New and Enhanced Features in 4.1.8
- Auto Instrumentation: Agent will detect loaded classes and intelligently instrument them. This is very useful for any new environment for exploring new Integration Point calls, threadcalls, and making specific instrumentation profile for any environment.
- Auto Discover: Creates and manage instrumentation profile using Auto Instrumentation feature. It helps user to create instrumentation profile through Config UI. Initially, user had to create it manually.
- Filtering of Auto Scaled Tier: Allow: Allow only configured Tier to be auto scale.
Block: Block configured Tier not to be auto scale.
- IBM MQ V2: Some internal changes done in working of this monitor. Till now it worked as custom monitor and now it will run as Dynamic Vector Monitor (DVM). All arguments are same as it worked before.
- Cassandra related changes: Version compatibility has been provided in Cassandra and some more stats are getting added in column family stats and compaction stats monitor. Following are the stats which are getting added in monitors:
New stats added in Cassandra column family:
- Cassandra Mean Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra Min Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra Max Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra 50thPercentile Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra 95thPercentile Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra 99thPercentile Read Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra One Minute Read Request Rate
- Cassandra Five Minute Read Request Rate
- Cassandra Fifteen Minute Read Request Rate
- Cassandra Mean Write Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra Min Write Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra Max Write Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra 50thPercentile Write Latency(microsec)
- Cassandra 95thPercentile Write Latency(micro sec)
- Cassandra 99thPercentile Write Latency(micro sec)
- Cassandra One Minute Write Request Rate
- Cassandra Five Minute Write Request Rate
- Cassandra Fifteen Minute Write Request Rate
New stats added in compaction stats:
- Cassandra Compaction Task Completed/Sec
- Cassandra Bytes Compacted/Sec
- AccessLogExV6: This is a new version came in access log extended monitor. In all newly Access log monitors, some new stats related to previous metrics are getting added. In this version percentage graphs are getting added for all type status code. Like for “AL 2xx/sec” there is a new graph added as “AL 2xx (%)” Similarly for other status code metrics also graphs are added.
Following are the newly added graphs:
- AL 1xx (%)
- AL 2xx (%)
- AL 3xx (%)
- AL 4xx (%)
- AL 5xx (%)
- AL Others Request (%)
- Kubernetes container Image Process Stats: Kubernetes deployment failure case is a general problem which might be monitor for causes of deployment failure. Most common causes of deployment fails due to wrong container image or trying to use private image without providing registry credentials. This monitor is used to capture the reason (Event) of deployment failure, Event can be any of the following Pulling, Pulled, Failed, InspectFailed, ErrImageNeverPull, BackOff.
- Java Home and java classpath support in JSON: Added two json object to pass java home and java class path with the monitor at app level. User can now use object java-home and java-classpath at app level to pass specific java home and classpath for particular monitor. Both of them are optional arguments. User can use java-classpath alone but not java-home as if java-classpath is not present java-home will be ignored. And if java-home is absent but java-classpath is given, then NS will take java-home from Server.conf for that particular server.
