Release Note

This section covers the release information for all Cavisson Products.

New and Enhanced Features in


  • Automatic generation of RBU metrics report: An automated comparative excel report is generated for 90th percentile data for current running test suite with respect to a predefined Base Line Test suite.
  • Enhancement in File parameter for Weighted Random mode.
  • An API is created to store file data into declare parameter.
  • An API is created to compress data in zip format.
  • An API is created to decompress the compressed data.
  • An API is created to save binary data into declare parameter.
  • An API is created to split data by using predefined delimeter.
  • New mode added in settings to retain the parameter value for next session.
  • New mode is added in page think time settings to make it more customized.
  • Conversion of some settings from global to group based.

Web Dashboard

  • Top 5 Spiked Graphs: Now, we can get the top 5 graphs containing spikes.
  • Advance filter in alert history: Now classical history window can be accessed from Advance alert option in new alert history window.
  • Categories graph
  • Deployment marker
  • Tabular Data-Vector Based
  • Favorite Parametrization
  • View by option in Top Panel


Business Transactions

Now complete flow path for slow/very slow business transactions can be captured.

Method Calling Tree

Filter option in Method calling tree is introduced to filter out those methods whose wall time is very less or wall time is less than 1 millisecond. Filtering methods is easy to find methods whose wall time is high or culprit methods.


Enhancements done in Transactions section

Transaction: A transaction is a sequence of ajax calls and related work (as dom changes) for any specific operation. Example, Scan Transaction. In a Store App when associate scan the bar code then some kind of ajax calls happen and that returns the detail of Product associate to that Bar Code. So from scan to the point when product detail is populated to dom will be considered as a transaction.

Transaction Stats

For each transaction defined in system we can have following metrics:

  1. Transaction Rate
  2. Transaction Duration
  3. Failure Transaction Count

Transaction Dashboard

We have following graphs available for Transaction:

  1. Transaction Started/min
  2. Transaction Completed/min
  3. Transaction Failure/min
  4. Transaction Response

Transaction DDR

For each Graph related to transaction, we can have following DDR:

  1. All Transaction
  2. Failed Transaction
  3. Transaction with Duration

0ms to 500ms

500ms to 1sec

Store and Terminal level Stats

All these Stats can be on store and terminal Level.

Transaction Filter

We have separate filter window for transaction. We can filter the transaction on following attributes.

Time Filter

Transaction Attribute Filter

  • Failed Transaction
  • Transaction Name
  • Transaction Duration

Session Attribute Filter

  • Channel
  • Page
  • Browser
  • Device
  • Location
  • Platform

Store Filter

  • Store Id
  • Terminal Id
  • Associate Id

Synthetic Monitoring

  • Hyperlinked Report Name: In available report section, reports name are now hyperlinked to get into the details.
  • Custom policy for custom generated alerts: On creating a custom policy for all rules, now actions is performed only for custom generated alerts.


  • Addition of System Parameter in GUI.
  • Addition of Activate Changes method for activation of changes.
  • Template level configuration (trace/debug).

