Bug ID | Product | Summary |
30755 | NetCloud | Getting Incorrect data in Web Dashboard Transaction detail report |
32319 | NetCloud | Performance DashBoard|Ongoing Test Window Issue:Ongoing test window is coming empty in performance dashboard. |
31276 | NetCloud | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge Issue:Not able to apply Open/Merge members in case of test metrics,Error is coming as “No metrics found based on the applied criteria” |
29525 | NetCloud | User/Session RTC got applied again while applying update running scenario RTC |
29653 | NetCloud | Net Cloud| Getting Core while applying User/Session RTC after update running scenario RTC(intermittent) |
30484 | NetCloud | Net Cloud | Getting epoll-time out for approx 2 min while applying User/Session RTC |
31517 | NetCloud | Controller is not able to overwrite the script on generator while running a test |
32067 | NetCloud | Getting core dump while running NC_Test |
32854 | NetCloud | DynTx:Not getting any data for “Detail Transaction Report ” in progress report for static transaction |
32933 | NetCloud | Getting core dump while running NC_Test |
33138 | NetCloud | DynTx | Getting core dump while running NC test with 1000 static and dynamic transactions |
32838 | NetCloud | DynTx:Percentile value of transaction time graph is coming zero in dashboard with Static transaction in case of NetCloud. |
33330 | NetCloud | DynTx | Transaction count for the page came on controller is greater than the transaction count on generator |
33090 | NetCloud | Dashboard stuck & Transaction table option not appears during load test. |
30414 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | ND Method Monitor is not coming. |
30286 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Data connection is getting closed by itself. |
34124 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation check is not appearing in End Point URL Capturing window |
34435 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | UI is showing the data which is in wrong format. Proper check should be applied while importing the data from the AutoDiscovered File |
34472 | NetDiagnostics | Custom Query | Error is appearing when user selects rows more than default rows in “show rows” field in Exception Instance Report. |
31273 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Response Header: No data is appearing in 19 records and gui when we run test using “HTTP_RES_HDR|ALL” keyword |
34489 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Content of the discovered file is showing in wrong Format when value of keyword is passing “nd.configUI.autoDiscoverMode=1” |
31847 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Transaction Flow Report is appearing empty while traversing from Drill Down > Flowpath By Response Time > CallOut. |
30483 | NetDiagnostics | Favorite Issue : Favorite and Graph tree is showing wrong data when favorite is saved with previous day time and load favorite after applying Time Period like Last 1 Hours/4 Hours. |
30510 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | In DB calls, Db icon should show and also DB related Query should show in method calling tree in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status >drilldown >flowpath by response time >BT. |
30649 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Blank is coming in method calling tree in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >BT(/Trade/Quotes.aspx) >Method calling tree. |
31087 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | There is no data showing in callout errors but after downloading the excel sheet then data is showing for callout errors while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report. |
31527 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Req. Parameter | In 6 record a space is appearing “6, ,17” while applying “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|keyword|3| :0:j:s” and in GUI (HTTP Report > Derived Data) display name is also appearing blank. |
31614 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Data is showing for all instance in flowpath report while traverse through any particular instance. |
31849 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Method Calling Tree is appearing empty while traversing from Drill Down > Flowpath By Response Time > Business Transaction. |
31476 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Not able to compare “Compare and view thread dump” stack trace in thread dump analyzer window,traversing through AppTier >server >Atg >flowpath stats >total flowpath >Diagnostics >Take thread dump. |
34515 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | CPU Time column is not coming in Flowpath Detail Table but it is present in Download Report. |
34775 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | “Action” icon is missing to see Query related flowpath report in DB Queries report while traversing through BT >Tier >Server >Atg >All Transaction >Request per sec >Drill down >DB Request Group By BT >Query Count. |
29556 | NetDiagnostics | Agent Info | In Application Agent Status window, Agent status is showing “not connected” while connection is established with NDC |
29559 | NetDiagnostics | Agent Info |In Application Agent Status window, for Node version instead of showing “Older than 4.0.1” it should show exact version |
30158 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Complete value of “Host” is not showing in derived data in HTTP report while traversing through Tier status >Normal count >HTTP report(NsecomNsecomCheckOut.ProductID). |
30162 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Webdashboard | Query is giving “FlowPath_3377.WaitTime As “WaitTime”” error while opening the flowpath by signature report while traversing through flowpath stats >drill down >flowpath by signature report. |
31525 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Service method timing is appearing blank when we open it from Method Timing (Webdashboard tab)report table. |
31839 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Error message is coming while opening flowpath by signature report. |
30825 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in Add Request Header Condition Window under BT HTTP Header |
32636 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Comparison Value field should not be mandatory in case of selecting the operator type i.e. “present” and “!present” under HTTP Stats Condition Window |
32674 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is giving the “java.lang.ArithmeticException” as Exception Name then it is showing validation message |
32676 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is giving the “java.lang.ArithmeticException” as Exception Name then it is showing validation message |
34086 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In Application list window, Generate agent Configuration settings icon is appearing |
34091 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Delete option is not working for existing applications in Application Detail window as Red line is appearing after clicking on Delete option |
34431 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in Method BT window for FQM field |
34433 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in NDMethod Monitor window |
31152 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Clicking on TR from home–>session after refreshing it from web dashboard, old web dashboard appears instead of new. |
29520 | NetDiagnostics | AutoCleanUp | Error in `bin/netstorm’: free(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000104e560 ( Core dump in free_cm_tbl_row ) |
31017 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to make the instrumentation profile from the UI as Upload button is getting hidden When user put the mouse pointer on the upload button |
34412 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Run Time Changes is not working while applying the configuration from UI |
29579 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User cannot change the profile as ” No Record found” is showing in topology details window |
29598 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Exception capturing keyword’s are not passing correctly in nd_settings.txt file while configure through Config UI |
30097 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Profile is not getting added in profile list window while going to add a profile. |
31497 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Reset button is not working in Endpoint URL capturing window Under Integration Point Detection |
31511 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user switch from the other window to EndPoint URL Capturing window then selected option is showing disabled |
31524 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In BT Pattern window User is not able to upload a file as Error message is showing “SELECT A FILE” after clicking on upload button |
32635 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user enable/disable in Service Entry Point Window then nothing is reflected in NDEntryPointsFile.txt file |
32638 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Delete option is not present in backend details of Integration Point Detection window |
32643 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user switch from the other window to Service Entry Point window after enabling the Entry Point then it is showing disabled and its viceversa |
32972 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user select a file by search option then Upload button is not working and showing popup message of Error under Method Monitor window |
33248 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In HTTP Details window, HTTP is showing under Integration points and user is not able to understand for which it is stand for and even in NDEntryPointFile.txt it is not passing correctly |
34093 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user creates the new profile then “NV-ND Session” option shows enable instead of getting disable |
30662 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | “null” error is showing in flowpath report while traversing through BT >Tier64 >Server64 >all transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath group by BT. |
31346 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Old window is also opening in background while taking Thread dump from GUI while traversing through Action icon >Diagnostics >Thread dump >Take thread dump. |
34606 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Wrong window is opening back traverse through Method timing >flowpath of flowpath by signature report. |
29249 | NetDiagnostics | NDC| NDC is creating core in once cmon comes up and makes connection to NDC. |
29376 | NetDiagnostics | Auto Scale CleanUp| Getting Core in NDC |
31335 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|Core is generated in NDC in delete monitor at ndc_sock_comm.c in 4.1.9#7 (with local patch for NDC provided) |
34177 | NetDiagnostics | NDC | Core is generating due to “bin/ndu_collector” |
30123 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Error is showing in Service method timing report while traversing from Tier Status > Drill Down > Flowpath method link in Method Column. |
30501 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | “null” is passing in Wait time, sync time, IO time in flowpath report while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time. |
30507 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Nothing is showing in summary of methods in method timing while traversing through Tier status > drill down >flowpath by response time >response time. |
31485 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Time is not showing in Time section in Thread dump analyzer window,traversing through AppTier >server >Atg >flowpath stats >total flowpath >Diagnostics >Take thread dump >View Thread dump. |
31490 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Data is showing for same thread dump in both pie chart section while comparing two thread dump in thread dump analyzer window. |
32456 | NetDiagnostics | Angular -Thread dump | Compare thread dump option is not working while clicking on parent check box in Thread dump Analyzer window. |
32552 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Angular 4 flowpath report is not coming while traversing through BT >Tier >Server >Instance >Request per sec >Drill down >Normal Transaction. |
32725 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Hyperlink are not coming in Business Transaction, URL, Category, CallOuts, CallOut Errors in Flowpath report. |
31640 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Duplicate entry of “Diagnostics” and “Drill down report” is showing while click on Advance Settings/Open merge option in widget setting. |
31080 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Issue after refreshing the DB report window while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report >DB callout. |
31083 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Callout errors section is not showing while download the flowpath report window while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report. |
31088 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Flowpath Instance is showing blank after downloading the excel flowpath report window while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report. |
31144 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Query count is showing wrong in DB report window after refreshing DB request page,traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report >DB callout. |
31770 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread Dump | Not able to take Thread dump, “PID is not found NaN” error message is coming while taking Thread dump. |
32322 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Heap Dump | Not able to take Heap dump, “PID is not found NaN” error message is coming while taking Heap dump. |
30778 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Keyword regarding Flowpath instrumentation percentage is not working while configuration is done from GUI |
30882 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In Exception Capturing window, user are not able to configure the exception For “complete” and for “Complete and L1 flowpath” as option are not showing in UI |
31106 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user opening the ND Config UI window from the product UI then it is taking more than 5 sec. to open |
32633 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to configure the two features i.e. Flowpath Header and Custom Data from UI as Save option is not working in Flowpath Header Settings window |
32644 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | While opening the Flowpath Header window then red line of loading is continously showing |
30452 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | Error is coming in flowpath by signature report while traversing through Flowpath Stats > Tier1 > > Nsecom > Total Flowpath > Drill Down > Flowpath by signature report. |
31056 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | DB Query is not appearing correct in pie chart section while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report >DB callout. |
31192 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | “Pop up message” is not showing after taking the thread dump, traversing through BT >Tier1 >server >Atg >all transaction >request per sec >diagnostics >Take thread dump. |
31209 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Link over is not coming in Thread name in Thread dump analyzer report,traversing through BT >Tier1 >server >Atg >all transaction >request per sec >diagnostics >view thread dump. |
31282 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Link over is not coming properly in thread dump file column in thread dump analyzer window,traversing through BT >Tier1 >server >Atg >all transaction >request per sec >diagnostics >view thread dump. |
31292 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Analysis thread dump section is not showing data for particular thread dump file in thread dump analyzer window,traversing through BT >Tier1 >server >Atg >all transaction >request per sec >diagnostics >view thread dump. |
31333 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Wrong User name is showing in Thread dump analyzer window, traversing through BT >Tier29 >AppServer29 >Atg29 >All transaction >request per sec >Take thread dump >View thread dump. |
31334 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Filter criteria is not showing all tier,server and instance information in Thread dump Analyzer window,hence not able to view thread dump data belongs to other tier or server or instance. |
31514 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Scroll down option is not working properly in filter criteria for Tier, Server and Instance in Thread dump analyzer window. |
31687 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Error message is coming again and again while taking thread dump for count = 1 and interval = 2 sec. |
34432 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread Dump | Take Thread dump and click on View Thread dump then Blank window is showing in Thread Dump Analyzer window. |
31437 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | When click on pie chart,thread is not showing data regarding these states which state is showing in Header traversing through BT >Tier1 >Server >Atg >All transaction >request per sec >diagnostics >view thread dump. |
32401 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Clicking on View Thread dump, window is not accessible. |
32983 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | Data regarding “Thread Category” is not reflected in Thread detail section in Thread Dump Analyzer window. |
34088 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – ThreadDump | “No record found” is showing in Compare and Analysis Thread dump section while comparing two Thread dump file. |
34121 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread Dump | Error message is coming in Take Thread Dump window while taking Thread sump through “t” icon. |
34410 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread Dump | Not able to Scroll down in Thread Dump Analyzer window because Scroll Bar is not coming in window. |
30678 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | “null<>” is showing in Thread in method calling tree in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >BT(ATGStoreusCheckout). |
30777 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Garbage value is showing in CPU time in method calling tree while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >BT(Others). |
30781 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Transaction flow is not opening in compare flowpath report while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >compare two flowpath. |
31089 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Blank report is coming while downloading the word report sheet for DB request window while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report >DB callout. |
31375 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Full method and also percentage for that method is not showing in pie chat value in method timing report window while traversing through flowpath stats >Tier1 >Server >Atg >total flowpaths >drill down >method timing. |
31442 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | “Filter pie chart” should come in pie chart section in Methods stats, flowpath stats >Tier1 > >Atg >total flowpaths >drill down >method timing. |
31446 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | While clicking on any method in pie chart, summary of methods should appear in method timing report for selected method. |
31833 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | No methods are showing in Method summary while clicking on some portion of Pie chart in Method Timing report. |
31834 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | “No record found” is showing in Service Method Timing report window while clicking on service() or dofilter() in Method Summary in Method Timing window. |
32218 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Web dashboard | Signature option is not showing in default window,while reset the window then signature option showing in Hotspot Thread Report. |
31073 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Sorting is not working properly in flowpath report window while traversing through BT >Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report. |
29567 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | “No Record Found” is showing in Service entry point window |
29571 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | “No Record Found” is showing in Integration Detection window |
30837 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation message on header Name field is not showing when User providing the Request Header Condition without giving the header name |
30857 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |For “SPECIFIC” Attribute type, Validation is not working when user saves the configuration Without providing the session Attribute detail |
31007 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Some Headers are not present in the drilldown box under the BT Http Header |