Bug Fixes
Bug ID | Product | Summary |
32838 | NetCloud | DynTx:Percentile value of transaction time graph is coming zero in dashboard with Static transaction in case of NetCloud. |
33330 | NetCloud | DynTx | Transaction count for the page came on controller is greater than the transaction count on generator |
33266 | NetCloud | Correct error message should come while stop the generators. |
35427 | NetCloud | NC | Getting core dump when number of NVM’s are less than number of generators |
35379 | NetCloud | Scenario GUI | Not able to add the generator’s from GUI. |
33090 | NetCloud | Dashboard stuck & Transaction table option not appears during load test. |
34397 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |Popup message of “Applied Run Time Changes” is not showing in UI while changes are reflecting in raw_data file |
35449 | NetDiagnostics | Auto Scale Cleanup | Core dump in merge_cm_table_into_rtgRewrt_cm_table |
34272 | NetDiagnostics | Not able to open flowpath report details on instance level on MOSAIC( |
30392 | NetDiagnostics | Netstorm|Core was generated for netstorm in receive_data_from_NDC at at ns_ndc_outbound.c. |
31403 | NetDiagnostics | After partition change test got restart due to core |
34191 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS |”Every time agent gets start_instr message ,agent requests to NDC for every fileBasedKeyword without checking LMD/size” regarding code is not commieted in cav_netjsagent@0.3.41. |
34302 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | Agent is crashing while sending ndi_send_msg_ex to Agent for disableInstance. |
34407 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS |After disabling instance through reroute message and When Agent is restarting, Agent is not making data/autosensor connection and data is not coming on running Test but when Test is restarting data is coming . |
35482 | NetDiagnostics | BCI | Content of entry point file is sending in instrumentaion_profile on some bci servers of Batch (, having 4.1.8#69 build. |
33776 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Whole pie chart is not coming in Aggregate Method Timing report while traversing through Tier status >Top flowpath by callout errors >Aggregate Method Timing report. |
35090 | NetDiagnostics | Web dashboard is taking time to load data |
32803 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “NaN%” is coming in Percentage column in Method calling Tree. |
32804 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Garbage value is coming in Syn Time(ms) in method calling tree. |
32806 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Java” is coming in Wait Time(ms) in Method calling tree. |
32808 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Wall Time(ms)” and “Syn Time(ms)” is coming blank in Method Summary. |
33047 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-Nodejs | NaN property is showing in percentage column in method calling tree . |
33049 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-Nodejs | Instance Type(NodeJS) is showing in WaitTime column in method calling tree . |
33477 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Instance type is not coming in method calling tree while traversing through Tier Status>>Drill Down>>Flowpaths by response time>>Flowpath Details. |
33766 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Error” message is coming in Exception window while traversing through Tier status >Top flowpath by callout errors >BT(others) >Sequence diagram >Exception icon. |
35652 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | In FP Analyzer Report, Link is not coming in Flowpath count to view Flowpath report. |
35318 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Web Dashboard | In Flowpath report, “No record found” is showing while traversing through Flowpath stats >Tier >Server >Instance >drill down >flowpath by signature report >DB report >Flowpath report. |
35732 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | In compare flowpath report, Pop-up error message is coming while clicking on Method calling tree. |
29470 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “NA” is showing in status code in HTTP report while traversing through Tier status >Total scorecard >resp time(/crs/browse) >overall >business transaction >HTTP report. |
30092 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch is showing for JDBC calls in method calling tree and sequence diagram in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >drill down >slow DB calls Response time >flowpath >Business Trans(StoreusCheckout) . |
30573 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | JDBC callout is not showing in method calling tree in FP detail window but there is JDBC callout in sequence diagram while traversing through Tier status >Drill down >flowpath by response time >BT(ATGStoreusCheckout). |
