Bug ID | Product | Summary |
27569 | NetCloud | Getting core dump while running a NC test |
32163 | NetCloud | Performance DashBoard Issue: Same appliance are coming multiple times in ongoing test window after clicking on Show all controllers. |
32877 | NetCloud | DynTx: Memory corruption on generator while starting test with Static Tx in NC Mode. |
32066 | NetCloud | Getting core dump while running NC_Test |
32591 | NetCloud | DynTx|Getting core dump we are running the NC Test with 2U 2S with enable/disable debug mode. |
32848 | NetCloud | Getting “NormIdNameNotFound” graph for static transaction in dashboard for NC test |
32702 | NetCloud | DynTx:Not getting any data for “Detail Transaction Report ” in progress report for static transaction |
27651 | NetDiagnostics | (NodeJS)DDR|null is passing for appid in query wrapper while doing drill down form Instance level in ED. Hence flowpath report is not opening. |
29704 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – Dashboard | “URL Summary Report” is showing blank window while traverse from the Req Sent/Sec graph |
29995 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Incorrect exception data is coming while downloading the exception report while traversing through Tier status >Drill down >Exception. |
31522 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|’Undefined’ and ‘NaN’ is passing in Percentage and Flowpath Count column in FP analyser window. |
32811 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | FP Analyzer window is not opening while traversing through Tier status >BT Trend >FP Analyzer. |
32294 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|Method Monitors are not working accordingly After supporting of separate Method Monitor File. |
32489 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|BT category is passing as “-99” while doing drill down through ED. |
31954 | NetDiagnostics | NodeJS | Node is crashing while enabling nodeAsyncEventMonitor . |
32291 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Comparison Value field should not be mandatory in case of selecting the operator type i.e. “present” and “!present” under HTTP Stats Condition Window |
32551 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user is giving the “java.lang.ArithmeticException” as Exception Name then it is showing validation message |
30795 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent | ND is making less number of flowpath in rawdata as compare to transactions of progress report. |
32484 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent|”BCITraceMaxSize” keyword is not working Accordingly as a result Agent logs size are exceeded continually. |
29663 | NetDiagnostics | AutoCleanUp | * Error in `bin/netstorm’: realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0000000007cb39e0 * ( Core dump reallocing msgbuffer at process_gdf_wrapper) |
30150 | NetDiagnostics | Netstorm|Netstorm parent process is taking aprox 100% of CPU and message like “epoll_wait(193, {{EPOLLOUT, {u32=85460896, u64=85460896}}}, 1024, 458896) = 1” is coming continuously while checking using strace. |
28113 | NetDiagnostics | ND ConfigUI | Machine Info window is showing unknow entries for which connection is not made |
30444 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | Delete option is not present in backend details of Integration Point Detection window |
32123 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | While applying the exception filter, “enableSourceCodeFilters=true” is getting added instead of showing filepath |
32312 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user unchecked the “Capture request parameters” option then keyword is getting removed from the ndsettings.txt file under Endpoint URL Capturing window |
30802 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Flowpath count is appering “undefined” and Percentage flowpath is appearing “NaN” in Pattern Summery, while traversing through Tier Status> BT Trend > FPAnalyzer > FlowPath. |
29948 | NetDiagnostics | Node Agent | Agent is not sending hotspot and Event loop monitor data according to the PROGRESS_MSECS. . |
30660 | NetDiagnostics | AER | Exception Class table is appearing empty when traversing through Drill Down > Exception(s). |
28076 | NetDiagnostics | DDR (NodeJS) – ED | URL is coming “-” in calls stats of HTTP callout while traversing through Tier status > flowpath > Transaction flow. |
31231 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | While opening the Flowpath Header window then red line of loading is continuously showing |
