Bug ID | Product | Summary |
33788 | NetCloud | Controller is not able to overwrite the script on generator while running a test |
32506 | NetCloud | DynTx | Getting core dump with Dynamic transaction in NC test |
33162 | NetCloud | DynTx | Getting core dump while running NC_Test with 1000 Dynamic Transactions in a flow with 1000 users. |
32923 | NetCloud | DashBoard is not updating |
33725 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | No records are appearing in Hotspot Thread Details, while in backend query is coming for same. |
31760 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | nodeAsyncEventMonitor is not working with “node version 4.8.2” |
31691 | NetDiagnostics | NDDBUpload|End constraint is applied on Hotspot thread tables while there is no partition switch and data is currently coming for it. |
32605 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Script is not getting updated at the time of build upgrade for which UI is not working properly |
33487 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Showing StoreId and TerminalId column in Flowpath Report window when there is no data regarding it. |
33556 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user doing any configuration from the General settings then Keyword ie: “enableExceptionInSeqBlob=false;” is adding in ndsetting.txt file and user is not able to run the test. |
33714 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is discovering the data by the Autodiscover feature then it should not show cavisson regarding packages |
33542 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Xml hierarchy is not coming as per our expection as class and method is coming in package tag in instrumentation profile |
33262 | NetDiagnostics | Zero data from Server Count Monitor |
30182 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | Average Event Execution Time(ms) is always showing Average value one in NodeJS Event Loop States found in Local QA environment as well as client’s one |
30427 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | ND_NV Integration | Value is not Passing Correct with set-cookie in Response Header while traversing through HTTP Report. |
33412 | NetDiagnostics | DR |Java Agent|BCI is not making control connection with NDC and BCI error/debug logs are not appending while upgrading BCI build 4.1.8(#63) |
33528 | NetDiagnostics | DR|Java Agent|If NDSettings file does not contains ndcPort and NS has multiple Controller having test runing/test not running in it ,then it causes issues mentioned below. |
33743 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | Error is coming in nd_node_debug/error logs regarding createStateMachineTable. |
32546 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent-DDR|Method calling Tree is not opening while traversing from Flowpath by response time. |
33023 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | DB Call is not showing in method calling tree of flowpath details window but it is showing in sequence diagram of flowpath details window. |
33024 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | DotNet is showing in WaitTime of method calling tree in Flowpath Details window. |
33025 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | “No records were found” is showing in HotSpot Thread Details Window while traversing through Tier Status>>DrillDown>>Flowpath by response time>>HotSpot Thread Details. |
30664 | NetDiagnostics | Method Calling Tree | Wall time is appearing greater than response time in method calling tree. |
32038 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Web dashboard | JDBC callout is not coming in Sequence diagram in compare flowpath report. |
33737 | NetDiagnostics | UAT | 4.1.8($65) | “No data found” is showing in sequence diagram while traversing through Tier Status>>Drill Down>>Flowpath By Response Time>>Flowpath Details. |
32815 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Web dashboard | Error is coming in Flowpath by signature Report. |
30416 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | While creating the new profile then execute permission is not showing to ndsettings.txt file |
31431 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to unselect “ALL” the instrumentation profile at once if user open the dialog box again as checkbox for select/Unselect “ALL AT ONCE” is not showing |
32148 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Mode of CPU time capturing is showing 3 i.e. “Enable at method and flowpath level” but in backend it is passing as “enableCpuTime=0” |
32812 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Web Dashboard | “-” is coming in Status code in Flowpath Report. |
32332 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|In case of “ASEnableHotspotRecord=2”,Thread HS report showing blank data while traversing from the same graph in which data is present . |
32821 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | No methods is showing in Method Timing report window while traversing through Tier status >BT Trends >Flowpath >Method Timing. |
28489 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | There should be an option to create instrumentation profiles in Instrumentation Profile window. |
31418 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to see the Apply changes switch without refreshing or clicking on Home icon |