32833 | NetDiagnostics | DDR -ED | No record is showing in DB Report while DB Callouts is appearing in raw data and DB Callout count is also appearing in flowpath report. |
34817 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Download options are not working in FlowPath report window while traversing through Tier Status>>DrillDown>>Flowpath By Response Time. |
28019 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Normal count and error count in the Business Transaction window is not matching with the flowpath report |
32876 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|NS generated Request are different from ND generated request. |
33206 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch in methods count in Flowpath Report and total methods in Summary of Methods in Method Timing Report. |
34309 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Blank is showing in Method summary while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >Transaction flow >FP detail. |
35233 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | TierCallOut’s Sequence number is not coming correct. |
29087 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in NDMethod Monitor window |
30337 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Validation is not working in Method BT window for FQM field |
33054 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Logging file i.e. guiDebug.log is not showing the appropriate logs for the Config UI |
35125 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | For Session Attribute, when user adding the configuration regarding “Specific” attribute type then previous removed configuration is also getting reflected in backend file |
31202 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – Web Dashboard |Flowpath stats are not appearing for some instance while traversing from webdashboard. |
34310 | NetDiagnostics | BCIAgent| Logs like “Mon Sep 11 12:02:47 IST 2017 | TR2673 | ThreadID: 12 | BCIAgent <- NDCollector | NDSys” are appending in BCI debug log file . |
32730 | NetDiagnostics | NS core at free_vector_names |
32734 | NetDiagnostics | NS core generated at close_msg_com_con_and_exit () function |
33449 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to upload and import the file as ” No Record Found” is showing in File Manager window under HTTP Business Transaction Configuration |
27266 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|NDC is not started automatically after upgrading build 4.1.8#11 and also taking time aprox 60 sec to restart. |
33437 | NetDiagnostics | DR|NDC|Default value “ND_DR_RETRY_POLICY” of this keyword is coming 10 sec instead of 60 sec, |
33756 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|Test is getting stuck as NDC is creating instances in instrprofile while there are more then 15000 instances present. |
33757 | NetDiagnostics | NDP|NDP is by default creating directories for tier, server and instances which causes problem when there are more 15000 instances present. |
35795 | NetDiagnostics | AUTO_SCALE_ALLOWED_TIER|Instance is SCALE UP for non allowed tier also |
32312 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user unchecked the “Capture request parameters” option then keyword is getting removed from the ndsettings.txt file under Endpoint URL Capturing window |
34081 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user saves the ND session cookie name i.e. CavNV then in ndsettings.txt file it is not appearing correctly |
35467 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | “Max character limit in URL” field under the Endpoint URL Capturing is not taking its default value |
35476 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Red line is appearing in Instrumentation Profiler Maker |
35711 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | MethodBreakDown feature should be removed from the UI as it is not supported by the Agent in 4.1.8 build |
28330 | NetDiagnostics | NDC|Getting Core dump in ND Collector |
30087 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user running the test after configuring from the UI then ndc_trace.log file is not creating and for this user has to restart the ndc for creating the ndc_trace.log |
31444 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Run Time Changes is not working while applying the configuration from UI |
34639 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “TYPE” is coming in instance type column in method calling tree while traversing through Tier Status>>DrillDown>>Flowpath By Response Time>>Flowpath Details. |
35721 | NetDiagnostics | ndu_collector is hogging 100% cpu in entire duration of test. |
29378 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Blank is showing in method calling tree in compare flowpath while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >select two flowpath >method calling tree. |