31237 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | User is not able to configure the two features i.e. Flowpath Header and Custom Data from UI as Save option is not working in Flowpath Header Settings window |
31653 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user enable/disable in Service Entry Point Window then nothing is reflected in NDEntryPointsFile.txt file |
31657 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user switch from the other window to Service Entry Point window after enabling the Entry Point then it is showing disabled and its vice versa |
31666 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user deleted the Custom service entry point then it is still present in NDEntryPointsFile.txt file |
31669 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI | When user enable/disable the Integration Point then nothing is reflected in NDEntryPointsFile.txt file |
30548 | NetDiagnostics | Too many cassandra query causing NDP to hang |
31401 | NetDiagnostics | BCI Agent | Playframeworks calls are not getting captured |
31753 | NetDiagnostics | Error in reading ndsettings file |
32233 | NetDiagnostics | Not getting alerts when we are generating report from Alerts History on PKY ( |
29444 | NetDiagnostics | TSI Limit – No records is appearing in ndc_trace.log, if Instance is exceeding the provided limit in MAX_ID_IN_TOPOLOGY 1 1 1. |
29604 | NetDiagnostics | Enhancement to show AUTOSCALE_LOGS in csv file |
30124 | NetDiagnostics | Unnecessary response from NDC for all Instances |
30491 | NetDiagnostics | Postgres Running status check is not working for Ubuntu16 |
30812 | NetDiagnostics | DDR – ED | Line No and Stack trace appears blank, while traversing from Tier Status > Flowpath By Response Time > Check Out Business Transaction > Sequence Diagram > Click on Exception Icon. |
30283 | NetDiagnostics | BCI Agent | “Exception” : NullPointerException in logs Rollover |
29222 | NetDiagnostics | Error in opening file (DBUploadTable.log) was coming when we are running test |
30612 | NetDiagnostics | Business transaction info is showing wrong in dialog |
29028 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent -DDR | “-” is coming in BT Column in Flowpath Report window. |
31467 | NetDiagnostics | ND Config UI|RTC for file based keywords |
25349 | NetDiagnostics | DotNetAgent -DDR | client’s Related method is coming on Stock Trader Application in Method timing report. |
32642 | NetStorm | DynTx | Getting wrong data in HTTP TCP connection (Total- Close is much greater than open). |
32514 | NetStorm | DynTx:Individual transaction sample count is missing in Dashboard and Transaction detail Report. |
32538 | NetStorm | DynTx|Vector List Issue:”NormIdNameNotFound” is coming in vector list of Transaction stats while using Dynamic Transactions |
32519 | NetStorm | Getting coredump in ns_runtime_changes_monitor.c |
32668 | NetStorm | DynTx | Getting Issue with the ns_end_transaction_as() API – static to dynamic case. |
30514 | NetStorm | Open/Merge Issue:Default applied Open/Merge settings are not showing in Advance open Merge settings while favorite is loading after refreshing the Web Dashboard GUI |
32179 | NetStorm | WebDashboard|Transaction Details Issue: Sorting is not working in completed and success column in Transaction details. |
32566 | NetStorm | DynTx: Transaction Name starting with “#” is missing from progress report and webdashboard. |
32571 | NetStorm | DynTx: Data is coming 0 for some Transaction (>CavissonAngularFirst, CavissonAngularMid>Mid, Noida, welcome India) in WebDashboard because rtgMessage is showing zero count whereas data is present in Progress Report and Drill Down. |
32577 | NetStorm | DynTx: Drill down report is showing only for transaction name having special characters (. / : [ ] ? { ). For others special characters, drill down is not showing data. |
32603 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction Details Issue: In case of Dynamic Transaction if one transaction is completed then Min, max, avg value should be same but min value is showing different |
32626 | NetStorm | DynTx: Transaction Response time is very high when Page Think Time Keyword is enabled(End Transaction is used before Page Think Time in Script) |
32731 | NetStorm | DynTx|Special Characters: Transaction name with single character ` % ^ * _ \ ‘ ” < > ~ are missing in Progress report, Drill Down and Dashboard. |
32743 | NetStorm | DynTx|Drill Down: Drill down report is showing garbage Script Count. |
32746 | NetStorm | DynTx: Transaction name with zero length is not showing in progress report but Total Transaction is showing when variable used with zero length from search parameter. |
