Release Note

New and Enhanced Features


File Parameter Run Time Changes (RTC)

This feature provides ability to provide test data at run time. User can add/replace test data as needed during the running test.

There are following modes available:

  • Append Mode: Append mode is used to add data lines in given Test Data file.
  • Replace Mode: Replace mode is used to replace all data lines in a file with new data lines.
IPv6 Script Support

IPv6 support is now made available in 4.1.6 because of which users can now use IPv6 IPs for load generation.

Scenario Group Based Test Metrics

This release provides feature to enable scenario group based test metrics. If enabled, all the Test Metrics except Transaction stats and Transaction cumulative graphs can be seen group-wise.

File Distributions among NVMs using extension

In this release, the file extension concept has been added to validate the mode used in file parameters in order to avoid common mistakes of using incorrect mode. For example, if mode is unique, then file extension of “.unq” will enforce that unique mode is used.

Following extensions are to be used for different modes:

  • For UNIQUE mode the file extension should be .unq.
  • For SEQUENTIAL mode the file extension should be .seq.
  • For RANDOM mode the file extension should be .ran.
  • For WEIGHTED RANDOM mode the file extension should be .wtr.
  • For USE ONCE mode the file extension should be .use.
Group based Ramp Down Method

Ramp down method scenario settings have been enhanced to control at scenario group level.

Inline Include Domain Pattern

This release provides feature that allows user to “Auto fetch” only the provided domain URLs and ignore the rest.


This release provides feature that whatever domain/pattern is provided is displayed under my domain list and the rest of the domain / patterns are displayed under third party.


Node.js Agent

Cavisson Node.js is a JavaScript based agent for instrumenting Node.js application. Going forward users can monitor performance metrics from Node.js application to the operating system in real time, including response time, CPU utilization, disk I/O, slow web service calls, slow SQL calls, memory etc. Besides this, users also get visibility into backend services by auto instrumenting and gathering performance metrics for HTTP calls and metrics for supported back-ends like Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, etc.

Java Agent Features & Enhancements
  • Exception/Error capturing in Integration Point calls

Business Transitions fail due to Error or Exception generated in Application while processing these transactions. Enhancements have been done in Java Agent with respect to capturing exceptions occurred in third-party applications while processing business transactions.

  • HTTP Cookie based Condition Monitor

Now HTTP cookie can be used in the condition monitor. Prior to rel 4.1.6, user could capture counter of HTTP headers only, but from this release onwards, user can capture flow path of specified HTTP header.

  • HTTP Header based Business Transactions Naming Rule

The user can configure business transaction names based on HTTP headers as well as URL query parameter name.

DDR Feature & Enhancements
  • In Hotspot screen, user can see integration point calls and integration points detected for specific hotspot.
  • NetDiagnostics compare report for Method timing and SQL queries.
  • Performance enhancement in Method Timing report results in accelerated output.

Web Dashboard

Cavisson Web Dashboard offers extremely powerful analytics and visual representation of the testing as well as production monitoring data. Web Dashboard is an HTML5 based application which can run on all modern browsers, platforms and devices (like laptops, tablet, and mobile) as a responsive light-weight web client for numerous Cavisson products such as NetStorm, NetDiagnostics as well as NetCloud. Web Dashboard supports all features of the existing dashboard (classical).

New features introduced:

  • Widget based UI
  • Different types of Widgets
  • Layouts
  • Colour Themes
Load Based Alert

Load index based alerts or adaptive alerts is a mechanism to get rid of false alarms and configure meaningful alerts. For example, if load (PVS or request/sec) increases, normally the metrics like CPU and Response time also increase, and hence the baseline for CPU/Response time should be created as per the load value to avoid false alerts.

Load indexed based baseline learns the system behavior for all loads

  • All System parameters – System/Network/Application parameters learned for different various Page View Per Second Load
  • Average values over last 90 days
TCP Dump

TCP Dump is a most powerful and widely used command-line packets sniffer or package analyzer tool which is used to capture or filter TCP/IP packets that received or transferred over a network on a specific interface.

This release provides feature for taking TCP dump on demand using Web Dashboard for any of the servers in the topology, which will help in diagnosing network related problems.

Import Access Logs

An access log is a file or a combination of files that contains a list of all user interactions or accesses made to the server. Access log files are stored on a server with structure specific to a server type. For example, access log for WebLogic may have different structure than access log for Tomcat or any other application server. During load testing, access log data can be imported and merged in test-run data. This data can then be analyzed for numerous metrics and visually represented to gather meaningful decision-making information for diagnostics purposes.