33366 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is giving the space in the class name field then “popup message of Data Discovered” is showing and a blank file is creating instead of Error message |
33369 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |ND Config UI | When user discovered the data by enable the “Discover All” Mode then file is created but data is not showing in UI when user is opening the “Auto Discovered data” window |
33452 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI |User is not able to upload and import the file as ” No Record Found” is showing in File Manager window in Method Monitor window |
33482 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | “Save” button is not working in Hotspot Detection Setting window. |
30411 | NetDiagnostics | Nd Config UI | While editing the application name then in backend, application is overriding but nd.conf is not present. |
31444 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Run Time Changes is not working while applying the configuration from UI |
32536 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Added Application is showing in the backend after only generating the nd.conf file from the UI |
32627 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user creating the profile then Service Entry Point for HttpServletService,EntryForWebLogicJSP,ApacheJsperService is showing disable instead of enable |
32688 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user deleting the Application from the UI then Application is removed from the Application List but Topology folder is still present in the Backend |
32757 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Keyword regarding Exception Monitor is not showing in the ndsettings.txt file when configure the Exception Monitor from the Config UI |
33343 | NetDiagnostics | In instrumentation Profile window, User is not able to make the instrumentation profile when file is uploading from the desktop |
33395 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In Instrumentation Profiler Maker window, User is not able to browse the file from any path as “No Record Found” message is showing |
33410 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user disable the field “Capture exception from not instrumented session” then in ndsetting.txt file 3rd field of the keyword is changed to 0 while it is enable from the UI. |
33519 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user open the upload file popup window under Method monitor then Cancel button is not working |
33129 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent-DDR|Download option is not working for flowpath report window while traversing through Flowpath by response time. |
28852 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | header name is not getting reset while Applying the toggling between header type of Request and Response |
32763 | NetDiagnostics | Core is getting generated in`/home/netstorm/work/bin`|core.14251(ndi_get_entity_time.c) |
33337 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When Test is running with NDC_CONFIG_UI_MODE 1 then Test is not getting started and Error message is coming that Rest service is Failed |
30808 | NetDiagnostics | DDR-WebDashboard | Link is not showing for column i.e. BT, URL, CATEGORY,DB Callouts while traverse from the FlowPath>>HTTP Report>>Flowpath Details>>Flowpath DB Requests>>Method Timing>>HotSpot Thread Details>>FlowPath |
28756 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Test is not getting started and showing error related to “instrProfile” while configured the custom data capturing from ND Config UI |
32599 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is adding the profile from the UI then it is showing in Profile List but not added in backend |
33510 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | If we need to see the result on GUI side from the new script then user has to drop the schema and execute the script |
33733 | NetDiagnostics | UAT | 4.1.8($65) | Mongo DB Call is not showing in method calling tree while traversing through Tier Status>>Flowpath By Response Time>>Flowpath Details. |
29426 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Webdashboard | Nothing is showing in flowpath report window while traversing through BT >overall >all transaction >request per sec >flowpath group by BT >overall >overall >all transaction. |
33458 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|Hotspot related data are coming even we applied “ASEnableHotspotRecord=0” in nd.conf. |
33575 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|Flowpath Records are not coming while running the test in DotNetAgent Build(4.1.9(#14). |
33356 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is doing any configuration in the Flowpath Header window then a red line is continuously coming with the popup Error message |
33384 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is giving FQM in Add BT Method window then window get hanged and user is not able to click on any button. |
33439 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user opening the configuration window then Red line of Error is continuously showing with the Popup message of Error |
33474 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | By default “Flowpath” option is showing disable in General Setting window. |