Bug Fixes

Bug IDProductSummary
22913NetStormReport Scheduler Issue : In NS Mode, Preset options are not coming properly in Schedule Report Generation.
22916NetStormReport Scheduler Issue : While Selecting any presets we are not able to change “View by”.
24343NetStormScheduler Report Issue: While editing a schedule task “Task Type” is automatically changed from “Html Report” to “Word Report”.
24494NetStormAlert Issue: Count is coming wrong after force clear Alert.
25566NetStormAlert SNMP Issue : Not able to send trap in case of SNMP V2
24325NetStormPanel caption Issue :Line stacked bar graph  is changed after removing the end comma in panel caption.
24606NetStormTransaction Details Pie Chart Issue: negative integer and special character is acceptable in “Top N” option of chart option.
25650NetStormWeb Dashboard Issue: Transactions details are not coming in proper format after opening the update data file from Actions button and then opening the transactions from View button.
24311NetStormSchedule Setting Issue :- When Scenario is open in read only mode from test run GUI then all the groups and phases are not visible.
24449NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Schedule Settings: In case of Advance>>Group>>Auto mode the number of users/sessions are not updating for only selected group, While updating selected group other groups are also updating
24468NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Schedule Settings:Not asking for conformation when schedule type is  changing from simple to advance in schedule settings window of scenario GUI
24593NetStormScenario GUI | We are getting invalid value in scenario when we are giving time with subtraction symbol.
24983NetStormScenario GUI | After creating any goal based scenario and save it, If we open same file again then the information related to that scenario are not displayed.
24545NetStormIssue: widgets are showing compared graph when applying Open- Merge member after disabling Baseline Comparison.
25155NetStormCompare Issue :Baseline data is showing Zero after applying Time period on compared graphs.
24019NetStormProduct UI Issue: Not able to Export Test from Product UI.
24572NetStormAlert Product UI Issue : All Alerts are not showing properly in Product UI.
24950NetStormTestrun GUI Issue: Not able to search test run for first time after opening the GUI.
24988NetStormProduct UI Issue:Installation date is coming empty due to Bulid upgradation is started when test is Running in Netstorm release Widget
25017NetStormProduct UI Issue :- On Locking the test run from the Test Assets Summary widget no records message has been displayed.
14294NetStormFirefox RBU: When we are trying to run the test for 10u25sess, we are getting “CORE DUMP”.
24517NetStormScenario GUI Issue:Test Run: Wrong message displayed when an error comes while starting a Scenario
24418NetStormScenario GUI:Scenario GUI is not working,Right pane of Scenario GUI is coming Blank.
24452NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Global Settings(Logs and Reports):When  Debug Trace log is  enabled,then only DEBUG_TRACE 1 Keyword should come but EXCLUDE_FAILED_AGGREGATES 0 and REPORT_SET_GEN 0 and NETCLOUD_COMPARE_REPORT 0 is also coming but they are disabled
24455NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Session Pacing Option should be disabled in case of Fix Session Rate (FSR) Scenario Type
24505NetStormScenario GUI Issue :- After adding groups in SMTP settings the option for choosing group should not be shown.
24530NetStormScenario GUI Issue:|Group Based Settings:In SSL in place of Selected SSL Ciphers,it should come as Available SSL Ciphers and In Place of Selected,It should come as Selected SSL Ciphers
24553NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:DNS lookup file connection type should be in proper alignment
24568NetStormScenario GUI Issue|User Profile:Percentage with negative values is saving successfully in User Profile default screen size settings of User Profile
24600NetStormScenario GUI Setting: SMTP Setting:When we save SMTP parameters in any of the group then the value is saved in the other group selected in the panel.
24646NetStormScenario GUI|Percentile Issue:Keyword for Percentile is not adding correct.
25067NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Scenario UI hangs when we click on Java Settings.
24415NetStormNot able to open Web DashBoard or any UI which are opening in New Tab from Product UI: Error is coming as Request has been blocked,the content must be served over HTTPS
25305NetStormSalesForce:Not able to record in case of new tab in case of click and Script.
24251NetStormProduct UI Issue :- No Records Found message has been shown on unlocking the test run.
24458NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Master check box issue in Group Based Settings of Scenario GUI
24459NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Not able to apply Auto Fetch when we delete and then add it with All Pages.
24469NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Auto fetch – “All Pages” record coming when we add group
