For All Cavisson Agents
This document provides pre-requisites and SOPs for installing Cavisson agents (machine agent, Java
agent, and PHP agent) for PHP & Java programming framework using One Agent Installer.
1. Need to run by the root user.
2. Installation of PHP 5.4 or later and any Server (Apache/Nginx) on the machine. This is required
for PHP agents only.
3. Storage requirement – 1 GB.
Supported Platforms
It can run on below Linux environments:
● Ubuntu
● Fedora
● OpenSuse
● Redhat Enterprise
● Suse Enterprise
● CentOS
● CoreOS
● Amazon Linux
● Alpine Linux
● Oracle Linux
Installation Steps
1. Download the CavissonAgent Installer from the below link.
Sample Installer file name: CavissonAgentInstaller-
2. Store the file on your machine.
3. Execute the installer file.
./CavissonAgentsInstaller.bin –param-basedir=”” –param-user= –param-controller=”” –param-tier=”” –param-server=”” –param-protocol=”” –param-php=”” –param-proxy-ip=”” –param-proxy-port=”
./CavissonAgentInstaller- –param-basedir=”/opt”
–param-user=cavisson –param-controller=”x.x.x.x:xxxx”
–param-tier=”Cavisson.QA-Monitor-NS_East” –param-server=”CC-NCMON”
–param-protocol=”TCP” –param-php=”7.0″ –param-proxy-ip=”x.x.x.x”
Example (CMON only)
./CavissonAgentInstaller- –no-log-agent – with default arguments
./CavissonAgentInstaller- –param-basedir=”/opt”
–param-user=cavisson –param-controller=”x.x.x.x:xxxx”
–param-tier=”Cavisson.QA-Monitor-NS_East” –param-server=”CC-NCMON”
–param-protocol=”TCP” –no-log-agent
To know more about the installer and various parameters, run the following command:
./CavissonAgentsInstaller.bin –help

Keywords and Their Values
Keywords | Default | Mandatory | Machine Agent | PHP Agent | Java Agent |
–param-basedir | opt | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-user | cavisson | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-controller | Empty | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-tier | Empty | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-server | Empty | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-protocol | TCP | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
–param-php | 7.0 | Yes (if other than 7.0) | No | Yes | No |
–param-proxy-ip |
| No | Yes | No |
–param-proxy-port | 1111 | Yes (if other than 1111) | No | Yes | No |
proxyConType | 0 | No | No | Yes | No |
proxyMode | 1 | No (If using proxy) | No | Yes | No |
Excluding Agents from Installation
To exclude any agent in the installation process, refer the below section:
Agent to Exclude | Command |
Machine Agent | –no-machine-agent |
NF Agent | –no-log-agent |
NetDiagnostics Java Agent | –no-app-agent |
NetDiagnostics PHP Agent | –no-php-agent |
Example: To exclude thethe NF Agent from the installation:
./CavissonAgentsInstaller.bin –param-basedir=”<base directory>”
–param-user=<user name> –param-controller=”<ndcHost:ndcPort>”
–param-tier=”<tier name>” –param-server=”<server name>”
–param-protocol=”<protocol>” –param-php=”<php version>”
–param-proxy-ip=”<proxy IP>” –param-proxy-port=”<proxy port>” –no-log-agent
Verification of Installation
Once you execute the installer, you can see the messages that show that agents are successfully installed.

Directory Structure
For Machine Agent: $Base_DIR/cavisson/monitors For PHP Agent: $Base_DIR/cavisson/netdiagnostics For Java Agent: $Base_DIR/cavisson/netdiagnostics
Files to check for PHP Agent
Check that Proxy Control file and PHP Agent .so file is present at the below mentioned paths.
Proxy Control File
Path: $Base_DIR/cavisson/netdiagnostics “proxyControl.<release>.<version>” Example: /opt/cavisson/netdiagnostics File- proxyControl.
PHP Agent .so File
In Ubuntu: Path – /usr/lib/php/<version> File- cavPHP<version>Agent.<release>.<version>.so Example: /usr/lib/php/20131226 File-
In CentOS/RHEL: Path – /usr/lib64/php/ File- cavPHP<version>Agent.<release>.<version>.so Example: /usr/lib64/php/ File-
Files to check for Java Agent
At ND_home, check for lib directory. Below mentioned files should be present.

To enable Java Agent in any Java based server, add below command to the startup shell/Env setup file.
javaagent:$ND_HOME/lib/ndmain.jar=time,ndAgentJar=$ND_HOME/lib/ndagent-with-de p.jar,ndHome=$ND_HOME
Where, ND_HOME=$Base_DIR/cavisson/netdiagnostics
Uninstallation Steps
- In $Base_DIR/cavisson, sh file should be present after completion of installation.
- To uninstall, just run ./
- It clears all the files and processes, which are initiated and created by the