33257 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When User applied the run time change for the HTTP Header then it is not getting applied and in ndc_trace.log Error message is showing “nd_control_rep:action=modify;result=Error: File ‘/home/netstorm/work/false’ is not present.” |
34448 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |Popup message of “Applied Run Time Changes” is not showing in UI while changes are reflecting in raw_data file |
34449 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Blue line is continuously appearing after applying the Run Time Changes from the UI |
34436 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Instrumented List should gets cleared or traverse back to the Home Screen after saving the instrumentation profile from the Autodiscover window |
31082 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Callout errors is showing blank in flowpath report window while traversing through BT > Tier1 >server >ATG >All transaction >request per sec >drill down >flowpath report. |
32499 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Transaction flow is not opening in flowpath report window. |
31977 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Res. Header | 19 record is not appearing correclty in raw_data when we run test with -> “HTTP_RES_HDR|X-Powered-By|1|XPBY:0: :P” for response header “X-Powered-By”. |
29768 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Req. Parameter | Progress Report | In detail transaction report (cumulitive), transaction timeout is appearing for respective URL for which HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER with no LB is applied. |
29966 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Req. Parameter | No 19 record is appearing in raw_data for rule “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|keyword|3|KEYWORD:0::s”. |
33220 | NetDiagnostics | DR | Java Agent | If primary and backup NDC both are same in ndsetting.conf file then it should show validation message and also not make control connection to both NDC. |
31443 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | Method, class and function group field should hide while applying “Apply summary of package” in method timing window. |
31470 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | No proper data is appearing in Aggregate Exception & Exception table in WebDashboard Exception Summary Report, while traversing from Webdashboard > Application Metrics > Flowpath Stats > Tier48 > AppServer48 >Nsecom48 >ExceptionPerSec |
33057 | NetDiagnostics | AER | No source code is appearing for “java.lang.ArithmeticException” Exception Class – “ExceptionConditions” Exceptions, while traversing from DDR > Exception(s). |
34758 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – DDR | “Undefined” is coming in pagination of table in BusinessTransaction Split By Custom Data window, traversing through BT >Tier >Server >Instance >All Transaction >Request per sec >drill down >Group by Custom Data. |
32043 | NetDiagnostics | Error coming in pg_log file |
33076 | NetDiagnostics | AER | In flowpath comparison report, exception comparison tab is showing “error”, for error flowpaths. (Flowpath ID – “29578664931019” & “29578682887889”). |
31693 | NetDiagnostics | In case of Derived Graph panel gets blank with default Data view defined in config.ini |
29971 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Req. Parameter | No 19 record & 6 record is appearing in raw_data for rule “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|upc|1|UPC:0:U:1”, “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|upc|2|UPC:0:U:1” & “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|upc|3|UPC:0:U:1”. |
31471 | NetDiagnostics | Angular – Thread dump | “Time interval(sec)” option should be disable, to take thread dump for “count = 1” while traversing through AppTier >server >Atg >flowpath stats >total flowpath >Diagnostics >Take thread dump. |
33514 | NetDiagnostics | CMT got stopped due to NS core on MOSAIC prod appliance |
32092 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sequence Diagram is not opening in FP detail window, traversing through Tier48 >Drill down >Top flowpaths by callout errors >BT(StoreusCheckout). |
30392 | NetDiagnostics | Netstorm|Core was generated for netstorm in receive_data_from_NDC at at ns_ndc_outbound.c. |
34191 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS |”Every time agent gets start_instr message ,agent requests to NDC for every fileBasedKeyword without checking LMD/size” regarding code is not commieted in cav_netjsagent@0.3.41. |
34302 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | Agent is crashing while sending ndi_send_msg_ex to Agent for disableInstance. |
34339 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Content of the discovered file is showing in wrong Format when value of keyword is passing “nd.configUI.autoDiscoverMode=1” |
34407 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS |After disabling instance through reroute message and When Agent is restarting, Agent is not making data/autosensor connection and data is not coming on running Test but when Test is restarting data is coming . |
32803 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “NaN%” is coming in Percentage column in Method calling Tree. |
32804 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Garbage value is coming in Syn Time(ms) in method calling tree. |
32806 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Java” is coming in Wait Time(ms) in Method calling tree. |
32808 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Wall Time(ms)” and “Syn Time(ms)” is coming blank in Method Summary. |
33047 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-Nodejs | NaN property is showing in percentage column in method calling tree . |
33049 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-Nodejs | Instance Type(NodeJS) is showing in WaitTime column in method calling tree . |
33477 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Instance type is not coming in method calling tree while traversing through Tier Status>>Drill Down>>Flowpaths by response time>>Flowpath Details. |
33766 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Error” message is coming in Exception window while traversing through Tier status >Top flowpath by callout errors >BT(others) >Sequence diagram >Exception icon. |
29470 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “NA” is showing in status code in HTTP report while traversing through Tier status >Total scorecard >resp time(/crs/browse) >overall >business transaction >HTTP report. |
30092 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch is showing for JDBC calls in method calling tree and sequence diagram in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >drill down >slow DB calls Response time >flowpath >Business Trans(StoreusCheckout) . |
30573 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | JDBC callout is not showing in method calling tree in FP detail window but there is JDBC callout in sequence diagram while traversing through Tier status >Drill down >flowpath by response time >BT(ATGStoreusCheckout). |
32833 | NetDiagnostics | DDR -ED | No record is showing in DB Report while DB Callouts is appearing in raw data and DB Callout count is also appearing in flowpath report. |
28019 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Normal count and error count in the Business Transaction window is not matching with the flowpath report |
32876 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|NS generated Request are different from ND generated request. |
33206 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch in methods count in Flowpath Report and total methods in Summary of Methods in Method Timing Report. |
29087 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in NDMethod Monitor window |
30337 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in Method BT window for FQM field |
33054 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Logging file i.e. guiDebug.log is not showing the appropriate logs for the Config UI |
31202 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – Web Dashboard |Flowpath stats are not appearing for some instance while traversing from webdashboard. |
32827 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch in Response time and Wall Time(ms) in Flowpath Detail window. |
32734 | NetDiagnostics | NS core generated at close_msg_com_con_and_exit () function |
33437 | NetDiagnostics | DR|NDC|Default value “ND_DR_RETRY_POLICY” of this keyword is coming 10 sec instead of 60 sec, |
33756 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|Test is getting stuck as NDC is creating instances in instrprofile while there are more then 15000 instances present. |
33757 | NetDiagnostics | NDP|NDP is by default creating directories for tier, server and instances which causes problem when there are more 15000 instances present. |
34081 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user saves the ND session cookie name i.e. CavNV then in ndsettings.txt file it is not appearing correctly |
28330 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|Getting Core dump in ND Collector |
30087 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user running the test after configuring from the UI then ndc_trace.log file is not creating and for this user has to restart the ndc for creating the ndc_trace.log |
31444 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Run Time Changes is not working while applying the configuration from UI |
30289 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “undefined” is coming in flowpath count in FP analyzer window while traversing through Tier status >Transaction scorecard >FP analyzer(ATGShippingCart). |
30412 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Whole data is not showing in HTTP report while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >url. |
30550 | NetDiagnostics | DDR[ED] |”Transaction flow window” is not opening while traversing through compare Flowpath Report window. |
32647 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Methods is not showing in Method Timing Report, traversing through Tier status >BT trends >Method Timing. |
33728 | NetDiagnostics | UAT | 4.1.8($65) | “No record were found” is showing in FP Analyzer Report window while traversing through Tier Status>>Total Score Card>>FP Analyzer for SNBPing BT. |
30046 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED[NodeJs] | Mismatch in sequence diagram response time and flowpath response time in compare report while traversing through Tier status(SnbUI) >drill down >flowpath by response time >compare two flowpath. |
34521 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user opening the ND Config UI window from the product UI then it is taking more than 5 sec. to open |
32613 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Percentage is coming wrong in Summary of Methods in Method Timing Report. |
32624 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Previous window is not refreshed while opening fresh window of flowpath report. |
32628 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Compare flowpath table is not showing data of flowpath in Compare flowpath window. |
32629 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch in flowpath count and Total flowpath in Flowpath Report window. |
32641 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Loading action is not coming in initial window for any Flowpath Report window. |
32846 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Total Flowpath count is different from Total CallOut Errors count in Top flowpath by CallOut Errors window. |
33430 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Wrong selection of filters is appearing in Method Calling Tree > Apply Filter window. If user selects 2nd Item, it shows first item in the field. |
34003 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Total methods are not coming in Method Summary in FP detail window, traversing Tier status >Drill down >Flowpath by response time >BT. |
34271 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | In case a link is clicked on flowpath report page before pagination has loaded properly, then coming back to flowpath breadcrumb, complete flowpaths fail to load rather only default (50) flowpaths are loadable. |
30479 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sequence diagram crashes (not loading), When we navigate through Exception report page–>Exception Class–>FP Details->Business Transaction–>Sequence Diagram. |
30108 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED[FP Analyzer] | No methods are showing in method calling tree, method summary and sequence diagram in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >Transaction scorecard >Browser(BT) >FP analyzer >BT. |
30325 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sometimes “404 error” is coming while downloading method calling tree report in Fp detail while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >Business Transaction. |
33035 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Error” is coming in Exception window for compare flowpath report. |
30735 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Hotspot report is opening for the same flowpath while checking for Http report>Hostpot report but the same case is not happening while opening hotspot report directly. |
33586 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Selected Details is not showing in Edit BT Pattern window under Transaction Configuration |
33753 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Under Method BT Configuration, In Add Argument Type Settings window, Drilldown option is not working for operation field |
34016 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user creates the xml file at package or class level then popup message of successfully saved is showing but file is not reflecting under .whitelist directory |
31435 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Dialog box is not showing properly if User again open the dialog box after selecting “ALL” the instrumentation profile |
33819 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Multiple times action is coming for same timestamp in Audit log window while doing a single action. |
34356 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Instrumented List should gets cleared or traverse back to the Home Screen after saving the instrumentation profile from the Autodiscover window |
30814 | NetDiagnostics | DDR[ED] | ” No Record Found” is showing on Flowpath Report window while traverse from the BT Trend |
33769 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “No results from query” message is showing in flowpath report while traversing through Tier status >Top flowpath by callout errors >Callout errors >Exception class. |
33772 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “undefined” is coming in Session Number and also error message is showing in DB report, traversing through Tier Status >Top flowpath by callout errors >Callouts >DB report. |
32216 | NetDiagnostics | Host name is not captured for cassandra callouts if version is > 3.0 |
32969 | NetDiagnostics | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.cavisson.ndutils.NDSys.handleHttpTransportBackendCall(Ljava/net/URL;J)V |
33925 | NetDiagnostics | BCI logging threads are throwing exceptions in application console |
33691 | NetDiagnostics | CMT got stopped due to NDP core on mosaic( |
28952 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Less ND Data start to come if we continuously start the Test without restarting the server . |
33670 | NetDiagnostics | ND_CON structure is increasing and not any field to differniate ND and CMON instance |
29306 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | (Ubuntu16) DotNetAgent is not able to make control connection with NDC if we restart the Server While test is running. |
34451 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user selects instrumentation profiles “All At Once” from dropdown list, changes are not reflecting in ndsetting.txt file. |
30613 | NetDiagnostics | AER – Stack trace is appearing blank for exception Class -> “IOException”, while traversing through Drill Down > Exception(s). |
29573 | NetDiagnostics | AER – Exception is appearing blank in method calling tree while traversing from Exception Report. |
33725 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | No records are appearing in Hotspot Thread Details, while in backend query is coming for same. |
29039 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Wrong Flowpath header records ( 2 records ) is coming in raw data. |
33763 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Integer Type value is not appearing in rule applied for capture custom from session attribute “SESS_ATTR|SESSIONEX|1|SessionEx:A:B;” When adding specific attribute from capture custom data window from Flowpath Header > Session Attribute. |
33087 | NetForest | Search tab is not opening. |
32655 | NetForest | Dashboard hierarchy is not working properly |
33193 | NetForest | NFDB fail issue (when drill down to log page from performance dashboard) |
32997 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Not getting correct format of request & response when we are recording any service. |
29461 | NetOcean | GUI | Graph panel in NetOcean services is coming blank for the number of services hits. |
29638 | NetOcean | New Test Run is not getting open in the webdashboard after configuring new TR in config.ini |
29642 | NetOcean | NetOcean UI| Netocean Services Graph is not plotting the time for the time mentioned in netstorm.productUI.LastNHour |
30855 | NetOcean | GUI | Recording is not working in Netocean GUI. |
31646 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Request field should not mendetory when add any new service. |
31651 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Date deleted should come in place of EndPointURL in Recycle bin Window. |
31788 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Request , response & Template name fields are showing blank when open any existing template. |
31812 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Special characters are allowing/accepting in Service Endpoint hostname/IP. |
31826 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Getting an error message “Error in Starting in service” when click on start recording buttom. |
31841 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Recording port, Hostname/IP and Endpoint port is getting disappeared when we navigate to another window from recording window. |
32289 | NetOcean | GUI | Disable ACCESS_LOG keyword is passing when apply enable Access log keyword with file size in RTC. |
32334 | NetOcean | GUI | We are able to add more than one json parameter with same parameter name. |
32335 | NetOcean | GUI | An error message should throw when save json parameter with blank object path. |
32472 | NetOcean | GUI | Parameters | System Defined Parameter is not present inside parameter settings. |
32844 | NetOcean | GUI | Object path is getting blank when select any node from sample request and clicking on “Set JSON Node Path” button in JSON parameter. |
32850 | NetOcean | GUI | Content Type is showing None even if we have selected any of the content type other then None. |
32859 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to open the JSON parameter window to add a new parameter if existing parameter is opened. |
33734 | NetOcean | GUI | Select Conditional Operator field is getting blank in Conditional Logic Parameter. |
33777 | NetOcean | GUI | Blank text box is not present inside Left Boundary Match in search parameter. |
34027 | NetOcean | GUI | Getting Trace level 0 (default value ) after applying Trace level 2 on global level and save it. |
34048 | NetOcean | GUI | Parameter name is not coming in the list of Select parameter through which apply condition on the template. |
34090 | NetOcean | GUI | Content of request is showing in response text box and response is showing in request text box in Trace window. |
34405 | NetOcean | GUI | Getting wrong Alert message when add duplicate service through GUI. |
29588 | NetOcean | NetOcean|RTC|Service time RTC is not being applied on a particular template. |
29610 | NetOcean | Getting core dump when apply wrong keyword in RTC for ACCESS_LOG in Ubuntu-16 machine. |
29631 | NetOcean | Data is coming in access log directory when we are applying wrong keyword for ACCESS_LOG in hpd.conf file. |
29675 | NetOcean | NetOcean|RTC|Failed to apply rtc when we provide multiple service time keyword. |
29897 | NetOcean | An error message should shown when we are giving wrong mode of continuous monitoring keyword i.e. “ENABLE_NO_CM 2” in hpd.conf file. |
29902 | NetOcean | Getting Test Run “TR No” is not a valid test run number when changing “nde.testRunNum” in “webapps/sys/config.ini” file and Restart HPD. |
34017 | NetOcean | Getting Core dump When giving ORD 0 for JSON Parameter. |
32839 | NetOcean | GUI | Sample Request field is showing disable in JSON parameter. |
34300 | NetOcean | GUI | LBMATCH is not working with any numeric value in search parameter. |
29882 | NetOcean | Getting error of Pkill while stopping HPD |
31729 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Directory Index field should not be mendetory field in configuration window. |
31730 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | HPD Port (HTTP/HTTPS) should shown instead of showing default port in Test window. |
