent:

  • Query Parameter
  • Use HTTP Request Method (GET/POST/PUT) in Transaction names
  • HTTP Header
  • Segment Number

Enhancement: Exception Report Window

With this enhancement, exception regarding .NET Agent data is displayed in ‘Exception Report’ window in Executive Dashboard (ED).

Request Parameter Value based BT

This feature enables a user to configure BTs on the basis of Request Parameter value.

Instrumentation of Methods based on their Signature

With this feature, a user can provide Fully Qualified Method (FQM) with signatures from Config UI.

NodeJS Agent

Enhancement: Integration Point Detection

This enhancement helps a user to configure ‘Integration Exit Point’ and ‘Backend Naming Rule’ for NodeJS Agent.

Instrumentation Profile

This feature helps a user to create, edit, and delete the instrumentation profile from Config UI for NodeJS Agent.

Enable Capture Net Delay Setting

This feature helps a user to enable ‘Capture Net Delay’ setting under ‘Integration Point Setting’ window from Config UI for NodeJS Agent.

ND Config UI

Python and PHP Agent Support

Support for Python and PHP agent is provided through UI.

Version Controlling for PHP Agent

Version controlling for PHP Agent is provided so that the user can close bugs easily and report the same with a proper build.

RTC Changes through Profile Level

With this feature, a user can apply RTC at the profile level. While applying RTC directly from profile, it is sent to all levels of topology (Tier Group, Tier, Server, and Instance) wherever the selected profile is attached. It is applied only for the connected instances under Tier Group, Tier, or Server.

Comma Separated ND Exception Filter List

Instead of a file-based input (file with comma separated exceptions), a user can provide comma separated exception directly from Config UI.

Change in Default Value of IP Resource URL Capturing

Earlier, the default value for ‘IP Resource URL’ was different from the one set from UI. Now, a user can enable / disable this attribute or set its value between 0 and 256.

Transaction based Hotspot

This feature enables a user to capture transaction based hotspot from Config UI. After selecting the ‘Transaction based HotSpot(s)’ check box, the user needs to specify the maximum threads number of threads for the same.

Enhancement: Timeout in Modify Request in RTC

Now, with each RTC message, a NetDiagnostics Collector (NDC) timeout information is sent to the agent that restricts a request in case it exceeds timeout limit.

Drill Down Reports (DDR)

Enhancement: ‘Color Meaning for Methods’ Window

The information for ‘Yellow’ colored highlighted method (Elapsed Threshold) is displayed as a legend in ‘Color Meaning For Methods’ window.

Enhancement: Method Calling Tree

‘Highlight Successor Methods’ information is displayed in Method Calling Tree filter criteria. When elapsed time of two adjacent rows is greater than or equal to threshold value in Method Calling Tree, the row is highlighted.

Enhancement: ‘Count’ Column in Show / Hide Group Box

A ‘Count’ column, which is displayed after merging stacktrace in thread stacktrace, is also displayed in show / hide group box.

Multi DC Support for Web-DDR: IP Health Report

With this feature, a user can create a DDR from IP Health Report in Multi DC and change DC in IP Stats report. The user can also create a DDR from different reports, such as Flowpath Report, Method Calling Tree, and others.

Sorted Fields in Common Query Window

Tier, Server, and Instance names are displayed in alphabetical order in their respective fields in Common UI filter while navigating through Tier status > Drill down > Flowpath By Response Time > UI Filter.

Sorting of Flowpath Details by CPU Time

A user can sort Flowpath details in ascending and descending orders. This feature can be used by applying filter ‘OrderBy=Cpu Time’ from Common Query Manager.

Caching of DDR Queries

Query Caching is one of the caching mechanisms used to improve the performance of DDR. Now, with the implementation of Query Caching, the performance issues for repeatedly executed queries will not occur anymore. That is, a user can store query data in cache file when it is traversed first. After that, it fetches the data from cached file.

Async Call Support

With this feature, a user can handle the following:

  • Raw data changes
  • Processing required in NDP and database
  • Asynchronous callouts in (DDR / ED) for asynchronous call handling in application

Enhancement: DB Query Report

With these enhancements in DB Query report, a user can perform the following actions while traversing from Transaction Flowmap to DB Request Report:

  • Download the whole report
  • Copy a query
  • View the total execution time of a query

Enhancement: Metadata Report

An icon in Flowpath report is provided to view Metadata report. This report contains the DDR entities (metadata), such as tier, server, instances, BTs, queries, DB connections, and others. A user can get the details (in tabular form) of all metadata and mapping of tier, server, instance as per the topology.

Flowpath for Integration Point

In Executive dashboard, following options are provided to drill down from integration points:

  • Flowpath By IP Response Time
  • Flowpath By IP


Java Heap Dump Analyzer

A new feature is provided to enable analysis of Java heap dump from Web Dashboard UI.

The user can navigate to Java Heap Dump Analyzer via following ways:

  • From Action > Diagnostics > Heap dump > Heap dump list > Heap analyzer icon
  • From Tier > Server > Instance graph > Widget menu > Diagnostics > Heap dump > Heap dump list > Heap analyzer icon
  • From Action > Diagnostics > Heap dump > Heap dump list > Analyze From local
  • From Action > Diagnostics > Heap dump > Heap dump list > Analyze From NDE Box

Delete Multiple Favorites (at a time) in Organize Favorites Window

A user can select and delete multiple favorites and directories (by using the ‘Select Multiple’ button) at once even if favorites lie in different directories.

Enhancement: Test Runs Selection Count

The limit to choose maximum Test Runs at a time is increased to 400.

Enhancement: Alert Maintenance Window

If a user selects single Tier, the server level displays the details for that tier, and if pattern is applied, the indices or server list is displayed based on the applied pattern. When the user selects a tier, only that tier gets selected despite of other tiers starting with the same name.

Alert Maintenance in NS Mode

Earlier, in NS mode, alert maintenance was not implemented. Now, it is supported in NS mode.

Enhancement: GC Policy for Tomcat Heap Configuration

Earlier, after creating a controller, user was required to write tomcat GC policy manually in environment variable configuration. Now, environment variable configuration is created automatically while creating controller using UI and configuration is based on defined percentage memory of machine. It reduces user efforts.

Selection of Product Type while Creating a Controller

A user has an option to select the product type from UI while creating a new controller, which was not available earlier.

Enhancement: Sorting of Pattern Matching Graphs

Pattern Matching graphs are sorted based on the matched percentage with the baseline graph. Graphs with high match percentage are displayed first in the list.

Enhancement: Test Metrics

  • ‘Success’ and ‘Failure’ graphs are displayed for:
    • DNS / IMAP / POP3 / FTP Protocols
    • URL / Page / Transaction / Session Stats
  • ‘Think Time’ graphs are displayed in Transaction Stats
  • ‘Sum’ type graphs are displayed in HTTP / Page / Transaction

User Permission (Capabilities) Indication

This enhancement indicates the capabilities, which is assigned to a user so that user can have access to this information from all screens. For example, one of the capabilities in which guest user falls in is “ReadOnly”.

Now, the user is able to see the assigned capabilities in the Logged-in user’s button tool-tip.

If that user has multiple capabilities, it is displayed in a comma separated format.

Graph Sample Filters

A user can filter graph samples based on the filters defined for graphs (>=, <= and, In Between) in the Widget Settings window.

Import and Export in Alert Action and Policy

The Import and Export features are also provided for Alert Action and Alert Policy, which were earlier limited to Alert Rule, Alert Maintenance, and Alert Settings. This feature is used for exporting Alert Action and Policy from one machine and import it in another machine. It reduces the effort of adding same policy and action in machine.

Import: This feature is used to import data (policy and action) from server or the local machine. The changes can be viewed immediately after refreshing the UI.

Export: This feature is used to export data (policy and action) to local or other machines. Then, it can be imported to other machines to see the changes.

Location in Alert Email Subject and SNMP Trap

This feature is used for sending location in Alert Mail, SNMP Trap, and Cisco Spark. Regex is used to extract locations from Alert vectors.

Enhancements: Performance Dashboard

A user can update the Project details (upcoming, running projects, and release details) from the UI. The following operations can be performed:

  • Add, delete, and update controller details
  • Add, delete, and update environment details
  • Add, delete, and update channel details for running projects, upcoming projects, and released projects

Alert Counters based on Business / Infra / Rule Level

A user can get alert counters based on Business / Infra / Rule Level in Monitors.

‘View by’ Option after Zooming the Graphs

When a user zooms any graph, ‘View by’ option along with time period is displayed.

Zoom Operation for derived Graph in Multi DC

A user can zoom in and zoom out a derived graph for Multi DC.

Open Merge with Pattern in Multi DC

In case of Multi DC, pattern support is provided in DC name for advance open / merge operation.

Compression in Multi DC

Compression on response size is applied to reduce its size in Multi DC.


Enhancement: Date Parameter to the Subject Line in the Scheduler

A predefined variable is provided in Scheduler Report as ‘GenerationDateTime = $genDateTime’, which is used to pass the Date and Time when the report is generated. This predefined variable can be used in Subject or Body of the mail and is available in Hints section in Scheduler Report window. The date time format is in MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss.

‘Selection Mode’ in Compare Report

In Compare Report, a heading named ‘Selection Mode’ is provided with a check box. This appends a check box preceding to each metric name, so that the user can perform further operations, such as view selected graphs, show selected, hide selected and so on.


Unique Names for Templates / Services

With this feature, automatic entries of the service and template names are provided based on the end point URL or anything unique from the request. This reduces the manual effort in making these entries.

Conversion of Text in ASCII in Binary Search Parameter

When a user clicks the ‘Binary’ check box in ‘Search’ parameter, it converts the ASCII String to Hexadecimal String and vice versa. It saves the Prefix / Suffix in ASCII string or Hexadecimal string according to the user requirement in Search parameter.

HPD Status in Global Status Bar

Global HPD Status bar displays the information about the current HPD Server status. Whenever the user clicks the global status bar, the latest HPD Server status is displayed in a pop-up window.

Enhancement: Changing Modes in RTC

With this enhancement, a user can apply RTC from:

  1. Forward to simulate mode
  2. Simulate to forward mode

Enhancement: Dataset Parameter

Earlier, a user had no option to ignore invalid data line in dataset parameter as well as index dataset parameter from the UI. An option is provided in UI to choose whether to ignore the invalid lines in file (in dataset and index dataset parameter) or display an error.

Implementation of Access Log for NetOcean Services in Forward Mode

This enhancement is done to support Access log for NetOcean services in forward mode. These two stats – ‘Service Stats’ and ‘Service HTTP Status Code’ are available in access_log file.

Addition of ‘Service Time’ Check Box

A ‘Service Time’ check box is added in ‘Service’ level and ‘Template’ level sections.


Monitor UI

Enhancement: Monitor UI (Alert REST Stats Monitor)

A user can add Alert REST Stats monitor in Monitor UI. For a combination of rule, category, and level, the user can configure the monitor according to the requirement and can create their own GDF according to the configuration.

Editable Health Check Monitor Configuration

Health Check Monitor configuration is now editable while updating the information of any server. The user can edit tier, server, and health check type along with health check monitor configurations.

Disable System Health Check Monitor

With this enhancement, a user can disable health check by traversing through Scenario UI > Health Check Settings > Advanced Settings.

Window Monitor to Capture Network Throughput of Process

A window monitor is provided (for Registers) to capture network usage (TCP) of Domain and Process(s). Cavisson windows machine agent is used with the Registers to provide monitoring of various aspects like System, Application, Peripherals.

The following network activities are captured:

  • Network Throughput Per Process
  • Network Throughput Per Domain

Live Monitoring for JIRA through JMX Interface

‘JIRA Monitor’ is created for live monitoring of JIRA through JMX interface. This monitor captures JIRA server stats. The basic use of JIRA tool is to track issue and bugs related to software and mobile applications.

Option to Edit Monitor Group Details

With this feature, a user can edit monitor group details, such as monitor group name and description by clicking the ‘Edit’ icon in the ‘Action’ column of the monitor group.

Enhancement: Monitor for Hive and History servers

A new monitor is added to support Hive and History Servers. These servers, which are new stats of Hadoop, are responsible for servicing all the job history related requests from client.


Aggregated Stats for MSSQL Session Window

In MSSQL Session Window, an aggregate option (as a toggle key) is provided to view session data in aggregate mode. A user can analyze the following details by clicking ‘Session ID’:

  • Wait Stats, which provide the information of all the waits encountered by the threads executed for each session.
  • Session Stats, which provide the information of all the active user connections and internal tasks.
  • SQL Plan, which displays the query execution plan that consists of cost and weightage of the query.
  • SQL Query, which is now displayed within ‘SQL Session Wait Statistics’ for performance improvement.

Custom Queries in MSSQL Server

A ‘Query Execution’ tab is added in DB Monitoring so that a user can execute custom queries without accessing the DB server.


Parsing of Query Execution Plan

Parsing of Query Execution Plan is implemented for the xml plan fetched from queries executed on PostgreSQL. Postgres SQL monitor is to fetch query execution plan data from system tables and views for proactive performance monitor and to provide recommendation to resolve slowness of query.