30093 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mouse over to JMS calls method in method calling tree in compare flowpath,”-” is showing in method name while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >drill down >flowpath by response time >compare two flowpath. |
30289 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “undefined” is coming in flowpath count in FP analyzer window while traversing through Tier status >Transaction scorecard >FP analyzer(ATGShippingCart). |
30412 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Whole data is not showing in HTTP report while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >url. |
30550 | NetDiagnostics | DDR[ED] |”Transaction flow window” is not opening while traversing through compare Flowpath Report window. |
32647 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Methods is not showing in Method Timing Report, traversing through Tier status >BT trends >Method Timing. |
33728 | NetDiagnostics | UAT | 4.1.8($65) | “No record were found” is showing in FP Analyzer Report window while traversing through Tier Status>>Total Score Card>>FP Analyzer for SNBPing BT. |
30046 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED[NodeJs] | Mismatch in sequence diagram response time and flowpath response time in compare report while traversing through Tier status(SnbUI) >drill down >flowpath by response time >compare two flowpath. |
34521 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user opening the ND Config UI window from the product UI then it is taking more than 5 sec. to open |
34642 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user configure the Java Method Based Custom Data for Argument type settings then Index field is not reflecting in ndsettings.txt file |
29924 | NetDiagnostics | SQL Record | Session not getting cleared after filtering query by execution time, getting same output for each filter. |
32092 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sequence Diagram is not opening in FP detail window, traversing through Tier48 >Drill down >Top flowpaths by callout errors >BT(StoreusCheckout). |
32613 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Percentage is coming wrong in Summary of Methods in Method Timing Report. |
32624 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Previous window is not refreshed while opening fresh window of flowpath report. |
32628 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Compare flowpath table is not showing data of flowpath in Compare flowpath window. |
32629 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Mismatch in flowpath count and Total flowpath in Flowpath Report window. |
32641 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Loading action is not coming in initial window for any Flowpath Report window. |
32846 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Total Flowpath count is different from Total CallOut Errors count in Top flowpath by CallOut Errors window. |
33430 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Wrong selection of filters is appearing in Method Calling Tree > Apply Filter window. If user selects 2nd Item, it shows first item in the field. |
34003 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Total methods are not coming in Method Summary in FP detail window, traversing Tier status >Drill down >Flowpath by response time >BT. |
34271 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | In case a link is clicked on flowpath report page before pagination has loaded properly, then coming back to flowpath breadcrumb, complete flowpaths fail to load rather only default (50) flowpaths are loadable. |
30090 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Methods are showing wrong in sequence diagram for JMS and JDBC calls while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >drill down >slow DB calls Response time >flowpath >FP details(StoreusCheckout) >sequence diagram. |
30479 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sequence diagram crashes (not loading), When we navigate through Exception report page–>Exception Class–>FP Details->Business Transaction–>Sequence Diagram. |
35334 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED| Error is coming while clicking on DB icons of sequence diagram in compare flowpath report. |
30108 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED[FP Analyzer] | No methods are showing in method calling tree, method summary and sequence diagram in FP detail window while traversing through Tier status(TierAtg29) >Transaction scorecard >Browser(BT) >FP analyzer >BT. |
30325 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Sometimes “404 error” is coming while downloading method calling tree report in Fp detail while traversing through Tier status >drill down >flowpath by response time >Business Transaction. |
33035 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “Error” is coming in Exception window for compare flowpath report. |