24470NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Multiple Page Think Time keyword is adding when updating from one option to another in Override
24473NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings:In Tracing other arguments should not add in scenario even if it is disable.
24475NetStormScenario GUI Issue:No option for going to Product UI Page,We have to click on Cavisson logo image
24486NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Global Settings:Arguments missing  in case of Exclude failed
24519NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Not able to see all groups  in Add Group drop down list,in case of multiple groups(More then 20 groups) are added.Scroll bar should come
24529NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Drop down list is not showing all the pages when switched from Group Name to Add Group
24542NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:No message is coming when click on delete.message should come as “do you want to deleted selected records”
24560NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Trace session limit validation messages are not proper in Tracing of logs and reports
24574NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: In Inline Delay we are unable to delete records.
24794NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Global Based Settings:Scenario is getting saved with null value in case of Network Simulation.
24917NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Unable to add Inline Delay with Uniform Random.
24984NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Schedule Settings:No Message is coming while moving from Schedule settings to Available Scenario/Product UI without saving scenario.
24382NetStormReporting Issue:Report is not generating automatically as the “REPORT_SET_GEN” keyword is enabled in Scenario
24658NetStormReports from Widget : Blank Reports are generating if we generate report from widget having derived graph merged with another graph.
24668NetStormCompare Report Issue: While generating compare tabular report for chart type “Stacked Bar” and “Pie” we are getting it in “Multi” chart type.
24924NetStormAlert Stats Report Issue :Graphs is not coming right after applying alert stats report.
25029NetStormCompare Report Issue : “Select Metrics” option is not coming properly after selecting “Edit Compare Report with ‘Select Metrics’ “
23526NetStormOpen/Merge Member Issues: Issues related to Open/merge Members.
24368NetStormFormula-Type Issue on Zoomed Compared Graph:Formula-Type is not working on Zoomed Compared Graph in webdashboard.
25401NetStormShow Graph Tree in Derived Graph :Show Graph tree is not working in derived graph.
25336NetStormDerived Graph Issue :Data is not coming correct while we add the derived graph with count function.
25432NetStormScenario GUI |Default value is adding on scenario .conf file while we visited the scenario options.
25295NetStormScript Management:Taking approx 30 sec to change page name (3 Pages in script of ATG Application) and no progress bar is coming when click on change page name.
24204NetStormLower Pane color Issue :Different graphs having same color while we add the derived graph with arithmetic operation.
24271NetStormFavorite Issue :  Color of the pie chart is not updating while adding a new favorite.
24380NetStormIssue : Chart Type and color of graphs is getting change after loading the added Favorite in case of applying the open/merge metrics and change the color from lower pane and save in favorite.
24896NetStormShow Graph data : Blank Report is generated after downloaded the show graph data.
25066NetStormWeb Dashboard issue:Show graph data window is showing data of different graph when apply Open/Merge is applied with Multiple graph selection or open Active alert graphs and click on Next Pagination
25121NetStormCompare Data Type widget Issue :When we change the graph color from lower pane in case of compare then data type widget is not change their color but lower pane is getting change.
23897NetStormTomcat Performance Issue:Taking approx 90 secs to deploy configUI on restarting tomcat.
24499NetStormAlert Issue: Issue in downloading Alert in case of NDE Mode.
17093NetStormTest is Stuck in scripts compile time due to gperf taking time for transactions
24564NetStormRTG Transpose Issue: Number of packets are not coming correct in transposed RTG Data after day changes.
24628NetStormIssue in generating Excel Report if keyword related to “datacentername” is not used in config.ini.
24916NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: In case of page error when we add group and click on “add’ button wrong keyword is added without selecting Page Name
24973NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings:Not able to see all groups  in Add Group drop down list,in case of multiple groups(More then 20 groups) are added.Scroll Bar is coming for only think time not for all tabs