Capturing of PostgreSQL Query Execution Stats in Machine Agent

This enhancement is same as previous one. The only difference is Agent type. The previous enhancement is for machine agent (for Windows server) while this one is for machine agent (for Linux server).



‘Scenario Profile’ Option

Scenario Profile option is provided in Script. A user can add advanced settings from that Scenario Profile in Script, which were not present there earlier. The user can browse and select scenario profile to add in testScript Scenario.

Highlighting Missing API Close Brackets in Script Compilation

Earlier, during script compilation if there was any syntax error in multiline API, like if ‘);’ was left in multiline API, NetStorm used to skip that without throwing any compilation error. Now, NetStorm highlights an error for the same.

Migration to New Version of Script Editor

Script Editor version has been revised. It also supports breakpoint application. Breakpoint can be applied on clicking left bar of line numbers pane.

Recording Browser Upgradation

Version of the recording browser of NetStorm (JXBrowser) is upgraded to 6.22 from 6.20.

Parameterization in LB and RB of Search parameter

A drop-down list of parameters is provided in Search parameter UI for the parameterization of LB and RB.

Combination of Static and Dynamic Values using Parameterization in LB / RB

Using this feature, a user can apply static and dynamic values (using parameterization) in Left Boundary (LB) and Right Boundary (RB) for all Parameters at a time in the same UI.

IBM MQ Consumer API / Script

A Java based IBM MQ Consumer NS API is provided, which consumes messages from the specified server. This is used to create a consume API in Java for consuming all the messages from IBM MQ server. IBM MQ is a messaging server, which can produce and consume messages from and to different applications.


JMeter Settings

To run JMeter, a user requires heap size. With this feature, the user can set minimum and maximum heap sizes for running JMeter type scripts. This option is visible to the user only when JMeter is installed on the machine.

Enhancement: Setting of Trace Limit

This allows a user to configure number of parameters per page and maximum length of the parameter value that can be viewed in page dump. In Group Based setting > Logs and Reports, ‘Max Trace Entries’ and ‘Max Trace Length’ are added under Trace Limit. In addition, ‘Trace Page, if header octet stream found in Response’ option is added under Trace Session.

Enhancement: Error due to Duplicate Usage of Same PDF File

Earlier, in Percentile data, if a user selected same PDF for more than one case, no error message was displayed. Now, when the user uses the same PDF for more than one case, NetStorm throws an error while starting the test.

VUser(s) Management Enhancements

Earlier, when number of VUsers increased / decreased, no changes were reflected in VUsers list after applying RTC. To get the updated list, a user was required to click the group name and refresh manually. Now, any change in the VUsers count is updated automatically after applying RTC.

Display of Group Based IP Addresses

There is a scenario that multiple scripts are using a single assigned IP. In order to get the correct analysis, all of these scripts are grouped under a single request group.

Group Based Sessions in Single Scenario

Earlier, a group based scenario ran in one mode either ‘Session’ mode or ‘Duration’ mode. Now, the user can use session mode and duration mode both for different groups in a single scenario.

Auto Scale Cleanup Setting

With this setting, a user can perform auto scale cleanup from UI. A new GDF is created on partition switch and a message is sent to get inactive node to NDC in specified time interval.


Enhancement: Shared Memory Maximum Value

The maximum value of shared memory is increased with the following criteria:

  • For machines with RAM less than 96GB, maximum value of shared memory is 16GB and shared memory all is 32GB.
  • For machines with RAM 96GB or more, maximum value of shared memory is 25GB and shared memory all is 50GB.

Note: Shared memory all (Shmall) sets the total amount of shared memory pages that can be used system wide, in pages.


Enhancement: ‘Append’ Query

This appends the result of a sub-search to the current result. The append command runs only over historical data and does not produce correct results if used in a real-time search.

Disable ‘_all’ Field

NFDB uses ‘_all’ field whenever a user queries a string. It concatenates the query into a big string and searches it in all the fields present in the document. Due to this, the disk space is overused unnecessarily. To avoid this, whenever the user queries a text without field name, it appends ‘message:’ in front of the text. This reduces the time to search query result.

Enhancement: Multi-Value Constructs

  • Nomv Construct: This construct is used to convert multivalue field into single value field.
  • Makemv Construct: This construct is used to convert single value field into multivalue field. When ‘makemv’ operation is performed on any single-valued field separated by any delimeter, it converts the values into array format.
  •  Mvexpand Construct: This construct is used to expand values of a multi-value field into separate events, such that the result contains one event for each value in the multi-value field.
  • Mvcombine Construct: This construct is used to group multiple events, which are identical except for the specified field, which contain a single value. The resultant of this operation is a single event in which specified field becomes a multi-value field.



Selector Based on Attributes of DOM Element for Click & Script

Earlier, ID, XPATH, CLASS, DOMString, and CSSPath were supported. Now, some more HTML element attributes, such as name, textContent, alt, src, title and href as selectors are supported.


Enhancement: Accessibility of an Element

An element, which is inside the canvas, is not accessible through selectors, such as ID, XPATH, CLASS, DOMString, CSSPath and HTML attributes (name, src, href, alt, title and textContent). But now it is accessible by providing the element’s X-Y co-ordinates, and click action can be performed.

Enhancement: Proxy Setup

Earlier, a user was not able to perform proxy configurations for a particular test, but now user can configure proxy for a particular test and access proxy enabled environment / website.

Differentiation of Device Information Based on User Agent

Earlier, ‘Device Info’ was irrespective of ‘Host Name’. Now, ‘Device Info’ is based on ‘Host Name’, that is, For ‘Host Name’:, ‘Device info’: Mobile:Chrome68.

‘Group’ Column in Page Average Report along with Filter Option

Earlier, ‘Group’ column was not present in Page Average report along with filter option. Now, the user can apply group based filters in case numerous pages are hit in the test.


Performance Trace Dump (JSProfiler)

Earlier, the performance testing and analysis of asynchronous code was difficult. This process becomes easier by using Chrome DevTool Performance feature that provides an insight of how many microseconds the CPU spent for each script, function, and its children. The information provided by Chrome DevTool Performance feature is integrated with RBU and is represented on UI.

Monitor Design

In Synthetic Monitoring UI, Monitor Design is displayed instead of Test Design.

Chromium Version

Upgrading of Chromium version to 68 from 60.

Session Retry

Under ‘Miscellaneous’ tab, a new feature (Session Retry) is provided where a user can configure multiple groups and specific group based setting. Value for that setting can be provided from there itself.


Thick Net SDK for Windows Presentation Framework

With the help of C# SDK, a user can monitor and capture user activity, capture the snapshot, device crashes, all the AJAX requests, and other events of desktop application of windows presentation framework.

Hybrid Application Support in Android SDK

In previous android SDK, the performance of webView was not captured or monitored, only the performance of native app was monitored. In this version of Android SDK, the performance of web pages is also captured and monitored. There is a synchronized communication between Android SDK and Android web pages while switching from one web page to another.

Resource Monitoring Support in Android SDK

Earlier, the resource monitor was not supported in Andorid SDK, but now NV supports Resource Health Monitor and SDK captures all the stats, such as Batterylevel, RAMavailable, RAMTotal, RAMUsed, ROMavailable, ROMTotal, ROMUsed, CPUFrequency, NetworkRecivedbytes, NetworkTransmitBytes, WifiSignalStrength, WifiLinkSpeed, and CPUusedPercentage.

‘async’ Attribute in NV Agent Script Tag

‘async’ attribute is provided in NV Agent script tag that helps in loading scripts asynchronously with other web elements to minimize page load time. If ‘async’ is present, the script executes asynchronously with the rest of the page (the script is executed while the page continues the parsing).

Bug Fixes

The following issues are fixed in 4.1.14.