33533 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | when user select any xml file from $NS_WDIR/ndprof/instrprof/standard and click on selection box then selected xml file is not showing. |
33534 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | when user select any xml file from $NS_WDIR/instrprof/.whitelist and click on xml file then selected xml file is not showing. |
33352 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | In create Instrumentation Profile window, Delete package, class and method option is not working |
33541 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Duplicate entry of Package, Class, Methods should not allowed in Instrumentation Profile Maker. |
30331 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | “No record were found” is showing in flowpath report for any BT through BT Trends while traversing through Tier status >Transaction scorecard >Total count. |
26052 | NetDiagnostics | DDR | Compare Flowpaths by Method Calling Tree is not working properly while traversing through Tier Status>>FlowPath>>Compare Flowpaths. |
33365 | NetDiagnostics | Heart beat messages should be printed only on bciTraceLevel 2 |
33389 | NetDiagnostics | DR | JAVA AGENT | For Primary NDC server there should be a default value. |
33607 | NetDiagnostics | DR – NodeJS | Instance name is changing while switching the test. |
33088 | NetDiagnostics | AER | In flowpath comparison report, exception comparison tab is showing “error”, for error flowpaths. Flowpath ID – “29582099058439” & “311057219403615”). |
33694 | NetDiagnostics | DDR ED | “ArithmeticException” is not appearing in group by exception graph, but it’s present in Aggregate exceptions table. |
31216 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent – DDR | Transaction Flow is not appearing in compare flowpath report, while traversing from Flowpath Report > Compare Flowpath Report. |
33323 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Error is coming in flowpath report, traversing through Tier Status > Flowpath by response time > Hotspot > Hotspot Duration. |
33500 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | Error is coming in flowpath report when traversing from Drill Down > Flowpath Group By Business Transaction. |
33199 | NetDiagnostics | Getting error while opening flowpath report |
33388 | NetDiagnostics | neu_check_process is not working |
33380 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is importing the file in Method monitor window under Instrument Monitors setting then it is taking time. |
32689 | NetDiagnostics | AER – ndc is dumping wrong jar file name for .war and .ear |
29620 | NetDiagnostics | When traversing from Sequence diagram and clicking on Tier Callout, argument is appearing as NA in Method Calling Tree. |
30807 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Callouts links are not appearing in Flowpath Report while traversing from Transaction Flow > Hotspot Thread Details > Flowpath Report. |
33508 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user upgraded the build then to see the exact view of UI, user has to drop the schema and then execute the shell |
28843 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent -DDR | “ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table “urlrecord_1676″” is coming while doing DDR on “HTTP Failure/sec” graph for 5xx. |
28897 | NetDiagnostics | AER – No data is showing related to highlighted exception in exception report. |
33479 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Transaction Flow is not appearing in compare flowpath report, while traversing from Flowpath Report > Compare Flowpath Report. |
27500 | NetDiagnostics | Method Calling Tree | Method parameters are incorrect |
32488 | NetDiagnostics | Not getting Correct Flowpath |
28974 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent -DDR | Flowpath Window showing “No Records found” while traversing from HotSpot Window While there are flowpaths for that hotspot duration. |
33742 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – WebDashboard | Links of icons are not working in Transaction Flow report. When traversing from Drill Down > Flowpath Report > CallOuts > Transaction Flow Report. |
33408 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is opening the Audit log window then “Audit Log” window is showing “Red line of Error” and “No records Found” is showing |
28503 | NetStorm | Outbound | Data is constantly stuck in the Recv-Q when the test is stopped with Ctrl^c and connection moves into Close-Wait Phase.. |
32852 | NetStorm | Data is not updating in dashboard after running a test,After restarting Tomcat samples are updating. |
32774 | NetStorm | Core Dump Issue:Core dump is coming while starting test |
33271 | NetStorm | Derived Graph is showing zero value if any server which are part of derived graph is added/deleted in run time. |
32769 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction Details :- Total no. of completed transactions are coming less than success and negative values are coming in the failure %age in the transaction details window of the web dashboard. |
32788 | NetStorm | DynTx: Static Transaction sample count is missing in dill down reports due to overlapped partition in NS mode.(After using keyword NDE_DB_PARTITION_OVERLAP_MINS 30 in scenario,no data missing in Data base and DDR). |