24982NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Group Based Settings: Unable to delete records in Click Away using master check box.
25138NetStormScenario GUI Issue:Not able to add more than nine server in Server Mapping.
20576NetStormTransaction Details Issue:Transaction details is not showing correct data
24355NetStormCheck Profile Issue: Check Profile Option should come in Action Menu in Swing Based UI so that User can open Check Profile.
24302NetStormMin-Max undo zoom issue :Widget is getting blank,after applying undo zoom on Min-Max graph.
24897NetStormZoom Issue : Zoom is not working in NDE mode.
25386NetStormY axis value Issue :Graph is not plotting correct due to Y axis Value is showing Improper.
24487NetStormScenario GUI Issue :- No message is coming on deleting the scenario .
24533NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Global Settings:Report option is coming in case of NDE mode.
24561NetStormScenario Gui Issue :-Not able to move other settings like Global settings ,group based settings etc. once monitor tab  got selected
24569NetStorm[Scenario GUI | GoalBased] An error message should show when we are giving minute and second field greater than 59.
24594NetStorm[Sceanrio GUI | Goal Based ] Default Keywords are not added in scenario when we save the scenario.
24913NetStormScenario GUI Issue:When click on scenario link then no progress bar is coming and Schedule setting GUI is opening after approx 2 secs
25278NetStormScenario GUI Issue| Global Based Settings:Wrong value is coming for percentile data(Default is coming as 5000).
25281NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Ciphers are showing in both side in Available SSL Ciphers and Selected SSL ciphers.
24365NetStormReports from Web Dashboard : Caption Name with Angular Braces is not getting reflected in the generated report.
24511NetStormReports Issue : While generating reports with correlated normal graph in “Select Metrics/Template” graphs are not coming in generated report.
24707NetStormReport Issue : Graphs are not coming while generating Compare Report with All Metrics.
24910NetStormReport Issue : Not able to Generate report using Favorite.
25045NetStormReport Issue :Blank word report is generated in case of using Favorite.
25208NetStormTrend Report Issue: Test Run Detail Info in Tabular data is not coming correct in Compare Trend Report.
21241NetStormnsi_build_upgrade shell not upgrading build to any machine unless we give controller to it
24927NetStorm[Scenario GUI | Goal based] when we change the scenario type from FCU or FSR to any goal based scenario the keywords are getting added to scenario file with syntactical errors.
25588NetStormScenario GUI|Dashboard| Test run is not getting stop when we click on stop button.
20503NetStormRBU- Getting wrong value for Overall time or Page load time in both Dashboard and Page Average Report GUI.
25007NetStormRBU | Unable to run click and script in RBU.
24581NetStormScenario GUI | Group Based Settings| Virtual User | Free Stack after session enable/disable mode is not reflecting in backend when Run Script Mode is Thread Per User.
24627NetStormScenario GUI | Global Setting | Advanced | Advanced Setting | accepting more initial number of thread than max number of thread.
25041NetStormScenario GUI | Java Settings | JVM Virtual User Thread Pool | Error message is showing with the default values and unable to navigate to other options.
25363NetStormUpdate function is not working for IP settings ip adress list.
25413NetStormWhile creating a scenario from scenario profile UI and opening it to edit, the scenario is opened in read only mode(user is not able to edit the scenario).
25430NetStormScenario GUI | Issue with group based proxy settings , when a new group is added to group based settings for proxy server then by default it is not having “no proxy settings ” mode(some values are by default added).
20342NetStormGetting “Phase ‘<87>HôÑ^?’” in output when run-time changes applied before start of the test.
24466NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Debug logging options are not visible properly.scrolling should  come.
24471NetStormScenario GUI Issue: Group Based Settings: Page Think Time: Validation Issue
25241NetStorm( Build 417#3401 |Debug Trace)Session counts in debug trace GUI is not same as number of sessions in debug_trace.log file.
21014NetStormUnable to apply Index File Parameter if file is taken from absolute path (GUI hangs up)
25233NetStorm(Build 417#3401 | New Debug trace GUI )When we run a test form script manager GUI then some wrong output for session count in debug trace window.
24457NetStormScenario GUI Issue|Schedule Settings:Scripts drop down list are not visible properly in add group window.
24599NetStorm[Scenario GUI | GoalBased ] An error message should popup showing “Total user percentage should be 100” when we save any scenario having no groups .
24602NetStorm[Scenario GUI | Goal Based]The option for number of successful attempts in number of tries the Netstorm box is taking invalid inputs