31736 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Unable to apply trace and debug level on global level from Netocean GUI. |
31745 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Request & Response file Data is not showing in Request Trace window. |
31798 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI |Unable to perform any of the action (like service time,trace,debug) from additional setting for any template. |
31806 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Service Name and URL is not showing in Template settings , parameter settings and service settings window. |
31825 | NetOcean | NetOcean UI | Unable to RE,IC and CM in a service |
31983 | NetOcean | Netocean GUI | Drop down list of all parameters getting blank. |
32269 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to delete and update JSON Parameter from Netocean GUI. |
32882 | NetOcean | GUI | “Set JSON Node Path” & “Set Attribute Name” button is not working in Json parameter window. |
33068 | NetOcean | GUI | Wrong format reflected in the Specifications of the parameter after editing JSON parameter. |
33173 | NetOcean | GUI | Getting HTTPS radio button is enable with HTTP port in test window when last service was tested with HTTPS port. |
33564 | NetOcean | GUI | “View in Browser” option is not present inside template when content type is text/html , text/json and text/xml. |
33606 | NetOcean | GUI | Bydefault Debug Module value should be None for any service as well as template. |
34002 | NetOcean | GUI | Getting blank Additional HTTP Header for a template as well as service after applying Additional HTTP Header. |
34161 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to perform any of the action from “Action” drop down list inside any Template. |
34660 | NetOcean | GUI | Getting wrong Author in Version Log window. |
34667 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to click on diff button in version log window. |
32173 | NetOcean | GUI | In json parameter ,When select Maximum Length Till the end then “SaveLen” should not be saved in service.conf file. |
33723 | NetOcean | GUI | By Default Occurrence Count (ORD) is saving ” NaN ” in Query parameter , Request Parameter & XML Parameter. |
33922 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to apply Global level and Service level service time RTC with mode 0,1 & 2. |
34283 | NetOcean | Netocean UI|Unable to provide recording configurations in NO through firefox browser |
34651 | NetOcean | GUI | After adding a new service, Manage window is opening with “ADD icon”. |
29646 | NetOcean | CM | Vector name for Simulated Service stats is coming “Unknown/Unknown” for Cm test with NetOcean topology |
29714 | NetOcean | Data is not getting appended in the rtgMessage.dat file at the correct time for the Continuous Monitoring test. |
32492 | NetOcean | Getting Core dump When giving wrong request for JSON Parameter. |
32998 | NetOcean | Unable to start Continuous Monitoring Test in Netocean Due to Java Path. |
29414 | NetOcean | Login page of NetOcean should get open instead of NetStorm. |
29600 | NetOcean | Netocean UI | Number of Service hits are in the decimal value in the Netocean Services graph. |
30233 | NetOcean | Performance Issue with the Netocean Services Graph. |
30786 | NetOcean | GUI | Graph is not visible for the Netocean Services Graph unless we uncheck and check the task bar box of the graph. |
30872 | NetOcean | GUI | All left pane items of the Configuration UI are not clickable. |
31692 | NetOcean | Netocea GUI | Look & Field issue in manage window. |
32132 | NetOcean | GUI | In template level RTC, Bydefault select service and select template option should come. |
32133 | NetOcean | GUI | When select one mode of service time for RTC other mode of service time should be disable. |
32262 | NetOcean | GUI | Not showing HTTP and HTTPS port on the home page of the UI. |
32298 | NetOcean | GUI | By default template name is not coming in the Test window. |
32305 | NetOcean | GUI | Netocean GUI |Unable to perform any of the action (like service time,trace,debug) from service setting for any service. |
32357 | NetOcean | GUI | No GUI is getting open for IndexedDataset Parameter. |
32437 | NetOcean | Unable to create a service even though valid service name is provided |
32574 | NetOcean | GUI | Wrong keyword is reflecting for SSL connection in TIBCO. |
32618 | NetOcean | GUI | Wrong sequence of keywords for SSL connection in tibco while applying from the gui. |
32640 | NetOcean | GUI | SSL keyword still exist in hpd.conf after we select TCP connection from the gui. |
32831 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to refresh the GUI |
32860 | NetOcean | Sample request is coming blank in the existing JSON parameter |
32863 | NetOcean | GUI | After changing the Content type, the request-response gets blank. |
32881 | NetOcean | GUI | Multiple templates getting created with the same name. |
32895 | NetOcean | GUI | HPD not getting restarted after changing the Content-type of the template of the service. |
32897 | NetOcean | GUI | RTC is not getting applied for Template level Service Time Delay using NetOcean GUI , when changing service time to no service time . |
32968 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to edit the template. |
32999 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Getting performance issue when we are recording a service. |
33082 | NetOcean | GUI | Template mode and HTTP Status code is None by default. |
33246 | NetOcean | GUI | Service Type doesnt change to ‘All’ if we select Show All after applying any service type other than All. |
33316 | NetOcean | GUI | Window is getting switched when adding the template with the same name as the earlier one. |
33382 | NetOcean | GUI | Condition of the single template of the service is ‘NA’. |
33387 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to export any service. |
33848 | NetOcean | GUI | Cancel button while applying service time is not clickable when applying from Edit Template UI. |
33859 | NetOcean | GUI | Able to delete by default active template. |
33880 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to get response of JSON parameter. |
34038 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to add a template. |
34301 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to inactive the active template. |
33083 | NetOcean | Core | invalid data is dumping in nsu_start_hpd_error.1.log after restarting HPD. |
29537 | NetOcean | Netocean:Not able to apply rtc with mode 1 on multiple services. |
29650 | NetOcean | NetOcean|RTC|Getting core dump when applying wrong keyword of SERVICE TIME in RTC. |
29796 | NetOcean | Error message is not coming if test for continuous monitoring cannot run due to incorrect product type. |
33179 | NetOcean | NetOcean: All template is coming in active state if we are recording service through recorder. |
33182 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Same Name template is adding in one service if we are recording through recorder. |
34308 | NetOcean | GUI | “Conversion” fields’ default value is saving blank for the XML Parameter. |
29652 | NetOcean | Netocean UI | After logging the UI web dashboard gets opened in another tab of the browser. |
30854 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to add Service in NetOcean GUI. |
30868 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to Test a Service in NetOcean GUI. |
31674 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to create service through recording. |
32306 | NetOcean | GUI | Not getting request template in the lower panel of Search parameter, XML parameter and JSON parameters’ window. |
32346 | NetOcean | GUI | No parameter is getting saved except JSON Parameter. |
32350 | NetOcean | GUI | No drop down is getting open of the Parameters in the parameters UI except JSON Parameter. |
32427 | NetOcean | GUI | New template gets created when editing the existing template. |
32428 | NetOcean | Content type of the template is shown as “None” even if content type is saved other then None |
32434 | NetOcean | Unable to test a service if the template is having sample request of large size (~5276 bytes) |
32841 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to delete or update any parameter except JSON Parameter. |
32851 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to delete template. |
32887 | NetOcean | GUI | Not getting response of the Request Parameter. |
32898 | NetOcean | GUI | Not showing default port for Destination Server for TIBCO. |
32911 | NetOcean | GUI | While applying JSON parameter from NetOcean GUI , Not getting the “nsl_json_var” api in required format in back end . |
32949 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to active the inactive template. |
32982 | NetOcean | GUI | Not getting the applied Encode mode option for JSON parameter settings when the saved service is reopened . |
33007 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Error should be come if we are creating service without giving service name in Request Response List GUI. |
33065 | NetOcean | GUI | Cancel button of the template UI is not working. |
33069 | NetOcean | GUI | Reflects the data of the last added parameter when we are going to add any new parameter. |
33406 | NetOcean | GUI | While adding template for forward mode, no options available after clicking onto the Protocol drop-down. |
33630 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to get correct response for the Random Number Parameter. |
33632 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to get correct response for the Unique Number Parameter. |
33724 | NetOcean | GUI | No field for “Sample(Current Date/Time)” in the Date/Time Parameter GUI. |
33785 | NetOcean | GUI | No option to ‘Inactive’ the template in the Template Settings GUI. |
33864 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to update the inactive template. |
33878 | NetOcean | GUI | “text/plain” option is not there in the content-type of the template of the service. |
33995 | NetOcean | GUI | HPD is running still it is showing “Controller is not Running” on the home page of the UI. |
34196 | NetOcean | GUI | The template gets activated on the basis of text without selecting any Conditional Operator. |
34352 | NetOcean | GUI | When activating template on the basis of condition by giving the constant value of the parameter, the value is not reflecting in the Edit Template window. |
34408 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to test template activated on the basis of the condition. |
32281 | NetOcean | Unable to process any data in reactive replay from GUI |
32426 | NetOcean | GUI | Multiple templates are getting active without any condition. |
32909 | NetOcean | GUI | Topic/Queue name and mode are not mandatory fields in TIBCO. |
32994 | NetOcean | NetOcean: Not able to record recording on port if hpd is running on. |
33078 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to delete edited template of the service. |
33209 | NetOcean | GUI | Performance issue with the Netocean Services Graph. |
33362 | NetOcean | GUI | After applying trace level when apply debug level from the Service Settings, then Trace level keywords gets removed from the backened. |
33368 | NetOcean | GUI | No pop-up message appears after deleting HTTP Header of the Service Settings. |
34368 | NetOcean | GUI | Unable to give constant value for the Conditional Logic Operator. |
31797 | NetOcean | NetOcean | Owner:Group of the hpd directory is not root:root after upgrading build on the machine. |
32575 | NetOcean | Unable to establish SSL connection in tibco. |
33335 | NetOcean | Unable to establish ssl connection after enabling authorization. |
34525 | NetOcean | GUI | Trace files are not created after applying Trace level at the service level. |
33930 | NetOcean | Enhancement || Need to like operatior in NO (Hpd not getting restart if data type is numeric) |
33891 | NetOcean | Conditional operator “IN” is not responding for more then 12 values. |
29514 | NetStorm | CmonAutoUpgraation| tool – nsi_get_disk_space providing wrong result |
31782 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Run Command) Issue: Progress bar is not coming while running a command in run command GUI. |
33924 | NetStorm | Unable to apply User/Session RTC from GUI |
34099 | NetStorm | Unable to apply Data File RTC from GUI. |
33071 | NetStorm | DynTx|ns_end_transaction_as() API is not working. |
30982 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue|Dial/Meter Graph: Look and Feel of Dial/Meter graph is not good,no scale value is showing. |
31345 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Widget Type Issue:Values are showing blank after coming new sample ,while widget having Vector based Tabular widget type |
31347 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Favorite Issue : New column “ggv” is coming while loading a Favorite that is created in angular 1 dashboard with widget type “Tabular”. |
31956 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Widget Type Issue : When we change the widget type to “Data” and then again change the widget type to “Tabular”, then some features are not working on that widget. |
32149 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:After applying zoom percentile graph is not changing to normal graph through widget settings. |
32161 | NetStorm | Webdashboard angular 4|Widget setting issue:After applying zoom to “Percentile graph” is showing wrong/garbage values in x-axis. |
32256 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4| Graph type “Percentile graph” and “Slab count graph” should not have option of Chart type “Geo map” . |
32268 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting:- Widget is getting blank in case of slab count pie graph having more than 2 slabs. |
32316 | NetStorm | Webdashboard angular 4|Maximize widget Issue:Not able to convert widget type into data widget after maximizing the widget. |
32344 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Widget settings issue: we have to undo zoomed graph multiple times when we apply zoom one time and then open widget setting and save multiple times. |
32953 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(X axis value) Issue: While Switching from “Slab Count Graph” to “Percentile Graph” the X-axis value is not coming properly. |
32964 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Percentile graph issue:After maximizing widget of graph type “Percentile graph” and chart type “Bar”,The other widgets are showing garbage value instead of time stamps. |
32984 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|With graph type “Percentile” and chart type “Dual axis line” is not getting selected. |
33014 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Performance Issue: After Opening Dashboard when we click on pagination to go on next page it is taking time(approx 8-10 Secs) and no progress bar is showing. |
29757 | NetStorm | Alert Maintenance: Saved bad time in alert maintenance window is showing wrong |
29769 | NetStorm | Alert Maintenance Issue: If we delete all maintenance record then also we are not getting data for that time period. |
31325 | NetStorm | Webdashboard|Alert Issue: Baseline is not showing Yesterday data (07/27/2017) for Daily Trend with 7 days, Daily Trend with 30 Days and Weekly Trend with 7 Days. |
33019 | NetStorm | Alert History Issue: Alert History is not showing for Alert Rule added with Derived graph. |
33396 | NetStorm | Alert with Derived Graph Issue: Baseline data is coming zero in case of Daily/Weekly Trend. |
34219 | NetStorm | Alert Issue|PagerDuty Issue: Not getting Incident on PagerDuty Page ,400 response from server in Page Duty. |
34424 | NetStorm | Alert Issue|ServiceNow and PageDuty: Database for extension(PagerDuty and ServiceNow) gets stuck and we are unable to generate incidents in the extensions. |
30879 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 (Transaction Detail)Issue : Transaction Detail is not coming properly (Transaction Group Name is not coming properly ) |
30919 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Product UI) Issue: While closing the transaction detail tab is moving to home but Web Dashboard is coming. |
30932 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Transaction Detail Issue: After applying filters and disabling the filters all transaction are not coming. |
30937 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Transaction Detail Issue: Percentile filter are coming as duplicated in transaction detail. |
30939 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Transaction Detail Issue: Not able to apply sorting in transaction details. |
30969 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Transaction Detail Issue: Drill down report in not coming from Pie Chart of transaction detail. |
31068 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Copy Link Issue:Copy link is not working in webdashboard angular 4. |
31146 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Compare Transaction Detail) Issue: While Opening Transaction Details in opened compare mode popup message is coming “Time Based Data is not available for selected input”. |
31172 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Transaction detail) Issue: Time period in rampup phase is coming as garbage value while test run is in the rampup phase. |
31285 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Widget Edit Caption Issue:No validation message is coming after saving the empty caption. |
31468 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Transaction Details) Issue: Transaction Detail is coming blank. |
31624 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Time Period :- “No Data Available for selected time period ” message is coming when we change time period to Last 10 mins. |
31632 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Time Period :- On applying custom time on the web dashboard,the start and end time must be in between start time to total test run duration “by default”. |
31769 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Transaction Details Issue : Drill Down report is not coming for Completed, Success and Failure(%) for “All Transactions”. |
31896 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | transaction details Issue: After applying filter data should be shown according to filter. |
31907 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Transaction details Issue: After applying filter when we download files(PDF,Excel,word), all data is not coming. |
31927 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Compare Transaction Details) Issue: After applying filters and disabling the filters all transaction are not coming in compare transaction details. |
32159 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Favorite Issue:Selected Path is not showing properly in browse option of Add favorite settings |
32336 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Widget Edit Caption Issue: Edit caption is not working after applying baseline compare. |
32939 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Transaction detail) Issue: After applying filters and disabling the filters continuous progress bar is coming. |
32963 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Transaction details Issue:Transaction details are not getting refreshed according to the refresh interval specified in the configuration settings |
33596 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Runtime changes Issue:Runtime changes are not reflecting in widget but reflecting in graph tree and lower pane data when graph type changes to slab count on advance open/merge. |
33741 | NetStorm | Derived Graph is showing zero value if any server which are part of derived graph is added/deleted in run time. |
33879 | NetStorm | ACL|Favorite Issue:User having only Read only Capability can able to delete favorite |
33999 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|View By :- Widgets are getting blank on applying view by and after disabling Baseline Comparison. |
34147 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Transaction Details: TPS Percentage should not be greater then 100. |
34225 | NetStorm | ACL|Favorite Issue:User having only ReadOnly Capability can also Copy and Edit Favorite. |
34262 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Copy Favorite link Issue:Dashboard which is opened through copied favorite link is always opening with view by Sample interval(10secs). |
31125 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Compare issue:After applying zoom in a graph x-axis time is not expanding according to the applied zoom. |
33917 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:Not able to apply compare when multiple baseline of preset hour back as 2 are added. |
29509 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Issue:Default Dashboard is opening after login in case of NS Mode even keyword nde.testRunNum is not used in config file. |
29658 | NetStorm | Dashboard Issue: Exception related to Performance Dashboard is coming in catalina.out file. |
29726 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard GUI issue:Default web Dashboard for Continuous test is not opening in NDE mode after login the machine |
30869 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Test Run GUI Issue:Sorting is not working in test run GUI |
30871 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4:Default old Web dashboard is opening while login in NDE Mode. |