33513 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | Retry interval is not as per retry policy on finding the NDC not responding. |
33543 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | In case retry policy is updated, the agent does not retry as per new retry count and interval. |
32447 | NetStorm | CavWMON | ‘DEBUG_LEVEL’ once set to 1-4 in cmon.env will persist in case DEBUG_LEVEL keyword is removed from the file. |
32561 | NetStorm | DynTx: Transaction name with single angular bracket “>” is missing in Webdashboard but present in Progress Report and Drill Down. |
30724 | NetStorm | Getting core on PKY DC machine. |
33409 | NetStorm | DR|NDC|NDC is generating coredump |
33522 | NetStorm | Active duration is not working as expected in Access Log Stats Ex V5 |
33566 | NetStorm | DR| CavWMON | Agent keeps retrying with primary and backup NDC very frequently (as much as many hundreds times) on finding both NDC in backup mode. |
33324 | NetStorm | DynTx:Percentile value of transaction time graph is coming zero in dashboard with Static transaction in case of NS mode. |
32547 | NetStorm | DynTx : testrun.pdf file is not getting created for FTP protocol. |
32787 | NetStorm | DynTx: Getting core dump when we run test with both static and dynamic transaction(Mixed) in NC Mode. |
29104 | NetStorm | Stats Report Issue:Lower pane data and generated stats report data of widget are not coming same after converting the widget into dual axis chart type. |
29518 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: Issue in Generating Report if Hierarchy of Meta data in Vector is not same with Hierarchy of Group. |
29721 | NetStorm | Report Issue: In generated report Start Date and End Time is not getting correct in compare report. |
30574 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue :- Data is not coming correct , on generating compare report from the widget. |
33348 | NetStorm | Report Scheduler Issue: Not able to add scheduler task in report scheduler. |
28596 | NetStorm | Outbound | Getting ndc core dump in Mosaic_Profiling |
33031 | NetStorm | Percentile graph issue:After applying zoom to the percentile graph,show graph data is not showing percentile data according to the applied zoom. |
33363 | NetStorm | Product UI Issue:Login page is coming ,while clicking on help button |
33414 | NetStorm | DR|CavMonAgent|cavmonagent is making control connection continuously without any sleep when ND_DR_STATE is zero and no backup is configured |
32798 | NetStorm | DynTx|Drill Down Report: We are not able to go back from Transaction Session Summary to Transaction Summary. |
32786 | NetStorm | DynTx | We are not getting expected transaction completed count data after 974th static transaction. |
33301 | NetStorm | Issue while fetching data from test run having timestamp in GDF file. |
28442 | NetStorm | Outbound| ndc is getting killed & giving core dump |
33198 | NetStorm | Issue with instance_pattern_check monitor |
33222 | NetStorm | No error message is coming when invalid data are given in ServerCount monitor. |
33127 | NetStorm | Websocket | Getting core when run a test without any scheme. |
32697 | NetStorm | DynTx | Getting core while running NS test with percentile ON and only Dynamic transaction in script |
33531 | NetStorm | RBU | Click event is failing while running RBU script. |
32249 | NetVision | In NV GUI, garbage values are coming for some resources on Aggregate Compare details window. |
28674 | NetVision | In NV GUI, common feature is not working in store filter for all filters. |
32101 | NetVision | In NV Core, cav_nv_log_customMetrics api is not working for Json Data type. |
33515 | NetVision | In NV WebDashboard, “Error in getting test run data server” is showing while opening NV WebDashboard. |
33648 | NetVision | In NV Replay , “No page dump found for current page” is showing in replay window while pagedump for the same page is coming on session detail window. |
32681 | NetVision | In Task Scheduler GUI, Not able to schedule report using custom and template drop-down option. |
32667 | NetVision | Remove page and session level unused stats of user segment based groups from web-dashboard. |
33326 | NetVision | In IE Browser, getting error in console while applying session data attribute filter in page filter. |
33217 | NetVision | HPD child is getting killed due to divide by zero error |
28199 | NetVision | On mouse hovering ,the tool tip of scroll position does not get removed after navigating to other option . |
27475 | NetVision | Some Special characters are not supported in page URL in Session Filters. |
27911 | NetVision | In NV GUI, unable to download report from session window. |
28095 | NetVision | In HTTP Request filter, Correlation id is showing undefined on HTTP summary page. |
29677 | NetVision | On Session detail window, Session information pop-up is not getting closed after clicking on cancel icon for some sessions. |
32321 | TestSuite | Jenkins | Not able to open Trend Graph through NetDiagnostics Performance Report. |
33641 | TestSuite | Testsuite: Percentage sign is missing for panel A in NetStorm Performance Report on Jenkins side. |
28806 | TestSuite | Jenkins | GUI Issue |
28643 | Ubuntu16 | RBU- Getting core dump when we are running test for chrome 51 in Ubuntu 16. |