Reports Enhancement
  • Hierarchical Report: This report is based on the meta data component. There will be multiple drop-downs up to maximum level of hierarchy in test run.
  • Stats Report: This report is used to view metrics data in tabular format.
  • Additional Chart Types like Pie/Dial/Area etc. have been included.
  • Reuse of measurements of generated reports to generate another report.
  • Report Generation from Dashboard: Reports can be generated directly from the visible graphs or the graph data from the lower panel.
  • HTML/Word options are now available in compare report.

Monitoring Features & Enhancements

Add new server at Runtime

From this release onwards, new server can be added at runtime.

New Monitors

Following new monitors have been added:

  • Apache nifi
  • MySQL
  • Oracle database
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kafka Stats
  • Tomcat Stats
  • Cloudant
  • Apigee Stats

Features Not Supported / Discontinued with 4.1.6

Following feature are discontinued and no longer available in 4.1.6

  • Legacy type script
  • Non Topology Based Test Scenario
  • Manual Redirection

Bug Fixes

Below are the bug fixes done in release 4.1.6 of Cavisson Product Suite:

Bug IDProductSummary
18127NetCacheTest Defect
14316NetCloudHigh Load average on machine with tracing ‘on’
14322NetCloudGroup wise graph data for all Test Metrics
15613NetCloudRequirement to add new Test data file during Run Time.
17020NetCloudGenerator should be restricted to be used by only authorized netcloud controllers
17206NetCloudcontroller and generator compatibility must be online checked
17615NetCloudGetting core dump on the generator box (
17913NetCloudNetchache hit was not  coming for  CCHuston1OP and CCPhoenix3PN
18885NetCloudRequired generators to run signoff Test
18940NetCloudGetting high Response Time for CCFremont66HE and CCHouston1OP
19207NetCloudPercentile data is coming wrong at controller as well as on generator, due to packet missing at few time stamp on controller as well as on generators.
19215NetCloudTransaction Data for whole scenario is incorrect
19815NetCloudIn correct data shown in transaction detail report
19916NetCloudData file distribution records should be according to the NVM on Controller for both Sequential and Unique mode
19926NetCloudFile extensions for Unique and sequential mode should be .uniq and .seq
21060NetCloudEnhancement to move error message to event.log “Url index 11000 is greater than total entries 11000 in nvm table” with specified debug level
21509NetCloudGetting Core dump if the  File parameter usage is Refresh on USE & UNIQUE mode
21545NetCloudTest was not stopped on the generator
17464NetCloudGenerators required for the 2DC production test
17908NetCloud|Requirement of 12 Generators for Production Test
17995NetCloudUrgent || Make generators available
19060NetCloudNeed generators to run Akamai test on Stress1-PKY
19093NetCloudNeed generators ASAP for to run Akamai test in Stress1-PKY
19538NetCloudPlease provide 4 Generators for client’s Test
19818NetCloudRequired 5 generators for today’s NativeApp test
21534NetCloudGenerator issue
21535NetCloudGenerator issue
21536NetCloudGenerator issue
21537NetCloudGenerator issue
21554NetCloudNeed generators for 2DC Production Load Test
21559NetCloudNeed generators for 2DC load test on STRESS Environment
21965NetCloudNeed generators for 2DC Production load test
11079NetCloudIssues Encountered while applying Runtime Changes.
16802NetCloudIn correct data shown in transaction detail report
18922NetDiagnosticsASM library is dumping transformation exceptions in out file. create custom asm library to log ND transformation exceptions, only in BCI logs.
21303NetDiagnosticsSome time BCI sends invalid response of meta data recovery message.
21849NetDiagnosticsGetting Very High Response Time by enabling ND on application
17229NetDiagnosticsQuery Parameter Check (other than End to End Query Parameter) in Url in Business TX
19153NetDiagnosticsDecimal Value Should Present only in Tool tip in Alert History if it is greater than 10.
22120NetDiagnosticsNot able to find reason for high response time through ND dashboard
18250NetDiagnosticsConstraints are not applied on some partition table.
18252NetDiagnosticsDB upload is getting slow for method timing in PKY.
19206NetDiagnosticsAfter implemented Weblogic transaction monitors successfully showing dips in the graph
19110NetDiagnosticsCLONE: NDC | Core is getting generated for ndc at SCS