Bug IDProductSummary
60008NetCloudVuser_Mgmt | Test is continuously running on controller and one generator even if all the phases of scenarios are done
60016NetCloudVuser Management|Vuser summary and list is not loading when one generator is discarded due to delay
60119NetCloudVuser_Mgmt | Getting “Vuser Manager is busy” error continuously on Controller while running any Vuser RTC command
60120NetCloudVUser Management | User state is not changing after the Test completion.
60267NetCloudUsers getting paused more than the quantity while pausing users in multiple groups
60660NetCloudThreadPool | Unable to save scenario when opening and trying to edit existing scenario having threadpool settings.
62388NetCloudJmeter|When Recycle on EOF is True in jmx file then data files copied on generators are of 0 bytes.
62776NetCloudGetting error in TestRunOutput.log file while running NC test
62810NetCloudVuser Management | GUI is not working as expected
62815NetCloudGenerator_Wise_Graphs | ServerIPStats Graph is not coming on Generator in case of specified generators mapped with different IPs.
62959NetCloudNC | Test is not started and Getting core while running test with CHECK_GENERATOR_HEALTH 1 100 50 4 100 Keyword.
63069NetCloudVuser Management |Test is not getting stopped if we pause some vusers in case of FSR
63076NetCloudGetting core dump when we are not able to resolve host .
63137NetCloudNetCloud issue : running Test is getting stopped after 1 to 2 minutes Core dump is coming in core files.
63260NetCloudSplash Screen | Allignment of stages are not coming properly.
63600NetCloudJmeter|Confail and 4xx are not coming in progress report.
63694NetCloudNot able to run NetCloud test
63815NetCloudGenerator_Wise_Graphs | ServerIPStats Graph is not coming in step up mode for one generator.
63869NetCloudNC_UAT_4_1_14:Not getting error message of all generators for failed NC test in splash screen on Upload Generator Data stage. file is not created if cav.conf file is not present in machine
55471NetDiagnosticsPHPAgent| BT is not getting created after applying the complete URI from Global BT screen
58896NetDiagnosticsNDPhpAgent | While running test with implementing proxy on PHP Agent then getting core dump in dumpDataInFile(#1  0x000000000046d191 in dumpDataInFile (fileName=0x6e11a0 <keywordsMap+3584> “instrProfile”,)
58970NetDiagnosticsNDPhp Agent | Proxy Testing | Cores are getting generated while testing Proxy(control) binary.
59243NetDiagnosticsRel4.1.14: [Enhancement] Support for capturing Node JS process core dump for heap memory analysis
59245NetDiagnosticsNeed support of new keyword for nodejs agent for the feature “captureProcessCoreDump”
59302NetDiagnosticsAgent Proxy | getting core dump with control binary   in ndMethodEntryEx (methodPtr=0x0, ndTD=0x7f98a84f6010, mName=0x4bf748 “DotNetProfiler.Cavisson.BeginRequest”,
59318NetDiagnosticsProxy Agent testing | Connection Of Proxy(control)  is going in CLOSE_WAIT while stopped the application(apache) and not recovered even after start the application again.
59447NetDiagnosticsProxy Testing | Applications’s process not making DataConnection/AutoSensor Connection with Proxy only control connection for each process has established but there is three Connections(Control/Data/AutoSensor) between proxy and NDC.
59506NetDiagnosticsAgent Proxy Testing | Core is generated for handleReceivedClientMessageFromNDCollector (0x000000000043708b in handleReceivedClientMessageFromNDCollector (     clientMsg=0x7fb5702a8010 “nd_control_req:action=start_instrumentation;status=starting;nsWDir=/ho
59618NetDiagnosticsNDPhp Agent | methods are remain instrumented after removing instrumentation profile .
59796NetDiagnosticsAgent Proxy | Getting core dump for proxy(control)  in ndProxyInit () at proxyServer/nd_proxy_server.c:1028
59798NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Getting Core dump at  _IO_new_file_fopen (fp=fp@entry=0x7f916c0008c0,      filename=filename@entry=0x7f918492b3e0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7f918492b3e0>,     mode=mode@entry=0x7f91846b1a5f <error: Cannot access memory at addre
59949NetDiagnosticsAgent Proxy Testing | Getting core dump for proxy(control binary)  Thread 0x7f746f562780 (LWP 9410) 0x00007f746f14713f in apr_pool_cleanup_register () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
59950NetDiagnosticsPhp Agent | Getting core dump at  Thread 0x7f6aefc2c700 (LWP 60940) 0x00007f6aee119e4e in _int_free (av=0x7f6aee45eb20 <main_arena>, p=0x55c4085fb7e0, have_lock=0)     at malloc.c:3947
59985NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Proxy testing | Coredump formed with control(proxy) in malloc_printerr (ar_ptr=0x7faccc000020, ptr=0x7faccc001a80, str=0x7facd1f2bd3f “malloc(): memory corruption”,  action=<optimized out>) at malloc.c:5006
59986NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Start time of the methods appearing with sequence blob is incorrect.
60000NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Flowpath start time with 2 record is coming with negative and incorrect values.
60013NetDiagnosticsBCI data format is not correct for MBEAN monitor when mbeans are not present on server
60017NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent – NDP changes regarding the query i.e. condition need to changed from “flowpathtype>32” to “flowpathtype>=32” is not done incase of JIT compilation issue
60041NetDiagnosticsNC_MON | Shared_buffer value is getting set as 1GB in postgresql.conf file while upgrading the build
60221NetDiagnosticsPHPAgent | Getting core dump for proxy(control) in setTierName (tier=0x7f23ab7fd675 “PhpApp”, keyword=0x0, kwIdx=-1) at NDBCISettings.c:84
60290NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Data(2,4) records stopped to come after 10 minute of running test while checked Control/Data/AutoSensor connections between Proxy and NDC  was persisting
60291NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent| DotNetAgent should send meta data again if appName got changed
60363NetDiagnosticsAlert MultiCondition Issue : Alert is not getting removed and new alert is getting generated for the same vector and same Alert Rule.
60364NetDiagnosticsNC_MON|| NDC is going for Metadata Recovery for 32,33,34,35 records.
60366NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | DDR | For Flagged flowpath, DB queries window is getting blank where as we have DB queries in transaction flowmap window
60397NetDiagnosticsPHP Agent | Proxy |  getting segmentation fault while starting the proxy control binary
60401NetDiagnosticsPHP Agent |proxy testing | Getting coredump  in clearHashMapTable () at ndlb_hashMapMethod.c in handle_msg_from_ndc (ctrlBufInfo=0x78d560 <ctrlBufInfo>) at control_thread.c
60409NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent| To enable and disable 19 record for Processnotificationphase
60462NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Methods are not instrumenting according to instrumentation file, By default all the methods get instrumented.
60463NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | If we are not using instrumentation file method should not instrument. Bydefault all the method should not be instrument always,  should instrument according to instrumentation file.
60470NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent|Error:Download file does not exist or does not have enough permission; is coming while clicking on download icon in case of heap dump.
60484NetDiagnosticsPHPAgent | Method Monitor is not capturing.
60500NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | config-UI | In Custom configuration screen, enableExceptionInSeqBlob Keyword should support from configUI
60515NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Not able to apply RTC from Config UI due to wrong credentials for postgresql
60540NetDiagnosticsPHP Agent | getting core dump for php7.0  in Thread 0x7f376df3b700 (LWP 8661) __GI___libc_free (mem=0x5604cabc65d0) at malloc.c:2951
60553NetDiagnosticsPhp Agent | Proxy | Getting coredump in handle  processControlConnectionMessage at read_msg_from_ndc (ctrlBufInfo=0x78d560 <ctrlBufInfo>) at control_thread.c:142
60605NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent|Getting coredump for proxy (control) in clear hash map table
60613NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent| URL indexes of flowpath (2/4 record) is not categorizing according to the BT Id coming in 7 record
60623NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent| BT were not categorized according to the exact match of URLs indexes for flowpath (2/4 record)
60671NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | ED | By default database name showing as ADO.NET
60713NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | While Uploading a zip file it is getting extracted automatically in the specified location.
60737NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent|Getting coredump of proxy control after starting the test
60741NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | Message i.e. process notification value:0 is continously appending in Agent log file
60832NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent|uninstrumentated methods are coming when running the test
60833NetDiagnosticsND-ED[Store view]| Top 10 Transaction list is appearing blank in Business health column.
60851NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Proxy |Getting coredump with control binary in ndProxyInit () at proxyServer/nd_proxy_server.c
60852NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | CPU is hogging 100% cpu during NDEnable performance test.
60895NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | 2 and 4 records are dumping after dumping of 10 record in rawdata file
60896NetDiagnosticsNDPhp Agent | multiple instrumentation file with different methods were not instrumented after providing its entry it in nd.conf file
60926NetDiagnosticsMonitor | Program name is coming blank in cm_init_monitor request when NS is reconnecting again if anyhow connection got killed.
60928NetDiagnosticsAgent Info | CMON Configurations | Update Configuration screen is appearing blank after applying configurations
60959NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | Config-UI | Not able to add FQM in Method monitor window without ()
61037NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Not able to open ND config UI
61043NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | DDR| DB Queries is appearing under Method argument column in Repeated Callout Detail screen
61046NetDiagnosticsMultiDC|ED is not opening by clicking on ED icon from flowpath report through web-dashboard.
61056NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent |Unable to take ThreadDump from GUI (with ND option)
61065NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED|MultiDC| Data is not coming in BT IP Summary report and Flowpath Analyzer report through Transaction scorecard.
61102NetDiagnosticsNDP | Getting error “failed to upload to db” for ndcustomdata in ndu_db_upload.trace because of invalid input syntax for integer: “4611797091669150578F”.
61147NetDiagnosticsSolaris | Wrong entries are coming in topology files for auto-scaled server.
61288NetDiagnosticsDD-AI trace level value’s lower and upper bounds are not correct.
61311NetDiagnosticsNot able to start ND session on after build upgrade
61386NetDiagnosticsIntgeration of Netvision and netforest UI from ProductUI
61390NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Proxy | Core is coming   in cleanAndRemoveSocket (socket=0x16d52f8) at proxyServer/nd_proxy_server.c:234
61391NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Proxy | Connection of proxy control is going for close wait.
61405NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent| after breaking control connection still data is dumped in both rawdata and aggregate file
61408NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | Application is getting crashed with Dotnetagent build- 4.1.14 #3
61492NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent| unnecessary logs are dumping in nd_trace_ndagent_Proxy log file.
61496NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent| Proxy | unable to create connection between ndc and proxy when stopping ndc after control connection been established.
61570NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Apache process is going in defunct always while  proxy went down(if control stopped).
61654NetDiagnosticsThread Hotspot report not getting hanged in case of non multi dc case.
61665NetDiagnosticsDashborad | ND-NF integration | Not seeing any user when we are going from NDE to NF through flowpath
61835NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | BackendNaming Rule File (& NDEntryPointsFile) is not saving in ndsettings.txt.
61839NetDiagnosticsMonitor | Getting one overall less in hierarchy of each monitor for NodeJS Tier.
61845NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Some configurations for Integration Points are not appearing/supported for DotNet Profile.
61880NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent |Worker Mode | Some of the connections of php-fpm and control are going in CLOSE_WAIT.
61925NetDiagnosticsDrilldown to BT Trends from Dashboard.
61930NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | In BT Screen (Pattern Based BT), URL Pattern with “-” (Hyphen) is not getting saved.
61938NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Path of file based keywords are not correct in imported profile (in case if exported profile is already present).
61955NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | Getting wrong min value of Avg sync time and wait time in 74 record
62036NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Apache2 process is going in CLOSE_WAIT.
62095NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Method Timing report | Argunment is not coming along with method in method timing report.
62149NetDiagnosticsMultiDC|Hotspot report is not opening from transaction flowmap through web-dashboard.
62151NetDiagnosticsUAT 4.1.13#111 || Unable to open Exceptions form the Integration Point Stats in ED
62184NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | In raw_data file, Callout is not appearing
62187NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Download Agent Logs | Downloading “agent logs” & “other files” from server should be permissible only for “admin” or admin privileged user.
62212NetDiagnosticsNeed a query which will calculate percentile_cont for responsetime column
62216NetDiagnosticsGetting duplicate business transaction aggregate data (i.e 74 record).
62283NetDiagnosticsPHP Agent | Proxy | Memory Utilization of proxy(control binary) reaches in GBS.
62304NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED| “No records found” is coming in hotspot report while traversing through transaction flowmap split view.
62321NetDiagnosticsNDC | Core is genereted by ndcollector in mark_inactive_bci_server_to_active at ndc_sock_comm.c
62434NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Delete Option for Default Integration Point should be disabled for NodeJS Profile
62534NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | NDC | Not able to apply RTC from ND Config UI.
62546NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED|MultiDC| Data is coming in Flowpath report for master DC instead of Slave DC when All DC selected .
62562NetDiagnosticsDefault DDAI configuration file for Java Agent should not be used for .Net Agent
62565NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | In Agent log file, Unexpected message i.e. “Starting Dynamic Diagnostic” is coming while DDAI is not running
62566NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | Unexpected error message is appearing in Agent log file while doing Auto Discover
62597NetDiagnosticsData is not getting uploaded into database.
62618NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Every time “enableAutoInstrSession” is removed from nd.conf file, we need to restart apache2 .