30888 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Test Run UI) :- Test run is not archiving from the Test Run UI. |
30985 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Product UI Issue:Message is not coming correct when old password is given incorrect in change password window |
31185 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Test Run UI |NetCloud :- Import Test button is not working in the Test run UI. |
32191 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4| Session Download Issue: Unable to download sessions. |
29736 | NetStorm | Excel Report Issue: Data is coming wrong in excel report in excel tabular view. |
30329 | NetStorm | Dynamic Runtime changes Issue:After applying RTC,graph names are showing in place of lower panel while widget having slabcount graph type. |
31756 | NetStorm | Time Period Issue : View By “Day”, “Week” , “Month” is coming in NS Mode. |
32750 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction: Transaction name with “TabEnd” is coming two times in Transaction Detail. |
32791 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction: Transaction name with “TabEnd” is coming two times in Transaction Detail. |
34695 | NetStorm | ACL User Login Issue | Unable to login into the machine. |
32890 | NetStorm | DynTx: Getting core dump in NS Mode when Dynamic Transaction is added. |
30132 | NetStorm | CavWMon | Unable to run thread monitor. |
33240 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | Agent keeps retrying with primary and backup NDC very frequently (as much as many hundreds times) on finding both NDC in backup mode. |
33245 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | Retry interval is not as per retry policy on finding the NDC not responding. |
33259 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | In case retry policy is updated, the agent does not retry as per new retry count and interval. |
29330 | NetStorm | RTC CORE | Multiple issues facing while applying RTC with the user who has not started the test |
31308 | NetStorm | Data File Management : After deleting all the records that are committed, the current version is still showing the “Current Version” as the last version that is committed. |
31700 | NetStorm | Data file management issue:”Current version” should not be deleted from the “delete” option of “Version log” window. |
31701 | NetStorm | Data File Management Issue : When we commit a version of a file from a page other than page-1, then after commit then it is coming to page-1. |
31708 | NetStorm | Data file management issue:Selected versions in “version logs” are not getting unchecked when we close and again open “version logs” |
31718 | NetStorm | Data file management issue:when we click on “diff” Error message “Please select two version logs to check the diff” is coming when only two versions are selected in “version logs” window. |
33261 | NetStorm | Data File Management Issue : If a file is having Current Version as 1.10 and if we are going to delete version 1.1 from the Version Log, then error message is coming. |
30906 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: In pattern matching window ND mode “All graphs” is Showing select category. |
30921 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: Issue 1. In pattern matching When we click on “select category” after selecting “Select graph”, drop down list is not showing in proper place. Issue 2. Threshold value is getting hidden when we click on any other option. |
30942 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: After applying Pattern matching when we merge graph “Merge with selected panel” previous graph data become zero in lower pane of the same panel. |
30970 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Pattern Matching: When we apply Pattern matching widget is getting blank. |
31001 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: After applying pattern matching when edit metrics name and save then percentage value is not showing with metrics name in widget. |
31029 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Shorting is not working properly and Serial number should not change after applying sorting. |
31465 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Not able to add graph in pattern matching window. |
31566 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular 4|New Widget Issue:Not able to drag graph on new widget which is added by clicking “Add new widget” |
32172 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Pattern matching: Last Open Pattern matched option should be highlighted in pattern matching table window. |
32905 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Time Period issue: After applying pattern matching not able to apply Time Period. |
32937 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Percentile Issue:Not able to merge any graph on the zoom widget having percentile graph. |
32938 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: Baseline graph is not showing for previous pattern matched When we open from pattern matching table. |
32950 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: After applying pattern matching with specified when we open pattern matching window again then catalogue graph is showing default with “Select Graph”. |
32991 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Zoom Issue:Zoom widget is not getting removed after applying open->all->all tiers. |
33030 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Pattern Matching: Input for search is also adding with graph in graph list. |
33032 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Pattern Matching: After applying pattern matching of bar graph when two baseline graph is showing but when we undo zoom then it shows different graph. |
33104 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: Catalogue list is getting hidden when clicked on ” Save as Catalogue” and close it. |
33125 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: We are able to save same graph in Catalogue with All and Specified indices. |
33128 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: We are able to seen deleted catalogue in catalogue list. |
33982 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Pattern Matching Issue: In Advance Indices Selection Test button is not working. |
34001 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Pattern Matching Issue: System stat Linux is coming in group name by default after opening pattern matching window and then opening Derived Graph window. |
34012 | NetStorm | ACL|Advance Indices Selection Issue: In Advance indices of pattern matching window and Derived graph when we select Teir “All” Other servers are also showing after providing Custom capability to user for AppTier. |
31140 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Configuration issue: Not showing what ever changed and save in config.ini file |
31400 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Lowe Pane Issue : After applying filter in the lower pane and downloading the lower pane report, all the graphs are showing in the downloaded report. |
31519 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Widget issue:Download options like PNG,JPEG and SVG file from widget are not coming when open/merge is applied. |
31582 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Lower Pane Issue : The lower pane is not coming when we click the widget after switching the tab and again switching to WebDashboard. |
31699 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Stats Report) Issue: Percentage is not coming on the Pie chart of the generated stats report. |
31950 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Lower Pane Issue: Filter option is not working properly. |
32157 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Lower pane Issue:Lower pane data is interchanging after merging all tiers on widget and changing it into percentile/slab count graph |
32293 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Percentile Issue:Default percentile is coming in downloaded pdf/word/excel report of lower pane after selecting more than one percentile values from configuration settings. |
32345 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Widget settings issue: Download as option is not working after maximize widget. |
29629 | NetStorm | Lower Pane Issue:Issue in applying hide graphs from lower pane ,while widget having derived grpah |
30893 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Lower panel issue:In lower panel serial number are not in sequential shorted order. |
30907 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Widget issue:Not able to download PNG,JPEG and SVG file from widget. |
30999 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 | Percentile issue:”No records found” is coming in lower pane data of widget after converting it into percentile formula type on merging certain members of a group. |
31069 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Filter Issue : When we apply filter in the lower panel, the filter results are coming wrong. |
31130 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Configurations Issue:”Show Crosshair and Enable Gridline” feature is not working from Settings Configuration |
31609 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Lower Pane widget Issue:Lower pane data of widget is getting refreshed after changing color of any graph on hiding certain columns of lower pane. |
31861 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Widget type issue: When we change widget type “Tabular” data of standard deviation is coming blank. |
31947 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Lower Pane Issue: Pagination is not working, when we change the limit of maximum number of rows in one page not able to go next page. |
31953 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Lower Pane Issue: After sample update filter option should not be disable from lower pane. |
32174 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Lower Panel Issue: After applying zoom in any widget, lower panel data download(PDF, word, excel) is showing wrong results. |
32198 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Tabular layout Issue:Samples values are getting blank after selecting table type as group based on tabular type widget. |
32363 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Lower Panel Issue: Graph is still showing in widget after hiding all graph from lower panel. |
34201 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Lower Panel: After merging metrics with “ALL >> ALL Tiers” all graphs are not showing in widget and lower panel but after downloading file from lower panel it shows all graphs data. |
29242 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard GUI Issue:Not able to open web Dashboard GUI ,Error is coming as “Error in getting Dashboard configuration and layout from server”,while machine OS version is Ubuntu 16 |
29609 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Issue:Samples are not updating dashboard at the time of Partition switch |
30891 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4| Alignment of layout changes when we download any JNLP file(Alert Settings). |
30951 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Tab Switching Issue : WebDashboard is getting reset when we switch tab and again switching back to WebDashboard. |
31023 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 Issue:Not able to open webdashboard angular 4 again after refreshing the gui. |
29486 | NetStorm | MemStatsEx2 monitor:- Getting incorrect data for graph “Actual Free Memory (MB)” and “Used Memory Percentage(Pct)”. |
29436 | NetStorm | Script Manager: Not able to download script after selecting the script. |
30258 | NetStorm | Script Management: runlogic.java file is not created when we record a Java type Script |
31256 | NetStorm | Data File Management : When we click on “Data File Management”, an error message is coming “data_files directory does not exist” but the directory should be created during build upgrade |
31265 | NetStorm | Data File Management : When we commit a file having root permission, message is showing “version has been committed successfully” rather it should give an error message “Permission Denied” |
31272 | NetStorm | Data File Management : The “File Size” search is giving the results on the basis of pattern match but it should give the result based on greater than or equal to(>=) |
31290 | NetStorm | Data File Management : Error messages are not correct in version log window for “Delete” and “Diff” button. |
31149 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Product UI Issue:Not able to open agent info button available in product UI. |
31772 | NetStorm | RBU | Make By Default Version for both Firefox 43 and Chrome 60 in both Ubuntu 12 and 16. |
29733 | NetStorm | RTC GUI | Schedule setting is not getting loaded on gui while applying update running scenario RTC |
30886 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (View Script) Issue: While Selecting a scenario and clicking “View Script” “500” Exception is coming. |
31559 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Favorite Issue:”No record found” is coming while clicking on Browse option of Add Favorite settings and also not able to add new folder. |
31588 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Start phase time is not applying in graph. |
31596 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Graph is not applying with RampUp rate mode (In per minute and per hour case). |
31655 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Graph is not plotted with default phase setting in case of FCU simple scenario (pct mode) while we have provided total number of users. |
33847 | NetStorm | ACL|Login Issue:Password authentication is not present |
33867 | NetStorm | ACL| LDAP Capability Issue Issue: Edit option should be present in capability for LDAP Groups. |
33881 | NetStorm | ACL| LDAP Search Issue: Delete option should not be present after searching LDAP user. |
33887 | NetStorm | ACL | LDAP: After Searching LDAP User when we click on searched user Error pop up message is coming. |
34321 | NetStorm | ACL|Newly created LDAP users are not showing in user search option in User management window. |
34535 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP: LDAP group should be remove from Group Management GUI after deleting LDAP group from Back End. |
34594 | NetStorm | ACL|After searching any ldap user in User management ,We are not able to see native users unless we switch tabs and again open user management. |
34229 | NetStorm | DynTx : Packet Size in the testrun.pdf is coming wrong. |
30026 | NetStorm | Auto Generate Stats Report Issue:Error is coming as “Please select template name”,but template name is already selected |
30075 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Owner of scenario notes file is not same as the owner of scenario i.e root is the owner od the scenario notes file. |
34170 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Thread Dump Issue:Not able to take thread dump,GUI is showing blank |
30965 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue: Help Button is not working in the Web Dashboard. |
29762 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue :At the time of adding Measurement it shows popup message “Enter start time in HH:MM:SS format” even when preset is “Total Run”. |
30028 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue : Measurements are not adding with preset “Total Run” when we are clicking “ADD” button. |
30073 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: In Compare report We not able to add Measurement name and date and time is not changing after clicking on “Report Scheduler” from left pane. |
30085 | NetStorm | Report Issue: Report is coming blank when we apply zoom on widget. |
30881 | NetStorm | Webashboard Angular 4 | Correlated Graph Issue : Baseline Graph name is not showing below the x – axis” |
30913 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Correlated graph issue :Widget is getting blank when we select any other graph on correlated graph widget . |
30940 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Sample timestamp issue:Last sample time and time stamp in tooltip in graph is coming wrong.Server timezone is in CDT but sample time is showing IST. |
30943 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Reporting) :- Graph summary is not coming on generating the report from widget in HTML format. |
30955 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : No data is showing in the tool tip. |
30956 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Reporting) :- Not able to generate stats report from the widget |
30968 | NetStorm | Web Dash Board Angular4 Issue :- The compare report data is coming blank on generating report from widget after applying compare. |
30971 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 | Pause log issue:Pause resume log is showing blank after pausing/resuming the online test run. |
30981 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4|Chart Type Issue:Meter graph is always showing zero value |
31113 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Run Time Progress Issue: Scenario and Runlogic progress is not coming in Run Time Progress under View Menu in Web Dashboard. |
31240 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : Wrong Buckets are getting created when “Total Bucket” is changed to any value other than 10. |
31295 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Scenario GUI |Global Settings Issue:Not able to generate auto stats report |
31355 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Compare Report from Widget) Issue: Compare report from widget is coming blank if widget having derived graph and zoom applied on it. |
31498 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Compare Report from widget) Issue: Compare report from widget is showing zero data if widget having derived graph and zoom applied on it. |
31532 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlative Graph Issue : When we zoom the Correlative Graph and apply time period and again merge some graphs on the same panel then on applying zoom only two graphs are showing in the widget and lower pane. |
31539 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard |Angular4|Reporting :- The login window is coming , when we click on the derived graph button after generating compare tabular report from the widget. |
31805 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : Wrong Buckets are getting created when apply “Correlative Graph” with Total Buckets as ‘n’ and then again apply “Correlative Graph” with Total Buckets less than ‘n’. |
31817 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlative Graph Issue : Buckets are getting created with wrong values |
31902 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : When we merge some graphs using Merge Metrics operation in a widget and apply “Correlative Graph” by selecting some graphs from lower panel, then the widget settings is not coming in order |
32096 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Report Scheduler) Issue: View By is not coming in Report Scheduler GUI. |
32255 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : Default value of Maximum and Minimum Bucket is coming wrong when we change the Graph type to “Correlated Graph” in case of derived graph for offline Test Run. |
32257 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- On generating the report from the widget having slab count pie chart , The data of the line graph is coming. |
33270 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Widget Report Issue : After merging some graphs, when we generate a report from the widget, then except one graph rest all the graph values are coming zero. |
33933 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The lower pane data is not coming in the compare word report , On generating compare report from the widget. |
34026 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The color of the graphs are not coming in the lower pane on generating compare word report from the widget. |
34209 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The data is not coming in the hierarchical report on generating report from the report management gui using template. |
34276 | NetStorm | The metrics summary data is not coming on generating report from the template with DC “All”. |
34624 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The data of the HTML report is coming blank on generating report from report scheduler. |
34656 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Correlated Graph Issue : Minimum bucket is not showing in the x-axis. |
30910 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: Pattern Matching window is automatically close when no pattern is matching. |
30926 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Not able to apply pattern matching with specified indices,All indices are also added. |
30946 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Percentile Issue:Percentile values are not getting changed in lower pane of widget having percentile formula type after changing the percentile values from settings option. |
30994 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: After adding Catalogue, it is not updated in catalogue list. |