25086NetStorm[ Scenario GUI | Goal Based Scenario ] It is showing only default values in schedule after opening the file.
25311NetStormNot able to schdule the scenario
25019NetStormReport Issue: Percentile Graph is not coming on full screen in Compare Tabular Report.
20815NetDiagnosticsDDR | Same window is opening for “DB Request Report” and “DB Request Report group by BT”. Group By BT function is not correct from Dashboard GUI.
23513NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | Sequence Diagram is not showing any method in sequence diagram window at first and after clicking on show all in Apply Filter option then it’s showing all the methods.
23671NetDiagnosticsDDR|Response time for DB or any call out should not show 0 it should show <1 ms instead.
23761NetDiagnosticsDotNet|DDR|Flowpath DB request report is not opening while query wrapper is giving data from backend.
24283NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “only apply and close” option is coming while clicking on “custom data” after closing the custom data window without apply at first time.
24336NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “Method count” is showing for all methods after applying the value on Method counts on Flowpath Report window.
24398NetDiagnosticsDDR[Web Dashboard] | “No record found” is showing on Flowpath Report window whose signature is “1” after clicking on  Flowpath count while traversing from Flowpath Stats>Total Flowpath>Flowpath By Signature Report.
25271NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “Download options”  are not working for DB Call By BT Window.
25317NetDiagnosticsDDR| Transaction flow is showing JMSP(JMS Producer) calls are going away form Queue.
24836NetDiagnosticsTime Period Issue :Wrong time is applied with Preset Yesterday.
25050NetDiagnosticsNodejs| Database query is not opening from sequence diagram while clicking on DBcallout  as well as the method flow execution in sequence diagram is not showing complete as shown in  sequence blob in case of mongodb.
25108NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “No Record Found” is showing on  Integration Point Health window while traversing from BT Trend>Group By Custom Data>BT Count.
24356NetDiagnosticsProduct UI | “Executive Dashboard” option is not coming in Product UI when open Product UI from Test Run GUI.
24330NetDiagnosticsDotNetAgent|DDR|There is mismatched in total flowpath count while traversing through dashboard and total flowpath present in database
24315NetDiagnosticsDDR[NDP]|Status Code and BTCategory is showing “-” in flowpath report as NDP is not processing the rawdata correctly.
24605NetDiagnostics“No data were found” is coming in sequence diagram window while traversing it from slow DBCalls By Response time
23494NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |By clicking on Add button in Add Session Attribute window,value name,left bound and right bound fields are showing added values in flowPath header capturing.
23914NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | By clicking on Add icon in Add Rules in ADD BT Method window,value field,operation field and BT Name are showing added values in Method BT Configuration.
24175NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |Edit and Delete buttons should be present in return and argument value options of method based custom data under flowpath header capturing.
24203NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Edit and delete buttons should be there in method based capture custom data table under flowpath header capturing window.
24237NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |Operation list is showing blank for Argument value option of method based custom data in flowpath header capturing window under general tab.
24270NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |By clicking on add icon of return value option in method based capture custom data window,header name,type,operation and operation value fields are showing added values.
24272NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |There should be an option in method based capture custom data table to view and edit the complete information of method based custom data under flowpath header capturing window..
13810NetDiagnosticsNDC stops for 12 hours in PKY
14009NetDiagnosticsNDC is generating core in read_response_msg_from_bci()
23808NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] |Number of methods are coming more in excel report as compare to the data showing in method timing table .
24347NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “Rows count” is showing wrong in Flowpath Report window  while traversing from Slow DB Call By Response Time.
24369NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “No Record Found” is showing on  Integration Point Health window while traversing from Slow DB Call By Response Time>Flowpath Report.
24507NetDiagnosticsCustom Data| Window is showing blank while not selecting any check bok in group by custom data
24680NetDiagnosticsCustom Data | Remove Session Attribute (-) button not working in Search By window.