30735 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Hotspot report is opening for the same flowpath while checking for Http report>Hostpot report but the same case is not happening while opening hotspot report directly. |
35213 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Session is not getting cleared on applying filters in flowpath report. |
34362 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Web Dashboard | “No record found” is showing in Service Method Timing while traversing through Flowpath stats >Tier >Server >Instance >Total flowpath >flowpath by signature report >Aggregate Sequence Diagram. |
35329 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Webdashboard | In compare flowpath report, “undefined” is coming while click on Tier node in Transaction flow while traversing through BT >overall >overall >All Transaction >Request per sec >drill down >Flowpath Group by BT. |
35331 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Icons are not working in transaction flow window while traversing through Tier Status>>DrillDown>>Flowpath By Response Time>>Transaction Flow. |
35632 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Not able to open Transaction flow while traversing through Tier status >Drill down >flowpath by response time >CallOuts. |
28750 | NetDiagnostics | As per the present design,global database is shared for all controller for which application, profile and topology made in one controller also reflected in the other controller |
33586 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Selected Details is not showing in Edit BT Pattern window under Transaction Configuration |
33753 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Under Method BT Configuration, In Add Argument Type Settings window, Drilldown option is not working for operation field |
34016 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user creates the xml file at package level then popup message of successfully saved is showing but file is not reflecting under .whitelist directory |
34399 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Blue line is continuously appearing after applying the Run Time Changes from the UI |
35083 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | New created Topologies are not showing in the dropdown list of Import Topology Window until user click on the home screen icon |
35086 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Red line is appearing in topology Details window |
35403 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Traverse to custom configuration window after creating new profile, Keyword’s i.e. ASDataBufferMinCount, AgentTraceLevel and maxResourceDetailMapSize are appearing in custom configuration list |
34796 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “No record found” is showing in service method timing report while traversing through Tier Status>>DrillDown>>Flowpath by response time>>Flowpath Details>>Service Method Timing Report. |
31435 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Dialog box is not showing properly if User again open the dialog box after selecting “ALL” the instrumentation profile |
33729 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In view Audit Activity Log, description text is not appearing correct for instrument monitors |
33819 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Multiple times action is coming for same timestamp in Audit log window while doing a single action. |
34356 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Instrumented List should gets cleared or traverse back to the Home Screen after saving the instrumentation profile from the Autodiscover window |
34604 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |In Audit Log Window, description for the Creation of Instrumentation Profile from the Auto Discover Feature is not appearing |
30814 | NetDiagnostics | DDR[ED] | ” No Record Found” is showing on Flowpath Report window while traverse from the BT Trend |
33769 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “No results from query” message is showing in flowpath report while traversing through Tier status >Top flowpath by callout errors >Callout errors >Exception class. |
33772 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “undefined” is coming in Session Number and also error message is showing in DB report, traversing through Tier Status >Top flowpath by callout errors >Callouts >DB report. |
33514 | NetDiagnostics | CMT got stopped due to NS core on MOSAIC prod appliance |
32216 | NetDiagnostics | Host name is not captured for cassandra callouts if version is > 3.0 |
32969 | NetDiagnostics | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.cavisson.ndutils.NDSys.handleHttpTransportBackendCall(Ljava/net/URL;J)V |
33925 | NetDiagnostics | BCI logging threads are throwing exceptions in application console |
36096 | NetDiagnostics | Web-dashboard showing discontinuous graphs. |
34789 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | Integration Point Section is not appearing in Thread Hotspot window. |