31025 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: When we open Pattern matching window graph is not showing for default selected catalogue. |
31041 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Group name searching option is not working before we click on drop down of group name. |
31047 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: When we disable inverse pattern matching checkbox and apply it is also showing inverse pattern matching graphs. |
31247 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget Issue:Chart type is getting created for whole scenario of widget after zooming the desired widget. |
31248 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget Issue:Zoom is getting removed from widget after merging any graph on the zoomed widget. |
31315 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|widget setting issue:”Formula type” option should not be present in widget settings for derived graphs. |
31515 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Not able to remove all graphs from graph list of pattern matching window. |
31521 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: After saving catalogue graph is not showing in graph list of pattern matching window. |
31537 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: Not able to apply pattern matching in NDE/NS mode with all indices and Specified indices. |
31761 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Widget Setting) Issue: After changing the graph type of derived graph to “Slab Count” Widget Settings is coming disordered. |
31762 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Widget Setting) Issue: After changing graph type of derived graph with multiple resultant graph to Percentile graph Widget is getting blank. |
31773 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: After applying pattern matching, resultant graph is not showing in zoomed time period,It is showing graph data of applied time period. |
31804 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|widget setting chart type issue:After changing from chart type “Dial” to any other chart type,Widget is not showing data according to new chart type. |
31807 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: When we add graph with specified indices, other graph is added automatically in graph list. |
31808 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: When we select “Select Graph” form category graph list should be blank. |
31836 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Chart Type and widget settings: When we maximize any widget, chart type and widget settings is shown as applied in previous widget. |
31959 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:when one widget is selected and another widget is maximized then “widget settings” and “show graph data” both are applied for selected widget. |
32098 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern Matching: After adding graph in Select graph category when we change category to catalogue then graph list is not updating with selected catalogue. |
32105 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern matching: Not able to apply pattern matching with specified indices. |
32128 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Pattern matching: After saving catalogue with specified indices when we open catalogue graph list is showing blank. |
32273 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Formula type Issue:Min,max,count etc formula type are getting removed from lower pane after undozoom first time on widget on which two zoom applied. |
32310 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:”Formula type” options are not present in “Percentile graph” but then also it takes the the value of “formula type” from “Normal graph”. |
32343 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:After applying two times zoom and undo zoom on widget having more then one formula types graph,Only one graph (Avg) is available. |
32927 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|After applying zoom and opening webdashboard again,widgets are getting disarranged and widget settings and other widget options are not working. |
32928 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pattern Matching: Pattern Matching option is not working after applying zoom two times and then undo zoom one time |
32995 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|After applying zoom and select multiple formula types(max,min,count),applied zoom is getting disabled. |
34145 | NetStorm | WebDashBoard Angular4|Widget Setting Issue: After applying zoom when we open widget setting and click on save then zoom is automatically undo. |
34239 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Pattern Matching Issue: Not able to apply pattern matching with LDAP user. |
31121 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Import Access Log) Issue: Import access log is not working in Angular4. |
33866 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP search issue:In User search option,after searching Native user in search box ,TYPE of user is showing LDAP. |
33875 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP group issue:Group Description of LDAP Group is showing null value. |
34031 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Capability Issue: User having Read Write All/Admin capability are not able to add favorites. |
34037 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Specified Issue: Specified Indices are showing blank after login with LDAP User in Derived graph and pattern Matching. |
34042 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Pattern Matching Catalogue Issue: Catalogue list is not updated after saving catalogue in pattern matching using LDAP user. |
34046 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Advance indices Issue: In Advance Indices Teir, Server drop down list is not showing after login with LDAP User in Derived graph and pattern Matching. |
34131 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Import Group Issue: Not able to import LDAP Group after creating LDAP group in server. |
34141 | NetStorm | ACL|Duplicate LDAP groups are showing Group management window of ACL GUI. |
34166 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Capability Issue: Custom capability is not working for LDAP users if group name having special character (QA_Group). |
34226 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Capability Issue: Graphs are not showing with capability Read All using LDAP user. |
30930 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | “Drill Down Report” and “Advance Settings/Open Merge” option is not coming when we right click on any panel |
31059 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: When we delete the widget then number of pages in pagination are increasing and widget is not deleted also. |
31466 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Widget Settings Issue : “Drill Down Report” is coming multiple times whenever widget settings icon is clicked. |
31499 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Widget Settings Issue:Negative values are showing in graph ,while applying merge all members with Available Memory graph when widget having line stacked bar chart type |
31737 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget settings chart type issue:Widget having single graph also shows “chart type” options for dual -axis graphs. |
31754 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(X axis value) Issue: While Switching from “Slab Count Graph” to “Normal Graph” the X-axis value is not coming properly. |
31811 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:”Widget setting window” is getting closed while clicking outside of the “widget setting window”. |
31899 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Widget Settings issue:Lower panel value is getting grater then the max value after applying Zoom on graph which formula type is Min |
32121 | NetStorm | Webdashboard angular 4|Percentile graph issue:After applying zoom “percentile graphs” is showing data for graph type “Normal”. |
32227 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Percentile graph issue:After applying zoom in “Percentile graph” show graph data is getting blank. |
32422 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Widget Setting: After changing bar graph to percentile line graph when we zoom and then undo zoom, bar graph is showing in place off line graph. |
32962 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Percentile graph issue:In “Percentile graph” with chart type”Bar”,Bars are disarranged and values are not matching with lower panel. |
32981 | NetStorm | WebDashBoard Angular4 | Widget Settings: After Applying Legends When we zoom graph of other widget Legend is automatically applied on that widget. |
33002 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Zoom Graph) Issue: While Applying “Merge with selected panel” on the zoomed graph and applying undo zoom than graph is not un-zoomed first time. |
33148 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4| Pagination Issue: After changing page we are not able to merge graph and select graph from tree. |
33205 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4 :Percentile graph issue:With graph type “Percentile” and chart type “Dual axis area line” lower panel is getting blank and zoom is not getting applied. |
33286 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Right Click on Panel Issue :”Drill Down report” option is not showing after right click on minimized widget but showing after maximize the widget and also showing from widget action menu |
33994 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Widget Settings :- The percentile and slab count graphs are not coming on changing graph type percentile and chart type line. |
34039 | NetStorm | ACL|Pattern Matching issue:Not able to apply Pattern Matching if user have Read only permission |
34279 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:Zoom is applying on Slab count but there is no option for undo zoom. |
30977 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 |Open/Merge members Issue:While applying Merge all Members on Maximize Widget ,then Widget is not getting refreshing but lower pane is updating |
30998 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 | Compare Group Members Issue:All servers under selected Tier are merging while applying Compare Group Members with “Same Server<<All Tier” |
31000 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 | Compare Group Members Issue:After applying Compare Group Members result is not coming correct |
31026 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge members Issue:When Applying Merge All on widget having chart type like Area/PIE then chart type converted to line by default |
31039 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Widget Issue:Search tree option is getting removed from graph tree after opening widget settings. |
31102 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Compare show graph in tree) Issue: Graph Tree is coming blank while apply show graph in tree in compare mode. |
31264 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Show graph Tree Issue:Graph names from graph tree are overlapping with widget after collapsing menu navigation widget. |
31281 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge Issue:Options like “Merge with selected panel,Open Metrics,Merge Metrics,Advance open/merge settings” are not coming on test metrics while right click on graph |
31631 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Graph) Issue: After new sample update, than while dragging a graph on the widget it is shows no graphs. |
31898 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:Count value with formula type “Avg” is coming different from count of other formula types(Min,Max,Count,Sum count) in lower panel. |
32283 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Group at different level Issue: Graph tree is hide after applying group at end and Group at N level when we open show graph in tree 2 from two different widget. |
32945 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Advance Open/Merge Issue:Advance open/merge result is not coming correct in case of (Tier -All,Server-All,Instance-Same,Business Transaction-Same) |
32946 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard |Angular4|Open Merge :- Web dashboard is not loading properly on applying open merge on the web dashboard , After applying zoom on the derived graph having same metrics. |
33844 | NetStorm | ACL|Login Issue:Not able to login Machine if Postgresql is not running before upgrading build. |
33854 | NetStorm | ACL|User Capability Issue:The user which don’t have the admin capability ,able to Add/Delete User(User having Read Write Capability) |
33894 | NetStorm | ACL|When switch from one tab to another tab like User to Group or Group to User or Capability then no records showing and Exception “TransactionException: Transaction not successfully started” is coming in catalina.out file. |
34006 | NetStorm | ACL|Custom Capability Issue: After clicking on “+” button under the custom capability first row is coming with previous selection. |
34040 | NetStorm | ACL|Favorite Issue: Favorite is getting saved while user having only “Read All” Capability for Specific Tiers. |
34067 | NetStorm | ACL|Product UI Issue:Access Control option is not coming in product UI while custom capability with Component Product UI is assigned to User |
34084 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Web Dashboard GUI Issue:Web dashboard GUI is getting hang after applying merge with selected panel |
30890 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Derived Graph Issue:Group names should come in sorting order in drop down list of group name in case of Derived graph |
30922 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Derived Graph) :- Not able to make the derived graph using pattern. |
30954 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Derived Graph Issue:Default Cursor position is always pointing from starting position in derived graph settings |
31054 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Derived graph issue :Derived graph is not merging with another widget. |
31071 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4|Derived Graph Issue:Open All Members is not working,in case of derived graph |
31174 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Derived Graph Issue:While Applying Open Derived graph members with two derived graphs under same group then result is showing only for one graph |
31206 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Derived Graph Issue:Specified window is still remaining in back ground while clicking on close button of specified indices window of derived graph settings |
31318 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Edit Derived Graph) Issue: After Erasing previous formula of derived graph and adding new metrics for new formula than the previous formula is again coming on the formula text area. |
31813 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Derived Graph:- Widget is coming blank after adding derived graph in NDE mode Test run. |
31887 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular 4|Widget Issue:Not able to drag graph from custom metrics on Blank widget |
31943 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Custom Metrics Issue : No options are coming when we right click on the “Custom Metrics”. |
31945 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Derived Graph Issue:While changing the report name without changing the report group name ,then another derived graph is creating with new report name under the same report group instead of update |
33957 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Derived Graph :-Widget is getting blank and widget name is not changing on creating the derived graph |
33970 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Derived Graph Issue:Added derived graph is not reflecting in widget |
33990 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Derived Graph Issue: In graph name drop down graphs are showing without selecting any group. |
34315 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Specified Indices Issue: Selected Tiers are not showing in specified indices in pattern matching ,Derived graph. If groups having custom capability of “App Tier having Read Write Permission” and Web Tier having Read Only permission. |
34330 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Capability Issue: If user having Read All Capability then Specified Indices are showing blank and Advance indices Tier and server are not showing after login with LDAP User in Derived graph and pattern Matching. |
26941 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | In FSR scenario, Default Rampup time mode should be “Default Steps”. |
30983 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 Issue:Default Dashboard is not opening in angular 4 after starting test from scenario GUI |
31263 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Tab switching Issue: When we open Scenarios Profile and then switch tab and go back to Scenarios Profile again then Scenarios tab is opened. |
31777 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4|Action Menu issue:Update Running Scenario option is not coming in Action menu |
32009 | NetStorm | Need GUI support for the changes came in G_USE_DNS KW |
31784 | NetStorm | RBU- Not able to run rbu test from script manager in case of ubuntu 16. |
31792 | NetStorm | RBU- Wrong chrome version is invoking when we are running test through script manager in case of ubuntu 12. |
33883 | NetStorm | ACL|Script Issue: Unable to open script manager,Error is coming as “No Project available”. |
34580 | NetStorm | ACL|Script Management Issue: Script Manager is not opening in case of HTTPS(Error:No Projects are available) |
30957 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Time Period Issue: Time period of last sample is not updating in top panel of webdashboard but graph is getting updated.. |
30962 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 | Widget Settings Issue:Selected widget is not getting deleted rather its position get changed after deleting the widget from widget settings option. |
31036 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4| Layout Issue: After saving layout when we load saved layout, webdashboard is not responding. |
31099 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Compare Issue:Last Updated Sample Time is showing wrong after applying compare in NS mode |
31179 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Widget Issue): Health Status is not coming maximized widget while widget type is “System Health”. |
31339 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Widget issue:Graph are not coming properly after maximizing the widget on converting the other widget graph into dial or meter chart type. |
31364 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Data Widget Resize) Issue: While widget type is Data widget and System Health, Resizing it is very difficult. |
31473 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Widget issue: When we delete widget and then apply zoom it also reflect to other widget. |
31564 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular 4|Layout Issue:Widgets are getting blank after applying Tabular Layout |
31740 | NetStorm | Angular4 Issue|Open Merge issue: After applying Open merge “Open Metrics >>ALL >> ALL Tier”, When we delete all widget lower pane still showing and deleting from page 1 widget is also deleted from page other pages. |
31746 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Favorite Issue: When we change position of layout( like swapping of two widget) and save in favorite then after loading the favorite again it is not showing the changed layout. |
31828 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Baseline compare) Issue: Preset date and time is coming wrong while preset is “today” and “yesterday”. |
32068 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | WebDashboard UI Issue: Icons are in top Panel,Left Panel icon in Product UI and graph name in widgets are not showing properly. |
32226 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Baseline Compare Issue : Unable to update a measurement with different preset after a measurement is added with preset “Specified Phase”. |
32416 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Stop Test Issue : The “Stop Test” icon is still coming after the test is stopped |
33929 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Baseline Comparison:-Not able to add baseline of preset Event days in the compare window. |
33940 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:Hour back input field is coming in Custom preset after deleting baseline of hour back. |
34150 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:Hour back,Day back,Week back presets input field are accepting negative values when baseline is added in compare window. |
34222 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison :- The disable compare option is not working on adding multiple baselines . |
34253 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison :- The measurement of the selected event day is coming By Default on adding the baseline in the baseline comparison |
34263 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison:- The color of the applied baseline is not changing on updating baseline in the baseline comparison . |