32832 | NetStorm | DynTx: Drill Down is coming blank when we run a script with no pages and Dashboard is showing zero sample count. |
32834 | NetStorm | DynTx: When page think time is between start and end transaction in case of No Hit Script then Transaction Response time should be Page think Time. |
32482 | NetStorm | Corrupt jar file is coming with cmon build |
32751 | NetStorm | DynTx:Webdashboard|Drill Down: Drill down report is showing garbage Script Count in case of Transaction name Pipe( |, |PipeStart, PipeEnd|, Pipe|Mid ). |
32612 | NetStorm | DynTx|Core Issue: Core Dump is coming in NS Mode if script having Static and Dynamic Transactions both – Came only once |
32742 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction Details Issue: Transaction details and dashboard is always showing zero values in case of static transaction but progress report and drill down are showing non-zero values. |
32339 | NetStorm | CavWMON | ASPNETStats64V4030319 | The values of Cache Hits/sec, Cache Misses/sec, Cache Trims/sec are not relevant to the metric. |
30887 | NetStorm | While running any scenario, getting epoll_timeout in DURATION phase |
32513 | NetStorm | DynTx:Slab Count graph issue: After changing the graph type to “Slab Count Graph”, the lower pane is showing graph name as value. |
32617 | NetStorm | DynTx|Percentile Graph: The data of the transaction time graph is not coming on converting normal line graph to the percentile graph. |
32677 | NetStorm | DynTx|Slab count graph issue: Slab count graph having sequential difference of more than 1 like (0-10,10-20,..) are showing data only in 1st slab of lower panel and other slabs are NaN. |
32715 | NetStorm | DynTx/Lower Pane Issue: NaN values are coming in the lower pane of the derived graph on converting chart type to slab count from line graph. |
32869 | NetStorm | Transaction Details Issue: The percentile data is coming zero values when time period is “Whole Scenario” but when time period is “Specified Phase”, then percentile values are coming non-zero. |
30402 | NetStorm | NS_TRACE| ns_trace.log file is continuously appending information for filldata() for out bound case in nstrace level 1. |
32093 | NetStorm | Duplicate bread crumb is coming while swapping server name between two servers |
32127 | NetStorm | Run time Changes Issue: Core dump is coming while delete and add monitor |
32180 | NetStorm | Gdf for monitor Process Stats DVM Ex V2 is missing.in sys directory |
32448 | NetStorm | Outbound|All monitors are failing except [Accesslog monitor] because ‘Server’ variable is not present in cmon.env |
32666 | NetStorm | Run time Changes Issue: Core Dump is coming while Add/Delete monitor at run time in NS mode |
32597 | NetStorm | DynTx : Constant PDF Size (32064) is coming in all testrun.pdf files in case of Dynamic Transaction. |
32507 | NetStorm | DynTx: Getting continuously core dump by nsu_logging_reader in Continuously Monitoring Test. |
31021 | NetStorm | WebSocket : Sever hosting is not working. |
32553 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction details drill down issue: Download report as (PDF, Word, Excel) option is coming in between the session response data. |
31414 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: The Derived graph data is not coming when we generate compare report from widget in the word format. |
32103 | NetStorm | Scheduler Report Issue: Zero values are coming in generated Excel report, while generating report from report scheduler but values are coming while generating report from report gui |
32107 | NetStorm | Scheduler Report Issue: Time is coming wrong in generated HTML and word scheduler report |
32758 | NetStorm | Web Dashboard|Angular4|Reporting: The data of the stats html is not coming correct, when we generate stats html report on applying the specified time period. |
32737 | NetStorm | DynTx|Transaction: Transaction name with “TabEnd” is coming two times in Transaction Detail. |
30210 | NetStorm | Script Manager | Need Enhancement in Script manager to add one keyword “RBU_BROWSER_COM_SETTINGS” with enable mode. |
30179 | NetStorm | Compare Report Issue: Data is coming zero in compare report while any of the compared testrun having custom time period as running. |
30614 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: Data is not coming on generating the word report from the widget. |
30867 | NetStorm | Stats Report Issue: While Generating Report for custom time period data in slabcount and percentile graphs are not coming. |