33691 | NetDiagnostics | CMT got stopped due to NDP core on mosaic( |
28952 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Less ND Data start to come if we continuously start the Test without restarting the server . |
29715 | NetDiagnostics | Capturing Custom Data From Req. Parameter | For rule “HTTP_REQ_PARAMETER|productid|1|PROD_ID:0:Je:1”, parameter captured in the raw data is not appearing in Http Report correctly. |
33670 | NetDiagnostics | ND_CON structure is increasing and not any field to differniate ND and CMON instance |
34725 | NetDiagnostics | Exit status is coming wrong on forcerestart of ND Collector. |
29306 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | (Ubuntu16) DotNetAgent is not able to make control connection with NDC if we restart the Server While test is running. |
34451 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user selects instrumentation profiles “All At Once” from dropdown list, changes are not reflecting in ndsetting.txt file. |
32399 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent -DDR | Package name is coming blank in method summery report for “MoveNext” methods. |
30613 | NetDiagnostics | AER – Stack trace is appearing blank for exception Class -> “IOException”, while traversing through Drill Down > Exception(s). |
29573 | NetDiagnostics | AER – Exception is appearing blank in method calling tree while traversing from Exception Report. |
31204 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Package Names, Class Names & Method Names are not appearing in dropdown menu of Method Calling Filters, while traversing through Flowpath Report > Business Transaction. |
33725 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | No records are appearing in Hotspot Thread Details, while in backend query is coming for same. |
29039 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | Wrong Flowpath header records ( 2 records ) is coming in raw data. |
33763 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Integer Type value is not appearing in rule applied for capture custom from session attribute “SESS_ATTR|SESSIONEX|1|SessionEx:A:B;” When adding specific attribute from capture custom data window from Flowpath Header > Session Attribute. |
36031 | NetDiagnostics | Stress-HLE CMT || Process-Stats Group || Data Unavailability |
34288 | NetStorm | AccessLogStatsExtended monitor is not working in 4.1.8 #67 build. |
33622 | NetStorm | Some jar files are missing in classpath for Windows CavMonAgent |
34058 | NetStorm | Heap Dump : Handling of error to show in UI |
33602 | NetStorm | Issues regarding Compare Report |
28004 | NetStorm | Monitors were failing to apply through JSON for Auto scaled Servers |
28370 | NetStorm | Outbound Monitor Issue : After stopping the test having ENABLE_AUTO_SERVER_SIGNATURE 1 keyword, Connection is going into CLOSE-WAIT with some data is Recv-Q. |
30610 | NetStorm | Script Management: Compilation error is coming while adding File parameter by first clicking on “Save” button and then on “OK” button |
33331 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard Angular4(Derived Graph) Issue: Last sample of derived graph is getting zero while using “()”. |
35617 | NetStorm | Not able to Open Transaction Detail Report for this Box |
35885 | NetStorm | Not able to login ProductUI through Netstorm User |
33981 | NetStorm | Core dump generated in nsu_logging_reader |
34036 | NetStorm | Page Dump Issue: In CV Fail cases the message is not showing correct as present in the event.log.(Message is not showing as it is provided in script) |
34602 | NetStorm | Not Getting data in page dump record. |
35341 | NetStorm | WebSocket Stats : We are getting wrong data in “WebSocket Send Throughput(Kbps)” and graph “WebSocket Receive Throughput(Kbps)”. |
35342 | NetStorm | WebSocket Stats : Getting graph name “WebSocket Bytes send/sec” instead of “WebSocket Bytes Sent/sec”. (It should be “sent” not “send”) |
35343 | NetStorm | WebSocket Stats : We are getting wrong data in graph “websocket message receive/sec”. |
35344 | NetStorm | WebSocket Stats : We are getting zero data in graph “websocket connections initiate/sec”. |
35394 | NetStorm | WebSocket Stats : We are getting data in graph “websocket Connections Close/Sec” while getting 100% ConFail (zero connection is opened). |
35422 | NetStorm | Websocket : Getting total closed WS TCP Connection greater than total open in case of ConFail. |
35615 | NetStorm | Getting issue while executing the test. |
35672 | NetStorm | Call is not working fine from NC machine. |
33761 | NetStorm | Favorite Issue: Current loaded favorite should not be deleted if user perform delete favorite from Organize favorite. |
35784 | NetStorm | Java Type Script|Java type Script is not working. |
28452 | NetStorm | NS got killed with gdf error. |
28503 | NetStorm | Outbound | Data is constantly stuck in the Recv-Q when the test is stopped with Ctrl^c and connection moves into Close-Wait Phase.. |