34348 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Baseline Comparison: NaN Hours back baseline is getting added in compare window after giving numerical values with e alphabet in input field of hour back preset |
34484 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Baseline Comparison:Not able to load favorite after apply baseline comparison. |
34491 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Baseline Comparison:Not able to load favorite when favorite is saved with baseline comparison. |
30141 | NetStorm | CavWMon | nsu_server_admin downloads the file from server with a name including whole path of file |
30912 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Run Command) Issue: Run Command GUI is not opening in Angular4 exception is coming in the console of Web Browser. |
31011 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Time Period Issue:Data is not showing according to applied time period on widget while time period is applied as Last 1 hr,while data center is all in which test run duration of PKY is less then 1 hr |
31077 | NetStorm | MultiDC|Merge graph issue:Graph of one data center is not merging with widget having graph of another data center |
31085 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Derived graph issue:Derived graph is not reflecting in widget but reflecting in custom metrices when data center is all. |
31118 | NetStorm | Multi DC : “Show Graph In Tree” is not working |
31535 | NetStorm | Multi DC : “Show Graph In Tree” is not working when Data Center is “ALL”. |
31637 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Run Command Look and Feel) Issue: wrong tool tips are coming in the Run Command GUI and Progress bar is not coming. |
32090 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Merge Metrics Issue : When we apply Merge Metrics > All > All DCs, then graphs of only one DC(default) is reflecting in the widget and after a sample is updated, then graphs of All DCs are coming. |
33702 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Level Issue:All Levels of vector are not showing in Lower pane of Web Dashboard. |
30885 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4: When we apply graph tree “group at end” it will automatically change after sample updating. |
30924 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Show graph Issue: Downloaded show graph data is coming wrong when we download from show graph data window |
30984 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Show Graph in Tree Issue:Two Group are showing while applying show graph in tree operation on “Http Response Time graph (Overall)” |
31010 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Tree navigation panel issue:Tree is getting collapse after sample update. |
31156 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 |Show Graph data Issue:Look and fill of Show graph data window is not proper ,while Maximum number of graphs are merged with single widget |
31297 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge Metrics Issue:Non Zero graphs also coming on widgets while applying Open metrics with zero members |
31415 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Show graph data issue:Show graph data is showing data of time period applied even when zoom is applied to the widget. |
31493 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Advance Settings/Open Merge: Open Merge should be applied on the panel on which option is selected. |
31827 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Show graph data Issue: Wrong time period data is downloaded after applying zoom. |
31871 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Show Graph Data issue: After applying baseline compare, data is coming wrong when we open show graph data and download as PDF, Word and in Excel format it is showing blank. |
31962 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4| Show Graph Data Issue: Time period in show graph data is coming wrong. |
32035 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Show graph data issue:Downloaded files (PDF,Excel,word) of show graph data is getting blank for percentile graph. |
32919 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Percentile graph issue:After applying zoom to the percentile graph,show graph data is not showing percentile data according to the applied zoom. |
33260 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular |In baseline comparison with graph type “Percentile” sample interval is showing incorrect value.Downloaded files(PDF,Word,Excel) of show graph data is coming blank. |
33857 | NetStorm | ACL|Custom Capability Issue: Only favorite is coming as feature in the feature list of custom capability. |
33886 | NetStorm | ACL|User name Issue: While entering username as “cavisson” it is getting logged in while “cavisson” is not present in the User Management of ACL. |
33893 | NetStorm | ACL|Group Management Issue:Not able to assign user and capability,while adding group |
33956 | NetStorm | ACL|Duplicate admin and other Capabilities are showing in the groups. |
34009 | NetStorm | ACL|Change password Issue: Change password from Product UI is not working properly. |
34028 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge Issue:Result of Open/merge is getting blank,while open merge is applied for second time with Old Layout |
34043 | NetStorm | ACL|After saving the capabilities of the selected group the selection of group is changing to SystemDefault. |
34205 | NetStorm | ACL|Group Management GUI Issue: While Selecting All users and dis-selecting all users and applying Attach user than all users is attached to the group. |
34230 | NetStorm | ACL|LDAP-Group Management GUI Issue: While Selecting All Capability and dis-selecting all Capability and applying Attach user than all capability is attached to the capability list. |
34235 | NetStorm | ACL|While adding new group if we Attach capabilities to the group,Error message comes “group is already present..Unique group can be added”Even before saving that group. |
34347 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Widget Setting Issue: Show graph in tree is not applying After adding graph to a custom metrics from widget settings. |
34358 | NetStorm | Webdashboard angular 4|Percentile graph issue:After applying zoom on the widget having Two or more percentile graphs ,Show graph data is getting blank. |
30911 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4|Alert Issue: Baseline window is not opening from Alert Menu.Also Alert options are not working after clicking on Baseline. |
30916 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Color Management Issue:Not able to apply color management |
31129 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Product UI Issue:Refresh interval time option is getting removed after navigating from Sessions tab to home. |
31160 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Test Run GUI Issue:Progress bar is not showing after performing operation in Test run gui. |
31222 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Product UI Issue:Login window is coming when opening executive dashboard from product ui. |
31469 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Default Web Dashboard) Issue: While logging the machine Default Dashboard is coming blank. |
31475 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Color Management Issue:New Rule should add by default at the top ,while having multiple rules |
31563 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4: When we open webdashboard in NS Mode old webdashboard is opened. |
32070 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Default Web Dashboard) Issue:Default web dashboard is not opening by default after login the machine in NDE mode,have to click on dashboard tab for open |
29758 | NetStorm | Alert Maintenance: Baseline window is showing wrong data after applying bad time data. |
29774 | NetStorm | Baseline Data is deleted for all tiers but in maintenance window specified tier is applied (Reading data from RTG keyword is disabled). |
29909 | NetStorm | Alert Maintenance Issue: Baseline window is showing per day data of specified time period which are used in Bad Time window. |
30078 | NetStorm | Bad Time Maintenance is not working while Reading data from RTG,Exception related to Byte Buffer is coming in RTG Error log file. |
30105 | NetStorm | Alert Issue: Value of Average(hours) and Count(hours) in Baseline data window is coming negative for Rule “No Trend with One day”. |
30405 | NetStorm | Load Based Alert Issue: Baseline data is not generating with Derived Metrics. |
32369 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4| Alert Maintenance: Bad time is deleted for wrong bucket in baseline for Special Cases like Every Day of Every Month. |
33180 | NetStorm | Alert: ALL Normal Alert Rules are converted to derived type when open alert rule in Edit Mode. |
34721 | NetStorm | Alert Derived Issue: Alert value is coming wrong in generated Alert with Derived graph. |
34743 | NetStorm | Alert Derived Issue: Alert is not generating for COUNT and SUMCOUNT in case of derived graph for both Capacity and Behavior. |
30923 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Thread Dump Issue : No records are displayed after clicking on the “Analyze Thread Dump” button after clicking on “Take Thread Dump”. |
29737 | NetStorm | Stats Report Issue: Output of count function is not coming right in stat report. |
29836 | NetStorm | Excel Report Issue :- Percentile data is not coming in the Excel report. |
29986 | NetStorm | Issue in generating Excel Report with Column view,Continue progress bar is coming. |
30098 | NetStorm | Report Issue: while generating report for derived graph with pattern report is generating blank. |
30101 | NetStorm | Excel Report Issue: Data of Excel Report is mismatching with dashboard derived Graph. |
30199 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue :- On generating the report from derived graph , the data of the derived graph is not coming in case of sum graphs having zero samples. |
30667 | NetStorm | Excel Report Issue: While Generating Excel Report for Group: “Node JS GC Stats” data is coming zero. |
30960 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4 |Maximize Widget Issue:Graph is not showing properly after maximizing the widget,Lower panel is overlapping with graph |
31031 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Hierarchical Report) Issue: While Selecting Meta data as”Tier>>Server>>processor” Hierarchical report is generating for “Tier>>Server>>Instance”. |
31707 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Derived Stats Report) Issue: Data is not coming in derived graph with multiple resultant in case of stats report. |
31850 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting:- The Metrics summary data is not coming , when we generate word report from the selected widget on converting the widget to slab count bar graph. |
31878 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The data of the stats html is not coming correct , when we generate stats html report on applying the specified time period. |
31891 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The compare report data is not coming correct on generating report from the report management with custom time. |
31900 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Report From Widget) Issue: Graph is coming wrong in report while generating it from widget in NS mode |
31906 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue :- The Derived graph data is not coming , when we generate compare html report from widget in case of slab count graph. |
31972 | NetStorm | Compare HTML Report Issue: Only one sample is coming while Generating HTML compare Report with specific custom time. |
31979 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Report Scheduler) Issue: View By is not coming in Report Scheduler GUI. |
34211 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The data is not coming On generating Excel report from the report management UI. |
29419 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | unable to open RampUp and RampDown phase, if open existing scenario for specific modes. |
30903 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue :- Web Dashboard is getting blank on applying custom time period. |
30938 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Favorite Issue : System Favorite is showing more number of favorites then there are actually present. |
31018 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Time period issue:When we select presets of Last N minutes/hours “Running” check box should be selected by default. |
31055 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 |Time period issue:Default start date is coming 48 days ago in custom time period. |
31092 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Time Period Issue:Junk Value is showing in End Time for Elapsed time format,while preset is selected as Specified phase |
31110 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Widget Type Issue:If widget having data graph ,then after applying time period GUI is getting hang |
31112 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Widget Type Issue:Widget is getting blank while time period is applied on Tabular widget type |
31658 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Time Period :- Unable to add custom time period on the web dashboard in case of Elapsed Mode. |
31668 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Favorite Issue : The number of favorites in the system favorite is increasing when we add a favorite. |
31712 | NetStorm | Angular4 Issue|Favorite Issue: User default and Current loaded favorite should not be deleted if user perform delete favorite from Organize favorite. |
31757 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Favorites :- Favorite is not reloading with widget type “Data” and Data “Field name Average” , on changing the widget type “Data” . |
31799 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Transaction Details) Issue: Scroll Bar is not coming in the pie chart of the transaction details. |
31832 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Time Period Issue:When we apply Time period Last 7 days, it showing time period of 8 days including current day after disabling “include current data” |
31865 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Transaction Details Issue : Values are coming wrong when we apply time period as “Whole Transaction” after applying “Specified Phase”. |
31921 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|View By :- Web Dashboard is showing wrong data , on applying custom time period on the web dashboard and view by is equal to or greater than custom time period applied. |
31924 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Transaction Details Issue : Transaction Details is not working properly after applying compare. |
32184 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Time Period Issue:Time period settings are not working after applying time period with specified phase |
32372 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4| Time Period Issue: When Time Zone of System(Laptop) and Server is different then wrong time is applied. Here System is in IST Zone and Server is in CDT Zone. |
31084 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Compare Issue): Not able to add a baseline in baseline compare window while selecting custom preset and changing the date. |
31097 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Compare Issue): While adding second baseline with custom preset, it is getting added with different start date. |
31100 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Compare Issue): While Un-Checking “Include Current Session” and adding custom preset baseline view by option is only coming as “View By Value”. |
31114 | NetStorm | Web Dash Board Angular4 Issue (Compare):- Data not available is coming on applying Merge graph in the data center SCS after applying Baseline Comparison. |
31157 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue(Baseline Comparison) :- The time period applied on the web dashboard is getting changed on applying baseline comparison. |
31169 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Baseline Compare) Issue: Wrong data is coming in the graph after applying baseline compare with today and yesterday. |
31205 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison|NetCloud:- Invalid Start Time format is coming on applying Baseline comparison using Last 10mins. |
31214 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Compare Issue:Tool tip should come on scenario names,while selecting scenarios from drop down list on compare settings |
31504 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Baseline compare Issue) Issue: After being added a custom measurement than the time period is showing wrong. |
31518 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Baseline Compare) Issue: Zoomed Derived graph is getting disordered while dashboard is left open for approx 1Hr and Baseline comparison should be applied on it. |
31544 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular 4|Zoom Issue:Widget is getting blank while applying zoom,after disable compare when zoom/undo zoom operations are performed on widgets in compare mode |
31680 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard |Angular4|Baseline Comparison:- The data of the custom time period applied in the baseline comparison is not coming on the lower pane of the web dashboard. |
31823 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison:- The data of the custom time period of the baseline comparison is coming zero in the lower pane of the web dashboard. |
32195 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 : Baseline Compare Issue : When we apply Baseline Comparison for two test runs while opening the WebDashboard with offline test run, then “Data Not Available” is coming in all widgets. |
32348 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Baseline Compare Issue : Both measurements are changing to same when we open one measurement in update mode and trying to delete another measurement and again clicking the “Update” button of the first measurement. |
32368 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison :- Error message is coming , on opening the baseline comparison window , when time time period of the event day is applied on the web dashboard. |
33914 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison :- The hour back preset is not adding in the Baseline Comparison measurement , In case of disabling Include Current Session check box. |
33916 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Time period Issue:Not able to apply time period on compare. |
33919 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:Not able to update baseline data in compare. |
33975 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:Baseline Compare as preset day back is not coming in lower pane of any widget when apply compare with current session. |
34020 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:After coming of new sample,graph of added baseline of hour back preset or Week day preset etc are getting removed from widget when compare is applied on open/merge. |
34107 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Baseline Comparison:-Not able to add baseline of preset Event days. |
34218 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Compare Issue:”Data not available” error message is coming after adding baseline of Event day and on updating the compare. |
34268 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison:- Graph of today is getting disabled on widget after coming new sample. |
34429 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Baseline Comparison:Undozoom on the widget is not working after coming of new sample when baseline comparison is applied. |
34443 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Baseline Comparison Issue:After coming of new sample,graph of added baseline of hour back preset or Week day preset etc are getting removed from widget having graph type “percentile”. |
30873 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Alert Issue:Not able to download Alerts and apply force clear as options are getting hided when active alert is above 15. |
31003 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Alert Issue: Sorting is not working properly in active alert window. |
31064 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Alert History:If we change DC if Alert History window is opened then Active alert window is opening,it should open Alert history of selected DC. |
32169 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Alert Issue: Deleted records are still shown in alert history(It is not shown after refreshing the Alert History) |
33017 | NetStorm | Alert Issue|Derived: When we download active alert for derived graph with multiple result then graph(Tier>Server) is not showing for the generated alert. |
33905 | NetStorm | Alert Issue: When we click on graph link in active alert window then graph is not showing and error message is coming. |
30884 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Widget panel issue: Undozoom is not working after selecting the zoom widget in webdashboard angular 4. |
30904 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Formula Type Issue : When we change the Formula Type from “Avg” to any other Formula Type and save the changes and again opening the widget settings, the Formula Type is changing to “Avg”. |