21606NetDiagnosticsGetting improper data in downloaded file for DB query
14343NetDiagnosticsEnhancement in Transaction flowmap(ED)
19243NetDiagnosticsOpenAPI || ED is showing improper data
18251NetDiagnosticsOverlap feature is not working in SCS.
12231NetDiagnosticsNot able to select multiple TIER/SERVER/INSTANCE in add custom query
17096NetDiagnosticsIncomplete flowpath data is present in database
17334NetDiagnosticsCLONE: Remove Cumulative CPU Time Column as in case of recursive calls, it shows wrong information
17410NetDiagnosticsRemove Cumulative CPU Time Column as in case of recursive calls, it shows wrong information
18253NetDiagnosticsMethod Timing Query is using both Start Time and End Time, should use only End Time.
18274NetDiagnosticsClone:Method Timing Query is using both Start Time and End Time, should use only End Time.
18873NetDiagnosticsIssue with Log Pattern monitor
20592NetOceanIndex data set not working — giving active key in place of parameters
20496NetOceanEncrypted and decrypted file for KPI Request and Response with timestamps of each request
19443NetOceanIMP | NetOcean service for socket connect call
20498NetOceanNot able to create new template in NO
17866NetOceanRequest/Response of Netocean Capturing in NS test run – When Debug mode is OFF at NO
17685NetStormCore dump issue in
15332NetStormGetting Exception(To many files) in Cavmon Agent Error log
17192NetStormCoherence Cache Monitor capturing cache stats from coherence server in more than specified interval
21771NetStormAfter restart CavmonAgent on dbnode 4 system metrics got flat
8813NetStormSERVER_HOST keyword recognizes IPv6 address only if port is provided with it
8814NetStormIPv6 addresses cannot be used directly in scripts
8816NetStormEnhancement to change Data file during running test
17161NetStormNot getting the Correct referer while ran test form Netstorm
17629NetStormSSL certificates expired on MCOM Perf1/Perf2 NS
17896NetStormNot able to achieve target session rate
18248NetStormTest is not stopping itself at 16.9/CSC machine
18287NetStormNot able to start test in PKY-OLD machine
8678NetStormMantis Bug ID:381-System Under Test status page using server signature monitor
11301NetStormWe have to disable All rule except Order API
17031NetStormAll the graphs are grouped by Tier, we need that transactions graphs should also be grouped by tiers.
17476NetStormswp/tar file is visible in favorite list
17905NetStormCompare report generation shows error.
17928NetStorm[Clone of 17897 for 416]Issue observed while applying last 10 minutes Time Period
17985NetStormIssue in Generating Report:Arithmetic Operation is not applicable With Derived Function.
18006NetStormEnhancement to Import access log file.Currently we are getting TR time in DashBoard. But we want accesslog absolute time in DashBoard.
18216NetStormFacing an issue with elapsed time on dashboard
18320NetStormFacing an issue with auto refresh of the lower panel on PD
18631NetStorm[Clone of 18479] Error in generating excel report format(GoldenMetrics) through template.
18883NetStormAlerts: Threshold value should not be changed when a alert ended
19158NetStormAdd new filter in Alert History
19159NetStormKey option is not available for Alert rule
20193NetStormDATA is not coming in KPI for Particular Time Frame
20405NetStormDashboard for Was Not Updating During MCOM Test.
21450NetStormUnable to open page dump
21604NetStormPerformance Dashboard Not Working
18568NetStormFacing issue during build upgradation
19256NetStormNetCache Data is coming as zero
19693NetStormNot able to do runtime change due to implement some change in topology
16571NetStormSometime OID has changed automatically so we are not getting any data in F5 monitors.
17167NetStormDesign of IOstat monitor needs to be changed
17281NetStormTo configure Monitors for Elastic Search
17333NetStormCLONE: Not able to archive the Test run
17471NetStormDisk Stats are not coming on Perf1 WSSG Servers
17604NetStormPattern monitor for some specific cookies from Request Header
17611NetStormRequire a monitor that sends a mail when the test run completes
17857NetStormMake netty_access_log_stats monitor as a Standard monitor
18070NetStormLoad Average increasing due to CavMon threads stuck in Debug Mode ON.
19182NetStormRequest  of wallet wltprod02_wltdl>walletProdSrv01 server  is not showing on dashboard
19248NetStormNew Monitor required as HTTP Service Request Queues Windows monitor
19356NetStormcm_free monitor should show its data in MB. And also add the remaining data of the command ‘free’ into the monitor