62647NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | GUI is sending captureProcessCoreDump request to NDC without entering the filename while displaying error message ‘please enter the filename’
62686NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | Java server should not come in server drop down list at process dump manager
62699NetDiagnosticsNDP CORE| NDP is getting restarted in every 10 sec
62704NetDiagnosticsFlowpath report is opening while applying “Group by =BT” from CQM while traversing through DB calls by BT >DB Queries >Flowpath report.
62705NetDiagnosticsUI Filter is not coming in BT ip Summary through Tier status
62721NetDiagnosticsNeed to upload data of ndappserver and ndappinstance dynamically partitioned wise
62728NetDiagnosticsNC_MON|Blocker|Not able start test after upgrading build 4.1.14#10 due to Core dump in NDEMain (netstorm process)
62748NetDiagnosticsNC_MON|Flowpath is not opening due to mismatch of column  in flowpath table with CSV.
62754NetDiagnosticsNC_MON | Not able to switch Group & Capabilities tab from user tab in Access Control window
62770NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Metadata report | Refresh button is not working for each metadata report table.
62798NetDiagnosticsMultiDC | Reports are not opening through ED in case of “All” DC.
62811NetDiagnosticsDDR | Drilldown Option is not visible in any graph through WebDashboard. Background & foreground color are both very light.
62834NetDiagnosticsDDR | Integration callouts are not coming in Transaction Flowmap.
62835NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in DB Queries report but DB Callouts present in Flowpath report.
62837NetDiagnosticsNDC| RTC Support for exclude list and multiple Tier Server instance list
62838NetDiagnosticsNDC| Exclude list support in nd.conf
62840NetDiagnosticsDDR | Download option is not working in Flowpath report.
62843NetDiagnosticsDDR | “Order By = IP Response Time” information is not coming in filter criteria in Flowpath report through Integration Calls >DDR >Search By Response Time.
62869NetDiagnosticsModules.conf should support module names like AppName*.*.dll
62870NetDiagnosticsHeap Dump Analyzer | “Heap Dump Analyzer” button is not present for taken heap dump(s), user can’t analyze directly, untill heap dump file’s path is not provided.
62877NetDiagnosticsNot able to save the flowmap
62885NetDiagnosticsMulti DC|Compare Report issue:- DC name is not coming in generated report in compare report and Not able to generate Report using newly created Favorite.
62891NetDiagnosticsNDP Processing Partition|Error “Recovery file not found” is coming when starting ndp tool while recovery file is present for that partition.
62899NetDiagnosticsND-ED|NA is coming in total cpu time column in flowpath report.
62901NetDiagnosticsNC_MON || NDC is going for Metadata Recovery for 6 and 5 records even this meta data is already present in previous partition raw_data.
62918NetDiagnosticsBCIAgent | Parent flowpath id is not coming in ‘a’ record while doing async call.
62937NetDiagnosticsDDR | Download option is not coming in BT CallOuts Details table in BT IP Summary report.
62940NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in Queries column in Integration Point Individual Info pop-up window for JDBC Type in BT IP Summary report.
62946NetDiagnosticsReuseNormalizeId | When instance entry gets deleted from the topology then LastDisconnected Time need to be updated in ndappserver.csv and ndappinstance.csv file
62947NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Not able to traverse to profile configurations from application (tier/server/instance level).
62958NetDiagnosticsReuseNormalizeId | When new instance gets discovered then entry is not appending in ndappserver and ndappinstance table
62969NetDiagnosticsDDR |WebDashboard| Wrong data is coming in Flowpath report through Integration Point stats.
62976NetDiagnosticsDDR | WebDashboarad| Not able to click on Action icon in BT IP Summary report.
62978NetDiagnosticsND-ED|Data is not coming in BT Callout deatils table.
62980NetDiagnosticsND-ED | Unknown class,Unknown package and unknown method is coming while hovering mouse on ‘A’ icon in sequence diagram.
62987NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED|Transaction flowmap | Action icons are not coming in Flowpaths windows pop-up while double click on nodes in transaction flowmap.
62989NetDiagnosticsReuseNormalizeId |  For csv file i.e. ndappserver.csv and ndappinstance.csv, TablePath column is not coming in nd_db_csv.conf file and Type is showing as 0 by default
63001NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED |14.1.14B14| ED is opening blank.
63017NetDiagnosticsNDP Partition | Getting Error “NDP Partition based Processing Error: Recovery  file not found in Partition” while going to run ndp for a particular partition in offline mode.
63022NetDiagnosticsHeap Dump | Not able to take heap dump from UI, Tier/Server list is not appearing in Heap Dump Manager.
63036NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Query Caching | For last 1 hours,query data should not store in .ddrcache file for transaction flowmap report.
63057NetDiagnosticsDDR | All Callouts are coming in Flowpath report after usisng Copy Url icon while traversing through Redis >DDR >Flowpath By IP Response Time.
63064NetDiagnosticsDDR-WebD | Query caching |Query data is not caching for method calling tree in custom time.
63066NetDiagnosticsDDR | Download option is not working in Hotspot report through Integration Point >DDR.
63070NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Profile RTC | Not able to apply RTC through profile.
63073NetDiagnosticsDDR-WebD | Query caching |Query data is not caching for http report in custom time.
63086NetDiagnosticsDDR | Backend id is not passing correct for HTTP_10.10.30.5_17000 integration point.
63097NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in Flowpath report through Ip Health > View Flowpath report by Backend Res. Time.
63107NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Download option is not working fine through node pop-up window while double click on node in transaction flowmap.
63112NetDiagnosticsDDR | “Query is taking more time than 6000 ms to give response” error is coming in BT IP Summary report through IP Stats >View Flowpath By Backend Name >BT.
63116NetDiagnosticsDDR | Method Calling tree is not opening and Data is not coming in HTTP report through IP Stats >View Flowpath BY Backend Name >Methods.
63132NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Exception Type configuration is not getting saved under Generate Exception in Method screen.
63171NetDiagnosticsPhpAgent | Proxy | Getting core dump from apr file (in apr_hash_next () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
63172NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Not able to attach profile at Tier Group level (DB is not updating with Tier Group entry – hence red line is occuring).
63174NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Profile RTC | While applying RTC through Profile, RTC message is appearing twice in ndc_trace.log and agent log
63180NetDiagnosticsDDR | “Query is taking more than 6000 ms to give response” error is coming in Compare Method Timing, DB Request report through IP Stats >View Flowpath By Backend name.
63183NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | Unable to take Process dump as window freezes on clicking capture process dump in process dump manager window
63186NetDiagnosticsTotal count not showing in toolbar of BT CallOuts Details table in BT IP Summary report.
63188NetDiagnosticsDDR | Sequence Diagram is not opening through IP Stats >View Flowpath By Backend Name >Flowpath Instance.
63196NetDiagnosticsdbu build downgrade issue when Normalized id reuse feature is enabled
63203NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Duplicate icons are coming of view DB request report while double click on http callouts node in transaction flowmap.
63204NetDiagnosticsDDR | CQM | Duplicate “Response Time” filter is coming in UI filter for Flowpath report.
63217NetDiagnosticsDDR |WebDashboard | Total Callouts data is coming in Flowpath report while traversing through particular callout via Integration Point Stats.
63221NetDiagnosticsDDR-ED | Action icons are not clickable while double click on http callout in transaction flowmap.
63225NetDiagnosticsDDR |WebDashboard| IP Res. Time column is not coming in Flowpath report through IP stats >Tier >Server >Instance >DDR >Flowpath By IP Res. Time.
63230NetDiagnosticsReuseNormalizeId | When enabled purge at runtime then NDC is not able to clean normalized id from csv and database
63231NetDiagnosticsThread Dump | Thread dump is taken twice for one user request from thread dump UI.
63249NetDiagnosticsAgent Info | NDC communication protocol DropDownlist is appearing blank in Edit Configuration under Advanced Settings.
63264NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in Ip Res. Time column in Flowpath report through BT IP Summary >View Flowpath By backend name.
63267NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in Flowpath report through BT IP Summary >View Flowpath report By Backend Res. Time.
63276NetDiagnosticsCommon Rest API|For All callout, url is giving “{}” as an output.
63279NetDiagnosticsDDR | “Total CallOut = 0” is coming in BT callout Details table but callout data present in BT Callout Summary table through through BT IP Summary.
63281NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Profile RTC | From UI, “No runtime change” message is popping up after applying RTC.
63310NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction Flowmap|Need Support of Aggregate Transaction flowmap Engine with new data format[SQB version].
63311NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | DDR | Hyperlink between two methods(with Async Id) is not working in Method Calling Tree
63327NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction flowmap|Logo is not correct for AppTier in Tier Merge View while traversing through ED > NodeJSTier >BT trends >Tier Merge View.
63335NetDiagnosticsDDR | Request Header is not coming for NodeJS Tier and Response Header is not coming for Java Testrun for Same TR
63349NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Python | Not able to export profile.
63350NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | PHP | ND Entry-points file is not passing in ndsettings.txt.
63370NetDiagnosticsMulti DC| Angular 7| Template :  Not able to add template in multi DC.
63379NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | Unable to take Process dump from graph
63394NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | PHP | No records found is appearing in Integration Point Detection screen after Importing profile.
63396NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | PHP | Not able to apply configuration in Instrumentation Profile screen.
63397NetDiagnosticsBCIAgent | Backend name is not generated correctly for Async redis callout.
63413NetDiagnosticsGetting core in handle_monitor_stop (cus_mon_ptr=0x5966890, reason=0)  at ns_custom_monitor.c:3638
63449NetDiagnosticsMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Filter by value option not working properly in case of template and report.
63460NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction Flowmap|Blank screen is opening after refreshing Tier Merge View window.
63512NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | PHP | Not able to add FQM for method monitors.
63544NetDiagnosticsMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Excel report not generating
63566NetDiagnosticsAsynchronous call | While running test after disabling keyword “mergeFlowpathForThreadCalls” ndp unable to process data for async call.
63585NetDiagnosticsDDR | Asyn Call| Total Self Time(ms) value is coming less after adding Self time(ms) value in Method Calling tree.
63616NetDiagnosticsMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Compare report not opening in edit mode
63642NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction Flowmap|Tier Merge View is opening blank after removing file from /home/cavisson/work/webapps/logs/TR1018/nd/.ddrCache/41/366596708.trxAgg.
63653NetDiagnosticsND-ED| Parentflowpathinstance column is always showing 0 value although it’s present in raw data.
63655NetDiagnosticsReporting Issue: Compare report not opening in edit mode.
63661NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction Flowmap | Only “6” node is coming in Aggregate transaction view after applying last index=7 in Tier Merge configuration.
63664NetDiagnosticsNC_MON |Active opens/Sec connections are showing high in TCP Stats Rate monitor.
63668NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | In 7 record BTs are coming as OTHER for excluded pattern, where as in btPattern file we have given include for some and exclude for other Pattern
63671NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | Process dump not working when to 2 graphs of same/different instances are merged together
63672NetDiagnosticsHeap Dump | On deleting heap dump, Delete confirmation Dialogue box freezes but heap dump gets deleted from the background
63777NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction Flowmap|Callouts are not coming in AGG Transaction Flow Map UI with new format SQB
63820NetDiagnosticsDDR | Tier, Start Time and End Time is not passing in Flowpath Filter criteria through BT Trends >BT IP Summary icon >View Flowpath By IP Res. Time.
64108NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | UI Support for Non Prepared mySql Entry point
64146NetDiagnosticsDDR | Data is not coming in Integration Point call section via Transaction flowmap but data present in Integration Point calls via Category.
64185NetDiagnosticsNodeJS Agent | Wrong BTcategory coming after applying RTC in BTRuleConfig file
64367NetDiagnosticsED is loading too slow –
64371NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent | In raw_data file 38 records are not coming in case of exceptions
64403NetDiagnosticsND-ED | Thread callouts are not showing in sequence diagram .
64444NetDiagnosticsHeap Dump | Scroll bar is not appearing in heap dump list.
64450NetDiagnosticsBCI is doing metadata recovery continuously in Build 4.1.14(#27)
64458NetDiagnosticscaptureProcessCoreDump | Unable to take Process Dump as it is showing error “Enter a filename with absolute path” even though we had entered filename with absolute path
64474NetDiagnosticsAggregate Transaction flowmap|Tier Merge view window is not opening in MultiDC
64508NetDiagnosticsMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Vector name in downloaded chart of word type and excel not in proper form.
64551NetDiagnosticsMulti DC| Reporting issue : Stat report not generating while adding favorites.
60686NetForeststats function does not work properly with by
60804NetForestAdd reload for linux platform and creating systemd service U16
61244NetForestUnable to extract any string preceeding ” from message field.
61422NetForestmakev is not working
61878NetForestNetforest|Rel 4.1.13|Issue with alert substitution in description without mail option.
62181NetForestlogging should be need in nfagent.log for debuging issues.(msi build)
62183NetForestUnable to add saved charts to dashboard and reports.
62356NetForestwhen timeout occured at forwader instead of stop service its continuing infinite retry.
62735NetForestmvcombine is not working with extracted fields.
62768NetForestEval after stats is not working properly.
62889NetForestNetforest|NFDB|NFLookup|Rel4.1.13: No. of hits while using lookup query is more than the no. of data(doc).
63095NetForestExec function is not working for eval evaluated fields when used after stats.
63283NetForestunable to create chart as response sends from db contain more than 500 log response size.
63425NetForestSimple stats functionality is not working.
63494NetForestretry_uper_limit is not working properly.
63618NetForestNFQuery giving message as “No result found” but logs are appending in NFUI.