31593 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget setting issue:With widget type “Data” and data field name “Standard deviation” data is showing blank in widget. |
31608 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Widget Formula type Issue:Zoom is not working when more than one formula type is selected. |
31623 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|widget setting issue:After changing graph type from “slab count” to “Normal” the x-axis data is getting wrong. |
30877 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 | Test Run GUI Issue:Not able to open classic dashboard from test run gui window. |
30878 | NetStorm | Multi DC: Webdashboard is opening blank in Multi DC when we open from menu bar of product UI. |
30892 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Test Run UI ) :- View Partition option is not working in Test Run UI. |
30894 | NetStorm | Multi DC : After refreshing the window, no features are working in WebDashboard |
30952 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Favorite Issue:Available Favorites are getting changed after converting one favorite as user default favorite,while web dashboard is opened with Data center ALL |
30992 | NetStorm | Multi DC (Report Management GUI)Issue: Report Management GUI of different server is coming while opening it from testrun GUI. |
31044 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Open/Merge Issue:Advance Open/Merge Settings option is not coming on Graph node while opening graph tree for 1st time |
31049 | NetStorm | Multi DC | Favorite Issue:Not able to add favorite in case of Data Center -ALL,Error is coming as “Error in saving Favorite” |
31053 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Time Period Issue:Data of others data centers like SCS,PKY,IBM are getting removed from widget after applying custom time period. |
31111 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Test Run GUI Issue:Note is going to add for wrong Test Run number after clicking on Reset. |
31126 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Drill down option not coming in case of Multi DC |
31145 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Data center issue:Default data center as “all” is not coming after changing it into other data center ex:PKY,SCS,IBM and relogin the machine. |
31161 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Performance Issue: Performance of multi DC is very slow while doing operations like expand tree,compare,time period. |
31175 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Advance Open Merge: DC name is missing in Advance settings/Open Merge window when we apply from widget. |
31182 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Product UI Issue:Error “No project available for ‘NA’ “is coming after clicking on launch script manager option. |
31199 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Compare Issue:Widgets are getting blank after applying compare while Data Center is All |
31208 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Widget Issue:”No records found” is coming in lower pane data of widget when data center is all after coming of new sample. |
31213 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Show Graph Data Issue: No records is coming in show graph data in case of ALL DC. |
31217 | NetStorm | Multi DC|zoom issue:Widget is getting blank after applying zoom in case of DC “ALL”. |
31220 | NetStorm | Multi DC : When we apply a graph of other data center on any panel of the default dashboard, after a sample gets updated then the previous graph is again getting shown in the lower pane. |
31229 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Correlated Graph Issue : Default value of Maximum and Minimum Bucket is always 0 when we change the graph type to “Correlative Graph”. |
31230 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Time period issue:Time period and view by is not changing for Data center “ALL”. |
31232 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Transaction Detail Issue:Not able to download transaction details as pdf,word or excel report. |
31243 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Color of the graph is not changing immediately when we change the color from the lower pane rather it changes when a sample gets updated. |
31279 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Transaction Drill Down Report Issue:Not able to open drill down report from transaction details. |
31283 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Scenarios Issue: GUI is getting hang when we add group in scenarios after switching one DC to another DC. |
31348 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Custom Metrics Issue:Added graph is not reflecting in Custom metrics,while applying Add to custom metrics with Data Center ALL |
31350 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Widget Issue:Lower pane data of widget as pdf,word or excel is coming empty. |
31392 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Transaction details issue:Data Center is not changing in transaction details window. |
31436 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Transaction Details Issue : When we click on any link in the Transaction Details window to open the drill down report, then login window is opening. |
31545 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Correlated Graph Issue : Default value of Maximum and Minimum Bucket is taking “NaN” when we change the graph type to “Correlative Graph” when the data center is “ALL”. |
31546 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Open/Merge Issue:Applied Open/Merge rule is not saving in Favorite in case of Data Center All |
31549 | NetStorm | Multi DC|show graph data issue:show graph data is coming blank in downloaded files(PDF,Excel,Word) in Data center All. |
31556 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Widget Issue:Graph type like percentile,slab count etc are getting created for all data centers when open/merge is applied. |
31601 | NetStorm | Multi DC Issue:”dcinfo.json” is getting deleted automatically at the time of build upgrade |
31664 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Pattern Matching: Not able to save graph as catalogue in Data Center ALL. |
31672 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Time Period Issue:Data of others data centers like SCS,PKY,IBM are added in widget after applying time period on open/merge members of one particular DC. |
31675 | NetStorm | MultiDC | Tree navigation panel issue:Tree is getting collapse after sample update in DC-ALL. |
31683 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Dynamic Runtime changes Issue:Runtime changes are not reflecting in graph tree but reflecting in widgets when open/merge is applied until manually refresh graph tree. |
31714 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Stats Reports Issue:Data is coming “zero” in generating stats report(Tabular/HTML/Word) from widget after applying merge->all->all dc. |
31767 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Compare Issue:Widgets are getting blank after applying disable compare |
31774 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Undo zoom is not working when we drag a graph from the graph tree and apply zoom on that graph while Data Center is “ALL”. |
31775 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Favorite Issue:Favorites and folders of Master in case of DC-ALL are showing in favorite list while clicking on browse option in Add Favorite settings |
31778 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Zoom issue:After applying zoom in widget having graph of DC:SCS,The graph of DC:IBM is also showing,in case of DC:All. |
31932 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Run Command) Issue: After changing the “View By” Option of the run command the result is not coming properly. |
32030 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Run Command) Issue: Create Task GUI is not coming properly in Run Command. |
32073 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Zoom issue:After applying two zooms and then undo zoom in widget having graph of DC:SCS,The graph of all DC is also showing,in case of DC:All. |
32116 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Correlated Graph Issue : In a Correlated Graph type widget, change the chart type to “Area” or “Bar” and save the changes and when we again open the widget settings, then the chart type is changed back to “Line” when Data Center is “ALL”. |
32124 | NetStorm | Multi DC Issue| Alert Issue: Active Alert window is showing alerts for ALL even when Data Center is selected as Specified(Eg: PKY) from webdashboard. |
32125 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Show graph data: Unable to download show graph data with Data Center as IBM. |
32162 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Favorite Issue : Unable to save favorite when Data Center is “ALL”. |
32168 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Tabular Vector Based Widget Type Issue:Values are showing blank while converting widget to Tabular vector based after applying open/merge members |
32170 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Correlated Graph Issue : While changing the chart type to “Area/Bar”, the graphs are not changing from “Line” to “Area/Bar”. |
32177 | NetStorm | Multi DC |Merge graph Issue:Data of others data centers like SCS,PKY,IBM are added in lower pane data of widget after merging any graph with the selected widget of one particular DC. |
32186 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Advance Open/Merge Issue:Data of all data centers(SCS,PKY,IBM) are not coming in single widget after merging all graphs from advance settings. |
32190 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Merge Metrices Issue:Graph of data centers(SCS,PKY,IBM) are getting merged only for particular dc on widget pagination |
32207 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Percentile graph issue:Widget having graph type “Percentile graph” is showing data of “Normal graph” in show graph data in case of DC All. |
32215 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Show graph data issue:Show graph data is showing data of DC All when widget and Lower Panel is showing Data of particular DC(SCS). |
32223 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Slab count graph issue:Widget having graph type “Slab count” is showing data like “Normal graph” in ‘show graph data’ in case of DC All. |
32272 | NetStorm | Multi DC : WebDashboard is coming blank when Data Center is “ALL”. |
32367 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Formula type zoom issue:After applying zoom on widget having “All” formula type graphs,The graph of All Data centers are shown in the widget. |
32395 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Lower panel color issue:Color of graph is not changing for chart types other then “Line chart” in case of Multi DC All. |
32918 | NetStorm | Multi DC : When we open Web Dashboard for the first time with Data Center : ALL, then the Web Dashboard is coming blank. |
32929 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Favorite Issue:Not able to save Favorite in user specified path from browse option,Error is coming |
32930 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Time Period Issue : When we apply graphs of other Data Centers in the widget other then default data center(SCS), then error is coming while applying time period. |
32934 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Favorite Issue:The favorites under browse option of add favorite settings are not getting refreshing with changing of data center |
32940 | NetStorm | Multi DC Issue| Alert Issue: Active Alert window is showing alerts for ALL even when Data Center is selected as Specified(Eg: IBM) from webdashboard. |
32951 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Percentile graph issue:Widget having graph type “Percentile” is showing only “Percentile number” in ‘show graph data’ in case of DC All. |
32957 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Compare Issue:Data of other data centers(SCS,PKY,IBM) are getting added in lower pane data of widget after changing graph type into percentile /slab count when compare is applied. |
32970 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|View By :- Lower Pane is showing data not available when we apply custom time equal to view by and web dashboard is also not loading properly with DC All. |
33170 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Open/Merge Issue:Not able apply advance open/Merge with pattern error is coming and after applying with pattern also unable to apply open/merge with All<All<All case |
34304 | NetStorm | Multi DC : Widget Report Issue : After merging some graphs, when we generate a report from the widget, then except one graph rest all the graph values are coming zero when web dashboard is opened for the first time and sample is not updated. |
34390 | NetStorm | MultiDC|Caption Issue: After changing caption from widget setting then caption in lower panel is not coming properly. |
34426 | NetStorm | MultiDC|Widget setting Issue: After applying zoom “Show Legends” should not disable. |
34434 | NetStorm | Multi DC| Scenario GUI Issue: While DC: All is selected. The Scenarios are coming for Master Controller only. |
30509 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue:Data is not showing for discontinued graphs in generated report ,while data is showing for the discontinued graphs in dashboard |
30525 | NetStorm | Hierarchical Report: When we generated hierarchical report with Tier>Server>Processor then Instances value is not coming in “others” column |
30914 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Reporting) :- Axis’s are not coming on generating stats reports from favorite for the graphs having zero values. |
31032 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Reporting) :- Derived Graph Data is not coming in the word report on generating word report from widget. |
31040 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Hierarchical Report) Issue: “$” is coming in place of space in the name of metrics in Generated Hierarchical Report. |
31101 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Dynamic Graph Changes Issue:”Enable Dynamic Web Dashboard” keyword is not getting enabled from settings <<Configurations |
31141 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Compare issue:Scenario difference is coming blank for compare in Controller NS. |
31154 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4 |Compare issue:After applying script difference ,widget is getting disordered |
31307 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: Compare Report Issue: In Compare Report We are able to change time in “Today” Preset. |
31330 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Template Issue: After deleting Template we are able to view it in template list. |
31349 | NetStorm | Web dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- On generating the report from the widget , the y-axis is showing the negative value. |
31554 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The graphs of the trend compare report are not coming properly on downloading the trend compare report. |
31600 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The HTML report for the selected widget is not coming correct , when we convert graph type of the derived graph to percentile graph. |
31690 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The data of the percentile bar graph is not coming in the compare word report on generating the report from widgets . |
31776 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The percentile line graph is not coming in the compare word report , on generating report from the widget. |
31852 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Report Issue: After adding Report name in “Select Metrics” when we change report type and add Report name,it is adding previous report name with current. |
31910 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Report From Widget) Issue: While dashboard having custom time period than the report from the widget is getting view by as “-1 Second”. |
31923 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- Start Date Time and End Date Time should be “Test Run Start Date Time” and “Test Run End Date Time ” and Average Session per second should be Average Session per minute. |
31929 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- Data is not coming correct ,On generating the compare report from the report management window using All Transactions. |
32206 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The lower pane data is not coming when we generate compare word report from the widget. |
32212 | NetStorm | WebDashboard|Report Issue: Sorting is not working in generated report. |
32221 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- The lower pane data tab is not coming properly on generating word report from widget , in case of percentile derived graph having merge graph in it. |
30898 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4|Open members issue:”Graph tree is getting blank” after opening all members of group and applying last N hours time period. |
30899 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4: In button captions are not present in Graph tree Group at N level. |
30964 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular4|Graph Tree Issue: In graph tree scroll bar is not there,not able to see complete graph tree contents. |
31019 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular 4 | Advance open/merge widget issue:Advance open/merge options are not coming in proper format after open all members of a group and enabling legend option of widget. |
31046 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Open/Merge Issue:Default Selected options in Advance Open/merge settings are not showing while opening settings for second time after applying the Open/Merge through advance open/merge settings. |
31135 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 (Tabular Widget) Issue: While Applying merge metrics to a tabular widget widget is getting blank. |
31190 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Group At End Issue: After applying “Group at End” group level graph are not showing in tree it is showing only instance level graphs. |
31226 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Show Discontinued Graph Issue:”Show Discontinued metrics” are no reflecting in graph tree while applying Time period with show discontinued metrics option enable |
31472 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 | Compare Group Members Issue:Not able to apply compare group members |
31738 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 | Open Merge Issue : When we open the Open Merge settings for a graph, then the fields are already filled with previous operations. |
31744 | NetStorm | WebDashboard Angular4 Issue : Error message is not showing when we are applying Open Merge Advance Settings with wrong values. |
31931 | NetStorm | Web dashboard Angular4|Compare Group Members Issue:Compare group members result is not coming correct in case of (Tier -Same,Server-same,Instance-Same,Business Transaction-Same) |
33009 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Compare Group Members Issue:”Data not available” is coming after applying compare group members on level 6 graph. |
33884 | NetStorm | ACL|In User details,User Mobile option has option for increasing and decreasing numbers. |
33909 | NetStorm | ACL|Validation Issue:Multiple Users/Groups/Capabilities are adding with same name while click on save button multiple times at the time of Add Users/Groups/Capability |
33958 | NetStorm | ACL| LDAP- Change Password Issue: Password change option should be present if not known old password, There should be option to change the password by admin user. |
33980 | NetStorm | ACL|Search is not working for native user and checkbox of LDAP user should have proper Detailing/Notification. |
34053 | NetStorm | ACL|Validation Issue: Wrong Validation message is coming while adding favorite. |
34065 | NetStorm | ACL|Validation Issue:Confirmation message should come while deleting any User/Group/Capability |
34069 | NetStorm | ACL|Delete User Issue: User should not be deleted if user is already loggedin. |
34114 | NetStorm | ACL|Capability UI Issue: The capability list is getting refreshed while switching tabs. |
34119 | NetStorm | ACL|Shorting Issue: Default shorting is not coming in the ACL GUI. |
34137 | NetStorm | ACL|When we Logout from Groups and Capabilities window in ACL ,A popup message comes “Are you sure want to leave this tab and discard changes?”,and cancel option on popup message do not works. |
34236 | NetStorm | ACL|User Management Issue:User Name should allowed with special characters like(“_,-,@ ) |
34305 | NetStorm | ACL| Delete Capability Issue: While applying delete capability, we will have to refresh the gui. |
34375 | NetStorm | ACL|Capability Issue: After adding incomplete custom capability then switching from read only to custom again then GUI is getting disordered. |
34485 | NetStorm | ACL|Capabilties are not getting deleted and showing message “Capabilities is associated with groups.So it cannot be deleted”,even when capabilities are newly created and not used for any groups. |