19391NetStormGroup Id of cm_win_mssql_db_accessmethods.gdf and ns_ip_data.gdf are same.
19495NetStormNeed to Configure Dashboard-log Monitor
19598NetStormMonitor Kafka broker topic stats
20074NetStormGetting “Dynamic Vector Monitor failed” error for windows server
20131NetStormcm_df monitor not working on log servers
20190NetStormIBMMQStats monitors getting failure
20522NetStormNeed to setup PCI monitoring from SAL Servers.
20767NetStormUnable to Run Test due to core
20955NetStormPerformance Dashboard test is stopped
20965NetStormLPS is taking much memory on all the NS boxes and due to this NS gui gets crashed
21125NetStormNot Getting the data while using all monitors in same mprof
21192NetStormWe are facing issue for GC monitor for tomcat server.
21426NetStormgetting blank graph for GC and network delay monitors for some servers
19541NetStormInstance name of server is not getting displayed in Monitor GUI.
19708NetStormTopology GUI-not showing server and instance details after refreshing
19717NetStormMonitor GUI showing wrong instance name for a particular server
8562NetStormMantis Bug ID:702- NETDIAGNOSTICS: Not able to modify BCI arguments at run time in continuous monitoring test.
8668NetStormMantis Bug ID:59-Found Incomplete Flowpath error comes in nd_error.log
19308NetStormNS API “ns_eval_string” is not working for date parameter.
16016NetStormNeed to capture mouse hover in RBU
16027NetStorm[Requirement] Mismatch in number of request seen in GUI and in waterfall.
16138NetStormWe need Enhancement for CST Report Format
17548NetStormTimeOUt:Har File is not Generating while running the test with average 100 sessions. Profiles Copy is not working perfectly.
17906NetStormGetting wrong data while selecting Har files and calculating the Average Data.
18217NetStormSEGMENT Cookie is not able to set for RBU test.
18402NetStormNeed upgraded version i.e 51 of chrome in NS for RBU Testing.
18894NetStormNeed to set-up Latest Firefox and Chrome browser for WAN testing V34 and V40 for RBU in our NS BOX.
19259NetStormGetting Incomplete har Files
19509NetStormPage Not Loading in VNC
20330NetStormSpeed Index value are not accurate in Page Detail Report
17538NetStormGraphs are not available for compare report template
17703NetStormNot getting “view by 2 mins” option while generating report through template
8478NetStormIssue in creating UserProfile using Co-Located users with specific browser
22337NetStormGetting “ERROR unable to allocate shm for big buffer size”
16405NetStormulimit is not set for new shipped NDE boxes (PKY & SCS)
16418NetStormLD_LIB_PATH is not working on New PKY Machine (
21959NetVisionGarbage value is coming in firstbyte time in Session Window for AddtoBag Page .
20341NetVisionEncountering issues in Dashboard GUI
21978NetVisionIn NV Dashboard, Average value is exceeding the maximum value for sum type of graphs.
13248NetVisionCard Number is not visible in replay , for payement details page
21364NetVisionOn Clicking on start replay button from Session Detail Window, NV GUI is throwing Exception.
19323NetVisionNeed to Add 1 New Page in Responsetime , Summary Weekly  in Daily / Weekly Dotcom Report
21039NetVisionReport is not showing data as wrong timestamp is going in Query when we run Report in General Section in Production for all the channels .
17860Synthetic MonitorIN NVSM, Value of Compresssion size in har file is showing negative value .
17529Synthetic MonitorZero data for scheduler report.
17530Synthetic MonitorNegative values for DNS in waterfall model statics (pie chart)
18223Synthetic MonitorDomContentLoaded and OnLoad stats coming from California Generator whereas null from other Generators for the same Page.
18549Synthetic MonitorTest getting stopped on Generators.
17557Synthetic MonitorWe want to Delete unnecessary Templates from machine but we are not getting Delete button option in GUI. Please provide Delete option in GUI for Templates.
17958Synthetic MonitorNot getting any URL having 39.63 sec in Waterfall Model and Page Detail Report according to dashboard
17988Synthetic MonitorNo data in Page Detail Report
18546Synthetic MonitorNot able to get page detail report after drill down.
19440Synthetic MonitorHaving Average 100% in dashboard but in Template 93.70%
18840TestSuiteWe need to have a Transaction Report column in the Jenkins/testsuite report for Baseline test
21565TestSuiteNot getting previous test transaction data in Jenkin after upgrading build