63621NetForestGetting error message as “Discover: No mapping found for [@timestamp] in order to sort on”.
63770NetForestMultilevel exec query is not giving expected result after where clause.
63873NetForestNetforest | NFUI | By default value of pipetempindex should be true
63884NetForestGetting parse_exception(mismatched input) while doing simple search.
63932NetForestExtra space in exec query giving result as “No result found”.
63934NetForestmvcombine and mvexpand  is not working for fileds containing “key” : {“key1″:”value1”, “key2″:”value2”} type in JSON.
64290NetForestPerf_request index is not getting created.
64413NetForestGetting response as “no result found” when latest is used on @timestamp field.
64499NetForestwhere clause is not giving expected output when used after stats latest().
60551NetOceanNetOcean: Data header is not working at global level if we applied in rtc mode.
60580NetOceanNetOcean: Compression Type with GZIP and Deflate is not working in the configuration level in RTC mode.
60629NetOceanNot able to edit any service url and Regular Expression options.
61337NetOceanNetOcean: Wrong keyword of Template based compression is saving in service.conf While adding new template.
61843NetOceanGUI | HPD ports are showing in the list of Recording Port in Recording window.
61964NetOceanGetting core after recording services with create and activate service option.
62138NetOceanGetting core dump while testing a service after applying index dataset parameter.
62502NetOceanGetting core dump and Unable to start hpd while apply “Search In Parameter” in any service.
62599NetOceanWrong keyword of ignore invalid dataline is saving in service.conf file while appling dataset parameter.
62600NetOceanWrong keyword of ignore invalid dataline is saving in service.conf file while applying index dataset parameter.
62662NetOceanGUI | Not able to see any single parameter in the list of parameters.
62664NetOceanGUI | Unable to see request & response after adding any service.
62669NetOceanGUI | Not able to see connection timeout settings.
62746NetOceanGUI|Not able to record any real site in NetOcean.
62799NetOceanGUI | Getting blank tab in whole window wherever the options are coming in sidebar.
62807NetOceanGUI|Not able to edit Regular expression of the service.
62904NetOceanGUI | Not Able to open “Search In Parameter” window in Parameter list.
62907NetOceanGUI | Not Able to open “IndexDataset Parameter” window in the Parameter list.
63043NetOceanHPD is not getting start and throwing wrong error message in case of SearchIn parameter due to memory leak.
63114NetOceanParameter value is not working properly in case of dataset parameter.
63338NetOceanGUI | Unable to convert text content in ascii and ascii to text content in case of binary search parameter.
63346NetOceanGUI | Getting “Select Parameter” in Search In field while opening searchIn parameter which is based on file parameter.
63358NetOceanService name should have limitation of 64 Byte while recording.
63371NetOceanGUI | List of File Parameter are coming in single line with delimiter separated in SearchIn field in SearchIn Parameter.
63372NetOceanGUI | Getting wrong Search In field value while mouse over on the Specification field in Service Parameter window.
63424NetOceanGUI | Look & field issue with level of all window’s icon which is opening at the top of the page.
63426NetOceanGUI | Look & feel issue with level of request & response content field of any service.
63492NetOceanHPD should not restart while adding a file with complete invalid data line and after deleting the file in index dataset parameter.
63569NetOceanNetOcean | Contents of Add Swagger overlapping on one another
63570NetOceanNetOcean | Overlapping of contents on one another while adding wsdl
63656NetOceanGUI|Not able to Write the dataset and index dataset parameter contents.
63707NetOceanNetOcean: Not able to add index parameter in case of parameter value.
63802NetOceanGUI | Name of SearchIn parameter is coming in list of Indexed Dataset parameter.
63838NetOceanGUI | Not Able to open “Time Period Setting” From NetOcean Service graph view.
63853NetOceanDefault value is getting disappear in case of index dataset parameter.
64246NetOceanNetOcean: Need to save 0 value if we active any template on the basis of constant type.
58929NetStormRel 4.1.14 | Monitor Code Optimization – 3: NDE main engine take more time to make RTG file due to heavy loop in code
59378NetStormSocket API: core dump occur on using API ns_sock_create_socket().
60035NetStormPageDump issue : Pagedump content is getting downloaded while opening pagedump and while clicking on any page name.
60044NetStormWhile configuring postgres stats monitors through monitor UI extra argument is coming in back end in json file.
60068NetStormNot able to see the value of NS variable after clicking on view variable data
60255NetStormVuser Management | Timeout field for getting VUser Summary and List is not working as expected
60308NetStormAndroid Monitoring | When you run android application “Cavmonitor” it show message “Store name empty”
60315NetStormVuser Management | Project/Sub-Project of script is showing wrong in Vuser Summary as compared to Scenario.
60362NetStormIn Release 4.1.14 #5, we are not able to login after build upgrade
60444NetStormHost name field is not available in monitor UI for KubernetesHostCPUStats monitor.
60464NetStormNeed to support json for android monitor
60501NetStormDue to ERROR:  extra data after last expected column in db_upload_error.log  alert is generated for DBUpload2-DBUpload Current Partition Start Constraint Missing
60527NetStormNCMON|Kubernetes|Core dump is generated for discover_pod_node()
60529NetStormVUser Management | VUser Management is not working with the Fixed Concurrent Session (FCS) based Sceanrio.
60548NetStormRel4.1.14: MSSQL| Need to pass runtime value in queries using prepared statement in CavMonAgent
60550NetStormRel4.1.14: MSSQL| Need to pass runtime value in queries using prepared statement in CavWMON
60552NetStormCore|Getting Core dump while running the test in FCU scenario type with simple Group scenario.
60560NetStormLightHouse | Look and field issues while column adjustment in LightHouse Detail Report.
60561NetStormLighthouse || Data/Column is missing from Lighthouse Detail Report. Out of 11 records, 6 metrics are reflecting.
60564NetStormHTTP2 Upgrade Mode | Test is getting terminated after forming core dump in debug mode with scheme type “http”.
60572NetStormLighthouse || Need to modify Data reflecting in Average and Detail report in GUI if data in csv is zero(0) or less then zero(-1).
60578NetStormLighthouse || Option of Download report in Excel/Word/Pdf should be available in Lighthouse Average/Detail Report and Enhancement in Filter option.
60584NetStormLighthouse || Data in Lighthouse detail report should be reflected upto 3 decimal places as in Average Report.
60595NetStormAndroid Monitoring| Android application “Cavmonitor” is opening up again and again after stopping the test
60604NetStormEdit Caption Issue:Applied Filters are showing with Edited Panel caption ,while applying Zoom on Merge graph which is applied by using Filters
60619NetStormOptimization of Alert Rest stats monitor code
60634NetStormRel4.1.13 Add support to fetch proccess id in JMX Monitors at windows  server in CMON
60665NetStormLightHouse | Able to save scenario with Firefox Browser for the Group LightHouse Enabled.
60669NetStormversion.dat file is not getting updated when upgrading the build 4.1.13 over 4.1.11 build.
60673NetStormSM-Waterfall Comparison || Look and feel issue.
60715NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : When we Delete the added filters and click on Cancel button, then while again opening the widget settings the filters are not showing anymore.
60717NetStormTransaction Details Issue :- Value of StdDev is not showing correct for All Transactions on selecting “success” or “failure” from Transactions drop-down field of Transaction Details UI.
60722NetStormDrill Down Issue:If we are opening any drill down Report(Example:From Avg) from Transaction Detail and then after opening another drill down Report for any other link(Completed,success,failure) then drill down report hierarchy is showing wrong.
60729NetStormReporting Issue: Graphs metric links are not coming in generated report with enable “include” chart option and coming with “#1Report_Set_Name Multi Graph”.
60748NetStormAndroid Monitoring | After installing android application “Cavmonitor” unable to start test
60801NetStormP1 || CavWMON | “WinNetworkUsageProcess” & “WinNetworkUsageDomain” monitors are failing after 3-5 mins.
60821NetStormRel4.1.14: MSSQL | Creating Multiple Connections for DB Server List
60824NetStormCavwmon-msi | Wrong version of cavwmon msi is showing after installing and other changes missed due to CavWMON Code Hierarchy Change.
60908NetStormRBU || Vuser Management || Sync Point vusers are coming in negative when we are running test having syncpints vusers.
60914NetStormDVM monitors | Matrices are not coming in tree for DVM type monitors in case when first “testrun.gdf” is blank.
60929NetStormGenerator getting killed and core is generated on applying RTC in weighted random.
60990NetStormElapse Time of test Run is not showing Correct in Dashboard
60999NetStormVUser Management | Getting core when running test with pause/resume User for XMPP Protocol .
61000NetStormVuser Management | Getting FATAL ERROR after applying multiple times Pause/Resume action in test.
61021NetStormAndroid Monitoring | Android application “CavMonitor” is not getting stopped by force stop option.
61028NetStormAlert Baseline Issue : Multiple Baseline is getting added with same name.
61030NetStormCore | Getting error while running any Scenario in NS.
61032NetStormScript Management:Not able to apply Checkpoint  and autocorelation from Flow.c.
61059NetStormVUser Management || Test is getting killed when we resume the VUser in XMPP based scenario.
61076NetStormLocation in Alert Action:Example present in help of location is not working.
61090NetStormManage Controller: Controller type option is not available for NDE mode in Controller Configuration window.
61140NetStormTransaction Details Issue :- All Transaction Errors are getting overlapped on the Pie chart/Donut chart in the Transaction Details UI .
61156NetStormCore dump is generating in NDC during starting of the NS test in 4.1.14 B2.
61166NetStormMulti DC | Reporting Issue: Charts are not coming on downloading vector links from generated report from webdashboard.
61173NetStormMulti DC | Excel Report : Report is not generating with DC selection as “All”.
61201NetStormAndroid Monitoring | Unable to open the log file which is named as “Cav.log.prev” of android application “Cavmonitor”
61209NetStormAndroid Monitoring | When you  give interval  time Zero in android application “Cavmonitor” logs files are filling fast and data is sending within seconds.
61212NetStormAggregate Transpose data Issue: Wrong Value is coming in Dashboard if we choose view by in hours, when aggregate transpose mode enabled.
61232NetStormSolaris | cmon shell is not supported for solaris to start cmon.
61240NetStormController| While creating new controller then no services are creating for new controller
61312NetStormWebDashboard | Widget Settings Issue : Show Data Value checkbox is getting enabled for all existing panel in favorite, when we are enabling show data value checkbox only for first panel in same favorite, after loading favorite.
61324NetStormDelete Multiple Favorite issue: Unable to select the favorites/Directories after clicking on Select Multiple if single favorite/Directory is already selected in organize favorites window
61331NetStormAlert MultiCondition|Pager Duty V2:Custom Details field in Pager duty website and in mail is not showing properly.
61345NetStormVuser_Management | Count of “Stopped” and “Total users” got increased while enabling G_NEW_USER_ON_SESSION in scenario
61350NetStormAndroid Monitoring | Android application “Cavmonitor” must accept 15-20 characters only  in IP, Port, Store, Mobile, Tier and interval fields.
61358NetStormNot able to start Test if Unique Parameter is used in script, Error is coming as “Specifier range should exist between 8 to 32”.
61372NetStormReport GUI is not opening in webdashboard angular 7 GUI
61377NetStormRBU | Only one of the Page with the same PageName of different script is coming in the LightHouse Average report due to mismatch of Hostid in the csv and db.
61379NetStormReporting Issue: Not able to see the generated report (Tabular and HTML), Error is coming while redirection.
61395NetStormCore | Getting core dump in smoke test
61396NetStormCore| Getting core dump with stack size of 8KB.
61429NetStormReady Reports| We are unable to check Ready reports like progress,failure,breakdown & pagedump
61444NetStormIP MGMT | ‘Source IP Stats’ is not coming in the Test Metrics of the WebDashboard when running test without group name with USE_SRC_IP keyword.
61500NetStormCmon is not working properly after upgrading version of bash.
61505NetStormServer type is coming incorrect in topology when doing autoscaling for Solaris server.
61506NetStormSome system Monitor are not working in Solaris environment
61515NetStormAlert Maintenance NS Mode: Alert is getting generated after deleting one Maintenance in case of  multiple Maintenance is applied for Level -1 and Level – 2  of same time period.
61517NetStormWe are not getting any data in Debug Trace GUI while running RDT Test.
61564NetStormCompare Report Issue : Error is coming while we try to add a measurement with measurement name having other than 2 characters.
61662NetStormRel4.1.14: MSSQL|Not getting correct db server hostname from servername command in CavMonAgent.
61672NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Derived Graph is getting changed,while applying time period on Zoomed Derived graph,where derived graph is added by Using Slave DC
61711NetStormdebug mode option is not working in network delay monitor
61717NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Not able to convert chart type of derived graph which is added using slave DC
61743NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to apply Random Network Latency Fault for the ‘Specified’ time.
61746NetStormDrill Down Report | Tool Tip Issue : Tool tip is not coming in URL Name , Script Name, Transaction Name, Page Name while we are doing drill down.
61747NetStormMulti DC | Compare Reporting Issue: Option for ‘Generate Compare Report for Generators’ should not come when all dc are of NDE or NS.
61775NetStormScript_Management | Message Issue : Message should come correctly in case of connection error.
61800NetStormMultiDC issue :will have to maintain each configured DC’s lastSampleTime and lastAvgSampleTime for global time period.
61812NetStormBase64 Encode/Decode |While encoding the decoded parameterized value through ns_encode_base64()/ns_decode_base64() API ,getting wrong encoded value.
61816NetStormGIT Operations Issue : Error is coming while performing GIT Commit operation in Script and Scenario.
61847NetStormEvent Viewer : Start and End Date issue.
61892NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to apply to apply ‘Fill DIsk’ fault on Client env due to few indendations in the shell.
61898NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to apply “High CPU Load” command on the Clients’ Server.
61901NetStormJS_Profiler | Performance Trace UI is not getting opened and getting error in the catalina.out that Trace file does not exist at the path though it exists there.
61905NetStormSockJS | Getting FATAL ERROR , whenever use ns_web_url() API in between sockjs seesion.
61918NetStormGetting wrong data for uptime of Docker Container SystemStats
61924NetStormJS_Profiler | Look and filed issue in the JS_Profiler UI.
61928NetStormWebdashboard | Alert baseline issue : When we have added one load based index baseline then deleted and then again adding load based index baseline with same configuration then error is coming.