32087 | NetStorm | Reporting Issue: The derived graph which is having percentile chart type is not coming in generated Html Compare report |
32563 | NetStorm | DynTx | Unable to pass value of NS_variable in “G_SEND_NS_TX_HTTP_HEADER “ |
32598 | NetStorm | DynTx | Transaction report for 999 dynamic transactions are not coming in progress report and trans_detail.dat file |
30698 | NetStorm | Websocket: Test is not running due to G_VUSER_TRACE keyword. |
30699 | NetStorm | WebSocket | Test is running successfully with different ID for ns_web_websocket_connect and ns_web_websocket_send. |
30945 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting core dump when we are running both ws and wss script together. |
30990 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting core dump when we are running two script for ws together. |
30991 | NetStorm | Websocket: Getting core dump when we are running two script for wss together. |
32512 | NetStorm | DynTx | Getting core dump with 999 dynamic transactions with 500 users |
26957 | NetStorm | CavMonAgent – MSSql | Data for “Log Bytes Flushed/sec” is not coming correct in webdashboard. |
26964 | NetStorm | CavMonAgent – MSSql | Data for “cache hit ratio” is not coming correct in webdashboard. |
31305 | NetStorm | Not getting data for DNS Expiry days left. |
32301 | NetStorm | Not getting data for hadoop ambari monitor |
32277 | NetStorm | RBU- Vnc is not closing when we are running test with autoparam keyword in case of firefox 43. |
32537 | NetStorm | RBU- Not able to delete existing test directory for chrome or firefox after upgrading latest build. |
32540 | NetStorm | RBU- Not able to show profile by using nsu_auto_gen command in case of chrome. |
30330 | NetVision | In funnel comparison, custom time for segment based filter is picking from Custom Time Filter of time based comparison. |
32678 | NetVision | hpd is generating cores in case gets store id data which is not present in db. |
32704 | NetVision | Max value of Perceived render time and load event time are coming very high for page stats data. |
30733 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, Pages option are not coming in Drill down option for DOM interactive time graph. |
31421 | NetVision | In NV GUI, no sessions are coming on session window while doing DDR from dashboard for sessions stats by operating system group. |
32185 | NetVision | Order total and conversion rate are showing blank while hitting rest api url. |
32356 | NetVision | In NV Replay, A pop-up is showing “select a user segment” while generating any Map. |
30174 | NetVision | In NV Web Dashboard, timing window is coming different in filter criteria on NV session window while doing DDR at session level. |
32200 | NetVision | In NV WebDashboard, All Page Dashboard option is getting disappeared from panel setting after applying zoom out on Overview Favorite panel. |
32243 | NetVision | In NV Web-Dashboard, Selected page is not coming while doing single page dashboard DDR from All_Page_Performance Dashboard. |
32433 | NetVision | Getting Error in TestRunOutput.log file, While running continuous monitoring test on NV Machine. |
25099 | NetVision | In Funnel Comparison, Pages (Entry and Exit) and Events Counts DDR is redirecting to NV login GUI. |
30746 | NetVision | DDR from Event Aggregate report should be page specific when we generate event aggregate report from funnel. |
30451 | NetVision | In NV GUI, specified time filter is working while selecting last time filter in compare and trend pop up. |
32857 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | When passing argument of partition id only then details of csv file does not exist of some other partition should not be reflected on console. |
31892 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-ND | Data of cookiescavnv is not getting dumped into db. |
32005 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-ND | Cookiescavnv data is not getting dumped into csv, even sessions are instrumented. |
32871 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | Blank aggregate waterfall should not be opened, if all har files have been removed for a page. |
32873 | Synthetic Monitor | nsu_rm_har | If all har files have been removed for a page, download har file option should not be worked in page average report. |
32373 | Synthetic Monitor | SM-Page Status Graph | We are getting the data in page status 2xx, even though page have misc err in progress report. |
32701 | TestSuite | Jenkins | Not able to make a ND connection through Jenkins Gui. |
32714 | TestSuite | Jenkins | Build Failure in NetStorm Test due to getting “java.lang.NullPointerException” at the end of execution. |