32544 | NetStorm | Core Dump is coming in NS. |
34357 | NetStorm | CavMonAgent|All java based monitors are failing due to invalid JAVA_HOME path |
34395 | NetStorm | Core dump Issue:Getting core dump and test getting stopped if Monitors used in scenario. |
34476 | NetStorm | PCT graphs are missing in Access Log Stats V5 |
34735 | NetStorm | AccessLogStatsExtendedV6:- avg value in “AL xxx (%)” graph is showing integer value instead of float value. |
34793 | NetStorm | IBMMQV2 monitor is not running as STANDARD_MONITOR |
34882 | NetStorm | Wrong values are coming for Message for Dequeue count/sec and Enqueue count/sec |
35135 | NetStorm | OCF | Core is generated in netstorm. |
35821 | NetStorm | Core dump is coming in free dynamic vector in stress HLE env. |
35822 | NetStorm | Core dump is coming in parsing of server information in stress HLE. |
31758 | NetStorm | Getting Unexpected Tier Name |
28313 | NetStorm | Getting error in creating thread while running the test in thread context. |
34350 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting :- Data of the compare report is not coming on generating compare word report from “All Widgets”. |
34382 | NetStorm | All executed transaction is not showing in the auto generated summary report. |
34480 | NetStorm | Summary Report Issue :- The name of the transactions should come in the sorted order on generating summary report from the report management UI. |
34827 | NetStorm | Compare word report Issue: In compare report the x-axis value is coming as junk. |
35858 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue :- No data is coming on generating report from favorites , using report management UI. |
28450 | NetStorm | Outbound Connection Issue : When trying to restart ndc , it is giving error ndc port busy 7894. |
34232 | NetStorm | Type and Region values are not coming correct in GKE event viewer. |
34361 | NetStorm | Split Page functionality is not working for User Click when we uncheck options in the “Split Page Options”. |
31455 | NetStorm | CavWMon | Get Log monitor for Event Viewer | CavWMON clears the logs in event viewer on fetching unhandled exception. |
35513 | NetStorm | Logs related to journald command are coming continuously in CavMonAgentDebug.log file. |
33450 | NetStorm | Core | Test exists without uploading data to DB. |
34931 | NetStorm | Alert Conditions Issue:Wrong alert is generating in case of Threshold type-Fixed window Average and alert condition-Percentage Increase with Prev time Range |
32852 | NetStorm | Data is not updating in dashboard after running a test,After restarting Tomcat samples are updating. |
33735 | NetStorm | UAT|4.1.8#B65-Web Dashboard GUI Issue:Samples not updating in dashboard in case of NS mode |
33818 | NetStorm | Transaction Details:Total transaction completed count is coming different for whole scenario and custom time(applied time of total test run). |
35246 | NetStorm | Excel Report Issue: “Error in generating report” is coming while generating excel report with show discontinue enable. |
34004 | NetStorm | Mysql jar files are missing in lib directory |
33329 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue :- The compare report data is coming zero , On generating compare report from the widget having derived graph. |
30700 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting error on console if we are using return function in script. |
30712 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting core dump if we are using session pacing in scenario. |
27914 | NetStorm | Inbound|Core Dump is coming when the test is stopped with Ctrl c. |
28372 | NetStorm | Outbound | Data is coming after 80 seconds in case of Json type Mprof. |
31105 | NetStorm | Getting Core dumped issue in the OCF Controller |
33364 | NetStorm | Core | different column delimeter is passing in backened in case of file parameter. |
33789 | NetStorm | Getting core dump when enabling G_VUSER_TRACE |
30348 | NetStorm | Unable to record a session in dynatrace using “G_ENABLE_DT” keyword. |
33678 | NetStorm | Discontinue feature is not working |
34669 | NetStorm | RAL | Transactions are not getting added |
34674 | NetStorm | RAL | “PAGE_AS_TRANSACTION” keyword should get saved in scenario by default |
34691 | NetStorm | RAL | Wrong value for “INLINE_OBJECT_MODE” keyword is parsed in replay_settings.dat file |
35682 | NetStorm | Not getting tier Cluster_cbpRedis_Prod_USC1 and Cluster_cbpRedis_Prod_USE1 |
34966 | NetStorm | Websocket: Enhancement regarding websocket graph in dashboard. |
35301 | NetStorm | Websocket: Enhancement regarding adding more graphs in Websocket like HTTP |
32534 | NetStorm | Netstorm | Unable to run a test for URL type. |
28210 | NetStorm | Some data geting stuck in NDC for OUTBOND enable test |
28513 | NetStorm | Outbound | core is found while running test with Mprof in ND |
30692 | NetStorm | Core is forming || |