61958NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Lower Panel Data is showing different after applied undo Zoom while derived graph is added with Custom time period
61963NetStormEdit Caption Issue:Edited Caption is not getting saved in Favorite
61969NetStormDelete Multiple Favorite issue: We are able to delete system default favorites, system default directories & Currently loaded favorites
61970NetStormCavWMON | Data is not coming correct in “WinNetworkUsageProcess” & “WinNetworkUsageDomain” monitor.
61972NetStormCore|Generating wrong digit in Output while applying Unique Number Parameter in Script.
61975NetStormPostgres Monitoring | Start and End time of DB Query Stats Screen is same for a given time interval.
61978NetStormUser are able to delete directory which contains User Default favorite and project default favorite
61985NetStormObserving high CPU Utilization on the servers where enhanced Kafka Topic Replication Monitor has been configured
61994NetStormLocation in Alert Action:Alert Action is not saving for “Send an Email” and exception is coming in console.
62035NetStormAngular 7| WebDashboard| Internal dropdowns are not visible from left pane menu
62040NetStormBlocker | cmon is not starting in 4.1.14 build#5
62081NetStormAngular 7 | ACL Issue: ACL is not working Properly and not able to switch tab.(ACL to WebDashboard) and GUI is getting stuck while adding user in group.
62083NetStormAlert Indices Count : Baseline is not created correctly for Alert Rules added with Indices Count condition.
62084NetStormMSSQL| In MSSQL Batch Jobs screen BatchJobHistory is not showing graph.
62088NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : When we delete an added filter and then again add another filter, then the previously deleted filter is again coming along with the new one.
62092NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : Added filter is getting applied even if Enable Graph Sample Filter checkbox is not selected and if no filter is added & Enable Graph Sample Filter checkbox is selected, then error is not coming.
62096NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export:While importing Alert Action for SNMP Trap  “Error in Action “Snmp_RunScript” – Error: SNMP port field is invalid. Please rectify SNMP port.” message is coming.
62110NetStormNeed to update alert counter on top panel of force clearing and reset active alert from active alert gui
62111NetStormWebdashboard | Report Issue in Multi-DC : Report is not generating with template having All Indices.
62125NetStormTest is not started and core is formed when we use WebSocket script with SAVE_NVM_FILE_PARAM_VAL 1 keyword in scenario.
62127NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : Look and Feel Issues in Graph Sample Filter.
62137NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : Same Graphs should not come in the Select Graph drop down list if filter is already applied for the graph.
62180NetStormData is not coming in CassandraNodeStats and CassandraCompactionStatsV2 monitors.
62186NetStormPage Dump Not Coming in Test Run.
62188NetStormInstance name is not showing in GUI for CassandraThreadPoolMsgStats monitor.
62192NetStormCrashing in non sim slotted phone(Zebra Device)
62202NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : Unable to remove the Graphs Sample Filter after applying in a widget.
62204NetStormDonut/Pie Chart Type:Legends are showing only three character after time applying time period or switch tabs.
62207NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export:Alert Policy for Specified Alert Rules is not showing correct selection of Rules.
62208NetStormTime Period Issue:- View By in Custom Time period is not working properly in web Dashboard.
62211NetStormAndroid Monitoring| Application “Cavmonitor” making copies of itself when you open it from notification
62213NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export:Alert Actions are not editing after Import.
62221NetStormDrillDown Custom Query Isssue:While we are opening Custom Query by selecting testrun from testrun UI and clikcing on Web Ddr,then for all Reports tooltip is showing view FlowPath Report.
62257NetStormRDT | Video is not showing the complete flow for a particular page
62266NetStormJSProfiler | Script Name is coming wrong in the JSProfiler UI.
62271NetStormDB Monitoring|NSU_Server_Admin command should run directly using options given in the Monitor.json options field.
62282NetStormJSProfiler | Screenshot option comes checked in the JSProfiler UI when disabled ‘Capture Screenshot’ option.
62298NetStormEdit Caption Issue: Panel Caption is getting removed after applying time period
62299NetStormEdit Caption Issue:Caption is saving with More then 128 characters ,there is no limit of for character length
62301NetStormNS-Script || Failed to execute ClickAndScript, getting error in Attribute argument during parsing of Script.
62305NetStormGIT Operations Issue : Look and Feel issues in GIT Settings window.
62314NetStormEdit Caption Issue:Panel Caption is getting changed after coming multiple new samples
62322NetStormJSProfiler | Events are missing in the Layout Tree Structure for a particular call.
62323NetStormJSProfiler | URLs are missing corresponding to ‘Activity’ in the Bottom Up Tab of the JSProfiler UI.
62325NetStormJSProfiler | Unable to open JSProfiler UI in Firefox Browser.
62326NetStormMultiDC|Open Browser Tab :- Active Alerts Graphs and Alert Stats Report is not opening in new Browser tab in case of Multi DC
62331NetStormDB Monitoring|Favorite in Summary tab should show data for selected DB Server
62334NetStormRel4.1.14: MSSQL|Not getting correct db server hostname from servername command in CavWMON.
62335NetStormRel4.1.14: CavWMON| Agent should retry to restart after 10 second instead of 1 second in case of failure
62337NetStormMulti DC issue: Error is coming in starting node in multiDC environment
62368NetStormCore|If -v used in nsi_compile_script  ,still validating the script and giving error message.
62370NetStormAndroid Monitoring | While installing the application “Cavmonitor” if the user denies giving permissions to the app, is getting crashed.
62386NetStormAggregate data is not correctly generated when space is coming in vector name of testrun.gdf.
62416NetStormPostgres Monitoring | Database Source Name is not coming in DB Source list of Postgres Monitoring GUI.
62421NetStormAngular 7 | Audit Log: Not able to see logs for Specified Time Period due to Time Period Filter is not working and also Group By drop down list is coming blank in Audit Log.
62422NetStormCustom Time period issue:- Not Able to apply custom time period and View by is not working.
62428NetStormDecimal values are not coming for “Receive throughput (Kb/sec)” graph in AccessLogStatsExtended monitor because data type is “sample_4B” in gdf when changing it to “sample_2B_100” then data is coming fine.
62449NetStormCommand field is not available in monitor UI for KubernetesHostCPUstats monitor.
62451NetStormJSProfiler | Getting exception when we open trace file after Screen size simulation.
62460NetStormWhen user right click on a graph which previously showed advance setting has been changed to advanced open/merge
62488NetStormWrong API is parsed while selecting “Regular Expression” and parameter type for LB and RB respectively
62493NetStormWeb Dashboard Angular7|Favorite Filters Issue:Not able to apply filter as next levels are not showing after selecting Level1
62499NetStormWebDashboard | Scheduler Report Issue : Alphanumeric string(0x007C) is coming in place of pipe(|) symbol in generated report of scheduler report, when we use pipe symbol(|) in subject or body of task in scheduler report.
62508NetStormNeed to support of jira monitor for different version of jira application
62511NetStormWebSocket Secure support in CavWMON
62517NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export: Alert Action and Policy is not exporting Correctly.
62536NetStormCorrelationID | CorrelationID Header is not supported in HTTP2.
62544NetStormDrillDownIssue:While we are opening drilldown report for completed after opening drilldown report for success then ,report is opening for success (showing results of drill down for success).
62545NetStormPrometheus Monitor | Invalid symbols ignored in Vector Name
62553NetStormHeap Dump |  Need to Remove third party link “Created By – Eclipse Memory Analyzer” from Heap Dump Analyzer Screen
62571NetStormCommand field is not available in monitor UI for kubernetes monitors.
62576NetStormHostname field is not available in Monitor UI for different kubernetes monitors.
62577NetStormMonitor_UI|Not able to perform delete action in Health check monitor.
62578NetStormNetHavoc | Fault Injection Time gets changed to Specified from Current while Updation.
62593NetStormGetting core dump while getting header length more than 1024 in Correlation-ID header
62601NetStormMulti DC|Open Browser Tab :- ND Config UI  and Web Ddr from Sessions window is not opening in the new browser tab in case of Multi DC .
62609NetStormWebDashboard | Favorite Issue : Favorite is getting updated automatically, when we enable or disable Show Data Value from advance settings of widget settings for graphs having single/multiple graphs and chart type pie/donut.
62612NetStormWebDashboard | Scheduler Report Issue : Previously stored data for a task in Scheduled Tasks is not coming while updating task in scheduler report when we use pipe symbol(|) in subject or body of task.
62621NetStormJira Monitoring | Graphs values are swapped with each other.
62635NetStormNetHavoc | Getting ‘Success’ and not killed when process is run by user other than Cavisson.
62636NetStormServer-stats|Not getting Server Stats data with Dynamic Transactions above 16
62639NetStormNetHavoc | unable to apply Network faults on the Server.
62641NetStormND-ED| Data for Redis stats, MongoDB stats and MySql stats are not coming
62650NetStormGetting wrong output in Correlation ID while adding inline transactions in script.
62655NetStormScenario UI |Not able to run test from UI.
62659NetStormcm_ps_thread_stats monitor is not working on sun solaris for shell and dash.
62670NetStormPostgres Monitoring | Default Sorting is not enabled on any column field in DB Query Stats screen.
62676NetStormScheme type of URL is moved from URL edit box  to page name edit box automatically
62678NetStormPostgres_Monitoring | Close button is not showing on the screen.
62684NetStormGraph Sample Filter Issue : Graph Sample Filter is not working after sample update.
62689NetStormCorrect data is not coming for  “Memory Used Non Heap/Sec (MB)” graph in HistoryServerJvm monitor.
62692NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Chart Type of derived graph is not converting  to Dual Axis Bar chart type
62696NetStormPostgres_Monitoring | Unable to see table data because the server list is hiding right side screen.
62697NetStormDB Monitoring | look and feel improved in  Angular 7
62702NetStormMission control – memory leak analyzer not working no data coming in angular dashboard
62706NetStormTest metrics Enhancement | Got core dump while running POP3 protocol based scenario.
62719NetStormVectors should not be marked reused if multiple monitor are running having same breadcrumb
62720NetStormNetHavoc | GUI is getting hang
62725NetStormAlerts are not being  generated after applying alert rule configurations.
62759NetStormKafkaTopicReplication| monitor is getting failed with ArrayIndexOutOfBound Exception.
62762NetStormACL|Alert:Alert Actions can be added/edited/deleted when Alert Action have no permission and Alert Policy have Read/write permission.
62781NetStormSummary Report | Look and Feel issue 1 : While we are Trying to generate summary report in custom time period then calendar is not visible.
62783NetStormAlert Rule: Alert is not getting generated for Moving Advanced for last thresh type in case of threshold not satisfied
62785NetStormNot able to run Test with Script Manager for Var Value.
62792NetStormNC_MON|4.1.14| Tomcat not started automaticaly after build upgrade.
62809NetStormPageDump issue: When we are selecting Show only failed sessions in 2nd dropdown list and click on apply then GUI got unresponsive/hanged
62812NetStormOpen Merge Issue| We are not able to apply open merge for Prometheus kubernetes metrics
62816NetStormIn generated reports graph labels are not visible properly.
62818NetStormAngular 7| WebDashboard | Transaction Detail issue : Transaction Detail is opening blank in NS/NDE mode while we are Clicking on Transaction option in online mode
62822NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export:Alert Action for alert mail is not getting imported as incorrect json is getting exported.
62823NetStormAngular 7| Themes not working properly with look and feel issue & we are blocked with change theme.Once changing theme then theme option is not working.
62827NetStormBuild Issue| Build Failed at  compile time
62839NetStormUI-Real Browser User || Browser and version are mismatching.
62857NetStormNeed to add encrypted password, connection timeout and read timeout options in spring boot monitor
62862NetStormSummary Report | Transaction Error Issue : Transaction Error(%) Checkbox got enabled by default it should get enabled after enabling Transaction error checkbox.
62865NetStormMulti DC|Open/Merge Issue:Open/Merge is getting applied while Using Incorrect Pattern on DC Name by Disabling “Open With New Layout” Option
62866NetStormMulti DC | Hierarchical Report Issue: Meta data list is coming blank in Hierarchical report.
62868NetStormSummary Report | Downloaded Report Issue 1 : Page Name got shifted in Downloaded word report for Overall Transaction Error Table.
62873NetStormTransaction Details Issue :- The selected filter is not showing in the downloaded file when we download the data of Transaction Details after applying filters.
62879NetStormGIT Operations Issue : Confirmation message is not coming after performing any GIT Operation in Scenario UI.
62881NetStormAlert Maintenance Issue: Alert Maintenance is not working properly if we disable maintenance and than enable from alert settings.
62886NetStormMultiDC | Excel Report Issue : Error is coming on opening generated excel report from link.
62892NetStormAlert Scheduler: Multiple scheduler should not add with same Date and Time.
62893NetStormMultiDC | Report issue:- DC name is not coming when generating report from web dashboard.
62894NetStormACL:Pop up message is not coming while login when same user is previously logined with another browser.
62906NetStormMSSQL Monitoring | Blank Screen is coming in Tables of Blocking Session screen of MSSQL monitors still Data is coming in DEV Tools.
62911NetStormGIT Operations in Script Manager : Unable to perform GIT Clone operation in Script Manager.
62924NetStormStats HTML Report Issue: Vector links from Stats-HTML are opening in new tab, Also delimiter used get replaced due to Content Security Policy.
62928NetStormManage Controller: In Controller type option is not available for NDE mode and look and feel of Controller Configuration window is not proper.
62933NetStormIn “gcp_component_metrics.json” mistake in “align” and “url”.
62934NetStormManage Controller : Text Box for Controller Name should be bigger in size and confirmation message should come after a controller is added.
62935NetStormMultiDC | Derived Graph issue:- Lower plane get blank on sample update when using multiple arthimetic operator.
62936NetStormOpen Baseline Data in Graphical view.
62938NetStormMulti DC|Open/Merge Issue:Open/Merge Result is not showing correct while applying open/merge with Pattern on DC Name
62945NetStormDB Monitoring|Sorting missing for  SQL Session Wait Statistics
62948NetStormScript manager|TestScript Issue:While we are running  any test from test script option then it is giving error like “Server(Cavisson>NSAppliance:7891) not found. Please add this server using \’nsu_add_server\’ command.”
62949NetStormAlert Action/Policy Import/Export:Alert Action for mail is showing %27$INDICES%27 after exporting Action in gui.