23964NetDiagnosticsNodeJS | Observing error in nd_node_debug.log and nd_node_error.log  continuously regarding exception.
24134NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |Delete and Edit buttons should be there in Session Attribute window in Flowpath Header Capturing under General tab.
24162NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |Delete and edit buttons should be there in Attribute Values window in session attribute under flowpath header capturing.
23745NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Instrumentation profiles are not updating at the backend while the user is selecting and submitting them through GUI.
23943NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |Edit button should be there in the dialogue box of Add Rules in Method BT Configuration.
23986NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Entry points are not getting enabled at the back end in NDEntryPointsFile.txt file when the user is disabling them and then enabling the entry points from Service Entry Points Detail window.
24373NetDiagnosticsND Config UI | Delete and edit buttons should be there in http request header table in Capture Custom Data option under Flowpath Header capturing.
23726NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | ALL Response Headers are coming multiple times in HTTP Report window for same BT(NsecomAddToBag)
23751NetDiagnosticsDDR[ED] | “No Records found ” is coming in Hotspot report but the row count is showing 3 while opening it from flowpath report window.
25111NetDiagnosticsDDR[Webdashboard] | “No Method Found” is showing after clicking on  Method Calling Tree on Aggregate Sequence Diagram Window while traversing from Flowpath Stats>Total Flowpath>Flowpath By Signature Report.
23424NetDiagnosticsND Config UI |While running the test by using profile made through GUI,data is not coming.
24548NetDiagnosticsNo records for “Others” business transaction displayed in Flowpath report while records are present in database.
24306NetDiagnosticsGroup By Custom Data| Issue in applying custom data filters in Search By window.
24625NetDiagnosticsNDC taking time while starting test
25039NetDiagnosticsDDR – Group By Custom Data[ED] | Response Time is graph is showing “0%” even there is count regarding “Normal BT Category”.
25525NetDiagnosticsNeed to change in format of IP and Port options in NetDiagnostics Settings in Scenario GUI.
24485NetDiagnosticsCustom Data| Pagination should be there for group by custom data report
23981NetVisionEncoded value is showing in Useractions column in Pagedetail window of Payment page .
24042NetVision‘Copy’ option is enabled for usersegment having shared channel .
24212NetVisionCurser is pointing to old location when current element is not present/visible .
24413NetVisionIn some cases resource timing waterfall is showing “undefined” in the waterfall frame.
11568NetVisionIssues related to ND sequence diagram in kohls Environment.
20322NetVisionDownload Report is having multiple issues while doing DDR from NV Dashboard
24267NetVision“Error 404: File not found” is coming while navigating from breadcrumb to Event Aggregate Report window.
24971NetVisionGetting exception 5XX while clicking on filters in NV GUI.
20544NetVisionIn NV GUI, Last Custom Time is not working properly in Compare and Trend window.
24185NetVisionIn NV RUM Frame, User Activity Timeline is overlapped on Resource Timing Tab in Session details window.
24317NetVisionValue and Position(-1,0) data of User Activity are not coming correct for Review Order page(having events).
24371NetVisionIn the Resource Timing Filter of Session Detail Window, the Timing Pop-up is coming out of window.
24140NetVisionIn NV Page Filters, the firstbyte time filter is not giving appropriate values.
24618NetVisionIn NV Reports, a pop-up should come when we click on run button without selecting any report in special reports window.
25314NetVisionIn Page Filters, All Sessions are getting filtered out instead of session having stores data while applying store name filter.
24403NetVisionDomwatcher messages are not showing while we doing replay of sessions due to multiple files in case of partition switch.
23949NetVisionIn NV WebDashboard, “NaN” value is showing for Time to load and Time to DOM complete while DDR from WebDashboard for page level.
24274NetVisionIn NV Webdashboard, Internal Error is coming while doing DDR for BP Exit groups.
24695NetVisionIn Funnel Visualization, 5xx exception is coming while clicking on the run button ,when all the fields are blank (In Business Process Filter).
24825NetVisionNot able to generate DDR for selected Graph after zoom.
24022NetVisionIn NV Session Filters, Run button is not working for custom data filter.
24261NetVisionTotal rows count is showing zero (0) while we have rows on Event aggregate report window.
24290NetVisionIn HTTP Request Filters, resources drop down list is not coming for different type of domains.
24337NetVisionIn Http Request Filters, Run Button is not working for browser filter.