33315 | NetStorm | Core dump is coming in continuous monitoring if delete vector is coming from ps_data_dvm_ex_v2 monitor |
33616 | NetStorm | CMT stopped due to NS core on MRP prod appliance. |
33617 | NetStorm | CMT stopped due to NS core on MRP prod appliance |
33626 | NetStorm | CMT Got stopped due to NS core on MOSAIC Prod Appliance |
32187 | NetStorm | Observing Core Dump in Netstorm in OCF Controller in KFS Box |
31704 | NetStorm | Active users value is in -ve in dashboard |
28434 | NetStorm | Outbound|Monitor data is not comming on more than one NS-test running using same NDC on same controller |
34061 | NetStorm | Event Viewer Issue |
35365 | NetStorm | Unable to resume the paused test without refreshing the webdashboard |
33258 | NetStorm | A number of cores are generated from continuous monitoring test. |
33946 | NetStorm | Content served by browser cache although disabled in scenario |
33159 | NetVision | Replay stuck while replaying the sessions and starts throwing error. |
31585 | NetVision | Sometimes send beacon URLs getting cancelled within the page. |
32858 | NetVision | No resource timing is showing for the pages having response time more than 10 sec in session detail window for Chrome browser . |
32886 | NetVision | All xhr request is getting failed and no data has been captured in the sessions of Chrome Browser – version 60 . |
33419 | NetVision | Getting failed to get Blob URL error on search page of client using worker. |
33646 | NetVision | After the new pagedump support, pagedump request is sending only for chrome and safari, not for IE and firefox |
33793 | NetVision | In NV ND Integration, while doing ddr from User Activity on session detail window, wrong flow-path id value is passing in ddr url. |
30323 | NetVision | Some Graphs(Conversion Rate, Order Total and Order Count) are not showing appropriate data for min, max and avg values of Session Stats group in NV Web-Dashboard. |
33960 | NetVision | SilverSessions event is not captured for LargeAppliances in case of Dotcom |
31994 | NetVision | In NV GUI, getting exception 5xx “java.lang.NumberFormatException” while adding a new user segment. |
32592 | NetVision | Data is not coming in funnel while doing DDR for any business process related group from web-dashboard. |
32616 | NetVision | Getting exception 5XX while downloading report for contype field from export option. |
34334 | NetVision | In NV GUI, Report is not getting downloaded from export option while selecting all the fields. |
33110 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, Panels are getting blank while applying filters on derived graph. |
30630 | NetVision | Getting 5xx Exception while clicking on Filter icon after running abandoned BP filter. |
31390 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, Getting exception 5XX while doing drill down on page level. |
33690 | NetVision | In NV GUI, not able to filter out the resource from the HTTP filters even though it is present in many sessions. |
33815 | NetVision | In page filter, Pages are not coming on Pages window while data is showing in total rows in filter criteria while applying any event . |
34757 | NetVision | Threshold is showing large value in comparison of alert value column for CumToPM type of graphs in active alerts. |
30393 | NetVision | In NV Continuous Monitoring Test, Location related data(SessionStats/PageStats By Location groups) is not getting dump in RTG file while applying RTC from GUI. |
30449 | NetVision | “Transaction Stats by store” group data is not getting written in testrun.gdf file as “Vector list length reached over the maximum limit” error is coming in monitor.log file. |
31649 | NetVision | In NV Web-Dashboard, Data is not coming for the graphs of “Session stats by screen size” group while it is coming in NV GUI. |
32414 | NetVision | On Page Aggregate Compare Details window, only few resources data are plotted for client’s rewards page in Resource Timings – Waterfall Comparison tab. |
32469 | NetVision | On decreasing the exit count of users in funnel edit mode, revenue is also getting decreasing. |
31255 | NetVision | In Firefox browser, Getting Exception 5XX while refreshing the window after deleting any checkpoint. |
34215 | Synthetic Monitor | NVSM-Webdashboard |NVSM-Webdashboard | Favourite manager pop up showing some portion transparent on selecting favourite directory. |
29970 | Synthetic Monitor | RBU-Core | Flow of executing click events in a particular API i.e. first ID, class and xpath is not supported in FF v42 and v43. |
33636 | TestSuite | Test Suite : Unable to update the Display Name in check Rule window. |
34454 | TestSuite | Test Suite | All the check profile Rule is not reflected to test suite report. |
33746 | TestSuite | Test Suite | Unable to save Test Run Numbers in Trend window. |
33800 | TestSuite | TestSuite: Not getting data in Schedule setting GUI if we are opening scenario using Testsuite by clicking on Edit Scenario In GUI link. |