62951NetStormPerformance Dashboard:- Generation report date should be the date of generate report.
62954NetStormAlert MultiCondition:Consolidation of Continue Alert after enable rule should be done on the basis of time of Enabling Rule rather than the time of Adding Rule.
62979NetStormKafkaTopicReplication| Monitor is unable to get data when more than one consumer group is existing
62988NetStormBuild Creation| Build failed in making gui build of
62997NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Data is showing incorrect while converting derived graph in Percentile and Slab Count graph type
62998NetStormWebdashboard | Baseline Issue : Look and feel issue is coming in catalogue information when we are selecting catalogue.
63019NetStormDefault Alert Rule Issue : Duplicate Default Alerts Rules are coming after upgrading build.
63024NetStormCorrelationID | CI is coming as in the CID Request Header.
63029NetStormScript Manager Issue : unable to launch the Script manager
63033NetStormTest Run UI issue:Look and feel issue is coming in testrun UI.
63034NetStormMulti DC| Reporting issue: Generated reports are coming blank and not coming in List once get generated.
63046NetStormUnable to get the data from the network interface option
63051NetStormMSSQL Monitoring | Data is coming in “Cumulative Mode” instead of “Aggregated Mode” for DB Query Stats Screen when open MS SQL Monitoring still “Aggregation Mode” toggle is ON.
63053NetStormDrillDown Custom Query Isssue:While we are selecting time Filter as Specified Phase in UI Filter of Custom Query then It is showing Default phases but Test Run having Multiple phase of different Names.
63061NetStormContent Security policy | Unable to restart tomcat because While Upgrading Build 4.1.13 #105  then tomcat-security.jar is not copied to /apps/apache-tomcat-7.0.91/lib
63072NetStormsessions value is coming 0 for FIX_SESSION_RATE
63078NetStormLogin Issue  :- Product UI window is not opening without adding Product UI in the URL
63088NetStormTransaction Details | Transaction Error Issue : After enabling transaction error checkbox and clicking on unexecuted button then it is not showing unexecuted transactions and it is throwing exceptions.
63091NetStormAlert scehdule Issue | Tool Tip is showing incorrect data for the scheduled alert rule
63092NetStormAlert schedule Issue | After updating an Alert Applied Schedules  are getting blank
63096NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Calendar option should come for date selection while adding Upcoming project/Running Projects/released details
63104NetStormDuplicate normalised id present in metadata table.
63106NetStormMultiDC | Pattern Matching issue: Pattern Matching is not working properly in MultiDC, Resultant graphs are not coming.
63110NetStormAngular 7 | Lower Panel: Master Checkbox option is not coming and filter is not working in Lower Panel.
63119NetStormMulti-DC | Derived Graph Issue: Data is coming incorrect when we apply decimal values with arithmetic operators in derived graph.
63123NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Added Environment is not reflecting in Environment list ,it is showing while opening PD after refreshing the GUI
63124NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Not able to add Upcoming project Error is coming as “Error in getting a channel Info” while Performance Dashboard setup is doing in a new machine
63126NetStormTransaction Detail|Transaction error Issue:Compare tab should not come in the Transaction Error tab window on opening Transaction Error from the Transaction Details widow on enabling the checkbox.
63128NetStormTransaction Details | Transaction Error issue : When we are clicking on enable filter option after Enabling transaction error then filter is not applied on transaction error tab.It got applied on Transaction detail window.
63130NetStormMulti DC| Reporting issue – Uploaded excel templates are not coming in the template drop-down list.
63135NetStormTransaction Details| Transaction Error Issue :- Drill Down report link is not coming in the Transaction Error window on opening Transaction Error from Transaction Details UI
63136NetStormAlert Baseline Issue : Unable to change the Baseline Type while opening the Alert Baseline in Edit mode.
63140NetStormMulti DC|Angular7 Parameter/Filter Issue:Not able to apply parameters from favorite and graph tree
63144NetStormMulti DC| Angular 7| Advance Open/Merge : Data in the widget getting blank after a sample update in case of advanced open/merge at server level.
63146NetStormAngular 7|Catalogue Management:Filter/Search in column option is not showing in Catalogue Mangement.
63148NetStormTransaction Error Details Issue :- The alignment of the top pane in the Transaction Error Details window is not coming proper on selecting time period sepecified phase and absolute.
63150NetStormTransaction Detail | Transaction Error issue : Their should be name for both the tables which are coming after enabling transaction error checkbox.
63151NetStormJMeter GUI| Jmeter type script option is not visible while selecting on add group in scenario.
63153NetStormSplash Screen | Not getting splash screen when test is getting triggered from Scenario UI.
63154NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Added Controller Info,Upcoming Projects,Running Projects,Release details should be reflected in UI without restarting tomcat
63155NetStormSystem Health widget Issue | we are not able to create system health widget with AND & OR condition because select operator drop down is disabled
63157NetStormAngular7|Test Run UI Issue:Export Test is not working,Continuous progress bar is showing
63160NetStormMultiDc Drill Down Report Issue:If widget having same Graphs of different DC and we are opening drilldown for slave dc graphs after opening drilldown of master dc’s graph then also master dc’s graph is showing in drilldown Report.
63164NetStormCavWMON | WebSocket | Protocol Negotiation is not working properly in CavWMON.
63182NetStormURLParameterization | Getting core dump if running test for 1 User & 2 Sessions.
63185NetStormTransaction Details | Transaction Error issue : Blank report is generated in downloaded report for WORD , Excel and PDF files while we have enabled Transaction error checkbox.
63194NetStormSplash Screen | Cancel Test Button not working.
63195NetStormSplash Screen | TestInit Screen of current TR is not coming while triggering the test.
63197NetStormSplash Screen | Download Log Button not coming in the Init Screen.
63198NetStormDB Monitoring | Images are not properly coming for “Aggregate Mode” and “Analyze Mode” toggles in MSSQL and PostgreSQL GUI.
63200NetStormJava-based Redis monitors are not working properly with default conditions.
63207NetStormLook and Feel Issue is coming In WebDashboard While opening Toggle Menu Navigation Panel and Toggle Tree Navigation Panel.
63208NetStormURLParameterization | Getting core dump if HOST is appear NULL dynamically.
63213NetStormRel4.1.14: CavWMON|Need to replace “,” with “_” if “,” is present in any column data.
63220NetStormDB Monitoring | duplicate normalization id present for same SQL Handle
63224NetStormTest Initialization status|Users/session on top panel should have Vusers for FCU and Sessions/min for FSR
63226NetStormDiagnostics | Thread dump issue : GUI is getting hangged after opening thread dump window and then clicking on thread dump icon present at top pane.
63227NetStormMSSQL Monitoring | Tool Tip is not coming in MSSql Blocking Session screen and “Resize Table Column” button is also not present.
63239NetStormTransaction Details|Drill Down :- Download options are not working when we Drill Down from the Transaction Details window and from Transaction graphs.
63240NetStormSplash Screen | TestInit Status screen is directly redirecting into ProductUI(Intermitent)
63241NetStormPerformance Dashboard issue: Repeat machine entries are coming in generated manual report.
63244NetStormSplash Screen | User name in the Test Init Screen is not same with the user who is running the test.
63245NetStormAngular 7 Issue:While we are selecting catalogue in Open related Metrics,then graph details of selected Catalogue is not showing in Graph to filter window.
63251NetStormURLParameterization | Getting parameterized host under “Recorded Server” in Server Mapping UI.
63252NetStormSplash Screen | TestInit Status Screen is not throwing any error when test is triggered and there is already a test running in online mode.
63253NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Tab switch should not be allowed in update mode
63255NetStormSplash Screen | Length of status percentage should come completely inside the Donut Chart.
63269NetStormSplash Screen | Unable to go back to Home Screen.
63271NetStormMultiDC|Derived Graph Issue:Not able to add derived graph of SlaveDC using both Function and Arithmetic operator.
63280NetStormMulti-DC | Derived Graph Issue: Data is coming incorrect when we use multiple arithmetic operator with formula in derived graph.
63285NetStormSystem Health widget Issue | We are not able to back from favorite name _HealthWidget after clicking on show graph for affected indices from widget settings if we apply Time Period or ViewBy
63287NetStormDrill down issue : When we are traversing from Page instance to page summary through breadcrum then exception is coming and gui got hangged.
63288NetStormDrill Down|Custom Query issue:Common Query manager is not working while we are applying time period and response time filter and Group by and Order by.
63290NetStormSumamry Report Issue : Width of columns of Overall Transaction error table and Transaction error status code is more need to decrease widht.
63294NetStormMulti-DC | Derived Graph Issue: Data is converting to incorrect data from correct data of derived graph after sample update.
63296NetStormDrilldown|Custom Query Issue:While we are clicking on UI filter option by opening Session summary Repoert,then look and feel issue is coming in UI filter and Request filters and Script filter options are not visible.
63298NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:While browsing Favorite for adding Environment only .fav files should be accept
63303NetStormAngular 7| ACL Issue: Not able to add custom capability.
63304NetStormSplash Screen | TestRun Number is coming -1 in the TestInit Screen  (Intermitent)
63306NetStormWebDashboard | Look & Feel Issue : Look & Feel issues are coming in drop down option in various feature(Logs,Percentile,Transaction Details,Favorite Settings) of Configuration Settings of dashboard in normal dc as well as multi-dc.
63326NetStormSplash Screen | Data for Stages are not coming in the Test Init Screen.
63374NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Blank Report is getting generated using select  metrics and also drop down list for template is coming blank.
63375NetStormScript Management|Delete Multiple Flow Issue:We are able to delete runlogic by selecting Runlogic with Different deletable files and by Delete file option of edit menu by selecting single runlogic file , but after synchronising it is getting autoupdated.
63383NetStormSpringBoot| Hierarchy is not valid for springboot monitor
63387NetStormNetHavoc | Handle IP field, Dispaly_name -> IP/Display_name
63388NetStormNetHavoc | Need to check before applying the fault on the Server that whether CMON is running on the Server or not
63392NetStormMulti DC| Angular 7| Report : All chart and DC name not coming once a compare report is generated in case of trend compare.
63393NetStormMulti DC | Compare Report Issue: Lower pane operations are not working properly on graph selection from check box.
63414NetStormGUI is not opening in 4.1.14 #19
63428NetStormScript Management|Delete Multiple Files:User should not be able to delete single or multiple files which are already opened in edit mode in Right pane.
63439NetStormScript Management|Delete Multiple File Issue:Facing Issue with Delete option(For multiple Files) By right Clicking on File.
63448NetStormSystem Health widget Issue | Back is not working properly if system health widget has 0 affected graphs and we do “show graphs for affected indices”
63452NetStormMulti DC|Open/Merge Issue:Data of All DC’s are showing while applying Pattern for single DC in Advance Open/Merge settings
63464NetStormRel4.1.14: CavMonAgent|Need to replace “,” with “_” if “,” is present in any column data.
63465NetStormRel4.1.14: CavWMON| Unable to truncate query if query size is greater than 250K
63481NetStormCompare Report issue:- Check box is not coming in measurement box in compare report GUI.
63485NetStormMulti DC | Report Issue: Charts are not coming in generated report with view type Word.
63490NetStormMON_UI | RTC is not applied on any MySQL monitors in outbound mode through Monitor UI .
63500NetStormNeed to support Logging for android Monitor
63521NetStormDrill Down Report in Angular From Transaction Detail window:While we are opening Drill Down By clicking Avg or Completed of All Transactions from Transaction Details,Then getting wrong Results.
63533NetStormNV test is not starting due to extra argument  in nsu_start_test
63537NetStormDrillDown in Angular from Transaction Details:After opening Transaction Failure Report,While we are clicking on any particular Failure type and Then clicking on another failure type ,then we are getting the previous opened Failure Type Result.
63541NetStormPerformance Dashboard Issue:Able add Upcoming Projects/Running Projects/Released details without selecting Environment and channel
63542NetStormMulti DC|Favorite Filters Issue:Not able to apply Filters from favorite
63546NetStormMultiDC | Hierarchical Report: In Generated Hierarchical Report Hierarchy in not coming on based of Selected Metadata All data are coming in other column.
63557NetStormMulti DC| Reporting issue : Report coming blank with Select Metrics and template having graphs based on advance Indices settings.
63558NetStormDrill Down | Common Query | Filter issue : Request Status Filter is getting removed while we are changing the pagenation by drop down or Arrows.
63563NetStormScenario GUI getting stuck due to wrong Scheduling from CLI.
63574NetStormDrilldown|custom Query Issue:While we are applying Filter in any Report and Going back and again opening the same report then Report is opening with previously applied filter.
63576NetStormGIT Operations Issue : Unable to perform Version Control operations in machine having NDE or NC configuration as error is coming.
63578NetStormCMON-ND MSI | Tools.jar is not coming in lib directory after MSI installation.
63579NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to  ADD new Fault after deleting currently ‘Added’ Fault.
63583NetStormNetHavoc | Fault value is missing when we try to update added fault. Only Fault type is reflecting.
63586NetStormCMON-ND MSI | JavaGCJMX Monitor is failing when configuring monitor using Pattern.
63587NetStormDrilldown|custom Query Issue:Unable to open any other report after opening session Report from System Queries By Clicking on Web_Ddr by selecting Testrun.
63588NetStormRel4.1.14: CavMonAgent| Unable to truncate query if query size is greater than 250K
63593NetStormNumber of graphs are increasing for every sample of data in CassandraThreadPoolMsgStats monitor.
63597NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is changed after coming new sample while derived graph is added with AVG function and Metric name also getting changed
63598NetStormNetHavoc | Not able to identity whether Cmon of the used server is running or not, no drop-down in case of Fault Type.
63603NetStormGIT Operation Issue : After saving the Username and Password in GIT Settings, when we are performing GIT Clone operation then error is coming and in the backend it is prompting for password.
63607NetStormNetHavoc | When Cmon is stopped and if we Apply a fault then we are unable to add new faults i.e UI gets disabled
63612NetStormNetHavoc | UI gets hang immediately after applying Fault in case of Cmon
63617NetStormServer Health Stats monitor|Instance name not available in Monitor GUI