34532 | NetStorm | ACL| Add User Issue: No validation message is coming while Cavisson user is duplicated. |
34563 | NetStorm | ACL| Add User Issue: Duplicate native user can be added while same LDAP user is present. |
34586 | NetStorm | ACL|Change Password Issue: Password is not changed after changing password from ACL for Native User. |
34655 | NetStorm | ACL|User Management GUI: Native user is getting change to LDAP user, after disabling Native checkbox and then selecting any native user. |
32912 | NetStorm | RBU- Shell handling should be done on the basis of argument i.e. passed by user. |
31787 | NetStorm | RBU- Not able to execute script from script manager if we are not clicking on advance setting button. |
32892 | NetStorm | RTC GUI | Unable to apply File Parameter RTC from GUI |
29365 | NetStorm | Getting wrong max value for session pacing time in Dashboard(Group based). |
29432 | NetStorm | Issue in making build |
29433 | NetStorm | nsu_show_all_netstorm is not showing all controller name |
32657 | NetStorm | WebSocket | Test is running successfully with different ID for ns_web_websocket_connect and ns_web_websocket_send. |
32661 | NetStorm | Websocket: Test is not running due to G_VUSER_TRACE keyword. |
33093 | NetStorm | DynTx | Getting core dump while providing max length greater than 1024 |
33319 | NetStorm | Websocket | Getting core when run a test without any scheme. |
31131 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue:Default widget should be selected when opening Web Dashboard |
31133 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Transaction details Issue:Percentile values in Transaction details should come in increasing order |
29660 | NetStorm | Compare Reports Issue:DashBoard becomes blank while updating Compare Reports. |
33944 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Baseline Comparison :- The graphs of the hour back is not coming on applying compare on the web dashboard having time period “Last 4 hrs”. |
31142 | NetStorm | Web Dash board Angular4 Issue (Test Run UI):- No script for User NA when view script from Test Run GUI after that blank is coming |
32104 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Look & feel issue in Login and Product UI page. |
32129 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Need G_KA_PCT, G_NUM_KA and G_KA_TIME_MODE support in GUI. |
33932 | NetStorm | SQL Parameter is not working when we are connecting it remotely. |
33247 | NetStorm | CavWMON | The agent should try to connect with NDC on default port in case port is not provided in cmon.env |
33251 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | Agent does not try to connect with backup NDC in case only backupNdcHostName is given but backupNdcPort is missing in cmon.env. |
32494 | NetStorm | not getting correct syntax for Search=ALL when added through gui |
33116 | NetStorm | File Parameter RTC |File Explorer| Look & feel issue and error message is not removing automatically. |
31137 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4|Configuration settings Issue:Percentile values are not reflecting in lower pane after changing from configuration settings |
33039 | NetStorm | In Slab Count Graph lower panel value should not come in decimal . |
30048 | NetStorm | Script failure in prod machine ( |
31671 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Not getting label “session/min” on y-axis in case of FSR. |
31681 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Not able to categorized easily the different phases of the scenario (start and end point of pixel of every phases should be highlighted) . |
31705 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Getting wrong RampUp completed time in graph while we are defining number of steps in given time mode. |
31790 | NetStorm | Scenario UI Graph : Unable to get the duration phase in schedule graph when duration mode is “Run for sessions”. |
31810 | NetStorm | Scenario UI Graph : total time taken for RampUp(default steps) phase is showing wrong in schedule graph. |
31831 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI|SSL|wrong SSL VERSION keyword is being added in the backend from the GUI. |
31872 | NetStorm | Scenario UI Graph : total number of Steps for RampUp phase is less when Schedule type Advanced. |
31894 | NetStorm | Scenario UI Graph : total time taken for RampDown is wrong when default mode is selected in RampUp phase. |
31908 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Not able to start a test of a scenario from GUI with Script parameter setting applied in it . |
31911 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Script Parameters :- Not getting appropriate declare parameter for corresponding groups when more than one groups are used in scenario . |
31919 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | Script Parameters UI :- When a scenario is saved with script parameter settings and new declare parameters are added to script , The newly added declare parmeters are not reflected in Script Parameters UI . |
32965 | NetStorm | Sceanrio GUI | Need some error message when user is not able to save the scenario with deadlock condition for more than 3 groups participating in deadlock . |
34167 | NetStorm | Scenario GUI | The added group is deleted automatically in Think time. |
32313 | NetStorm | Getting null value in the search parameter for image response page. |
32430 | NetStorm | Not getting value in search parameter when search parameter is used with regular expression for a binary response . |
32431 | NetStorm | Not getting any value in search parameter when regular expression is enabled with search parameter for binary response ,but no regular expression is used in left boundary and right boundary . |
31688 | NetStorm | Scenario UI graph : Name of X-axis is missing and label “scenario schedule” on x-axis is not properly aligned. |
33600 | NetStorm | RAL | Not able to browse or add file in log file |
32894 | NetStorm | not getting data with PAGE=*, ORD=ANY and Search=ALL combination |
33293 | NetStorm | Search Parameter is not working in case of redirection depth when we provide Search = ALL |
30103 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: After enabling major checkbox and updating, Wrong measurement is getting selected when we select the check box for one measurement. |
32960 | NetStorm | Testsuite: Getting status as NetStormFail for every iteration of testsuite |
31829 | NetStorm | Option for “Update Running Scenario” is not available in the Action list while applying RTC |
32018 | NetStorm | ScenarioGUI|Need to add “G_SSL_SETTINGS <group_name> <enable/disable>” functionality from GUI. |
33178 | NetStorm | Update User/Session Rate RTC | the group is not added in the Update User/Session Rate RTC window. |
31227 | NetStorm | Multi DC|Graph Tree Issue: Panel is getting blank when we drag graph on widget in case of ALL DC(sometimes). |
33951 | NetStorm | Fields of ns_sql_var API() is not in proper format. |
32183 | NetStorm | RBU CORE | User Agent is not passing in rbu_access_log file when G_RBU_USER_AGENT ALL 0 mode. |
33592 | NetStorm | TimeStamp field in Failure Case |
33593 | NetStorm | Message format of Access Log |
33855 | NetStorm | RBU Access Log UTC |
31201 | NetStorm | Generation of RBU Page Metric report on the basis of keyword configuration |
31930 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :-On generating report from template , The data is not coming in the Hierarchical report , using meta data as tier , server , instance. |
31993 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting:- Charts of the pie graph are not coming , on generating report from widget having derived graph. |
30949 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4 Issue (Reporting) :- Time Stamps are coming wrong on generating the compare report from the widget. |
31159 | NetStorm | Webdashboard Angular 4|Compare issue:Server signature is showing “no records found” when it is loading data.when mouse is over different button its font is getting blank. |
33771 | NetStorm | Issues regarding Compare Report |
34288 | NetStorm | AccessLogStatsExtended monitor is not working in 4.1.8 #67 build. |
34058 | NetStorm | Heap Dump : Handling of error to show in UI |
33602 | NetStorm | Issues regarding Compare Report |
28004 | NetStorm | Monitors were failing to apply through JSON for Auto scaled Servers |
28370 | NetStorm | Outbound Monitor Issue : After stopping the test having ENABLE_AUTO_SERVER_SIGNATURE 1 keyword, Connection is going into CLOSE-WAIT with some data is Recv-Q. |
28452 | NetStorm | NS got killed with gdf error. |
28503 | NetStorm | Outbound | Data is constantly stuck in the Recv-Q when the test is stopped with Ctrl^c and connection moves into Close-Wait Phase.. |
34395 | NetStorm | Core dump Issue:Getting core dump and test getting stopped if Monitors used in scenario. |
31758 | NetStorm | Getting Unexpected Tier Name |
34382 | NetStorm | All executed transaction is not showing in the auto generated summary report. |
31455 | NetStorm | CavWMon | Get Log monitor for Event Viewer | CavWMON clears the logs in event viewer on fetching unhandled exception. |
32852 | NetStorm | Data is not updating in dashboard after running a test,After restarting Tomcat samples are updating. |
33735 | NetStorm | UAT|4.1.8#B65-Web Dashboard GUI Issue:Samples not updating in dashboard in case of NS mode |
34004 | NetStorm | Mysql jar files are missing in lib directory |
33329 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue :- The compare report data is coming zero , On generating compare report from the widget having derived graph. |
30712 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting core dump if we are using session pacing in scenario. |
27914 | NetStorm | Inbound|Core Dump is coming when the test is stopped with Ctrl c. |
28372 | NetStorm | Outbound | Data is coming after 80 seconds in case of Json type Mprof. |
33364 | NetStorm | Core | different column delimeter is passing in backened in case of file parameter. |
30348 | NetStorm | Unable to record a session in dynatrace using “G_ENABLE_DT” keyword. |
33678 | NetStorm | Discontinue feature is not working |
34669 | NetStorm | RAL | Transactions are not getting added |
34674 | NetStorm | RAL | “PAGE_AS_TRANSACTION” keyword should get saved in scenario by default |
34691 | NetStorm | RAL | Wrong value for “INLINE_OBJECT_MODE” keyword is parsed in replay_settings.dat file |
32534 | NetStorm | Netstorm | Unable to run a test for URL type. |
28210 | NetStorm | Some data geting stuck in NDC for OUTBOND enable test |
28513 | NetStorm | Outbound | core is found while running test with Mprof in ND |
33315 | NetStorm | Core dump is coming in continuous monitoring if delete vector is coming from ps_data_dvm_ex_v2 monitor |
33616 | NetStorm | CMT stopped due to NS core on MRP prod appliance. |
33617 | NetStorm | CMT stopped due to NS core on MRP prod appliance |
33626 | NetStorm | CMT Got stopped due to NS core on MOSAIC Prod Appliance |
28434 | NetStorm | Outbound|Monitor data is not comming on more than one NS-test running using same NDC on same controller |
30375 | NetVision | In case when there is no name give to the form, then null is passing in the record type 2. |
30216 | NetVision | In form analytics, on changing only form id or class and leaving the rest of the fields same, new id or name of the form is not updated in the table. |
31717 | NetVision | In NV Web dashboard, Null pointer exception is coming for DDR hierarchy. |
30388 | NetVision | In Form analytics filter if we are not selecting any page name and form name, then also it is executing the search query for data. |
33446 | NetVision | In hpd_KeywordDefinition.dat file, “ENABLE_HTTP_CACHING” keyword is not coming with upgrading the latest build 4.1.9#13. |
29375 | NetVision | nr_db_analyze process is not getting stopped after stopping the HPD process. |
33792 | NetVision | In hpd server, xhr and user timing data are not getting dumped into csv files of corresponding partition id. |
33817 | NetVision | HPD is going in infinite loop. |
34136 | NetVision | In hpd server, sessions are not getting expired while enabling keyword G_MAX_SESSION_DURATION for less than 2 hours threshold. |
34513 | NetVision | In hpd server, core dump is generated for user timing request while running load test. |
29210 | NetVision | In NV GUI, Getting 5XX exception while clicking on cluster in config in latest build 4.1.9 #1. |
33853 | NetVision | Page performance report window is not opening while clicking on Rum analytics in latest build. |
33899 | NetVision | In RUM Analytics, Data is not coming on rum analytics window while applying specified time filter . |
34015 | NetVision | Run button is not working, after selecting include and exclude filter for operating system and browser filter in rum analytics. |
31579 | NetVision | Channel name are getting dumped in the metadata table on force-reloading hpd multiple times. |
33851 | NetVision | In NV_ENABLE_STATS_HTTP_REQUEST_LOCATION monitor, few vectors are missing the info of location. |
33805 | NetVision | In NV GUI, View name and View load time is not showing On the Session details window, while it is present in CSV file and DB. |
31642 | NetVision | In NV Dashboard, Session start time is showing wrong while DDR for Bounce Sessions hierarchy for the time of Last 30 days. |
34207 | NetVision | In Form Analytic, landing window is opening with different filter criteria in case of IE and Chrome browser. |
32037 | NetVision | In NV GUI, 5XX exception is coming while comparing baseline for any page from page aggregate icon. |
33361 | NetVision | Getting exception 5XX while comparing page aggregate data with added baseline. |
31922 | NetVision | In NV Web-Dashboard, In place of channel name subversion name of that channel is showing in channel hierarchy of selected group. |
32383 | NetVision | Getting core dump in hpd path while hitting sessions after adding a single channel. |
32558 | NetVision | cores are generated in hpd path while apply rtc from back-end/gui. |
33094 | NetVision | nv_cross_origin file is not present in samples after deploying latest build 4.1.9 #13. |
33808 | NetVision | HPD is getting restart while Enable the Store Monitors in the KeywordDefinition.dat file. |
34022 | NetVision | After upgrading build 4.1.9 #14, hpd is not getting started with ENABLE_HTTP_CACHING 1 keyword in hpd.conf file. |
34122 | NetVision | In NV Web-dashboard, Vectors are getting corrupted while adding multiple application in native app. |
33263 | NetVision | Form Analytics GUI is not opening properly while upgrading latest build 4.1.9 #13. |
34299 | NetVision | In NV Replay, Getting Error while clicking on Form icon in Page navigator window. |
33159 | NetVision | Replay stuck while replaying the sessions and starts throwing error. |
31585 | NetVision | In Toysrus, sometimes send beacon URLs getting cancelled within the page. |
32858 | NetVision | No resource timing is showing for the pages having response time more than 10 sec in session detail window for Chrome browser . |
32886 | NetVision | All xhr request is getting failed and no data has been captured in the sessions of Chrome Browser – version 60 . |
33419 | NetVision | Getting failed to get Blob URL error on search page using worker. |
33646 | NetVision | After the new pagedump support, pagedump request is sending only for chrome and safari, not for IE and firefox |
33793 | NetVision | In NV ND Integration, while doing ddr from User Activity on session detail window, wrong flow-path id value is passing in ddr url. |
30323 | NetVision | Some Graphs(Conversion Rate, Order Total and Order Count) are not showing appropriate data for min, max and avg values of Session Stats group in NV Web-Dashboard. |
33960 | NetVision | SilverSessions event is not captured for LargeAppliances in case of Dotcom |
31994 | NetVision | In NV GUI, getting exception 5xx “java.lang.NumberFormatException” while adding a new user segment. |
33110 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, Panels are getting blank while applying filters on derived graph. |
30630 | NetVision | Getting 5xx Exception while clicking on Filter icon after running abandoned BP filter. |
31390 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, Getting exception 5XX while doing drill down on page level. |
33815 | NetVision | In page filter, Pages are not coming on Pages window while data is showing in total rows in filter criteria while applying any event . |
30393 | NetVision | In NV Continuous Monitoring Test, Location related data(SessionStats/PageStats By Location groups) is not getting dump in RTG file while applying RTC from GUI. |
30449 | NetVision | “Transaction Stats by store” group data is not getting written in testrun.gdf file as “Vector list length reached over the maximum limit” error is coming in monitor.log file. |
31649 | NetVision | In NV Web-Dashboard, Data is not coming for the graphs of “Session stats by screen size” group while it is coming in NV GUI. |
32414 | NetVision | On Page Aggregate Compare Details window, only few resources data are plotted for rewards page in Resource Timings – Waterfall Comparison tab. |
32469 | NetVision | On decreasing the exit count of users in funnel edit mode, revenue is also getting decreasing. |
32150 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | Users come under netstorm and ndemon groups should have the permission of running this utility only. |
32155 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | A validation must be there where user provide its confirmation as Yes/No with proper message what utility will do. |
32156 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | If user has provided arguments of partition id and pageload threshold, then data must be deleted according to the threshold value in that partition. |
32418 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | Validation must be there if we are removing har files from a TR which do not include the page load threshold value in utility. |
32014 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-ND |There should be proper valdation on the G_RBU_ADD_ND_FPI incase invalid group name has passed. |
31607 | Synthetic Monitor | SM |On removing the browser type from G_RBU keyword, test is executing instead of showing error in case of chrome driver. |
32158 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | Error should be reflected on console if user has provided -p argument but partition id is missing. |
31509 | Synthetic Monitor | SM | Getting core dump in nsu_db_upload. |
32197 | Synthetic Monitor | Page Detail Report | When we are moving to page detail report from page average report, then error is passing in HTTPS protocol, GUI considering HTTP instead of HTTPS. |
30809 | Synthetic Monitor | NVSM-Report | Error while generating Report through Scheduler in 419#6. |
34754 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-Access Log | Performances issues when we play with the RBU Access log GUI. |
32915 | Synthetic Monitor | RBU-Webdashboard | Invalid window is opening on performing DDR from Drill Down Report to detailed report. |
34367 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-Access Log | RBU Access log GUI is coming blank as SM supports angular 1 based web-dashboard. |
33872 | Synthetic Monitor | NVSM-Webdashboard | After upgrading latest build, dashboard is not opening, instead it is showing error of “Error in getting dashboard configuration and Layout data from server”. |
31874 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | If we have default configuration of G_RBU_ACCESS_LOG in scenario, then rbu_access_log file should also be generated in case of T.O. |
31876 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | If we are dumping data for Main URL only, then still we are getting Inline URL in access log file but if there is some misc error, other then this (2xx/3xx) we are getting data for Main URL only. |
31879 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | Details of User-Agent is not reflecting if we using User-Agent through “UBROWSER” or scenario profile. |
31882 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | If status is 200 OK, then we are not getting the details of ServerIP, RespTime(ms) and RepSize(kB) in access log file |
31883 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | Details of Server IP/Port is not reflecting in access log file for first URL in script either status code is 200 OK or 404 Not Found. |
31884 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-AccessLog | When we comment a 200 OK URL in script and add 404 URL in place of it, still in access log we are getting details about 200 OK URL. |
33095 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-Access Log | Data of Parameter and BrowserVersion are not getting dumped into rbu_access_log file. |
32160 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | While removing har file with start and end date arguments, then utility is not considering the dates. |
33350 | Synthetic Monitor | RBU Access Log, Message field getting partial dump. |
34704 | TestSuite | Testsuite | Unable to Create Testcase through NetStorm – Test Case Configuration Gui. |
33653 | TestSuite | Testsuite: One more row should be add in NetStorm Performance Report for Transaction Success. |
34454 | TestSuite | Test Suite | All the check profile Rule is not reflected to test suite report. |
33746 | TestSuite | Test Suite | Unable to save Test Run Numbers in Trend window. |