24346NetVisionIn HTTP request filter, GUI is getting blank while applying some special characters in application for mobile app filter.
25123NetVisionIn HTTP request filter, Getting exception 5XX while giving hash(#) value in domain.
25226NetVisionAdded/Deleted custom data is reflecting multiple times in filter criteria of sessions window.
21095NetVisionOn Page Aggregate Detail window, compare trend icon is not working.
24289NetVisionIn NV Web Dashboard, Vector(Events/Min) is attached in legends data of Pie Chart Graph while having others value in it.
24395NetVisionIn NV Web-Dashboard, First graph should be converted to bar and second to be line in dual axis bar chart.
24436NetVisionIn NV Webdashboard,Widget is getting blank in favorites while applying regex in merge graphs.
24516NetCloudGetting Core Dump while running nsi_build_upgrade_tool when cmon is not running on the generator
24657NetCloudWhen we run the test using a new topology it shows Topology path does not exist error.
24739NetCloudTest terminates on application of RTC when we have different generators in different groups in the scenario.
25136NetCloudNot getting proper error information if the test stopped due to nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf.
25445NetCloudError messages in RTC are not clear.
24611NetCloudScenarioGUIIssues|All selected options are not visible on tool tip.
24613NetCloudAfter selecting “all generators check box option” then, the resolution of pop up windows increase due to which we are not able to select “OK” button.
24737NetCloudScenarioGUIIssues|After refreshing page of scenario GUI, all the groups are getting added with existing groups.
25059NetCloudScenarioGUI|Values are getting saved with negative value in Monitors of Scenario GUI.
24329NetCloudAll “RTC” options in webdashboard should be disable after completion of test.
24550NetCloudPause Resume Issue: Not able to apply Pause Resume with same user if Test is started with other than netstorm user.
24665NetCloudAfter updating “Report” of derived graph, it is getting updated but the previous Report should be removed.
24990NetCloudWebdashboard|In Transaction window, there should be information of Test Run At any side of Window.
25101NetClouderror message on failure of netcloud test is not clear.
25270NetCloudwhen we have only one phase list and global.dat has only one phase with name RampUp and has no end time,then we are not able to select Specfied phase as rampUp
25198NetCloudpages are not loaded properly
25063NetCloudnot getting spinner for time2 in custom page think time mode
18174NetCloudWe are not getting the generator data in compare window of the transaction detail report
24404NetOceanReactive Replay option is not visible in Netfunction GUI when we are clicking in configuration or SSL Management button.
24419NetOceanPopup message should show when we are selecting Debug mode 4 & module specified from GUI and click on save button.
20998NetOceanReplay: Default big buffer size should be the minimum value i.e. 1048576
24812Synthetic MonitorBehavioral-Alert | Alert message is coming as null in behavior alert mail.
24520Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | When we start the test then popup of failure/success of test should not just reflects for 2-3 sec
21290Synthetic MonitorView by 1 hour option is  not saved for Dashboard  after applying update
23592Synthetic MonitorNVSM-Report | Unable to check the checkbox for “Show Last week’s data day-wise” when we schedule a report for Last 1/2/4 weeks.
23643Synthetic MonitorNVSM-Report | When we download a template from NVSM gui, then the count of that template get increased.
24515Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | In har setting keyword, when we enable mode for response capturing then in scenario file mode for request is getting enabled.
24518Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | All modes should be passed for RBU_SETTINGS, RBU_BROWSER_COM_SETTINGS keywords, otherwise leads to failure in test.
24522Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | If we have unchecked G_RBU keyword then other rbu related keywords should not be reflect as a checked, they must have got disabled.
24524Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | Icons of Group and Global are overlapping.
24991Synthetic MonitorScenario UI | After selecting chrome 51, when we again went to the RBU window, chrome 40 version is reflecting instead of chrome 51.
24914Synthetic MonitorScenario UI-RBU | Proper arguments are not passing for keyword “Clear cookies on session start”.
24497TestSuiteWhen we click upon the dashboard link in Test Result it should be open with Web-dashboard.
25054TestSuiteIn TestCycle Window status link is showing disable while we run TestSuite with transaction rules.
25057TestSuiteWe are not able to add vector graph with specified indices & Java console is showing exception
25070TestSuiteWhen we click upon the dashboard link in Test Result it open with swing dashboard.
24782TestSuiteHide .orig extension files