63620NetStormDrillDown Custom Query Isssue: When we are applying Time Filter as Specified Phase then not getting correct Result.
63631NetStormRuntime Changes|popup message of RTC applied successfully or error not coming
63641NetStormMultiDC| Compare Report: Vector mapping is not working in MultiDC – Compare Report.
63660NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Lower Panel is getting blank after coming new sample,while adding derived graph with arithmetic operator or without using any function and operator
63687NetStormGIT Operation Issue : Unable to perform GIT Revert operation to revert back to a particular version.
63689NetStormDrillDown in Angular from transaction details:While we are opening Failure report by clicking on Failure(%)then charts are not showing in the failure report.
63690NetStormDrill Down Report in Angular From Transaction Detail window:While we are opening Drill Down By clicking Transaction Name,Avg or Completed of All Transactions after clicking any particular transaction from Transaction Details,Then getting wrong results
63701NetStormURLParameterization | Got the core dump when ran test by parameterizing the host (Observed only once).
63714NetStormURLParameterization | Getting core dump if running test in duration mode.
63719NetStormAngular7 Issue|Drilldown Issue:In session instance No option is there to change pagination.
63720NetStormURLParameterization | Getting core dump if running test for 1U & 1S by parameterizing hosts of main and inline URLs.
63725NetStormAngular 7|Scaling option should not come with widget type Data,Tabular and System Health as after changing scaling data widget is getting blank.
63740NetStormCustom Query | drill Down issue : After applying filter All Failure , Failure Type and Time Filter while we are in second page then record not found is coming.
63741NetStormGIT Operation Issue : While performing GIT Revert, Success window is coming with Text Box which is editable and success window should have OK button.
63748NetStormMultiDC | Pattern Matching: “correlation_alert_history.json” file showing blank after applying pattern matching in MultiDC.
63749NetStormPerformance Dashboard issue: While Report generation, user should not allowed to make certain operations.
63752NetStormURLParameterization | Not able to set Host TLS Version for dynamic hosts.
63759NetStormVar Value | Core Getting generating when running Test from Scenario UI.
63762NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is not showing correct while derived graph is added with Arithmetic operator
63765NetStormTransaction Detail Issue:Allignment of Top Pane is not coming proper in Transaction Details window.
63769NetStormNetHavoc | The fault resumes to ‘Running’ state at the Start Time after ‘Stop’-ing Scheduled fault.
63773NetStormNethavoc | Unable to delete multiple faults in the ‘Ready to Apply’ state.
63784NetStormSplash Screen | cav.conf file should be controller specific in Initialization tab.
63787NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to add fault on multiple Servers at a time.
63791NetStormSplash Screen | Extra Space and Scrollbar is coming in the Error Dialogue Box.
63806NetStormNCMon: Transaction Detail popup is not opening (keeps on waiting for the data and never comes out)
63808NetStormMulti DC | Compare Report Issue: Blank compare report  is coming on downloading from generated compare report.
63810NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Issue:Chart Type of derived graph is not converting  to Dual Axis Bar chart type,while derived graph is added with Arithmetic operator
63822NetStormNC_UAT_4_1_14:Not able to start the test with MULTIDISK_PATH nslogs /pgdata1 as it was unable to create hard link
63830NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is showing NAN after applying Time period on Derived graph
63834NetStormURLParameterization | NetStorm is establishing new TCP connection in next iterations while same host is arrived.
63836NetStormNetHavoc | Error Message comes as we check the check-box of added fault on the Server where CMON is not running.
63842NetStormGIT Operation Issue : Error is coming while performing GIT Clone in Scenarios.
63854NetStormURLParameterization | Getting core dump in nsu_logging_reader.
63861NetStormCavWMON | DR | Protocol Negotiation | CavWMON  is  using ws protocol with tcp port while navigating TCP to WS.
63863NetStormMultiDC | Hierarchical Report: Complete instance name is not coming in generated hierarchical report column when Meta Data is used for Instance level.
63881NetStormCmon is unable to update its protocol, while updating the protocol list and restarting the ndc
63885NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Not able to generate report from WebDashboard UI if panel having Derived graph.
63890NetStormURLParameterization |Getting core dump while running test with multiple users and parameterising scheme, host and port in script
63899NetStormAngular7 | Template issue : Formula type in edit mode of template Automated_Template180316124910 not working properly.
63908NetStormDrill Down|System Defined Query Issue:We are unable to do further drilldown to open Instance Report from system defined queries of URL and Session.
63909NetStormHttps Protocol | CMON is unable to make connection with BackHost using wss protocol
63910NetStormMultiDC | Report issue: On Switching Webdashboard with Work_DC Report GUI is opening with DC_NDE.
63914NetStormGenerator list got invisible After Clicking on Generator tab in Transaction UI and transaction detail UI got blank for generator overall when we revert from generator specified Also Same issue is coming while we are enabling Transaction error checkbox
63915NetStormUAT4.1.14: Getting Script compilation error in 4.1.14 whereas same script compiled successfully in 4.1.13
63922NetStormSplash Screen | Tools are overlapping in the top panel of TestInit Screen.
63926NetStormUAT4.1.14: Getting incomplete scenario parsing error while executing test from scenario GUI
63927NetStormCavWMON | NDEStaticScaling | Protocol Negotiation |  CavWMON after connecting with Child NDC it is still using the protocols that is negotiated by master NDC.
63931NetStormNetHavoc || Unable to ‘Apply’ faults on Multiple Servers at a time.
63939NetStormDrilldown in Angular from Transaction Details:If we are opening Drilldown by clicking on Particular Transaction name After opening any particular’s Transaction Details from Transaction stats Group from Web Dashboard then getting wrong results.
63941NetStormCompare Report Issue: On selecting vectors from check box sorting is not working properly.
63969NetStormAlert Baseline | While copying a default baseline then a new baseline is also creating with default baseline
63971NetStormUnable to start test in Thread Mode.
63985NetStormCM | Continuous monitoring test failed with config/product NS.
64047NetStormGetting guess entry warning in case of fix concurrent user.
64054NetStormWebsocketSecure | CMON is unbale to make Control connection with NDC using wss protocol for child NDE server
64055NetStormMulti DC| Reporting issue : On Excel template upload template is still coming selected after validation pop-up, Validation for success is not coming properly.
64062NetStormGUI|Need to allow semicolon equal to for prefix and suffix in Correlation-ID header
64064NetStormTransaction Error|Drilldown Issue:While we are clicking on Drilldown link in Transaction Error window then Drilldown is opening under the Transaction Details Tab,but it should open in DDR window .
64065NetStormWebdasahboard | Transaction Error issue : While we are selecting any particular error type of any transaction then all errors are showing in the window.
64067NetStormTransaction Error |Drilldown Issue:There is no link to open drilldown Report in case of ALL Transaction in Transaction Error table.
64069NetStormWebdashboard Transaction Error issue : In transaction detail link to open ddr in case of 0 (zero) should not come.
64072NetStormInit Screen | Init Screen is not opening while triggering test with -S gui from backend.
64074NetStormInit screen | Test Init screen is not getting updated while opening this from “Reports”.
64075NetStormInit Screen | Error message is not coming on the Init Screen while test is getting killed from console.
64091NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Charts are not coming with threshold enabled while no value is being passed.
64109NetStormNetHavoc | Getting error message when applying Fault in the Duration in which other fault has already been ‘Failed’.
64133NetStormCID || Suffix can also be started with symbols like ‘-;=’. Allow special characters to be entered first in Suffix before any Alphabet.
64162NetStormNetHavoc | Other Faults also gets updated when updating one Fault while adding mutiple faults at a time.
64166NetStormNetHavoc | While Updating, the fault shows the Current time instead of Scheduled time.
64170NetStormVuser management | Vuser summary pause/resume and settings options are not working
64179NetStormNetHavoc | Unable to add Network Loss fault though keyword applied in the conf file.
64188NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Multiple issues in chart of generated compare report .
64189NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Wrong vector name coming in logs of generated reports.
64193NetStormAngular 7 | Alert Issue : Cancel button is not working in Advanced option in Select Indices while adding Alert Rule.
64196NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue:  Not able to generate report from webdashbaord having graphs from both DC’s
64210NetStormEvent Viewer Peripheral Device Events: The popup messages were not proper.
64225NetStormUAT4.1.14: Stack smashing detected while running RBU test
64252NetStormDB Monitoring|DB Connection Pooling not working on Postgresql
64267NetStormMultiDC | Reporting Issue: Legends not coming in generated report of donut and pie chart type.
64291NetStormGraph sample filter issue : If we are enabled graph sample filter in one widget then Graph sample filter checkbox got enabled for all widgets.
64312NetStormURLParameterization | Query string is not getting encode while encoding is on in search parameter.
64326NetStormREST API | We are not getting any data while fetching instance/level wise data using Rest API for level=3
64329NetStormGraph sample filter : While we are giving negative value (-ve) and clicking on add button then filter got added.
64340NetStormMultiDC | Derived Graph issue:- Graph is not coming correct when creating derived graph using Sumcount formula.
64350NetStormAngular7| theme5| icons color is not visible on dashboard side navigation panel
64373NetStormURLParameterization | Getting 404 while parameterizing “WholeURL” and “QueryString” Separately due to append of extra slash(/) before start of QueryString.
64389NetStormNeed to resolve Apache tomcat Default Files (12085)Vulnerability from Appliance
64417NetStormNeed to add class path option in JavaKafkaTopicReplication monitor UI
64434NetStormNeed For Android Device monitor
64440NetStormMulti DC|Derived Graph Scaling Issue:Scaling factor is showing NAN ,if derived graph includes NAN samples for applied time
64520NetStormURLParameterization | Request is failing if parameterizing host only.
64527NetStormNetHavoc | The fault deleted while stoping Scheduled fault.
64569NetStormScenario Scheduler | Not able to schedule Scenario Scheduler.
64575NetStormStale warning are coming in NC_MON test instead of fresh warning
60023NetVisionIn A/B Testing, Variation data request is coming in all pages in web-browser while configured for only home page.
60184NetVisionDot thick net, useraction data is not showing for sessions generated through desktop application.
60276NetVisionDot thick net, custom metrics data is not showing for any session.
60636NetVisionNVSPA|Session Counts and pagination are showing wrong on session window while applying time filter.
60681NetVisionNV-NF integration|NF icon is showing twice on NV session window.
60978NetVisionNetTest | Need to capture page dump in html format in case of page failure in RBU.
60988NetVisionNative App|App crash data is not showing in GUI while data is present in DB.
61044NetVisionIn A/B Testing, nvExt tool is not executing in chrome browser(73).
61267NetVisionNV Product UI|Session and search icon are still coming in latest build 4.1.14 #12.
61572NetVisionIn NVSPA, unable to filter out sessions on the basis of some operating systems.
61573NetVisionNetvision | CMT is not running after build upgradation .
61666NetVisionUnable to open NV GUI after upgrading latest build 4.1.14 #14
61744NetVisionIN NVSPA|Data is not coming for applied time filter even if data is present in DB.
61748NetVisionDot thick net | page load time data is not capturing properly for entry page.
61780NetVisionNative app|Useraction data is not showing for android sessions.
61811NetVisionNV GUI is not opening while doing DDR from master NDE GUI by clicking “open UX Analytics” icon.
61946NetVisionDot Thick Net | Sometimes NVSDK shuts down the application with the error “application is in break mode”.
62016NetVisionDot thick net, crash report data is not dumping in csv for any crashed session.
62133NetVisionDot Thick Net | For some cases, initialization of NV is taking lot of time (more than 20 sec).
62350NetVisionNV Session Export|Getting 5XX exception while exporting more than 15 sessions.
62554NetVisionComplete variation name is not showing in variation stats.
62572NetVisionevent logger variation request is coming in web-browser while making traffic pct zero in config.js file.
62780NetVisionGetting Error while doing DDR from NV to ND GUI.
62846NetVisionSession trend is not plotting in nv spa gui while navigating from performance overview gui.
62914NetVisionUpdate variation api is getting failed in network panel while saving few changes through nvExt.
63014NetVisionIn NVSPA | global filters are not working in variations gui.
63234NetVisionNV and NF icons are not showing while login product UI of NDE.
63247NetVisionGetting 5XX exception while doing DDR from NF to NV.
63318NetVisionJS/CSS rules are not coming in variation gui while modifying content of web-page using nvExt tool.
60806Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || When we start SM test after enabling “Block URL” configuration, then keyword is getting removed from scenario.
61352Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || When we checked Lighthouse Report then Timeout time is missing. It should have come 65 sec by default.
61353Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || Wrong time is getting passed in Timeout period of Lighthosue report.
61354Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || In edit mode instead of Response mode, compression mode is coming as selected.
61356Synthetic MonitorSM | Keywords are not getting removed from the backend when removing added Profile from GUI.
61367Synthetic MonitorSM-Lighthouse || Error in creating lighthouse report for all added groups in scenario when we add one new group to existing CM scenario.
61368Synthetic MonitorSM-Test || Failed to start SM test, error coming in Script Parsing. Same scenario is running in NS mode.
62832Synthetic MonitorSM | Save icon remains enable when we select options other than pre-defined for the System Defined Monitor Profiles.
63277Synthetic MonitorSM-Waterfall || Instead of NetVision SM, NetStorm is reflecting in Waterfall comparison window.
63380Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || Wrong error message is reflecting in GUI when we Save/Delete the keyword configuration.
63412Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || Look and feel issue on Miscellaneous keyword configuration (Save And Delete button are reflecting out of box).
63547Synthetic MonitorSM | Able to save added Monitor Profile without selecting Monitor Profile Details.
64363Synthetic MonitorSM-Dynamic Keyword || When we try to save domain name in CDN Offload configuration, then error popup is coming.